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Compiled by John H. Wheeler Published in 1903 by B. F. Bowen Biography Page 123 |
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George C. Teed, who carries on agricultural pursuits on section 15, Antioch township, is a native of the Empire state, his birth having occurred upon a farm in Livingston county on the 11th of June, 1852. He is the fifth in a family of eight children, who reached mature years. His father, George P. Teed, was a farmer and carpenter, following these pursuits in order to provide for his wife and children. He wedded Miss Mary Richardson and they removed from Livingston county, New York, to Michigan, in the winter of 1855, making the journey across the country with horses and oxen. They settled upon a farm in Ionia county, and it was there that their son George was reared. He remained a resident of that portion of the state until he was thirty years of age and from that time when he put aside his school books he devoted his energies in undivided manner to agricultural pursuits. His father died in 1867, when about fifty-four years of age, and after that much of the farm work devolved upon Mr. Teed, of this review. On leaving Ionia county he took up his abode in Kalamazoo county, remaining a resident of Climax township for about five years, or until the fall of 1888. In November of that year he came to Wexford county and has since been a resident of Antioch township, covering a period of fifteen years. Here he owns one hundred and twenty acres of land and of this ninety-five acres has been broken, placed under the plow and transformed into rich and productive fields. Mr. Teed has erected good buildings, including a comfortable residence and substantial barns, in fact, his is one of the fine farms of the county and his home is surrounded by well tilled fields, returning to him golden harvests. He is also interested in the breeding of fine blooded stock and thus adds not a little to his income. He uses the latest improved machinery in operating his land and all modern equipments and accessories common to a farm of the twentieth century are found upon his place. Mr. Teed was married in Kalamazoo county, Michigan. on the I4th of May, 1887, to Miss Mary Smith, a native of that county and a (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Smith, who were natives of Vermont. Removing to the west, they spent their remaining days in Kalamazoo county. Mr. and Mrs. Teed are the parents of four children: Louis M., Stanley W., Lois G. and Willis. In his political views Mr. Teed is independent, but keeps well informed on the issues of the day and in his ballot gives his support to the man whom he thinks best qualified for office. He has taken an active part in township affairs and has been called to serve in positions of public trust, having acted at different times as supervisor of Antioch township, as township treasurer and as school inspector. He is a staunch advocate of the cause of temperance and both he and his wife are active members of the Methodist Episcopal church and take a helpful interest in church and Sunday school work. Their lives are in consistent harmony with their professions and they do all in their power to advocate the cause of Christianity and to extend its influence in this community. Mr. T'eed is also identified with Antioch Grange No. 919, Patrons of Husbandry. Those who know him entertain for, him the highest regard because he has lived worthily, his life being actuated by upright principles that have been exemplified in honorable conduct. |