Welcome to The Wayne County MIGenWeb Project!
We are part of a group of volunteers working together to provide free genealogy websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. This Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free genealogy access for everyone. All of the volunteers who make up The USGenWeb Project are very proud of this endeavor and hope that you will find their hard work both beneficial and rewarding.
If you would like to host or co-host a Michigan county, please contact the MIGenWeb State Coordinator. If you would like to host a county in a different state, follow the USGenWeb link to contact the appropriate state coordinator.
County Coordinator: Up for
State Coordinator: Colleen
Assistant SC: Wayne Summers
This is our home: Detroit. Our beloved ones are buried in its soil. Our children sprang from it. We are soil of this soil. Our streets are touched with sacred memories and traditions. Our dreams of a finer life to come are a hallowed heritage. As was written on the seal of the city when we were in ashes:
"We hope for better days"........by Malcolm W. Bingay from his book "Detroit is my Hometown" pg. 20
Please let me know if you find any bad links or incorrect information.
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