Van Buren Co., Michigan

     The village of Gobleville derives its name from the family named Goble, who were quite early settlers in its vicinity and proprietors of the village plat.

     It is a station of some importance on the line of the Kalamazoo and South Haven Railroad, or branch of the Michigan Central Railroad, and includes territory lying in both Bloomingdale and Pine Grove townships.  The original plat was made by Hiram E. Goble, April 16, 1870, being part of section 25, township 1 south of range number 14 west.

     Warren Goble's addition was platted March 12, 1872, and included lands situated on section 30, of township number 1 south, of range number 13 west.  The village now contains one church edifice (Free Will Baptist), one hotel, two stores of general merchandise, one drug and grocery store, one harness shop, one shoe shop, one barber shop, two blacksmith shops, one cooper shop, one meat market, one grist mill, one saw, stave and shingle mill, one cider and lath mill, a graded school and a population of about 250 inhabitants.

     The hotel seems to have been the first building erected here.  it was built by John Goble, in 1864 or 1865, fronting the highway then known as the Allegan State road.  In 1867, Hiram E. Goble built a store near the hotel, and Fessenden & Hayes established their blacksmith shop.  Dr. A. E. Bulson came in 1869, and during the ten years of his residence was very successful both in his practice and pecuniarily.

     James G. Clark, from Monroe Co., N.Y., first settled two miles south of the village.  After a few years' residence there he removed to Geneva township, in 1868.  He came to the new village of Gobleville in 1870, and his recollections of those who had preceded him are already mentioned.

     During the same year in which he built his store, John Fessenden erected the building now occupied as a harness shop, and the railroad was completed to this point, Hiram E. goble donating the depot grounds.

     In 1871 the school house was built, at a cost of $2500.

     Dr. Bulson's store and J. L. Clement's steam saw mill were erected in 1873.  Mr. Clement afterwards added buildings and machinery for the manufacture of lath, wood turnings, shingles and staves.  Hiram E. Goble's saw mill was built in 1874.  The following year G. B. Boughton built his drug store.

     In 1877 the church edifice of the Free Will Baptisit Society was completed.

     J. L. Clement's mills were burned in April, 1878.  During the same fall he rebuilt stave and shingle mills.  The Post Brothers then built their grist mill, obtaining power from Clements' engine.  The grist mill is now separate and complete in all its appointments, and the Messrs. Post have since erected a saw mill.

     The post office was first established at "Lake Mills," Arch. W. Bishop, postmaster.  In 1867 the office was removed to the village, Hiram E. Goble becoming postmaster, and the name of the office changed to Gobleville.  Mr. Goble was succeeded by G. B. Boughton, who continued until the spring of 1878, when the present incumbent, Edward Keeler, received the appointment.

History of Berrien and Van Buren Co's Michigan -  D. W. Ensign & Co., 1880