| St. James' Lutheran Cemetery Moltke Township Contributed by B.J. Kemme |  |
Section 35; S. Ward Branch Road; 1½ miles south from M-68
This cemetery was last rewalked August 2009
Updated March 2022 & January 2023 From Online Resources
My thanks goes out to Janet Anderson who walked St. James Lutheran for the final time with me. We have tried to read and translate the inscriptions correctly but due to the age and writing it was very difficult. We apologize for any mistakes we might have made while doing this.
Algenstaedt, Bertha | Dec. 24, 1845 - April 12, 1917 | "Sein Frau"(his wife-Heinrich's) | |
Algenstaedt, Heinrich | April 1, 1838 - Dec. 15, 1892 | | |
Algenstedt, Carl R. | 1876 - 1940 | | |
Algenstedt, Edward | Oct. 14, 1882 - May 28, 1926 | "Gedenke dass du der Fahn des Feld herrn hast gestorben Gedenke dass du als mann zum streit bis auser Koren Gedenk dass ohne streit und sieg noch keiner zum triumphke stieg"…Think that without strife and battle you cannot come to victory?) | |
Algenstedt, Frances | 1886 - 1964 | | Shares stone with William |
Algenstedt, Fred C. | 1870 - 1937 | "John 3:16 For God so loved the world... " | |
Algenstedt, Gay Ann | June 8, 1940 - Aug. 11, 1982 | | |
Algenstedt, Gurndalene (Jarrell) | Sept. 9, 1917 - Mar. 13, 2009 | | Shares stone with Harvey B. |
Algenstedt, Harvey B. | August 19, 1915 - February 17, 1988 | | Shares stone with Gurndalene |
Algenstedt, Margaretha E. | 1896 - 1980 | | Shares stone with Otto |
Algenstedt, Otto H. | 1892 - 1977 | | Shares stone with Margaretha |
Algenstedt, Wesley B. | 1947 - 1962 | | |
Algenstedt, William | 1875 - 1961 | | Shares stone with Frances |
Domke, Augusta | Dec. 1, 1853 - Aug. 25, 1926 | "His wife" " Der Herr ist treu; der wird euch starken und bewahren vor dem Argen. 2 Thess 3.3." = ...The Lord is faithful, who shall strengthen you, and keep you from evil. | Shares stone with Carl |
Domke, Carl | June 6, 1845 - Dec. 26, 1937 | "I.H.S." " Der Herr ist treu; der wird euch starken und bewahren vor dem Argen. 2 Thess 3.3." = ...The Lord is faithful, who shall strengthen you, and keep you from evil. | Shares stone with Augusta |
Domke, Carl Friedrich 1 | 1810 - 188 | "At rest" | |
Domke, Ida | 1879 - 1882 | "Gone to a better land" | |
Fleming, Renada E. | May 4, 1910 - June 27, 1962 | "Beloved wife" "Nee Torno""Rest in Peace" | |
Friedrich, Rudolph A. | April 27, 1893 - Aug. 27, 1962 | "MI MECH BTRY D. 36 ARTY CAC -WWI" | |
Fuhrmann, August | April 27, 1823 Dec. 16, 1909 | | Shares stone with Johanna |
Fuhrmann, Johanna | March 28, 1836 - Feb. 22, 1915 | "Hier Ruht in Gott"(Rest here in God) | Shares stone with August |
Ganske, Norlee D. | Oct. 20, 1954 | "Our Baby" | |
Grafe, John L. | living | "In God's Care" | Shares stone with Marilyn G. |
Grafe, Marilyn G. | 1942 - 2002 | "In God's Care" | Shares stone with John L. |
Grossman, Adam | Sept. 17, 1833 - July 24, 1882 | "Ich lebe ihr siollt auch Leben" | Shares stone with M. Klann |
Grossman, August | Aug. 1, 1843 - March 8, 1921 | "Was du jetzt bist bin ich gewesen jedoch was ich jetzt bin das wirst du werden. O, Mensch bedenk dein Ende. John 14. 19" = What you are now I was however what I am now you will become. Oh man, think about your end. | Shares a stone with Herman |
Grossman, Herman | Feb. 18, 1876 - Sept. 22, 1917 | "Was du jetzt bist bin ich gewesen jedoch was ich jetzt bin das wirst du werden. O, Mensch bedenk dein Ende. John 14. 19" = What you are now I was however what I am now you will become. Oh man, think about your end. | Shares a stone with August |
Grossman, Josephine | Nov. 20, 1887 - March 18, 1970 | "Mother""Asleep in Jesus" | Shares stone with William |
Grossman, William R. | April 4, 1887 - May 26, 1970 | "Asleep in Jesus" "Father" | Shares stone with Josephine |
Grossmann, Albertine | March 6, 1841 - Dec. 13, 1932 | "Mother"(Thanks to D. Knopf for last name!) | |
Haselhuhn, Carl | 1880 - 1961 | | |
Haske, Deborah Marie Chism | October 19, 1962 - June 30, 2022 | | Information from Online Resources |
Haske, Shirley J. | Sept. 5, 1936 - May 8, 2007 | "Married Oct. 2, 1954" | Shares stone with William C. |
Haske, William C. | Dec. 25, 1933 - | "Married Oct.. 2, 1954" | Shares stone with Shirley J. |
Hein, Friedrich W. | Sept. 18, 1821 - Oct. 22, 1897 | "Ruhe Ampft in stille Gruft Bis dich Gotts Stimme ruft" = Rest...in a silent grave until God’s voice calls. | |
Henke, Ferdinand | April 27, 1846 - Feb. 24, 1920 | "Der am Kreuz ist meine Licht" = The one on the cross is my light. | Shares stone with Heinrich and Frau H. |
Henke, Frau H. (Mrs. H.) | May 6, 1843 - May 27, 1902 | "Der am Kreuz ist meine Licht" = The one on the cross is my light. | Shares stone with Ferdinand and Heinrich |
Henke, Heinrich | Feb. 5, 1846 - Sept. 14, 1902 | "Der am Kreuz ist meine Licht" = The one on the cross is my light. | Shares stone with Ferdinand and Frau H. |
Joppich, Arnold | July 19, 1908 - Nov. 14, 1921 | "Wir mussen durch viel Truebsal ins Reich Gottes geher" = We must go through many trials to get into the kingdom of heaven. | Shares stone with Eduard, Wilhelmine, Heinrich, Hugo, & Magdalena and has a stone of his own |
Joppich, Eduard (Edward) | June 25, 1836 - April 9, 1914 | | Shares stone with Wilhelmine |
Joppich, Edward W. | Dec. 24, 1905 - Sept. 8, 1969 | | |
Joppich, Emelia | 1882 - 1969 | | Shares stone with Hugo |
Joppich, Heinrich(Henry) | March 19, 1904 - March 30, 1925 | "Wir mussen durch viel Truebsal ins Reich Gottes gehen" = We must go through many trials to get into the kingdom of heaven. | Shares stone with Eduard, Wilhelmine, Hugo, & Magdalena. On a separate stone the name Henry is used |
Joppich, Helen | 1903 - 1903 | | |
Joppich, Hugo | 1883 - 1943 | (Shares stone with Emelia) (not the same stone as Hugo Karl) | |
Joppich, Hugo Karl | Jan. 12, 1883 - Dec. 9, 1943 | "Wir mussen durch viel Truebsal ins Reich Gottes geher" = We must go through many trials to get into the kingdom of heaven. | Shares stone with Eduard, Wilhelmine, Arnold, Heinrich, Magdalena |
Joppich, Magdalena | March 19, 1885 - April 1, 1887 | "Wir mussen durch viel Truebsal ins Reich Gottes geher" = We must go through many trials to get into the kingdom of heaven. (separate stone from the above and also on the backside of the stone listed above) | Shares stone with Eduard, Wilhelmine, Arnold, Heinrich, & Hugo |
Joppich, Martin, E. | May 26, 1910 - March 1, 1993 | "Husband & father" "Surf U. S. Coast Guard" | |
Joppich, Wilhelmine | July 24, 1844 - Nov. 2, 1909 | "Wir mussen durch viel Truebsal ins Reich Gottes gehen" = We must go through many trials to get into the kingdom of heaven. | Shares stone with Eduard |
Kamyszek, Melissa "Missy" | June 21, 1972 - July 11, 2004 | "Loved Well, Well Loved" | |
Klann, Michael | Aug. 24, 1818 - Sept. 11, 1882 | | Shares stone with Adam Grossmann |
Lietzow, Edna E. | July 13, 1894 - Jan. 23, 1993 | "Dear wife of Julius""Beloved Mother" | |
Lietzow, Julius | July 2, 1891 - Dec. 26, 1955 | MI PFC AMBULANCE CO. 116 -WWI " | Shares stone with Edna |
Luetzow, Albert H. | 1885 - 1963 | "Father""He is our Peace" | Shares stone with Helen and Emil J. |
Luetzow, Alfred | Aug. 21, 1886 - Sept. 25, 1886 | "Mark 10:14 Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kammen." = Let the children come to me. Mark 10:14 | Shares a stone with Helene, Malwine, Therese, & Edward |
Luetzow, August D. | Aug. 4, 1842 - Mar. 8, 1914 | (German words meaning:Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Rev. 14:13) | Shares with Justine |
Luetzow, Edward | June 7, 1879 - July 5, 1880 | "Mark 10:14 Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kammen." = Let the children come to me. Mark 10:14 | Shares a stone with Helene, Malwine, Therese, & Alfred |
Luetzow, Emil J. | 1924-1924 | "Son" | Shares stone with Albert & Helen |
Luetzow, Helen A. | 1892 - 1950 | "Mother""He is our Peace" | Shares stone with Albert |
Luetzow, Helene | June 15, 1873 - May 24, 1874 | "Mark 10:14 Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kammen." = Let the children come to me. Mark 10:14 | Shares a stone with Malwine, Therese, Edward, & Alfred |
Luetzow, Justine | Dec. 9, 1846 - Sept. 18, 1910 | "Frau" (Mrs.)(German words meaning:Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord' Rev. 14:13) | Shares stone with August |
Luetzow, Lydia M. | May 5, 1918 - Mar 12, 1989 | "Precious in the eyes of the lord is the death of a saint." | |
Luetzow, Malwine | Oct. 18, 1874 - June 27, 1883 | "Mark 10:14 Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kammen." = Let the children come to me. Mark 10:14 | Shares a stone with Helene, Therese, Edward, & Alfred |
Luetzow, Therese | Nov. 5, 1882 - July 3, 1883 | " Mark 10:14 Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kammen." = Let the children come to me. Mark 10:14 | Shares a stone with Helene, Edward , Malwine,& Alfred |
Meden, Ervin N. | Nov. 11, 1933 - Jan. 25, 2008 | "Married Jan. 3, 1953 | Shares stone with Marlene M. |
Meden, Gerald Edward | Aug. 11, 1957 - Sept. 22, 2023 | | Information from Online Resources |
Meden, Jamie Scott | Jan. 6, 1974 - May 27, 1974 | | |
Meden, Johanna | 1851 - 1935 | "Mother" | Shares stone with William |
Meden, Lillie M. | 1907 - 1984 | | Shares stone with Louis |
Meden, Louis C. | 1890 - 1967 | | Shares stone with Lillie |
Meden, Marlene M. | living | "Married Jan. 3, 1953" | Shares stone with Ervin N. |
Meden, Selma R. | Aug. 31, 1898 - July 23, 1983 | "Wife" | Shares stone with William F. |
Meden, Wilhelm | July 28, 1816 - Dec. 18, 1886 | | Shares a stone with Emilie, Carl, Franz, Emma, Helene, and Amanda Pommerenke |
Meden, William | 1845 - 1924 | "Father" | Shares stone with Johanna |
Meden, William F. | June 24, 1882 - July 5, 1953 | "Husband" | Shares stone with Selma |
Noble, Marie | 1873 -1967 | | |
Noble, William E. | 1866 - 1937 | | |
Oppenborn, Wilhelmina Wiesegart | Feb. 8, 1855 - March 16, 1934 | "Der Herr ist mein Hirte" = The Lord is my shepherd. | |
Peetz, Anna M. E. | June 10, 1877 - April 16, 1883 | | Shares stone with Rudolf, Augusta, Wilhelm & Emilie |
Peetz, Augusta | Aug. 31, 1871 - Nov. 16, 1946 | "His Wife" | Shares stone with Rudolf, Anna Wilhelm, & Emilie |
Peetz, Dorothy | Oct. 13, 1911 - Nov. 4, 1981 | "Wife of Otto" "Jesus loves me this I know" | |
Peetz, Edith | Dec. 29, 1904 - Oct. 13, 1964 | | Shares stone with Otto |
Peetz, Emilie | May 24, 1834 - Feb. 25, 1904 | | Shares stone with Rudolf, Augusta, Anna & Wilhelm |
Peetz, Otto | Feb. 28, 1903 - July 17, 1983 | | Shares stone with Edith |
Peetz, Rudolf | June 12, 1868 - Aug. 27, 1942 | | Shares stone with Augusta, Anna, Wilhelm & Emilie |
Peetz, Wilhelm F. | Sept. 17, 1837 - March 16, 1893 | | Shares stone with Rudolf, Augusta, Anna & Emilie |
Peltz, Arthur J. | 1896 - 1942 | "Father" | Shares stone with Noral & Irene Schleben and has a separate stone |
Peltz, Howard A. | June 14, 1921 - June 14, 1921 | | Shares stone with Leona E. |
Peltz, Leona E. | June 22, 1922 - July 7, 1922 | | Shares stone with Howard A. |
Peltz, Norval A. | 1932 - 1939 | "Son" | Shares stone with Arthur Peltz and Irene Schleben as well as has a separate stone |
Peltz, Phyllis A. | June 13, 1931 - Feb. 25, 2009 | | Shares stone with Wallace |
Peltz, Wallace E. | Feb. 13, 1930 -Aug. 21, 1997 | | Shares stone with Phyllis |
Pines, Ralph W., Jr. | Feb. 14, 1939 - Dec. 1, 2005 | SP4 US ARMY | |
Pines, Scott Alan | May 23, 1966 - April 11, 2023 | | Information from Online Resources |
Pommeranke, Emma | Oct. 4, 1877 - Oct. 18, 1877 | | Shares stone with Carl, Franz, Emilie, Amanda, Helene, and Wilhelm Meden + Footstone |
Pommeranke, Frederick | 1913 - 1988 | | Shares stone with Isabelle |
Pommerenke, Albertine | Dec. 11, 1841 - July 21, 1913 | "Sein Frau" (his wife (Friedrich) | Shares stone with Friedrich, Wilhelmine, and Olga |
Pommerenke, Alex | Oct. 7, 1873 - Oct. 16, 1948 | "Thy Will be Done" | Shares stone with Katie |
Pommerenke, Amanda | June 3, 1880 - July 19, 1880 | "Meines Vater Haus hat viek Wohnungen"(My Father's house has many rooms) | Shares stone with Carl, Franz, Emilie, Emma & Helene, & Wilhelm Meden+ Footstone |
Pommerenke, August | Sept. 22, 1844 - July 21, 1927 | "Father" "Aus Tubasal Zu Freuden" = From sorrow to joy. | Shares stone with Gottliebe |
Pommerenke, Carl | April 24, 1872 - Jan. 1, 1873 | | Shares a stone with Franz, Emilie, Emma, Helene, Amanda, and Wilhelm Meden+ Footstone |
Pommerenke, Emilie | May 8, 1843 - May 29, 1887 | | Shares a stone with Carl, Franz, Emma, Amanda, Helene, and Wilhem Meden+ Footstone |
Pommerenke, Emma | Oct. 4, 1877 - Oct. 18, 1877 | | Shares a stone with Franz, Carl, Emma, Helene, Amanda, and Wilhelm Meden+ Footstone |
Pommerenke, Franz | June 12, 1876 - Aug. 17, 1876 | | Shares a stone with Emilie Carl, Emma, Helene, Amanda, & Wilhelm Meden+ Footstone |
Pommerenke, Friedrich | Nov. 7, 1831 - May 11, 1906 | | Shares stone with Albertine, Wilhelmine, Olga |
Pommerenke, Gottliebe | Oct. 17, 1845 - April 24, 1916 | "Mother""Aus Trubsol zu Freuden(From sorroy to joy) | Shares stone with August |
Pommerenke, Helene | October 13, 1878 - April 1, 1883 | | Shares with Carl, Franz, Emilie, Emma, Amanda, & Wilhelm Meden+Footstone |
Pommerenke, Isabelle | 1918 - 2009 | | Shares stone with Frederick |
Pommerenke, Katie | July 15, 1883 - Dec. 13, 1977 | "Thy will be done" | Shares stone with Alex |
Pommerenke, Olga | March 7, 1879 - Nov. 20, 1890 | | Shares a stone with Friedrich, Albertine, Wilhelmine, & Olga |
Pommerenke, Wilhelmine | Nov. 1, 1875 - May 11, 1876 | | Shares stone with Friedrich, Albertine, Wilhelmine, & Olga |
Radke, August | April 14, 1830 - Aug. 19, 1884 | | Shares stone with Friederike |
Radke, Friederike | Feb. 2, 1835 - Jan. 23, 1880 | "Seine Frau" (his wife) | Shares stone with August |
Rex, Richard | Jan. 7, 1883 - Jan. 27, 1969 | | |
Ronschke, Albert | Sept. 12, 1894 - Feb. 25, 1980 | SGT U. S. Army WWI | |
Ronschke, Emma I. | March 2, 1892 - Oct. 23, 1969 | "Asleep in Jesus " | |
Schlager, Fridericke | May 19, 1846 - Feb. 11, 1919 | | Shares stone with Wilhelm |
Schlager, Wilhelm | Sept. 24, 1841 - April 8, 1927 | "... bis inden Tod, so will dir die Krone des Leben geben" (Is this Wm. Slager?"Co. F. 3 NYCAV" ) | Shares stone with Fridericke |
Schleben, Albert R. | May 15, 1896 - Nov. 14, 1965 | "MI PVT Co. C 78 Infantry -WWI" | Shares stone with Gretchen E.2 stones |
Schleben, Albertine | Aug. 21, 1882 - April 22, 1883 | | Shares a stone with Mary, Hermann, Pauline, Wilhelmine, & Fredrich |
Schleben, Carole Darlene (Smalley) | Mar. 26, 1940 - June 25, 2004 | "With Eternal Love from your Children: Jack F., Tamyra J. & Michael A. King" | Shares stone with John Paul |
Schleben, Charles | 1866 - 1942 | (Shares the stone with Donald) | Shares the stone with Donald |
Schleben, Charles E. | Dec. 14, 1978 - May 29, 1990 | "Beloved son" "Your memories will always be cherished and the love we have for you will live forever" | Shares the stone with Donald |
Schleben, Donald E. | Jan. 27, 1944 - May 29, 1990 | "Father""Your memories will always be cherished and the love we have for you will live forever" | Shares the stone with Charles |
Schleben, Edna | 1908 - 1926 | | Shares a stone with Martha, Marie, & Charles |
Schleben, Ethel M. | 1915 -1999 | "Mother" "Married April 8, 1933" | Shares stone with John |
Schleben, Eva Mae | Mar. 5, 1948 - May 21, 2004 | "Wife" "Parents & Grandparents""Married August 24, 1963" | Shares stone with Rhinold A. |
Schleben, Eva Mae | Mar. 5, 1948 - May 21, 2004 | "Wife" "Parents & Grandparents""Married August 24, 1963" | Shares stone with Rhinold A. |
Schleben, Fredrich | Oct. 30, 1840 - Aug. 29, 1925 | | Shares a stone with Mary, Hermann, Albertine, Pauline, & Wilhelmine |
Schleben, Gretchen E. | Jan. 22, 1914 - Aug. 7, 2008 | | Shares with Albert R. |
Schleben, Gustav | Jan. 7, 1888 - Oct. 23, 1934 | | |
Schleben, Hermann | April 1, 1885 - April 23, 1885 | | Shares a stone with Mary, Albetine, Pauline, Wilhelmine, & Fredrich |
Schleben, Irene Peltz | 1903 - 1980 | "Mother" | also shares a stone with Norval and Arthur Peltz |
Schleben, John Paul | October 24, 1943 - | | Shares stone with Carole |
Schleben, John W. | 1904 - 1979 | "Father""Married April 8, 1933" | Shares stone with Ethel |
Schleben, Karen D. | Feb. 3, 1940 -March 27, 1981 | "In loving memory" "Wife - Mother" | |
Schleben, Marie | 1872 - 1922 | | Shares a stone with Martha, Edna, & Charles |
Schleben, Martha | 1898 - 1899 | | Shares a stone with Edna, Marie, Charles |
Schleben, Marvin C. | Oct. 16, 1939 - March 27, 1983 | | |
Schleben, Mary | Dec. 11, 1855 - | | Shares stone with Hermann, Albertine, Pauline, Wilhelmine, & Fredrich |
Schleben, Pauline | Aug. 21, 1882 - March 11, 1883 | | Shares a stone with Mary, Hermann, Albertine, Wilhelmine, & Frederich |
Schleben, Randy D. | Feb. 23, 1971 - Jan. 16, 1994 | "Beloved Husband & Father" "Husband to Carrie A Schalk; father of Emily M. & Shelby L." | |
Schleben, Rhinold A. | living | "Husband" "Parents & Grandparents""Married August 24, 1963" | Shares stone with Eva Mae |
Schleben, Robert "Bob" | April 2, 1971 - Jan. 5, 1991 | To live in hearts of those we leave behind is not to die "Beloved son" ""Home Sweet Home" Bob Scleben This poem in front of you was attributed to two/ One from a city of grey steel/ The other from a country of blue skies and small fields/ The one from the country prefers to stoke a rabbits fur/ peace and quiet/ not racing riots/He likes the gravel roads and/ doesn't care for rock and roll/ the smell of corn-filled silios/ not the looks of rusty old manholes/hounds that bark/not playgrounds and parks/ big fat tom cats/ not fancy new hats/He wouldn't need a car or a phone/ cause he'd just as soon stay home/as for the one from the city/he's always working with some type of committee/associates with people of all walks of life/and plans to do it for a living/he might/he also likes people who twist and shout/which is something/the one from the country/can do without/there you have it/two people stuck in a habit/one who likes squealing wheels/the other who likes home cooked meals." | |
Schleben, Wilhelmine | July 6, 1843 - Feb. 3, 1883 | Sein Frau(his wife(Friedrich)) | Shares a stone with Mary, Hermann, Albertine, Pauline, & Frederich |
Schmidt, Christopher | 1906 | "Kinder von L & E Schmidt"(Children of L & E Schmidt) "Das Los ist mir gefallen aufs Lieblichste" | Shares stone with Magelalene |
Schmidt, Elizabeth | May 21, 1869 - Oct. 5, 1954 | "Mother""I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord. Gen. 49:18 | Shares stone with Leonard |
Schmidt, Hermann | Aug. 27, 1900 - March 17, 1921 | "Jungling ich sage dir stehe auf" = Young man, I say to you rise. | |
Schmidt, Magdalene | 1902 | "Kinder von L. & E. Schmidt" (Children of L & E Schmidt)Das Los ist mir gefallen aufs Lieblichste" | Shares stone with Christopher |
Schmidt, Marie | Feb. 22, 1904 - June 16, 1991 | "Daughter""I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord. Gen. 49:18 | Shares with Elizabeth & Pastor Leonard |
Schmidt, Pastor Leonard | March 28, 1875 - Oct. 22, 1964 | "Father" "I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord. Gen. 49:18" | Shares stone with Elizabeth & Marie |
Schultz, Arthur | 1899 -1953 | "Thy Will be Done" | Shares stone with Hattie |
Schultz, Augusta | 1875 - 1967 | Mother "Blessed are the dead which die unto the Lord. Rev. 14. 13" | Shares stone with Charles |
Schultz, Carl O. | Aug. 20, 1906 - Feb. 14, 1994 | "Husband""Married June 27, 1929" | Shares stone with Edith |
Schultz, Charles | 1869 - 1957 | "Father" "Blessed are the dead which die unto the Lord. Rev. 14. 13" | Shares stone with Augusta |
Schultz, Edith E. | Nov. 30, 1910 - Feb. 2, 1994 | "Wife" "Married June 27, 1929" | Shares stone with Carl |
Schultz, Hattie | 1906 - 1996 | Thy will be done | Shares stone with Arthur |
Schultz, Martin Theodore | November 29, 1933 - October 24, 2020 | | Information from Online Resources |
Schwan, Pastor C. S. | Dec. 31, 1827 - Aug. 28, 1912 | "I.H.S." "Ei du frommer und getreuer Knecht, du bist ubel wenigen getreu gewesen" = Indeed, you relious and faithful servant, you were over faithful few. | |
Simpson, Arthur D. | Oct. 29, 1930 - Dec. 30, 1994 | Is this the Arthur with Elsie on other stone??? | |
Simpson, Elsie & Arthur | | "Married June 1, 1959" | |
Slager, Wm | | "Co. F 3 N.Y. Cavalry" | |
Sorgenfrei, Catherine A. Pommerenke | August 19, 1939 - November 2, 2021 | | |
Torno, Ella D. | March 31, 1906 - Dec. 27, 1923 | "So Jemand Auch kamptet wird er doch nicht gerronet er kampfe den recht" | |
Torno, John M. | Oct. 15, 1867 - April 23, 1934 | | |
Torno, Maria | Aug. 27, 1846 - Feb. 9, 1828 | "Mother" "Es ist noch eine Ruhe vorhanden dem Volk Gottes Ebr(Hebr?) 4.9." = Now there is rest for the people of God.(Heb 4:9) | |
Torno, Marie E. | June 24, 1879 - Dec. 18, 1937 | | |
Tulgestke, Albert O. | 1889 - 1980 | | Shares stone with Dora |
Tulgestke, Bertha | March 15, 1864 - June 16, 1901 | Savior lead me "Gone but not forgotten" (Aged 37 years, 3 months 1 day" | |
Tulgestke, Dora A. | 1898 - 1993 | | Shares stone with Mary Lou |
Tulgestke, Helen I. | 1917 - 1931 | "Daughter" | |
Tulgestke, Luther A. | May 20, 1933 - Aug. 21, 1984 | Married "March 31, 1967" | Shares stone with Mary Lou |
Tulgestke, Mary Lou Fuhrman | Dec. 25, 1941 - Oct. 11, 2020 | Married "March 31, 1967" | Shares stone with Luther |
Urlaub, Tyler Matthew | Nov. 18, 1996 | "Son of Mark & Laura""Now I lay me down to sleep "We’ll love you forever, we’ll love you always as long as we’re living our baby you’ll be." | |
Wiesegart, Berta | Jan. 7, 1860 - June 20, 1870 | | Shares stone with Emilie, & Ernest |
Wiesegart, Carl | 1882 - 1941 | | Shares stone with Ida |
Wiesegart, Emilie | Nov. 10, 1857 - June 4, 1870 | | Shares stone with Ernest & Berta |
Wiesegart, Ernest | Dec. 15, 1855 - June 24, 1887 | "Selig sind die Todten die in dem Herrn Sterben" = Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. 14:13. | Shares stone with Emilie & Berta |
Wiesegart, Ferd | May 26, 1827 - June 4, 1872 | | Shares stone with Johanna and others |
Wiesegart, Ferdinand | April 29, 1877 - April 27, 1914 | | |
Wiesegart, Ida | 1883 - 1964 | | Shares stone with Carl |
Wiesegart, Johanna | Feb. 16, 1820 - May 11, 1900 | | Shares stone with Ferd & others |
Wiesegart, Karl | Aug. 19, 1849 - no date | | Shares stone with Wilhelmine |
Wiesegart, Wilhelmine | Feb. 23, 1844 - Jan. 18, 1929 | "Sein Frau"(his wife) "Der Herr ist mein Hirte" = The Lord is my shepherd | Shares stone with Karl |
Wilcox Ronald E. | 1906 - 1908 | "Children of Alfred and Julia Wilcox" | Shares stone with Lucie H. |
Wilcox, Lucie H. | 1902 - 1903 | "Children of Alfred and Julia Wilcox" | Shares stone with Ronald E. |
Wirgau, Ashleigh Kay | April 3, 1981 | "Our Baby" | |
Wirgau, Leila J. | living | | Shares stone with Reinhardt |
Wirgau, Margaretha | June 28, 1938 - July 26, 1938 | "Our Baby" | |
Wirgau, Reinhardt H. | 1912 - 1996 | | Shares stone with Leila |
Wyant, Anna E. | 1873 - 1941 | "Mother" | |
Wyant, Julius | 1903 - 1971 | | Shares stone with Leonora |
Wyant, Leonora | 1909 - 1982 | | Shares stone with Julius |
Wyant, Marvin A. | Feb. 20, 1936 - Feb. 28, 1936 | "Infant Twins" | Shares stone with Mary E. |
Wyant, Mary E. | Feb. 20, 1936 - March 5, 1936 | "Infant Twins" | Shares stone with Marvin A. |
3 small wooden crosses | | | |
"The Woodhacker"(?) | | metal cross | |
Copyright � 2009 by B.J. Kemme. All rights reserved. This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my consent. Used with permission by the Presque Isle GenWeb Site.
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