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 David Mackenzie High School Yearbook, January 1935


transcribed by WayneGenWeb Volunteer: Lynn Fraser (le222@aol.com)    

Links to actual scanned pages

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Ads Page
Program Page

Only graduating seniors have their full name listed and appear in the program.  Their signatures can be found on 13. 
“Now and Then (baby)” pictures of the seniors can be found on 14.  The number in parentheses indicates 
the scanned page number that the person’s picture can be found on.   
Where and “R” or “L” is listed, it indicates the Right or Left side of the file the person can be found.


Adams, A. (8)

Adler, A. (9)

Albin, M. (11)

Alford, B. (9, 11)

Allen, J. (11)

Anderson, R. (12)

Anschutz, L. (9)

Ashley, B. (11)

Bagley, Richard Emanuel (4R, 6R, 8, 12)

Baker, Nadine Nedra (4R, 7)

Baldwin, T. (11)

Balow, V. (10)

Barclay, S. (12)

Beals, H. (9, 10)

Beaudry, B. (10)

Beaudry, T. (11)

Bell, R. (7)

Bendelow, (9)

Beineman, C. (9, 10)

Bencher, L. (11)

Berndsen, B. (7)

Berndsen, D. (7, 11)

Berry, J. (7)

Bertolotti, Robert Henry (4R)

Best, M. (11)

Bicknell, K. (10)

Blackwell, M. (7)

Blossom, M. (9)

Blue, A. (7, 9)

Bonnington, E. (8, 11)

Born, F. (9)

Boucher, F. (7)

Bowering, Harry (4R, 6R)

Brasch, Helen Ruth (4R)

Bray, Florence Marie (4R)

Brewer, Maud Elaine (4R, 11)

Brown, R. (7)

Browne, Roland R. (4R, 8)

Bubb, M. (8)

Buhr, J. (12)

Burmeister, Elfrieda E. (4R, 8, 9)

Burmeister, G. (10)

Burris, Elton G. (4R, 6R, 11)

Butkus, E. (9)

Cairns, Jeanne G. (4R, 7)

Carleton, F. (10 (twice))

Carlyon, Leroy W. (4R)

Carney, T. (11)

Carolan, Catherine Margaret (4R)

Carothers, G. (9)

Carter, Daniel B. (4R, 6R)

Chaffee, D. (11)

Chandler, Mildred (4R)

Chapin, Bernice May (4R)

Chivas, M. (11)

Clark, M. (11)

Cochrane, M. (10)

Coir, Grace Margaret (4R)

Cole, L. (12)

Cole, N. (9, 10)

Coll, Rosslyn Eric (4R, 6R)

Collard, Jack (4R)

Collins, Donald Milton (4R, 7, 8, 9, 10 (3-times), 11)

Collins, E. (8)

Conway, H. (7)

Corson, D. (8)

Courtney, B. (11)

Craig, M. (11)

Cronmiller, Clara Theresa (4R, 9)
Cuffe, D. (9 (twice))

Cunningham, M. (7)

Dalwitz, V. (11)

Danielson, I. (11)

Davison, I. (11)

Dawson, G. (10)

Davidson, Ruth Annabelle (4R)

Davies, V. (12)

Davis, Anna Mae (4R)

Davis, H. (7, 8, 10)

Davis, J. (8)

DeCarteret, W. (9)

DeLepper, J. (11)

Dennis, B. (9, 11)

Des Autels, D. (10)

DeTamble, A. (9)

Detvay, R. (9)

DeVreugd, H. (9)

Doherty, B. (8)

Doherty, R. (9)

Dolan, C. (9)

Domine, Lucille M. (4R, 8, 10)

Dragos, R. (10)

Ducsay, Zolton (4R)

Dunn, A. (10)

Dunning, H. (9)

Dunton, G. (8)

Dyer, D. (11)

Earley, Willard D. (4R)

Easly, A. (7)

Eckert, L. (8)

Edwards, M. (12)

Elder, M. (9)

Etches, W. (7, 8 (twice))

Evans, A. (10)

Evans, D. (10)

Fairles, I. (8)

Ferris, B. (7, 8 (3-times), 11 (twice)), 12)

Finney, Ray Colburn (4R)

Fish, Mary (4R, 8)

Fisher, Ray H., Jr. (4R)

Fitzgerald, A. (9)

Fitzmaurice, Betty (4R)

Fix, H. (11)

Fleming, T. (10, 11)

Folk, H. (9)

Forman, D. (7)

Forte, A. (9, 10)

Frank, P. (7)

Fregolle, F. (9, 10)

French, R. (12 (twice))

Fyffe, Margaret S. (5L)

Gadde, Audrey A. (5L)

Gaida, A. (11)

Gamache, H. (11)

Garner, M. (8)

Garrett, B. (11)

Garvey, L. (9 (twice))
Gartner, R. (9)

Gatt, M. (10)

Gehringer, D. (8)

George, Arthur E. (5L)

George, Geraldine Marie (5L, 12)

Gibbons (7)

Gidday, G. (9)

Gilbert, Frank Edward (5L)

Gillard, B. (10)

Gleason, F. (8)

Gonzales, Bertha (5L)

Good, Charles J., Jr. (5L)

Goodman, B. (8, 11)

Goodrich, E. (7, 9)

Gottschalk, C. (9)

Gray, B. (11)

Greenwood, M. (10)

Grinnell, M. (7, 11)

Grob, Robert Henry (5L)

Gross, L. (7, 10 (twice))

Gruick, Bessie Beatrice

Gunderson, Douglas R. (5L, 6R, 8, 11)

Gust, Rosemary Josephine (5L)

Guy, E. (10, 12 (twice))

Haas, E. (8, 12)

Haase, M. (11 (twice))

Hall, R. (7, 11)

Hallmark, H. (11)

Hamlin, Wm. Edward (5L)

Hancock, Mable Elisabeth (5L, 6R)

Hankinson, B. (9)

Hanway, J. (11 (twice))

Harp, S. (9)

Harper, A. (11)

Harrington, Carlyle (5L)

Harris, R. (7)

Harry, William H. (5L)

Hatch, A. (7, 10 (twice))

Haverkate, L. (9)

Hawkins, B. (7, 11)

Hayter, W. (9, 10)

Hazlett, J. (11)

Heiermann, R. (9)

Hendricks, D. (9)

Henry, R. (11)

Hicks, Martha Jane (5L)

Highsted, Elsie F. (5L)

Hilchuk, Nancy Sue (5L, 6R)

Hildebrant, B. (10)

Hinz, Doris Louise (5L, 11 (twice))

Hirsch, J. (10)

Hirst, R. (8, 11)

Homchis, John, Jr. (4L, 6R)

Homchis, S. (8 (twice), 10)

Hooton, Ellen Louise (5L, 7, 10)

Horen, R. (9)

Hovorak, E. (12)

Howard, William F. (5L)

Hufferd, E.  (7)

Huffman, R. (8, 9 (twice), 10)

Hughes, T. (9)

Humes, R. (9)

Hutton, M. (8)

Ingersoll, H. (9)

Irwin, Lucinda (5L,

Jackson, Arthur Joseph (5L, 9, 10)

Jackson, Carol Jeanne (4L, 8 (twice), 11) (transcriber’s Grandmother; married Milton

                    Madowitz, October 1937; died July 4, 2005)

Jackson, E. (9)

Jackson, H. (8)

Jaje, E. (11)

Jardin, B. (12)

Jehnsen, Richard William (listed in Program only)

Jobbitt, A. (10, 11)

Johnson, E. (12)

Johnson, H. (7)

Johnson, R. (9)

Johnson, W. (7)

Jordan, H. (8 (twice), 10 (twice))

Jorgenson, Irving Nels (4L)

Joseph, L. (9)

Kade, Harry Edward (5L)

Kannowski, R. (9)

Karatzis, F. (7)

Karl, J. (11)

Kaye, B. (7)

Kazol, P. (9)

Kegler, J. (9)

Kelemen, Ann Marie (5L, 6R)

Kelly, William James (5L)

Kemp, P. (9)

Kendall, C. (9)

Kerr, E (7, 8, 12)

Kewley, A. (8 (twice))

Kidd, E. (11)

Kiebzak, T. (12)

Kiebzak, Walter Mathew (5L, 12)

Kinsler, D. (12)

Kirlin, A. (11)

Kirtland, H. (10)

Kletzka, T. (9)

Knight, Clarence Francis (5L, 6R, 9)

Knight, S. (9, 10, 11)

Koch, Michael Jacob (5L)

Kokoski, D. (9)

Korte, William James (5L)

Koss, Annie Rosaline (5R)

Kouba, Nellie Kathleen (5R, 6R, 7)

Koutny, H. (11)

Kozaczok, Peter (5R)

Krasucki, H. (8)

Krause, O. (10, 11)

Krenz, E. (11)

Kruckenberg, B. (10)

Kubiak, A. (8, 9)

Kubicki, N. (10)

Kurydice, N. (11)

Kutchins, M. (10)

Lally, Emma (5R, 9)

LaMar, Ernest, Jr. (5R)

Lampinen, Diana Helen (5R, 6R, 9)

Langer, E. (8, 9)

LaPrairie, L. (9)

Lapworth, Jr. Richard F. (5R, 7 (twice))

Larson, J. (7)

LaQue, A. (11)

Laughlin, B. (9)

Lawrence, A. (7)

Leach, R. (8, 11)

Lee, F. (11)

Lee, K. (9)

Leonard, L. (11)

Leonard, M. (9)

Leonard, R. (11)

Leslie, A. (10)

Levacsics, Friedericka (5R)

Lewis, H. (9)

Lewitt, J. (10)

Lindroth, M. (11)

Loeffler, G. (11)

Lutowsky, I. (9)

Lutzenk, H. (12)

MacArthur, W. (9, 11)

MacDonald, F. (10)

Mackenzie, D. (12)

MacQueen, Neil A. (5R)

Madison, Margaret Dorothy (5R)

Madsen, Carl (5R)

Major, George Leonard (5R, 6R, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

Mann, George E. (5R)

Marlett, L. (10)

Marria, A. (11)

Martyniuk, P. (9)

Mathews, G. (10, 12)

Mathews, J. (10)

Matthews, J. (9)

Maurus, E. (9)

Mayburn, Robert Arthur (5R, 6R)

Mayka, H. (8)

McCully, W. (9)

McDonald, M. (10)

McGillem, Lois Eileen (5R)

McGrath, M. (11)

McKay, D. (8 (twice))

McLeod, J. (7)

McMahon, D. (9, 11)

McMaster, William Peter (5R)

McMullen, June Ellen (5R, 8 (twice), 9)

McNamara, G. (7)

Meyer, H. (7)

Miller, D. (7, 9, 11 (twice))

Milroy, J. (10)

Mitchell, Bert (5R)

Monea, F. (12)

Montroy, Y. (9)

Moore, J. (10)

Mosanko, Margaret Nathalie (5R, 7)

Motak, W. (9)

Munck, H. (10)

Murray, Alexandria Gibson (5R)

Murrihy, F. (12)

Myerchalk, J. (8)

Myers, B. (8)

Nachtigal, J. (8, 9)

Nagy, Paul (5R, 7)

Nelson, M. (8, 11 (twice))

Nicholson, E. (9 (twice), 10)

Noble, Don F. (5R)

Normandin, V. (10)

Northmore, Gladys Eleanor (5R)

Oliphant, J. (9)

Oliphant, Mary Jane (5R)

Opperman, P. (7)

Osborne, B. (7, 8, 12)

Oddo, L. (9)

O’Dell, M. (10)

Otto, E. (9, 12)

O’Neill, B. (11)

Page, E. (12)

Palm, E. (8)

Palmer, H. (8)

Paslaski, Mary (5R, 9)

Patten, F. (12)

Paul, B. (11)

Pedersen, V. (11)

Pederson, E. (9)

Pence, Edna Beatrice (5R, 6R)

Pender, H. (7, 8, 11)

Penney, V. (10 (twice))

Penny, V. (9)

Percy, H. (12)

Perrin, N. (9)

Perrone, M. (10)

Petrillo, W. (9, 12)

Petrock, Elizabeth Marie (4L, 7 (twice))

Petrock, J. (7)

Pfeifle, E. (9)

Phillips, B. (8)

Phillips, W. (7)

Pigg, L. (10, 12)

Pilson, E. (10 (twice))

Pink, Dorothy May (5R, 9 (twice))

Pizzo, P. (7)

Pladsen, P. (7, 8)

Pouget, A. (7, 11)

Pratt, B. (11)

Price, E. (9)

Price, J. (9)

Priem, R. (8, 11)

Priest, R. (9)

Putnam, Phyllis I. (5R)

Quarles, H. (9, 12 (twice))

Rady, Lawrence S. (5R)

Rase, C. (8)

Ray, W. (8, 11)

Rayner, J. (12)

Richmond, B. (7)

Riggs, H. (8)

Rickard, M. (8)

Risburg, S. (11)

Rossi, D. A. (5R, 11)

Rothschild, J. (8, 11)

Rowe, J. (12)

Rowe, Vanessa Pauline (4L, 7, 10)

Rudelic, M. (10)

Rudelic, R. (9)

Rueger, M. (12)

Ryan, R. (9, 10)

Saaristo, H. (9)

Sappington, S. (7)

Sass, F. (7, 10)

Schaffer, R. (9)

Scheumann, M. (8, 9)

Schiftar, J. (8, 11)

Schiller, R. (12)

Schmid, Florence Amelia (6L)

Schurr, Jeanne Evalyn (6L, 6R, 10)

Schwartz, Florence (6L)

Selby, M. (11)

Senauit, Katherine E. (6L)

Seymour, H. (12)

Shamie, E. (8)

Shamie, L. (8)

Shay, P. (9)

Sheeder, L. (10)

Shipley, E. (8)

Shipp, E. (11)

Slater, Betheen (6L, 7 (twice), 9)

Smith, H. (9, 10)

Smith, J. (9, 10)

Smith, L. (8 (twice), 12)

Smith, N. (7)

Smith, R. (9)

Snider, C. (7)

Snyder, J. (11)

Snyder, W. (9, 11)

Sonley, Virginia Lyle (6L)

Soper, D. (9)

Sorenson, D. (11)

Spengler, H. (7, 10)

Stamoran, C. (9)

Stark, J. (9)

St. Clair, V. (9)

Steed, E. (11)

Steinbauer, Ella Barbara (6L, 6R)

Stiles, Harold Henry (6L)

Strasdin, A. (11)

Swailes, F. (10)

Swanson, N. (12)

Sweet, G. (11)

Szaal, M. (11)

Taylor, D. (9)

Taylor, F. (9)

Taylor, M. (7, 8)

Teachout, H. (9)

Teats, K. (9)

Teclu, M. (9)

Templeton, Herbert Wagner (4L, 6R, 8 (twice), 10)

Theisen, G. (10)

Thomas, Anthony William (6L)

Thompson, Eleanor Marie (6L, 6R (twice), 7, 8 (twice), 9)

Thompson, H. (9, 10)

Thompson, Mildred Lee (6L, 6R (twice), 8 (twice), 9, 12)

Hulin, L. (11)

Tincher, B. (9)

Tischler, E. (7)

Tocco, J. (11)

Todd, E. (12)

Tressler, Gertrude Elizabeth (6L, 7)

Ulseth, C. (11)

Ulseth, Elmer James (6L)

Unjian, Rita Emily (6L)

Uren, Carlisle Ogden (4L, 7)

Van Marter, V. (11)

Waddington, H. (9)

Walin, S. (8, 10)

Walker, J. (9 (twice))

Walkos, E. (8, 10)

Wallace, R. (7 (twice))

Walters, J. (7, 8)

Walters, L. (9)

Warren, P. (10 (twice))

Wasson, M. (11)

Watkins, B. (10)

Watkins, F. (7)

Wax, J. (10, 11, 12)

Weigle, W. (9)

Weiss, N. (10 (twice))

Wenzel, Jean E. (6L)

Westphal, Eugene Albert (6L,

Wetterholt, George, Jr. (6L, 10, 12)

Whan, Robert James (6L, 6R, 9)

White, Howard L. (6L)

Will, H. (8, 11)

Williams, M. (7, 8, 10, 11)

Wignot, Claire E. J. (6L, 6R)

Wine, R. (9)

Wisner, R. (9)

Wolofski, E. (9)

Woodburn, Doris Elizabeth (6L)

Woods, D. (11)

Woods, Marjorie M. (6L)

Woolley, James F. (6L)

Wygent, Allard N. (6L)

Yakel, G. (9)

Yankey, R. (7, 9)

Young, B. (7, 9 (twice), 11)

Young, D. (9)

Zuk, R. (9)

Zylich, P. (9)


Other Names in Program or Yearbook (club sponsors & advertisers):


Sterling, Charles Gordon, Rev., Bethel Presbyterian Church (Prog)

Osborn, Laura F., Mrs., Member, Detroit Board of Education (Prog)

McNally, Joseph V. Principal (Prog, 2)

Gollwitzer, Janice, Miss (2, 6R)

Grigg, A., Mr. (3, 6R)

Leszczynski, ??, Miss (3)

Lynch, G. (7)

Morris, L. (7)

Currie, E (7)

Carletti, R. (7)

Hannah, D. (7, 10)

Oates, S. (7)

Walker, E. (7, 8)

Snodgrass, R. (8)

Dunnigan, M. (8)

Jones, E. (8)

Luscombe, R. (9 (4-times), 10)

Paradis, M. (10)

Grimes, M. (10)

Moore, C. (10)

Catherman, H. (11 (twice))

Frankowski, R. (11)

Shulman, E. (11 (twice))

Thomas, G. (12)

Hendricks, L. (12)

Grossnickle, R. (12)

Carletti, A. Rex (13)

Tiffany Studios (Photography) (Ads)

Weyhing Bros. Mfg. Co. (Class rings) (Ads)

Lawrence Institute of Technology (Ads)

Detroit Business University (Ads)

Ray and Bert:  Hi-speed Products and Service (Ads)

Pete George; Shoes Expertly Repaired (Ads)

Podsadlo Pharmacy (Frank J. Posadlo) (Ads)

Dr. Lawrence V. Smith (Optometrist) (Ads)

W. H. Moore Moving Co. (Ads)

Spanish Garden Florist (Ads)

Rumford Hardware Co. (Ads)

Brose Electric Shop (Ads)

Osteen Grocery (Ads)

Art Knitting Mills (Ads)

Dan’s Market (Dan C. Tagaduan, Prop.) (Ads)

Patrick Hardware (Ads)

Bob Schmidt’s Service Station (Ads)

Futura Press Inc. (back cover—not scanned)



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