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Places:Cemeteries:St. John's Byzantine:Overview

Arenac County Burials - St. John's Byzantine Cemetery

St. John's Byzantine Cemetery - Deep River Township - Overview

aerial_photo_st_johns.jpg (70567 bytes)

Aerial photo courtesy USGS and

     From "Arenac County Michigan Cemetery Inscriptions", compiled in 1992 by Betty Brokoff Barringer, Carlie Welker Klumpp, Barbara Briggs Foster and JoEllyn Lawson Pedota.   Used with permission.   This copy contributed 2005 for use on this MIGenWeb site.

This material is searchable via the search feature located on this site's home page.


Oldest Birth Date 1842
Oldest Death Date 1933
Civil War Veterans 0
Veterans 1

Cemetery Inscriptions Read by:

Willow Slusser


ae age
Dau Daughter
DOD Date of Death
Ds Days
es Eastern Star
m Mason
mos/mo Month
o Oddfellows
r Rebecah
ss Same stone
yr year
???? unsure of information

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