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Places:Cemeteries:Evergreen:Burials page 39

Arenac County Burials - Evergreen Cemetery

Evergreen Cemetery - Arenac Township

     From "Arenac County Michigan Cemetery Inscriptions", compiled in 1992 by Betty Brokoff Barringer, Carlie Welker Klumpp, Barbara Briggs Foster and JoEllyn Lawson Pedota.   Used with permission.   This copy contributed 2005 for use on this MIGenWeb site.

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Page 39
TULLOCH, George J. 1916 - 1966 ss
TULLOCH, Annabelle L. 1917 - ss
ALLEN, Arthur W. 1908 - 1978 ss
ALLEN, Verna B. 1908 - ss
ROBINSON, Russel G. 1899 - 1957
ROBINSON, Claude A.  S1 US Navy World War II 1907 - 1982
SMITH, Frank B. 1901 - 1990 ss
SMITH, Mina E. 1906 - 1984 ss
DORCEY, Lucille M. "Daughter" 1937 - 1969
SMITH, Frederick F. "Son" 1933 - 1939
SULLIVAN, Vera 1944 - 1949
SULLIVAN, Grace E. 1909 - ss
SULLIVAN, Frederick J. 1901 - 1981 ss
NOTT, Mary T. "Mother" 1919 - 1992 ss
NOTT, Anthony C. "Father" 1914 - 1973 ss
NOTT, Clyde V. "Son" 1953 - 1976
NOTT, Catherine E. 1885 - 1974 ss
NOTT, Clyde 1876 - 1951 ss
JANKOWSKI, Stanley " Husband" 1895 - 1950
JANKOWSKI, Vernie "Wife" Jan 6, 1898 - Dec 17, 1971
ROBINSON, Marguerite E. 1922 -1980 ss
ROBINSON, Albert W. 1919 - 1975 ss
ROBINSON, Albert W. Jr    Jan 17, 1942 ss
NOTT, William M. "Son" 1955 - 1973
JANKOWSKI Family Stone
SMITH, Edward J. "Baby" 1946 - 1959
MURINGER, Ella M. July 9, 1944 - Aug 31, 1979
SMITH, Annette 1867 - 1950 ss
SMITH, George C. 1862 - 1955 ss

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