R. L. POLK & CO'S.
- Abbott Harvey, lab Embury-Martin Lbr Co, n w cor Western av and Lalond.
- Abernethy Charles, tmstr, res 215 6th E.
- Abernethy George, mach opr, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Abrahamson Anna, clk I Frazer, bds 124 C South.
- Abrahamson Julius, peddler, res 124 C South.
- Abram W James, millhd J Bourrie, res 512 Mackinaw av.
- Adams Clyde L, clk J J Post Hdware, res 605 Huron S.
- Adams Otto, lab, res s s Lincoln av W 2 w of Spooner.
- Adams Samuel W, barber 220 Main N, res 334 Bailey N.
- Adlam Arthur H, lab, res 210 7th East.
- Albright Daniel, carp, res 531 Ball N.
- Alcott James F, finisher, res 923 Main S.
- Allair Cora, nurse 337 Dresser, bds same.
- AMERICAN EXPRESS CO, Arthur A Currie, Agt, 329 Main N. Tel 96.
- American Hotel, Frank Lalond propr, 104 State E.
- Amley Joseph, cashier D & M R R, bds Spencer House.
- Amo Adolph (Moody & Amo), bds 423 Mackinaw av.
- Amo Joseph F (Amo & McManus), res 409 Main N.
- Amo Levi, hostler F R Ming, res 423 Mackinaw av.
- AMO & McMANUS (Joseph F. Amo, George McManus), Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Boys' Clothing, 409 Main N.
- Anderson Charles, driver John P Och, bds 119 Duncan.
- Anderson Lillian, bds 26 Harrison av.
- Anderson Lulu, bds 26 Harrison av.
- Anderson Oscar, lab M D Olds, res 198 Harrison av.
- Anderson Victor, lab M D Olds, res 26 Harrison av.
- Anderson Walter A, trav agt, res 100 Benton S.
- Anderson Wm, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Andrews Delia (wid John), res 320 Main S.
- Andrewski John J, lab Embury-Martin Lbr Co, res 815 Western av S.
- Annand George (Cheboygan Mnfg Co), res 923 Mackinaw av.
- Anzell Anthony, lab, bds 813 Seymour.
- Anzell Robert, farmer, res 813 Seymour.
- Anzell Wm, farmer, bds 813 Seymour.
- Arbeiter Unterstuetzungs Verein, cor Randolph and Watson.
- Arcade Theater The, D E Dues mngr, 417 Main N.
- Archer Mattie (wid Wm), res 526 Antoine.
- Archibald Frank J (Archibald & Hagadorn), res Sault Ste Marie, Mich.
- ARCHIBALD & HAGADORN (Frank J Archibald, Warde L Hagadorn), Lumber Commission and Inspection, Frost-Kesseler Blk. Tel Main 269.
- Armory, Co K, M N G, n w cor Main N and Pine.
- ARNOLD TRANSIT CO, McArthur Dock Agts, ft of Main. (See right top lines.)
- Arsneault Abraham, carp, res 310 Bellant.
- Ash Mrs Elizabeth, res r 117 F South.
- Ash Joseph, canthook twiner, res 420 Harrison av.
- Ashley Wm, bds New Campbell House.
- Ashlund Joseph, fisherman, bds 964 1st West.
- Aslin Peter, saloon 104 State E, res same.
- Asselin Abraham, sect foreman, res 802 Court.
- Asselin Delime, bds 902 Court.
- Asselin John, bds 902 Court.
- Asselin John, lab, res 1238 Court.
- Asselin Joseph H, lab, bds 1238 Court.
- Ayotte Charles W, res 508 Dresser.
- Ayotte Laura, student, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Ayotte Louis, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 44 Tannery set.
- Ayotte Mabel, student, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Ayotte C Wm, propr Columbian Hotel, res 508 Dresser.
- Babbitt Henry B, supt Cheboygan Pea Canning Co, res 327 Sammons.
- Babcock Albert, yd man Embury-Martin Lbr Co, res 729 North W.
- Babcock Frank, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Babcock Jessie, dom 335 Young.
- Baier Anna (wid John), res 310 Main S.
- Baier James, driver City Meat Market, res 120 Main S.
- Baier J Frank, vessel captain, res 310 Main S.
- Baier Mamie, smstrs Mrs E M MacGrew, bds 123 Huron South.
- Baier Mary (wid Joseph), bds 208 Duncan av.
- Baier Michael, clk Hub Mercantile Co, res 800 Division.
- Baker Charles E, supt M D Olds, res 214 Bailey S.
- BAKER CHARLES S, Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery, w s Main S, 2 n of Nelson, res same.
- Baker Edward W, county school commissioner, res 126 C North.
- Baker John, bds 214 Bailey S.
- Balbaugh Joseph A, contr 111 F North, res same.
- Ball Alma M. waiter C W Lyons, bds 968 Mackinaw av.
- Ball Emma C (wid George C), res 968 Mackinaw av.
- Ball Nancy (wid Nelson), bds 1201 Mackinaw av.
- Ball Quen, shipper, res 1201 Mackinaw av.
- Ball Vina E, tchr, bds 968 Mackinaw av.
- Bancroft Donald E, lab, bds 114 Bancroft.
- Bancroft Frank, foreman, res 114 Bancroft.
- Bancroft George H, lab, bds 114 Bancroft.
- Bancroft Margaret H, bds 114 Bancroft.
- Bannister George C, carp, res 314 Dresser.
- Barber Annie (wid John), res 650 Huron S.
- Barber George A, meats 208 State W, res 732 Mackinaw av.
- BARBER HENRY, Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Oysters, Etc., and City Treasurer 116 Main S. Tel Main 32, res 315 Dresser.
- Barber Henry C, janitor, res s s of Pine 2 e of Main S.
- Barber Lawrence, lab Embury-Martin Lbr Co, bds 464 State W.
- Barber Selena, clk City Treas office, bds 315 Dresser.
- Barghoorn C D, circuit court commr Court House, res Wolverine, Mich.
- Barhyte Nellie, stenogfr Lombard & Rittenhouse, bds 214 Ball N.
- Barkenbus Bertha, tchr Mackinaw av school, bds 235 Dresser.
- Barlow Francis A, M O clk P O, res 1021 Randolph.
- Barlow John C, warehouseman, res 1204 State W.
- Barner Mrs Mary, res w s Palmyra 1 e of State W.
- Barnich George, papermkr, bds 814 Main S.
- Barnich Helen, bds 814 Main S.
- Barnich John, store mngr Lombard & Rittenhouse, res 814 Main S.
- Barnich Lawrence, student, bds 814 Main S.
- Barnich Wm, student, bds 814 Main S.
- BARRETT JOEL L, County Clerk, Court House, res 210 Bailey S.
- Barrett Joseph E, student, bds 210 Bailey S.
- Barrett Ralph M, student, bds 210 Bailey S.
- Barrowcliff Harry C, clk J H Barrowcliff, bds 1009 Court.
- Barrowcliff Joseph H, grocer 1001 Court, res 1009 same.
- Barrowcliff Mabel O, clk J H Barrowcliff, bds 1009 Court.
- Barrowcliff Rose D, student, bds 1009 Court.
- Barry Mrs Elizabeth, nurse 1031 Randolph, res same.
- Bartlett Emeline, bds 318 Mackinaw av.
- Bartlett James, landlooker, res 318 Mackinaw av.
- Barton Clara E, dom 117 F South.
- Barton David, clk Amo & McManus, bds 1206 Mackinaw.
- Bashaw Frank J, harnessmkr J E Tuttle, res n w cor Harris and State W.
- Bassett L Irvin, barber A T McClintic, res 600 Mackinaw.
- Bastone Harry J, tchr High Schol, bds 504 Pine.
- Batchelor Sadie, milliner, bds 126 Huron S.
- Beauchamp Bertha, clk, bds 806 Palmyra.
- Beauchamp Clementine, clk, bds 806 Palmyra.
- Beauchamp Edwin, clk Hub Mercantile Co, res 622 Palmyra.
- Beauchamp Felix, lab, res 860 Palmyra.
- Beauchamp Florence, clk, bds 806 Palmyra.
- Beauchamp Fred, lab, res 107 D South.
- Beauchamp Gilbert, night porter New Cheboygan Hotel.
- Beauchamp Helen, bds 806 Palmyra.
- Beauchamp Joseph, driver Mrs Josephine Cueny, res 51 Byron.
- Beauchamp Stephen, lab Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, bds 806 Palmyra.
- Beauchamp Wm, lab, bds 806 Palmyra.
- Beauchamp Fred, driver, res 201 D North.
- Beauparland Celina M, bds 714 Spooner.
- Beauparland Joseph, lab, res 714 Spooner.
- Beauparland Mary I, waitress Spencer House, bds 714 Spooner.
- Beauparland Minnie S, bds 714 Spooner.
- Bedore Hattie A, dressmkr 201 B South, bds same.
- Beebe James W, coach cleaner D & M R R, res 915 Dot.
- Beemer Charles N, lumberman, res 214 C South.
- Belden Charles, lab, bds 207 Pinehill av.
- Bell Amy M, deputy Register of Deeds, bds 728 Mackinaw av.
- Bell David A, lab, res 101 Bancroft.
- Bell Isaac, lab, res 100 Marquette.
- Bell James, street commissioner, res 215 Duncan av.
- Bell Lydia S (wid George W), res 728 Mackinaw av.
- Bell Raymond H, student, bds 515 Lincoln av W.
- Bell Robert D, trav salesman, res 415 Seymour W.
- Bell Ross, bkkpr, bds New Cheboygan Hotel.
- Bell Samuel C, drayman 515 Lincoln av W, res same.
- Bell Samuel M, bus driver Spencer House, res 630 Main North.
- Bell Susan, bds 100 Marquette.
- Bellanger Joseph, meat ctr, bds 204 B South.
- Bellanger Julia (wid Archie), bds 620 Loomis.
- Bellant Clarendon, lumber inspr, res 405 State W.
- Bellant Eugene, bds Columbia Hotel.
- Bellant Eugene, tmstr, res 1109 Mackinaw av.
- Bellant Frank, lab, bds 1109 Mackinaw av.
- Bellant Guy, lab, bds 1109 Mackinaw av.
- Bellant Mary (wid Wm E), bds r 324 Bellant.
- Belrose Fred, fisherman, res 502 Mackinaw av.
- Belter Mrs Henrietta, res 9 Tannery set.
- Belter Wm F E, lab, bds 9 Tannery set.
- BENEDICT MRS MARY M, Sec Cheboygan Telephone Co, Librarian Cheboygan Public Library, rms 319
- Benier Hermann, lab Embury-Martin Lbr Co.
- Benjamin Alfred, clk, bds 442 State W.
- Benjamin Lionel, clk, bds 442 State W.
- BENJAMIN MAXWELL W, Lawyer, 1-3 New Gerow Blk, 307 Main N, Tel Main 223; res 442 State W,
Tel Main 183.
- Bennett Block, 226-230 Main N.
- Beno Joseph, lab, res 500 Cleveland av.
- Benton Daisy, bds 312 Todd.
- Berkowski Albert, lab, res e s Eastern av 3 s of Bancroft.
- Bernier Elizabeth (wid Joseph), bds 236 B North.
- Berthum Edward, lab, bds New Campbell House.
- Berthum Joseph, lab, bds New Campbell House.
- Bertrand George, lab, res 228 D North.
- Bertrand Mary, bds 228 D North.
- Bessette Anthony, vessel capt, res 311 Division.
- Bessette Grace, student, bds 311 Division.
- Bessette Louis, carp, res 320 Water.
- Bessette Louis F, sec and treas Rapin-Bessette Clothing Co, bds 320 Water.
- Bessette Mary, dressmkr, bds 320 Water.
- Betts Arthur, res 404 State W.
- Betts James, lab, res 217 Abbott.
- Bigieu Ernest, barnman Embury-Martin Lbr Co, res w s Western av 1 s of Lalonde.
- Bilitzke Anna L, student, bds 208 Duncan av.
- Bilitzke Joseph S, tailor P J Bilitzke, bds 208 Duncan av.
- Bilitzke Mary H, bds 208 Duncan av.
- BILITZKE PETER J, Merchant Tailor, Imported and Domestic Woolens, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing, 404 Main N, Tel 202; res 208 Duncan av, Tel 267-S. (See edges and page 8.)
- Bill Fred, hostler D & M R R.
- Bird Allan, lab, res 222 E North.
- Bird Charles, commission mer, res 327 Water.
- Bird Edith, bds 327 Water.
- Bird Herman, res 327 Water.
- Bird Herman Jr, bds 327 Water.
- Bird Joseph, bds 327 Water.
- Bird Josephine, bds 327 Water.
- Bird May, bds 327 Water.
- Bird Mrs Sophie, dressmkr 327 Water, res same.
- Bird Mrs Rose, bds 103 6th East.
- Bird Tillie, bds 327 Water.
- Birdsall Elbert E, lab M D Olds, res s s Division 1 w of Loomis.
- Birdsall Lydia A, bds Elbert E Birdsall.
- Birdsall Roy L, lab, bds Elbert E. Birdsall.
- Bishop Edwin C, lighthouse kpr, res 310 Pine.
- Bishop Josephine, dom Hotel Summit.
- Bishop May, waiter Charles Hotel.
- Biskner George, clk Spencer House.
- Blaskowski August, lab, res 419 3d E.
- Blatzer Adam P, feed, s s Court 2 w of Foster, res same.
- Blatzer Mary, bds Adam P Blatzer.
- Bleicher Charles J, lab, bds 211 D South.
- Bleicher Gertrude M, bds 211 D South.
- Bleicher John, lab, res 211 D South.
- Bliese Rev Otto C, pastor St Thomas Lutheran church, res 332 Western av S.
- Bliesner Lawrence D, baggage agt D & M R R, bds Spencer House.
- Blue Wm, lineman Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co, res 400 Cleveland av.
- Blundell Minnie (wid Elias), res 126 Huron S.
- Board of Education, High School.
- Black Isabella M, tchr High School, bds 221 Ball S.
- Blais Regis, lab, res 964 1st AV.
- BLAKE HENRY A (H A Blake & Son), res 314 Huron S, Tel North 4.
- BLAKE H A & SON (Henry A and John A), Founders and Machinists, Mfrs Marine and Stationary Engines, Iron and Brass Castings, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, cor 1st and Water on the Dock, Tel 3. (See left top lines.)
- Blake Jessie, bds 314 Huron S.
- BLAKE JOHN A (H A Blake & Son), res 313 Sammons, Tel Main 41.
- BLAKE WM H, Pres and Mngr Cheboygan Telephone Co, res e s Cuyler av 1 s of Court.
- Blampied Walter, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res n s Lincoln av W 5 w of Loomis.
- Blank Anton, bds Fred Pauly.
- Blank John, policeman, res n e cor Mackinaw av and Western av.
- Bockes Herbert D, lumber scaler Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 503 Dresser.
- Bockes Mary, res 321 Huron S.
- Boda Joseph P, lab, res n s David 5 e of Fulton.
- Bodier Mary (wid Cyril), res 701 Huron W.
- Bodziewski John, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 442 Cleveland av.
- BOGGS FRANK K, Sec Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res s w cor Huron S and Nelson.
- Boggs Kate K (wid Wm G), res s w cor Huron and Nelson.
- Bohn Augusta (J & A Bohn), res 108 Main S.
- Bolin Julius (J & A Bohr), res 108 Main S.
- Bohn Minnie R, clk J & A Bohn, bds 108 Main S.
- Bohn J & A (Julius and Augusta), hardware 108 Main South.
- Bohn Mina L, dom 125 Main N.
- Bois David, fisherman, bds 204 B South.
- Bolly Mrs Florence, res 210 C South.
- Bondie Anthony, res 311 6th.
- Bondie Frederick E, woodwkr, res 129 D South.
- Bonin Alvina, dressmkr, bds 438 Cleveland av.
- Bonin Frank G, blksmith, res 106 B South.
- Bonin Frederick, lab, bds 438 Cleveland av.
- Bonin Mary L (wid Frank), res 438 Cleveland av.
- Bonin Wm, lumber inspr Archibald & Hagadorn, bds 106 B South.
- Bonneau Telesfore M, lab, res 729 Main N.
- Bonscore Andrew, lab, res 111 Duncan av.
- Boone Wm A, carp, res 947 1st W.
- Boone Wm J, lab, bds 947 1st W.
- Booth Fisheries Co, David A Trumpour supt, river front nr State st brigde.
- Booth Otto, U S lighthouse keeper, res 606 Water.
- Bork August, switchman, res 344 South av.
- Bork August Jr, lab, bds 344 South av.
- Bork Ben, bds 344 South av.
- Bork John, lab, bds 344 South av.
- Bork Joseph, woodsman, bds 344 South av.
- Bork Stanley, lab, bds 344 South av.
- Borrow Wm H, yd master, res 919 Dot.
- Botsford A J, cook, res 508 Bailey N.
- BOUCHARD MRS CARRIE A (Bouchard & Bouchard), Notary Public Gerow Blk, 319 Main N, res 107
Huron N.
- BOUCHARD EDWARD A (Bouchard & Bouchard), General Insurance, Real Estate, Surety Bonds, Loans
and Justice of the Peace, Gerow Blk, 319 Main N, Tel Main 31; res 107 Huron N, Tel Main 70. (See front cover.)
- Bouchard Fred, bus driver New Cheboygan Hotel, res 700 Western av S.
- BOUCHARD & BOUCHARD (Edward A and Carrie A), General Insurance, Gerow Blk, 319 Main N. (See
front cover.)
- Boucher Bernice, tchr, bds 325 Dresser.
- Boucher Harry, marine engr, bds 325 Dresser.
- Boucher Hazen A, asst pharmacist Cheboygan Drug Co, bds 325 Dresser.
- Boucher John B, foreman J J Post Hdware Co, res 325 Dresser.
- Boucher Russell, bricklyr, bds 325 Dresser.
- Boudreau Frank X, barber basement 233 Main N, res 123 Western av N.
- Boulanger Edouige, dressmkr, bds 620 Division.
- Bourdeau Nels, grocer, res 501 Mackinaw av.
- Bourgeois Edmund, lab, bds 704 Palmyra.
- Bourgeois Elias, lab, bds 704 Palmyra.
- Bourgeois Joseph, lab, res 704 Palmyra.
- Bourgeois Rose L, clk N Y Racket Store, bds 704 Palmyra.
- Bourrie David, carp J Bourrie, res 118 C South.
- BOURRIE JOSEPH, Planing Mill, Contractor and Builder and Dealer in Building Materials, s w cor State and Ball, res 700 Division. (See page 5.)
- Bourrie Joseph E, mach hand J Bourrie, bds 700 Division.
- Bourrie Marie D, bds 700 Division.
- Bourrie Napoleon, bookkpr J Bourrie bds 700 Division.
- Bourrie Sarah, bds 700 Division.
- Boursau John J, lab, res 313 Todd.
- Boursau Patrick W, lab, res 101 6th E.
- Boutin Stephen, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Bowen Adelbert, well driller 121 North, res same.
- Bowen David, county surveyor, Court House, res Onaway, Mich.
- Bowen Elizabeth (wid John) res 817 Mackinaw av.
- Bower May, bds 230 Backus.
- Bowman Nettie, dressmkr 401 State W, res same.
- Brackett Annie M, music tchr 319 Court, bds same.
- BRACKETT FRANK E, Drugs. Toilet Articles and Druggists' Sundries, also Mayor, 113 State W, Tel Main 173; res 319 Court, Tel Main 191. (See left bottom lines.)
- Brackett Frank E Jr, student, bds 319 Court.
- Brackett Lottie, tchr, bds 319 Court.
- Braddock Niles A, lumber inspr, res 412 Dresser.
- Bradley Wavia, dom 311 Main S.
- Brady Amy E (wid Wm H), res 601 4th E.
- Brady John A, lab, bds 601 4th E.
- Braham George W, foreman Cheboygan News, res 107 Western av N.
- Braham J Clarence, lab, bds 249 North.
- Braham Robert, carp, res 249 North.
- Brams Samuel, trav salesman, res 330 Dresser.
- Brannack Frank, fisherman, bds 1002 Mackinaw av.
- Brannack George W, carp contr 815 Huron S, res same.
- Brannack James F, cooper, res 736 Huron S.
- Brannack Jefferson, cooper, bds Mrs Harriet Sherman.
- Brannack Mary (wid Charles), res 1002 Mackinaw av.
- Brattstrom Annie, dom 109 Bailey S.
- Brattstrom Charles, lab, res 245 Gerow.
- Brattstrom Hulda, dom 458 Main S.
- Bray George, woodsman, bds 309 C North.
- Bray John O, woodsman, bds 309 C North.
- Bray Mary C, bds 309 C North.
- Bray Oliver, woodsman, res 309 C North.
- Brazel Charles H, vet surgeon, s e cor E N and 4th E, res same.
- Brazel Constance A, clk, bds Charles H Brazel.
- Brazel Helen M, student, bds Charles H Brazel.
- Brazel Lillian R, student, bds Charles H Brazel.
- Brazel Lucy A, smstrs, bds Charles H Brazel.
- Brazel Mary F, bds Charles H Brazel.
- Brazel Peter B, snow plow mnfr 223 Huron S, res 405 Division.
- Brennan Blanche, student, bds 216 B North.
- Brennan Ellen (wid Patrick), res 216 B North.
- Brennan Ellen, clk, bds 216 B North.
- Brennan Margaret, cashr, bds 216 B North.
- Brennan Thomas, res 408 Antoine.
- Brenner Issac J, shingle weaver, res 236 E North.
- Breso Peter, bridgetndr, res 199 James.
- Breton Andrew, lab, bds 222 D North.
- Breton Frank N, lab, res 222 D North.
- Breton Leo L, lab, bds 222 D North.
- Breton Oscar N, lab, res 222 D North.
- Briggs Charles E, sailor, bds 1257 Mackinaw av.
- Briggs Delia (wid John P), res 1257 Mackinaw av.
- Brill George V, gardener, res 517 Lafayette av.
- Brill Michael L, filer, res 1115 Randolph.
- Brissette Eli, lab, res 209 Abbott.
- Brock, Alex, fisherman, res 417 Garfield av.
- Brockway Mrs Loetta, res 505 Main N.
- Broda John, lab, res 14 Tannery set.
- Brogan James, res 123 C South.
- Brogan Margaret (wid Bernard), res 519 State E.
- Brogan Mary, housekpr 123 C South.
- Brooks James, lab, res s s Pinehill av 8 w of Loomis.
- Brooks James, painter, res 352 Young.
- Brooks Wm A, lab, res 100 Bancroft.
- Brown Carl, student, bds 220 Bailey S.
- Brown C Harold, student, bds 215 Bailey S.
- Brown Emmett, clk J N Brown, bds 100 Main S.
- BROWN GEORGE G, Cashier Cheboygan State Bank, res 220 Bailey S, Tel 150.
- Brown George R, steward, res 424 Dresser.
- Brown James N, general store 100 Main S, res same.
- Brown John, bottler P X Molony, Lincoln av, Pattersonville.
- Brown Michael W, grocer, 122-124 Main S, res same.
- Brown Mitchell S, clk J N Brown, res 100 Main S.
- Brown Will A, court reptr, Court House, res 215 Bailey South.
- Brown Wm, mach H A Blake & Son.
- Brozek Samuel, lab, res 239 C North.
- Bruder Gustav, lab, res 265 Mackinaw av.
- Bruder Helen, sorter, bds 265 Mackinaw av.
- Bruder Wilhelmina (wid Charles), bds 265 Mackinaw av.
- Bruen Mrs Catherine, propr Globe House, res same.
- Bruen John, res 331 Huron N.
- Brussick Andrew, lab, M D Olds.
- Brussick Stanley, bolter M D Olds.
- Brusso Louis, lab M D Olds, res 412 George.
- Bryan John W (Clune & Bryan), res Alpena, Mich.
- Buchanan Charles H, lab, res 1344 Court.
- Buchanan E Maude, bds 1344 Court.
- Buchanan N Julia, bds 1344 Court.
- Buchanan Rutherford B, lab, bds 1344 Court.
- Buchanan Viola L, bds 1344 Court.
- BUERGER VINCENT, Practical Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing, Wagon and Sleigh Work, ft of
Elm W, res 359 Young.
- Bugniske Peter, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co., res 805 Western av S.
- Bunker Charles, foreman Cheboygan T & W Co, res 1020 Main S.
- Bunker Jesse, tug capt, bds Charles Hotel.
- Bunker Ralph, lab, bds 1020 Main S.
- Bunker Roy, lab, bds 1020 Main S.
- Bunton Charles D, res 115 C North.
- Burdo Nelson J, second hand goods 408 Mackinaw av, res 501 same.
- Burkland Fred, lab M D Olds, res 113 Sutherland av.
- Burkland Thyrza, student, bds 113 Sutherland av.
- Burley Chester F, lab L Lyons, bds 1313 Court.
- Burley George A, lab L Lyons, bds 1313 Court.
- Burley Hazel A, bds 1313 Court.
- Burley M Frances (wid John), res 1313 Coutr.
- Burnett Mame E, clk N Y Racket Store, bds 423 Elm.
- Burnett Robert, asst filer M D Olds, res 115 D South.
- Burns R Arthur, lab M D Olds, bds 409 D North.
- Burns Sherry S, sailor, res 409 D North.
- Burrell Charles W, lab, bds Thomas W Burrell.
- Burrell Delbert W, lumber scaler, bds Thomas W Burrell.
- Burrell Ethel M, student, bds Thomas W Burrell.
- Burrell Thomas W, lumberman, res w s Molony 2d s of Abbott.
- Burrows Arnold C, meat ctr, bds 204 B South.
- Burrows Robert J, meat ctr City Meat Market, res 406 Ball.
- Bursaw Joseph H, lab, res r 201 F South.
- Burso Alexander, lab, bds 433 James.
- Burso Peter, bridgetndr, res 433 James.
- Burton David, clk, bds 964 1st W.
- Burton Nancy A (wid Thompson), res 503 4th E.
- Buschey Joseph, woodsman, res 99 Gerow.
- Butterfield Alva, vessel capt, res 423 State W.
- Butterfield Odah, bds 423 State W.
- Butterfield Samuel A, wheelman, bds 423 State W.
- Cable Piano Co, Fred Schmidt agt, 109 Main N.
- Cadieua Agnes, student, bds 621 3d E.
- Cadieua Joseph H, cleaner 420 Main N, res 621 3d E.
- Cadieux Fred, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 125 C South.
- Cadieux Joseph, lab Embury-Martin .Lumber Co, bds Wm E Cadieux.
- Cadieux Mabel, clk, bds 335 Todd.
- Cadieux Ozell, lab, res 335 Todd.
- Cadieux Wm, carp, res 229 Pinehill av.
- Cadieux Wm Jr, lab, bds 229 Pinehill av.
- Cadieux Wm E, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res Lake W w of lumber mill.
- Cain Jetta, student, bds 218 Bailey N.
- Cain Martin, dentist 219 Main N, rms 218 Bailey N.
- Cameron Angus J, engr, bds 623 Lincoln av W.
- Cameron Anna E, clk The Glover Co, bds 623 Lincoln av West.
- Cameron Donald H, trav agt, bds 623 Lincoln av W.
- Cameron Jennie C, smstrs, bds 623 Lincoln av W.
- Cameron Maria J (wid Allan), res 623 Lincoln av W.
- Cameron Rose A, genl delivery clk P O, bds 623 Lincoln av W.
- Campbell Alexander, propr New Campbell House, res same.
- Campbell Archibald K, milk, res 332 Bailey N.
- Campbell Edith P, agt The Gately Co, bds 123 Main.
- Campbell Edna P, bds 333 Bailey N.
- Campbell Ethelstan B, lab M D Olds, bds 536 James.
- Campbell Frederick, lab, bds 425 Huron N.
- Campbell James, lab, bds 236 Duncan av.
- Campbell James M, millwright, res 536 James.
- Campbell Mary, bds 425 Huron N.
- Campbell Ranald, lab, res 425 Huron N.
- Campbell Samuel Jr, asst filer M D Olds, res 423 Elm.
- Campbell Samuel B, filer M D Olds, bds 119 Bailey N.
- Campbell Sidney O, sawyer M D Olds, res 236 Duncan.
- Campbell Violet J, bds 333 Bailey N.
- Capstraw Akin, res 211 C South.
- Capstraw Ernest, lab, bds 215 E North.
- Capstraw John, lab, bds 215 E North.
- Capstraw Joseph, lab, res 215 E North.
- Carey Mrs Anna, res 209 F South.
- Carlberg Frank A, lab, res 521 Duncan av.
- Carlson Ada, bds 245 Gerow.
- Carlson Albert, lab M D Olds, res 245 Gerow.
- Carlson Andrew, lab, res 511 Duncan av.
- Carlson Anna, bds 197 Bancroft.
- Carlson Anna, dom 542 Huron S.
- Carlson Arved, carp, res 220 Duncan av.
- Carlson Axel, lab M D Olds, res 623 1st E.
- Carlson Charles, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Carlson Esther, bds 623 1st E.
- Carlson George, sawyer M D Olds, bds 245 Gerow.
- Carlson Harvey, yd man Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 179 Bancroft.
- Carlson Jennie, bds 197 Bancroft.
- Carlson Judith, bds 245 Gerow.
- Carlson Peter, lab, res 197 Bancroft.
- Carmody Michael, propr Saratoga Cafe, res 318 Huron North.
- Carney James H, lab, res 505 Mackinaw av.
- Carney James H Jr, lab, bds 505 Mackinaw av.
- Carney Margaret, bds 505 Mackinaw av.
- Carow Charles C, lab, bds 345 (19) Bellant.
- Carow Rachel C, stenogr C L Marquette, bds 345 (19) Bellant.
- Carow Samuel A, tug capt Cheboygan T & W Co, res 345 (19) Bellant.
- Carr Frederick, student, bds Joseph Carr.
- Carr Herbert, lab, bds Joseph Carr.
- Carr Joseph, lab, res n s State w 2 of Watson av.
- Carr Samuel J, lab, bds Joseph Carr.
- Carrier Frederick, lab, bds Henry C Carrier.
- Carrier Henry C, lab, res w s Western av S, 1 s of Lincoln av W.
- Carrier Henry N, lab, res 816 1st W.
- Carrier Jennie, bds Henry C Carrier.
- Carrier Minnie, bds Henry C Carrier.
- Carrier Peter, lab, bds Henry C Carrier.
- Carrier Rose, bds 816 1st W.
- Carrier Wm, emp Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, bds Henry C Carrier.
- Carroll Thomas P, steward Elks Temple, res 410 State East.
- Carter Alfred E, carp M D Olds, res 1246 Mackinaw av.
- Carter Allen, lab, bds 408 Mackinaw av.
- CASE GEORGE N, City Clerk, City Hall, res 419 Taylor.
- Caswell George, rigger, bds 420 1st W.
- Caswell Joseph, paperhanger, res 420 1st W.
- Caswell Marietta, student, bds 420 1st W.
- Cayford Charles, life saver, res 542 Bailey N.
- Central Boarding House, Airs Phoebe E Fullerton propr, 123 Main S.
- Central School, Allan D Grigsby principal, s e cor Bailey S and Pine.
- Chambers Wm H, condr D & M R R, res 503 Bailey N.
- Champagne Regius, lab, res 319 Duncan av.
- Champaigne Frank, clk G D Champaigne, bds 111 B North.
- Champaigne George J, mach, res 324 Bellant.
- Champaigne Gustaf D, grocer 111 B North, res same.
- Champaigne LeRoy, lab, bds 324 Bellant.
- Champlin Albert D, barber A T McClintic, res 208 State West.
- Chapin Wayland B, fisherman, res 301 Bailey N.
- Chapman Wm E, patternmkr H A Blake, res 611 Cleveland av.
- CHAPMAN W EARLE, Physician and Surgeon, Office Hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m, First Natl Bank Bldg, Tel North 74; res 337 Sammons, Tel South 74.
- Charbonneau John B, millwright Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res e s Mackinaw av 1/2 mile n of Western.
- Charbonneau Louise, dom 220 Bailey S.
- Charles Hotel, Charles J Schaefer propr, 200 State W.
- Chase Martin J, engineer, res 310 State W.
- Chase Sadie, bds 310 State W.
- Cheboygan Band, 111 Main N.
- CHEBOYGAN BOILER WORKS, James McGregor Propr, Boiler Makers, Marine Boilers, Smoke Stacks, n e cor 1st W and Huron N. Tel 40. (See page 4.)
- CHEBOYGAN BOTTLING WORKS, P X Moloney Propr, Bottlers of Carbonated Waters, Ammonia and Blueing, Imperial Ginger Ale a Specialty, 242 Main S, Tel 331.
- CHEBOYGAN BREWING & MALTING CO, D W Thoma Pres and Treas, A R Riebeth Sec, Brewers and Bottlers, 406 Main S, Tel 20. (See right top lines.)
- CHEBOYGAN CARRIAGE SHOP, Joseph A St Jean Propr, 109 Main S.
- CHEBOYGAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, J H Clune Pres, V D Sprague Vice-Pres, J C Rittenhouse Sec, A W Ramsay Treas, Secy's Office First Natl Bank Bldg, Tel Main 92.
- CHEBOYGAN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO, Harry J Cox Mngr, Complete Abstracts and Tax Histories of All Lands in Cheboygan County, Real Estate and Insurance, 318 Main N, Tel 2. (See right bottom lines.)
- CHEBOYGAN COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, James F Molony Pres, W L Martin 1st Vice-Pres, John H Clune 2d Vice-Pres, Percy T Dudley Cashier, Frost-Kesseler Block, s w cor Main and Division, Tel Main 220. (See left top lines.)
- CHEBOYGAN DEMOCRAT (Weekly), Edward Forsyth Editor and Propr, 310 Division, Tel Main 12. (See page 4.)
- Cheboygan Driving Park, n s Lincoln av W nr city limits
- CHEBOYGAN DRUG CO, S P Marks Pres, C B Marks, Sec and Treas, Drugs, Toilet Articles, Druggists' Sundries, etc, 221 Main N, Tel Main 14. (See left top lines.)
- CHEBOYGAN ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO, John R MacArthur Pres, Frank B Spencer Sec, Herbert E Reagan Treas, 303 Main S, Tel Main 24. (See backbone and right and left top lines.)
- CHEBOYGAN FLOUR MILL CO, Herbert E Reagan Pres, Franklin S Ritter Vice-Pres, Clark J MacArthur Sec and Treas, 443 Huron S, Tel Main 145. (See back cover and right top lines.)
- CHEBOYGAN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, H A Blake & Son Proprs, Steamboat and Tug Work, Steam Pipe and Steam Fittings, Brass and Iron Castings, cor 1st and Water, Tel 3. (See left top lines.)
- CHEBOYGAN GAS LIGHT CO, John R MacArthur Pres, Herbert E Reagan Treas, Frank B Spencer Sec, 303 Main S, Tel Main 24. (See backbone and right and left top lines.)
- CHEBOYGAN MNFG CO, (Thomas A Martin, George Annand), Sash Doors and Blinds and Builders' Materials, 829 Huron N.
- Cheboygan Military Orchestra, James P Doyle leader, 201 State E.
- CHEBOYGAN NEWS THE (Weekly), C L Smyth & Co Proprs, 209 Main N, Tel Main 158.
- CHEBOYGAN NOVELTY TURNING WORKS, (G A Hugill) 209-235 Main S, Tel Main 213.
- CHEBOYGAN PAPER CO, H A Frambach Pres, A F McArthur Vice-Pres, B C Jolly Sec and Treas, Main S ft of Seymour, Tel 33. (See inside back cover.)
- CHEBOYGAN PEA CANNING CO, George E Frost Pres, A W Ramsay Sec and Treas. Joseph E Cueny Mngr, Office 228 Main N, Factory w s Cuyler 3 s of Court.
- CHEBOYGAN PUBLIC LIBRARY, Mrs Mary M Benedict Librarian, Mabel E Roberts Asst Librarian, New Gerow Blk, 307 Main N.
- CHEBOYGAN REALTY CO, Vet S Moloney Mngr, Real Estate, Cut over Timber Lands, Farming Lands, Resort Property and General Insurance, 231 Main N, Tel 181. (See left top lines and page 2).
- CHEBOYGAN STATE BANK, Frank Shepherd Pres, Wm P DeKlyne 1st Vice-Pres, Dudley E Waters 2d Vice-Pres, George G Brown Cashier, George D Nimmo Asst Cashier, 316 Main N. (See front cover.)
- CHEBOYGAN TELEPHONE CO, W H Blake Pres and Mngr, M M Benedict Sec, A W Ramsay Treas, Paquette Blk, Tel 301. (See right top lines.)
- Cheboygan Towing and Wrecking Co, C L Marquette mngr, 319 Main N.
- CHEBOYGAN TRIBUNE (Weekly), Charles S Ramsay Propr and Editor, 216 Main N, Tel Main 13. (See page 5.)
- Chevalier Charles, lab, res 531 Antoine.
- Chevalier Henry, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Chevalier Joseph, janitor First Natl Bank, res 439 Garleld av.
- Chimner Frederick J, bookkpr Peter Chimner, bds 135 Benton.
- Chimner Loretta, bds 103 Huron N.
- Chimner Peter, agrl implts 201-203 Main S, res 135 Benton.
- Church Fannie C, bookkpr Cheboygan Flour Mill Co, bds 602 Mackinaw av.
- Church Hugh E, grocer, 602 Mackinaw av, res same.
- Ciorzynski Joseph, lab, bds 306 D North.
- Cipris Valentine, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 225 C North.
- CITY DRUG STORE, Sangster & Riggs Proprs, 232 Main N, Tel 68. (See left bottom lines.)
- City Hall, n w cor Backus and Huron N.
- CITY MEAT MARKET, Thomas H Stevenson Propr, 407 Main N, Tel Main 80. (See left bottom lines.)
- City Opera House, Miles Riggs mngr, City Hall bldg.
- City Sand and Gravel Co, Lottie Sammons mngr, s s Pinehill av 6 w of Loomis.
- City Water Works, Alex McKay chief engr, n w cor Lake and Huron.
- Clark David, lab, res 625 1st W.
- Clark Elizabeth E, milliner, bds 625 1st W.
- Clark Ethel, student, bds 625 1st W .
- Clark Florence, student, bds 625 lst W.
- Clark George C, carp M D Olds, res 218 B South.
- Clark Gertrude, tchr, bds 625 1st W.
- Clark James E, hoopmkr, res 518 1st W.
- Clark Lawrence W, asst bkkpr, res 946 1st W.
- Clark Mary C, housekpr 218 B South.
- Clark Maude, tchr, bds 625 1st W.
- Clark May, tchr Gerow School, bds 625 1st W.
- Clark Spencer, engr, res 108 State E.
- Clark Willis, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 911 Main S.
- Clark Wm J, engr, bds 625 1st W.
- Clearmeau Martin, longshoreman, res 416 James.
- Cleary C Olive, bds 302 Bellant.
- Cleary Ellen W, stenogr, bds 302 Bellant.
- Cleary James B, lab, bds 302 Bellant.
- Cleary J Edward, appr J Nail, bds 302 Bellant.
- Cleary Margaret M, dressmkr, 302 Bellant, bds same.
- Cleftaski Anthony, lab, res s s Lalonde 1 w of Western.
- Clement Jasper, bds 234 C South.
- Clement Joseph, mach hd, res 234 C South.
- Cline Elias W, engr Cheboygan Paper Co, res 118 Harrison av.
- Cline George W, clk E F Newell, bds 118 Harrison av.
- Cline Laura M, bds 118 Harrison av.
- Cline Zina, mach hd, bds 118 Harrison av.
- Clover Olive, bds 419 Taylor.
- Cluin Alice (wid John) housekpr 505 Lincoln av.
- Cluley John B, tchr manual training public schools, bds 504 Pine.
- Clune Alice, tchr, bds 629 Main N.
- Clune Fay, student, bds 629 Main N.
- Clune Fay J, lab, bds 400 State E.
- Clune Harry J, clk J Clune, bds 629 Main N.
- Clune James P (Clune and Bryan), res 400 State E.
- CLUNE JOHN H, 2d Vice-Pres Cheboygan County Savings Bank, Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Pianos Organs and Sewing Machines, 612 Main N, Tel 227, res 629 same, Tel 159.
- Clune Mack J, student, bds 400 State E.
- Clune Thomas P, clk J H Clune, bds 629 Main N.
- CLUNE & BRYAN (James P Clune, John W Bryan), Props The Delmonto, 425 Main N.
- CLUTE CHARLES G, Sheriff 404 Huron S, res same.
- Coan Catherine (wid Patrick) res Bell nr Mackinaw av.
- Coan Edward, lab, bds Bell nr Mackinaw av.
- Coan Grace E, clk Leo Edelstein, bds Catherine Coan.
- Coan James, boilermkr, bds Catherine Coan.
- Coan John, lab, bds Catherine Coan.
- Coan Robert J, printer Cheboygan Democrat, bds Catherine Coan.
- Coan Wm, lab, bds Catherine Coan.
- Cogsdill Ray W, bkkpr M D Olds, bds 322 Dresser.
- Colahn Stewart, lab, res s s Division 1 w M C R R.
- Colbath George E, fisherman, res 995 Mackinaw av.
- Cole Bert, lab, res 114 Pine e.
- Cole Bert S, clk N Y Racket Store, bds Spencer House.
- Cole Gertrude, bds 294 Mackinaw av.
- Cole Louis, sailor, res 514 Mackinaw av.
- Cole Mary (wid Joseph), bds 514 Mackinaw av.
- Cole Mary, dressmkr 114 Pine E, res same.
- Collins Bridget (wid Thomas), bds 211 C South.
- Collins Catherine, head waiter New Cheboygan Hotel.
- Collins Patrick, bridge tndr, res 700 Dresser.
- Collins Zetta, waiter New Cheboygan Hotel.
- Collison Alexander, lab, bds Wm Collison.
- Collison John S, printer, bds Wm Collison.
- Collison Wm, res w s Harris 3 s of State W.
- COLUMBIAN HOTEL, Rates $1.00 per day. Special Rate by Week, First-class Rooms and Board, Satisfaction guaranteed. Wm Ayotte Propr, 331-333 Water.
- Columbus Edward, lab, bds Charles Hotel.
- Comartin Adolph, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Comartin Frank, watchman M D Olds, bds 700 3d E.
- Comartin Sophia (wid Abraham), res 700 3d E.
- Combs Marvin, engr Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 1608 Main S.
- Comps Charles F, shingle weaver, res s w cor Abbott and Lafayette.
- Comps Martha, tailoress P J Bilitzke, bds Charles F Comps.
- CONBOY WM H, Dentist, Office Hours 8 to 12 a m, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m. Frost-Kesseler Blk. Tel
North 77, res 120 Huron S. Tel Main 142.
- Connelly Charles, lab, bds 716 Western av S.
- Connelly Frank, lab, bds 716 Western av S.
- Connelly James, lab, bds 716 Western av S.
- Connelly Marian, smstrs, bds 716 Western av S.
- Connelly Sarah (wid John), res 716 Western av S.
- Connor Wm, res 1125 1st W.
- Connors Joseph, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Conway Francis, saloon, 326 Main N, res 111 B South.
- Cook Alice, milliner, bds 245 North.
- Cook Carl, student, bds 201 Western av N.
- Cook Charles F, shoemkr 118 Main N, res 201 Western av N.
- Cook Charles H, farmer, res 109 Lafayette av.
- Cook Edna M, bds 109 Lafayette av.
- Cook Elmer E, tug capt, res 754 Huron S.
- Cook Emma, bds 201 Western av N.
- Cook Ethel R, clk N Y Racket Store, bds 109 Lafayette.
- Cook Mary J (wid James), bds 245 North.
- Cook Minnie, tchr, bds 201 Western av N.
- Coole Emil, lab Pfeister & Vogel Leather Co, res 28 Tannery set.
- Coole Peter, lab Pfeister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 28 Tannery set.
- Cooley Ida V, prin Gerow and Galbraith Schools, bds 728 Mackinaw av.
- Cooley Louise, dom, 456 Huron S.
- Cooley Mabel, bds 420 Cuyler.
- Cooley Rose, bds 420 Cuyler.
- Coomer Joseph M, lab, res r 611 Duncan av.
- Coomer Joseph O, lab, bds r 611 Duncan av.
- Cooper Robert F, whol fish 610 Water, res 234 Backus.
- Corcoran Owen E, janitor St Mary's Church, res 532 Duncan.
- CORKEY JOSEPH M, Gen'l Contractor, Cement and Brick, 128 Center av, res same. Tel 53 N.
- Corlett Alice C, tchr Central School, bds 300 Littlefield,
- Corlett Charles E, master U S lightship, res 1228 Mackinaw av.
- Corlett Daniel, clk, bds 300 Littlefield.
- Corlett Jessie, tchr Eastern Av School, bds 300 Littlefield.
- Corlett Julia, student, bds 300 Littlefield.
- Corlett Maynard S, master U S lightship, res 300 Littlefield.
- Corlett Minnie, bds 300 Littlefield.
- Cornell Pliny F, fireman, res 1119 Fremont.
- Cornwall Mary E (wid Joshua S), res 214 Brown.
- Coro Wm, res n s David, 2 e of Fulton.
- Corrow Andrew, driver Cheboygan Mnfg Co, res 310 State W.
- Corrow Anthony, mach opr Arcade Theater, bds 310 State W.
- Corrow Edward, lab, bds 625 3d E.
- Corrow Gertrude, ironer Richards & Spaulding, bds 108 State W.
- Corrow Paul, packer Booth Fishery Co, bds 108 State W.
- Corrow Reuben, lab, res 205 E North.
- Corrow Wm, lab, bds 109 State W.
- Corrow Wm J, lab, bds 205 E North.
- Cota Gertrude M, bds 13 Sutherland.
- Cota Joseph A, tmstr, res 521 Lincoln av E.
- Cota Peter J, tie mkr, res 43 Sutherland.
- Cotey Joseph, carp, res s s Mill, 1 w of Main S.
- Cotey Joseph M, lab, bds Joseph Cotey.
- Coulter Samuel, day asst City Water Works, bds New Campbell House.
- Coulter Thomas, engr, bds New Campbell House.
- COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, Joel L. Barrett, County Clerk, Court House.
- COUNTY JAIL, Charles G Clute, Sheriff and Prison Keeper, 404 Huron S.
- COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, Chris A Dickinson, County Treasurer, Court House.
- Courlette Arthur, fisherman, bds 1228 Mackinaw av.
- Courlette John, fisherman, bds 1228 Mackinaw av.
- Courlette Lawrence, fisherman, bds 1228 Mackinaw av.
- Courlette Ward, bds 1228 Mackinaw av.
- COURT HOUSE, n w cor Main and Court.
- Courtney Matthew, longshoreman, res 303 Todd.
- Courval Frank, lab, res 304 Duncan av.
- Courval Frank, longshoreman, res 216 Duncan av.
- Courval Rose, bds 304 Duncan av.
- Cousino Homer J, student, bds 312 George.
- Cousino Jacob, res 312 George.
- Coutue Mary, bds 1211 Mackinaw av.
- Coutue Rose, dom, 314 Water.
- Cox Ellen (wid John), bds 306 Pine.
- Cox Grover, student, bds 306 Pine.
- COX HARRY J, mngr Cheboygan County Abstract Co, bds 629 Main N.
- Cox Wm M, barber Everett Haley, res 306 Pine.
- Craig Anna B, bds 507 Locust.
- Craig John R, baker, res 507 Locust.
- Craig Stephen, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Crandall Avery B, photogr, 123 Main N, res 231 Dresser.
- Crane Annie (wid John), res 609 Antoine.
- Crawford Catherine (wid Wm H), res 224 North.
- Crawford Frank, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Crawford Georgia A, tchr Gerow School, bds 224 North.
- Cressey Charles, engr, bds Globe House.
- Cron Oliver, foreman, res 1019 Mackinaw av.
- Cronk Archie E, lab, bds 217 Center.
- Cronk Asa B, drayman, 217 Center, res same.
- Cronk Asa B Jr. lab, res n s Byron, 1 w of Palmyra.
- Cronk Roy D, clk M W Brown, bds 217 Center.
- Cronan Thomas, lab, bds 844 Main S.
- Cross Lucille E, tailoress P J Bilitzke, bds 319 D North.
- Cross Wm J, housemover 219 Pinehill av, res same.
- Cross Wm J (Cross & Cross), res 634 Huron S.
- Cross Wm N (Cross & Cross), res 366 Young.
- CROSS & CROSS (Wm N and Wm J), Lawyers, Real Estate and Loans, Gerow Blk, 319 Main N, Tel Main 281.
- Croteau Arthur, bartndr, res 855 Main S.
- Crowl Ralph, lab M D Olds, res 312 South av.
- CROWLEY DAVID H, Lawyer and Prosecuting Attorney Frost-Kesseler Blk, Tel Main 124, res 415 Bailey N, Tel Main 322.
- Crowley Mrs Nina C, deputy county clk Court House, res 415 Bailey N.
- Crown Pharmacy, Otto H Gebhardt Propr, 229 Main N.
- Crumley Mary A (wid Thomas J), res s e cor Lincoln ave E and Garfield av.
- Crumley Mary A, bds Mrs M A Crumley.
- Crump Carrie M, bkkpr Pfiester & Vogel Leather Co, bds 1119 Main S.
- CUENY BENJAMIN A, Drugs, Toilet Articles, etc, 403 Main N, Tel 178, res e s Bailey N, 4 n of Division. (See right bottom lines.)
- Cueny John H (J E Cneny & Bro), bds 300 Main N.
- Cueny Joseph E, mngr Cheboygan Pea Canning Co, rms 228 Main N.
- CUENY JOSEPHINE (wid Joseph J), Grocer and Baker, 300-302 Main N, res same.
- CUENY J E & BRO (Joseph E and John H) General Hardware, Plumbing and Heating, 413 Main N, Tel
- Cueny Louisa E, bds 300 Main N.
- Cueny Wm F, mngr Mrs Josephine Cueny, res 420 Dresser.
- Culhane Wm E, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 294 Mackinaw av.
- Culman Frank, baker, F H Eilers.
- Cummings Lydia, bds 411 4th E.
- Cummings Mrs Rachel (wid Wm), res 416 Pine.
- Cummings Wm J, freight and pass agt D & M R R, res 903 Mackinaw av.
- Cumpain Jeanie, lab, bds 420 James.
- Cumpain Lina, lab, res 420 James.
- Cumpain Louis, carp, res 420 James.
- Curran John, lab Ffister & Vogel Leather Co, res Lincoln av W.
- Curran Margaret, dom 224 Huron S.
- Currie Arthur A, agt American Exp Co, res 215 Backus.
- Curtin David, lumber scaler, res 455 State W.
- Curtin David J, harnessmkr, bds 455 State W.
- Curtin Eugene, bds 455 State W.
- Curtin Margaret, dressmkr 455 State W, bds same.
- Curtin Michael J, cigarmkr, bds 455 State W.
- Curtin Wm J, cigar mnfr, bds 455 State W.
- Czarnecki Felix, lab, bds 328 C North.
- Czarnecki Michael, lab, res 328 C North.
- D & C NAVIGATION CO, McArthur Dock Agts, ft of Main. (See right top lines.)
- Daley Isaac, res 507 Washington.
- Daley Thomas, lab Cheboygan Mnfg Co, bds 625 3d E.
- Dalgarno Irwin, driver Henry Barber, bds 315 Dresser.
- Dalgarno Mrs Jacobina, bds 315 Dresser.
- Dalton John E, engr, res 107 B South.
- DALY EDWARD (Daly & McCallum), res 402 Cuyler.
- DALY MRS ELLA F (Daly & McCallum), res 402 Cuyler.
- DALY & McCALLUM (Edward Daly, Mrs. E. F. Daly), Agricultural Implements, Carriages, Wagons, Harness, Seeds and Tools, Gas and Gasoline Engines, 308-310 State, Tel Main 276. (See left bottom lines.)
- Danforth Clark, plumber Henry Peets, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Danzey Charles J, lab, bds 1237 Howard.
- Darenfield Eadlor, lab, res 614 Palmyra S.
- Dargan Wm J, driver Am Exp Co, rms 329 Main N.
- Daugherty George H, cook, res 209 B South.
- Davenport Millie, dom Spencer House.
- Davidson James, farmer, res Tannery set.
- Davidson John, res 417 Dresser.
- Davies George O, boilermkr Cheboygan Boiler Wks, res w s Ball, 1 n of State.
- Davies Otto L, boilermkr Cheboygan Boiler Wks, res 416 Ball N.
- Davis Ned, lab, res 105 State E.
- Davis Samuel, res 314 Young.
- Davis Wm A, seed agt, bds 314 Young.
- Davison Parker, roller Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 38 Tannery set.
- Dawson Arthur I, lab, res 211 Clinton.
- Dawson Edward G, lab, bds 222 E N.
- Dawson Robert, lab, bds Henry Woodworth.
- Dean Joseph, lab, res e s Garfield, 6 s of Abbott.
- Debuschet Emil, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 33 Tannery set.
- Debuschet Levi, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 26 Tannery set.
- De Frain, see also Du Fresne.
- De Frain Albert, lab, bds 735 Spooner.
- De Frain Alfred E, appr, bds 735 Spooner.
- De Frain Blanche V, student, bds 1020 Hancock.
- De Frain Clyde C, lab, bds 1020 Hancock.
- De Frain David, lab, bds 617 1st E.
- De Frain Eli, tmstr, res 617 1st E.
- De Frain George B, lab, res 1020 Hancock.
- De Frain John L, sailor, res 728 Spooner.
- De Frain Mrs Louise, bds 224 Brown.
- De Frain Mary, bds 617 1st E.
- De Frain Sidney, lab, res 735 Spooner.
- De Frain Wilfred, wireman Cheboygan Electric Light &
Power Co, res s s Lincoln av, 3 w of Spooner.
- De Frain Wm, lab, bds 735 Spooner.
- De Gowin Adelaide (wid Isaiah E), res 314 Main S.
- De Gowin Bros (Isaac E), Joseph Louisignau mngr, hardware, 101 State W.
- De Gowin Charles H, bds 314 Main S.
- De Gowin Frank L, grocer, 103 State W, res 110 Huron S.
- De Gowin Isaac E (De Gowin Bros), res 868 Main S.
- De Gowin Moses, grocer and under sheriff, 204 State W, res 213 Backus.
- Deibo Michel T, lab, res 84 Eastern av N.
- Deibo Peter, res e s Cedar 1 s of James.
- DE KLYNE WM P, Vice-Pres Cheboygan State Bank, Lumber Inspector, 431 Main N, res 319 Young.
Tel 8.
- De Klyne Wm P Jr. student, bds 319 Young.
- Delikat George J, mach Pfister & Vogel Lumber Co, res 41 Tannery set.
- DELMONTO THE, Clune & Bryan Proprs, Saloon and Billiards, 425 Main N.
- Deloy Edward, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Black River rd.
- Deloy Wm E, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co.
- De Marr Angeline (wid Henry), bds 28 Antoine.
- Demera Archibald, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Town Line.
- Demmia Wm, porter, Spencer House.
- Denewett enry, lab, res 7 Tannery set.
- Denison Ida, dressmkr 700 Duncan av, bds same.
- Denison Mary, tchr Eastern Av School, res 700 Duncan.
- Dentton Edward, lab, bds 1225 Howard.
- Dentton George S, lab, bds 471 Western av.
- Dentton Ida A, bds 471 Western av.
- Dentton John, gardener 1225 Howard, res same.
- Dentton Wm J, lab, res 471 Western av.
- Denver Clark, plumber, rms 324 Main N.
- De Puy Ellen B (wid Wm F), res 508 Cuyler.
- De Puy Harry R, cashier Cheboygan Electric Light & Power C, res 523 Main S.
- De Puy Ora B, bds 508 Cuyler.
- Derhammer Willard H, bartndr Saratoga Cafe, res 311 Water.
- De Roshia Agnes M, dom, 434 State W.
- Derosia Alex (Derosia Bros), bds 206 1st W.
- Derosia Bros (Wm and Alex Derosia), wholesale fish, Cheboygan River, bet State E and 6th S.
- Deroshia Fred, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Derosia Wm (Derosia Bros), res 206 1st W.
- Derry Anna (wid W James), housekpr 638 Duncan av.
- Derry Cora E, bds 117 C North.
- Derry Edward A, boiler mkr, res 117 C North.
- Derry Herbert S, cook, bds 117 C North.
- Detroit & Mackinac R R Depot, W J Cummings agt, cor State and D & M R R tracks.
- Dettman Archie, res e s Leslie, 1 n of Lalonde.
- Dettman George, lab, res n w cor Duncan and Eastern.
- Deurwoarder Julius, roller Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 28 Tannery set.
- DICKINSON CHRIS A, County Treasurer, Court house, res 1030 Randolph.
- Dickman Albert, student, bds 354 Sammons.
- Dickson Mabel L, student, bds 119 Duncan av.
- Diekman Henry C, mngr Mrs Ida Diekman, bds 354 Sammons.
- Diekman Ida (wid John), ice dealer 354 Sammons, res same.
- Diekman Lena, teacher, bds 354 Sammons.
- Diekman Marian, teacher, bds 354 Sammons.
- Diekman Wm J, lab, res 1131 Randolph.
- Diner Louis, lab, Cheboygan Mnfg Co., res r 316 State E.
- Dineen Arthur M, bds Michael Dineen.
- Dinneen David, bds Michael Dineen.
- Dinneen Mary A, dressmkr Elsie Rand, bds Michael Dinneen.
- Dinneen Michael, lab, res 805 Lafayette.
- Dinneen Thomas, lab, bds Michael Dinneen.
- Dinneen Wm, cigar mkr, bds Michael Dinneen.
- Dissette Henry, bds New Campbell House.
- Dissette Mary, bds Ernest Bigger.
- Dissette Richard, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds New Campbell House.
- Divine Mary W, tchr, Mackinaw Av School, bds 732 Mackinaw av.
- Dixon George, molder H A Blake & Son, res 400 D N.
- Dodd Block, n w cor Main and State W.
- Dobson John, fisherman Robert Cooper, res 513 Mackinaw av.
- Dodd Gardner C (G C Dodd & Co), res 315 Littlefield.
- Dodd G C & Co (Gardner C Dodd), real estate, n e cor State W and Huron N.
- Dodd Marion, bds 311 Mackinaw av.
- Dodd Mary (wid Samuel), res 311 Mackinaw av.
- Dodge Mary E, tchr Central School, bds 215 Ball S.
- Doe Joseph W, bartndr Wm Galusha, res 512 Lincoln av W.
- Doe Mrs Joseph, janitor Lincoln Av School, res 512 Lincoln av W.
- Doherty Charles J, sailor, bds 527 Lafayette av.
- Doherty Dwight, lab, bds John C Doherty.
- Doherty Jeanette M (wid George W), res 124 B South.
- Doherty John C, fireman M D Olds, res N S Hamden, nr Lafayette av.
- Doner Edward, lab M D Olds, res 140 Center av.
- Doner Louis, lab, bds 140 Center av.
- Doner Oscar, res 140 Center.
- Doner Wilfred, lab, bds 140 Center av.
- Donnelly John M Jr, student, rms 430 Main N.
- DONNELLY JOSEPH M, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 430 Main N, res same.
- Donnelly Josephena, student, bds 430 Main N.
- Doranso John, sawyer, res e s Western av, 1 n of Mackinaw av.
- Doranso John Jr, lab, bds John Doranso.
- Dore Cephas, blacksmith and wagonmkr, 312 Division, res 812 Division.
- Dorrigan Arthur, fireman, bds 703 1st W.
- Dorrigan Dick, washer F R Ming, bds 703 1st W.
- Dorrigan Harry, fireman, bds 703 1st W.
- Dorrigan Henry, longshoreman, res 703 1st W.
- Dorrigan Mary, bds 703 1st W.
- Dorrigan Wm, driver, bds 703 1st W.
- Douglass Eleanor (wid George), res 447 Western av.
- Douglas Eleanor, bds 447 Western av.
- Douglass Albert, lab, res 59 Tannery set.
- Douglass Wm E, fireman, res Main S.
- Downing John, carp, res 770 Moloney.
- Downing Wesley, lab, bds 770 Moloney.
- Doyle Amelia, bds 201 State E.
- Doyle Gertrude M, bds 201 State E.
- Doyle Hattie, bds 201 State E.
- Doyle James A, saloon 201 State E, res same.
- Doyle James P, musician, res 201 State E.
- Doyle John, bds e s Dresser, 1 n of 1st W.
- Doyle John, fisherman Robert Cooper, bds 204 B South.
- Doyle Martin E, lab, res n w cor Lincoln av and Cuyler.
- Doyle Thomas, bartndr Francis Conway, res 326 Main N
- Doyle Walter J, lab, res 234 B North.
- Doyle Wm H, bartndr James A Doyle, bds 201 State E.
- Dozer Mrs Ida B, clk N Y Racket Store, res 413 Home.
- Droski Ladislaus, lab, res n s Byron, 1 w of Loomis.
- Dubois Frank, res 219 Bailey N.
- Dubois Frank Jr, bookpr, res 219 Bailey N.
- Dudkiewicz Agnes (wid Michael), res 514 3rd E.
- Dudkiewicz Joseph, lab, bds 514 3rd E.
- DUDLEY PERCY T, Cashier Cheboygan County Savings Bank, res 311 Main S. Tel Main 247.
- Dues David E, mngr The Arcade Theatre, res 618 Mackinaw av.
- Duffey John, U S range light keeper, res 606 Water.
- Duffin S James, sec The Glover Co, bds 221 Backus.
- Duffiena George, mason, bds 121 B North.
- Duffiena Gust, lab, bds 121 B North.
- Duffiena John, lab, bds 121 B North.
- Duffiena M Madeline (wid Francis), res 121 B North.
- Duffiena Mary, bds 121 B North.
- Duffiney Charles E (Steiner & Duffiney), res 455 Duncan av.
- Duffiney Fred, teamster Cheboygan Flour Mill Co, res 527 Duncan av.
- Duffiney Joseph, res 527 Duncan av.
- Duffiney Mrs Salina, bds 238 C N.
- Duffiney Zeffery F, lab, res n s Gerow, 3 e of Sutherland.
- Duffiney Wm G, mach, res 400 George.
- Du Fresne, see also De Frain.
- Du Fresne M Anna, clk E A Lee & Co, bds 232 D South.
- Du Fresne Clara N, bds 232 D South.
- Du Fresne John B, carp contr, 128 E S, res same.
- Du Fresne Louis, carp, res 232 D South.
- Du Fresne Wm A, carp, bds 232 D South.
- Dugay Fred, lab, Cheboygan Bwg & Malting Co.
- Dugay John, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 335 D North.
- Dugay Millie, bds 335 D North.
- Duman Wm, lab Cheboygan Flour Mill Co, bds Hotel Summit.
- Dumaw Floyd, lab, bds 213 F South.
- Dumaw Wm, lab, res 213 F South.
- Dumont David, lab, res 274 Mackinaw av.
- Dunbar Mrs Agnes A, nurse, 324 Main N, res same.
- Duncan School, e s Eastern av N, 2 s of Bancroft.
- Dundon John, lab, res 1406 Court.
- Dunlap John, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Dunn Charles, lab, res 517 Mackinaw av W.
- Dunn Elizabeth (wid John), res e s Garfield av, 2 s of Lincoln av.
- Dunn Vernie, lab, res 728 Spooner.
- Duprey Wm, lab, res 522 Cleveland av.
- Duralski Charles, sawyer M D Olds, res 521 3rd E.
- Durand Edward N, treas The Glover Co, res 227 Dresser.
- Durell Ellen (wid Edward), res 620 Loomis.
- Duthie Frank L, meat ctr G A Barber, res 547 Bailey N.
- Duval Frank, lab, bds Hub Hotel.
- Duval Mrs Hattie, dressmkr, 408 Price, res same.
- Duval Thomas L, painter, res 408 Pine.
- D'Vincent Cornelia, deputy County Treasurer, bds 314 Main S.
- Eaha Edward, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Eastern Av School, Eastern av.
- Eckert Estella B, bds 1201 Mackinaw av.
- EDELSTEIN LEO, Men's and Women's Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes, 423 Main N, Tel 163, bds New Cheboygan.
- Edwards Randolph T, mngr N B Keeney & Son, res 618 Huron S.
- Egan Barney, engr Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 328 Todd.
- Egan Charles, engr, res 301 Cass.
- Egan Herbert, engr, bds 301 Cass.
- Egan Pearl, bds 301 Cass.
- Eggleston Otto, lab, bds Charles W Ives.
- Ehrhart Jessie L, carriage painter, res 214 Cass.
- Ehrig George F, lab, res 820 Palmyra.
- Ehrig Jacob, lab, bds 302 Cleveland av.
- Ehrig Margaret, bds 217 Cleveland av.
- Ehrig Peter, lab, res 302 Cleveland av.
- Ehrig Rose, bds 217 Cleveland av.
- Eilers Anna S, clk F H Eilers, bds 134 D South.
- Eilers Frank H, baker and confectioner 507 Main, res 134 D South.
- Eilers Mary F, student, bds 134 D South.
- Eisenberg Henry, bartndr A & G Kriedeman, bds 206 Main S.
- Elks Temple, 112 Main S.
- Elliot Sophia A, student, bds 202 Bailey S.
- Elliot Walter, foreman, res 520 Duncan av.
- Elliot Wm, lab, Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res s s Gerow, 1 e of Eastern av.
- Elliot Wm D, lumberman, res 202 Bailey S.
- Elliott Bernard W, shingle weaver, res 1 Union.
- Elliott Blain, student, bds 422 State W.
- Elliott Ira W, tmstr Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 49 Tannery set.
- Elliott James N, lab, res 207 B South.
- Elliott John (Leishman & Elliott), res 400 State W.
- Elliott John G, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 508 Cleveland av.
- Elliott Lillian, tchr Tannery School, bds 650 Huron S.
- Ellis Andrew B, agt, res 206 Bailey N.
- Ellis Margaret (wid James), bds 206 Bailey N.
- Ellis W B, supt of poor, court house, res Mullet Lake, Mich.
- Elyea Amanda (wid Hiram), res 300 Todd.
- Elyea Charles E, tmstr, bds 300 Todd.
- Elyea Herbert, barnman Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 300 Todd.
- Elyea Jacob, sailor, res 312 Todd.
- Elyea Wm, barnman Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res e s Western av 1 s of Lalonde.
- Embley Wm, lumber inspr, res 220 Ball N.
- Embury Almeda (wid Samuel), res 1027 Division.
- EMBURY-MARTIN LUMBER CO, W L Martin Pres, Geo E Patterson Vice-Pres, F K Boggs Sec, L N Meyers Treas, Manufacturers and Wholesalers of all kinds of Lumber Products, Short Wood, both Hard and Soft, Mills and Docks on N W Water Front, Tel 81. (See front cover.)
- Embury Wm, lab, bds 1027 Division.
- Engleman John, porter A Gray, rms 526 Antoine.
- Eno Edlor, bartndr Flotel Commercial, bds same.
- Eno Israel, propr Hotel Commercial, res same.
- Eno Matilda (wid Louis), bds 200 C North.
- Eno Onesine, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Eno Peter, boilermkr Cheboygan Boiler Wks, res 200 C South.
- Eno Vina, cook Columbian Hotel.
- Erratt David E, plumber 119 Main S, res 416 Ball N.
- Erratt Irving H, teller First Nalt Bank, res 325 Huron N.
- Erratt Wm, bds 416 Division.
- European Hotel, Mrs Delila P See propr, 601 Main N.
- Eustice James E, engr, bds 608 Mackinaw av.
- Eustice Patrick, engr, res 608 Mackinaw av.
- Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev Adolph Spiegel pastor, s e cor Ball N and State.
- Evans John, woodsman, res r 712 Mackinaw av.
- Evans Margaret A, bds 341 Young.
- Evans Royal G, lumberman, res 341 Young.
- Ewanski George, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 17 Tannery set.
- Ewanski Joseph, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 19 Tannery set.
- Fairchild Curtis E, restaurant and cigars, 503 Main N, res same.
- Fairchild Lloyd, propr Vaudette 5c and Princess Theaters, res 317 State W.
- Fanneuf Chris, confectioner, 230 Main S, res same.
- Fanneuf Ellen, student, bds 230 Main S.
- Farr Mrs Mayme E, mngr W U Tel Co, res 434 State W.
- Farr W T Sherman, tel opr W U Tel Co, res 434 State W.
- Farrell Delanah, bds 313 Huron N.
- FARRELL HARRY D, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Builders' Hardware and Tools, 210 Main N, Tel 5,
res same.
- Farrell Mrs Philana, res 313 Huron N.
- Farrell Schuyler, sec J J Post Hardware Co Ltd, res 614 Main S.
- Featherstone James H, shingle weaver, res 202 Western av S.
- Featherstone Laura M, bds 202 Western av S.
- Featherstone Roche E, shingle weaver, res 700 Duncan.
- Ferguson Myrtle, bds 215 Dresser.
- Ferguson Wm, lab, res 1203 Main S.
- Ferguson Wm, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 45 Tannery set.
- Fexer Andrew L, clk McMullen Printing Co, bds 224 Huron N.
- Fexer A Louis, optician 225 Main N, res 224 Huron N.
- Fexer Ida M (Fexer & Kathan), books, 225 Main N, bds same.
- Fexer Josephine (wid Andrew), res 225 Main N.
- Fexer Otto, tel opr W U Tel Co, bds 224 Huron N.
- Fexer & Kathan (Ida M Fexer, W W Kathan), jewelers, 225 Main N.
- Fiebelkorn August F, bartndr J M Donnelly, rms 103 State W.
- Fineberg Philip, clothing, 418 State W, res 432 same.
- Finn Anthony J, bill poster, 218 Main N, res 240 Duncan.
- Fire Department, George Langdon chief. City Hall.
- Fire Hall, s e cor Court and Huron.
- First Baptist Church, Rev John Pearson, pastor, n e cor Dresser and Division.
- FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Rev James F Fryer, Pastor, s w cor Main and Nelson.
- First Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev Wm M Todd, pastor, s w cor Huron S and Pine.
- FIRST NATIONAL BANK, George R Raynolds Pres, Jacob J Post Vice-Pres, Albert W Ramsay Cashier,
301 Main N, n wr cor Division, Tel Main 26. (See back cover.)
- First National Bank Bldg, n w cor Main and Division.
- Fish Leo, carp, J Bourrie, bds 200 C South.
- Fisher Daniel, bds 120 B South.
- Fisher Emory, policeman, res 116 B North.
- Fisher Frank S, lab, res 207 Huron N.
- Fisher George, lab, bds 116 B North.
- Fisher Harry D, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 60 Tannery set.
- Fisher James, barber, bds 115 B North.
- Fisher John, meat ctr J R Leishman, res 226 E North.
- Fisher Mary, res 317 Water.
- Fisher Melissia (wid Christopher), bds 517 Mackinaw av.
- Fisher Sophia (wid Frank), res 115 B North.
- Fisher Victor, clk Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 51 Tannery set.
- Fitch Fred, lab, res n w cor Sutherland and Harriet.
- Fitzpatrick Gertrude A (wid Hugh), res 224 State E.
- Fitzpatrick Loretta, asst tchr County Normal School, bds 314 Main S.
- Fleischmann Ernst F, baker F. J. Hohler, bds 125 Main N.
- Fleischmann Franz K, baker F J Flohler, bds 125 Main N.
- Fleury Nelson, engr, Cheboygan Bwg & Malting Co, res 468 Grove.
- Fleury Victor, coach cleaner D & M R R.
- Flodell Axel, engr, res 468 Duncan av.
- Flodell Herbert, mach hd, bds 468 Duncan av.
- Folischtie John, lab, res 16 Tannery set.
- Forester Charles, paper mkr, res 840 Main S.
- FORSYTH EDWARD, Editor and Propr Cheboygan Democrat, res 321 Seymour W.
- Foster Henry J, lumberman, res n s Court, 2 w of Foster.
- Fralick Blake B, bookpr Cheboygan Mnfg Co, res 101 State W.
- Fralick Max, cigar mkr John Noll, bds 976 Mackinaw av.
- FRALICK M D, Groceries and Provisions, Hay, Grain and Feed, 317 Main N, res 422 State E.
- Frambach Arthur A, clk, bds 456 Huron S.
- Frambach Edgar E, bds 456 Huron S.
- FRAMBACH HENRY A, Pres Cheyboygan Paper Co, res 456 Huron S, Tel 48.
- FRAMBACH JOHN H, Supt Cheboygan Paper Co, res 420 Cuyler.
- France George, tmstr, res 121 B North.
- France John, scaler, bds Thomas France.
- France Josephine, bds Thomas France.
- France Napoleon, bds Thomas France.
- France Thomas, farmer, res end of Western av.
- Francis Eleanora, tchr, bds 220 Western av S.
- Francis Lila F, tchr, bds 220 Western av S.
- Francis Lois D, bds 220 Western av S.
- Francis Myrtle A, tchr, bds 220 Western av S.
- Francis Wm H, warehouseman M C R R, res 220 Western av.
- Franklin House, Mrs Catherine Swantek propr, 200-202 State E.
- Franze Wm, lab, res n s David, 3 e of Fulton.
- Frappier Edward, lab, bds 205 D North.
- Frappier Ida (wid Odelore), res 205 D North.
- Fraser Hugh, lab, res 427 Garfield av.
- Fravie Frank, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Frazer Isidore, propr The Western Store, res 421 Dresser.
- Frederickson Carl A, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 825 Huron S.
- Frederickson Carl A Jr, lab, bds 825 Huron S.
- Frederickson Ella M, bds 825 Huron S.
- Frederickson Elmer L, lab, bds 825 Huron S.
- Frederickson Frank E, lab, bds 825 Huron S.
- Freeland Mrs Anna, cook Spencer House.
- Freeman Charles L, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds James Davidson.
- French George W, lab, res 245 North.
- Frickie Fredericka (wid Christopher), bds 300 Harrison av.
- Froehlich Max, stripper, bds 976 Mackinaw av.
- Froehlich Wm, sawyer, res 976 Mackinaw av.
- FROST GEORGE E (Frost & Sprague), Pres Cheboygan Pea Canning Co, res 334 Sammons, Tel Main 28.
- Frost-Kesseler Block, s w cor Main and Division.
- Frost Nora (wid John), bds 718 Division.
- FROST & SPRAGUE (George E Frost, Victor D Sprague), Lawyers Frost-Kesseler Blk, Tel Main 27. (See Classified Lawyers.)
- FRYER REV JAMES F, Pastor First Congregational Church, res 303 Huron S.
- Fuller Charles E, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds F G Fuller.
- Fuller Emma M, bds F G Fuller.
- Fuller Fred G, tanner, res Main S, Tannery set.
- Fuller Wm, foreman N B Keeney & Son, res n s State, 1 w of Watson av.
- Fullerton Charles, fireman Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, res 123 Main S.
- Fullerton Phoebe E, propr Central Boarding House, 123 Main S.
- Funk Ernest, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Furlow Anastasia, student, bds 415 Lincoln av W.
- Furlow John B, driver Pfister-Vogel Leather Co, res 415 Lincoln av W.
- Fyke Elmer G, lumber inspr Archibald & Hagadon, bds Spencer House.
- Gable Gottlieb, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 525 Antoine.
- Gain Beatrice, clk E A Lee & Co, bds 228 C South.
- Gain Blanche, appr E G Walton, bds 228 C South.
- Gain Helena, nurse, 228 C South, bds same.
- Gain John H, lab, res 228 C South.
- Gain Myrtle, student, bds 228 C South.
- Gain S Alexander, res 228 Benton S.
- Gain Wesley, student, bds 228 C South.
- Gain Wm, lab, bds 228 C South.
- Gainer Francis, res 407 State W.
- Gainer Joseph, lab, res Tannery set.
- Gainor Hattie, dom 337 Sammons.
- Galbraith Archibald B, res 209 Palmyra.
- Galbraith Carrie, bkkpr N B Keeney & Son, bds 209 Palmyra.
- Galbraith David J, res 505 Pine.
- Galbraith Fred, tel opr M C R R, bds 209 Palmyra.
- Galbraith James Z, drayman, e s Garfield av 10 s of Abbott.
- Galbraith John P, clk Mrs Josephine Cueny, bds 209 Palmyra.
- Galbraith Mattie, tchr, bds 650 Huron S.
- Galbraith O Mowat, agt Prudential Ins Co, res 535 Mackinaw av.
- Galbraith School, Ida V Cooley prin, n w cor 4th E and F North.
- GALLAGHER CORNELIUS A, Saloon, Dealer in Fancy Wines and Liquors, Choice Cigars, Agt Pabst
Brewing Co, 701 Main S, Tel 261, res 702 same.
- Gallagher James A, teller Cheboygan Co Savings Bank, bds 215 Backus.
- Gallagher Michael, lab, bds 706 1st W.
- Gallagher Wm, res 706 1st W.
- Gallagher Wm Jr, farmer, bds 706 1st W.
- Gallagher W Frank, lab, res 217 Michigan av.
- Gallaway Beatrice E, bds 306 Bellant.
- Gallaway Ethel, bds Wm Gallaway.
- Gallaway Francis R, clk N Y Racket Store, bds 306 Bellant.
- Gallaway Ida, bds Wm Gallaway.
- Gallaway James D, lab, bds Wm Gallaway.
- Gallaway Margaret, bds Wm Gallaway.
- Gallaway Samuel, bds Wm Gallaway.
- Gallaway Thomas, carp, res 306 Bellant.
- Gallaway Wm, lab, res w s Loomis, 1 s of Byron.
- Gallaway Wm Jr, lab, bds Wm Gallaway.
- Galusha Wm, saloon, 402 Main S.
- Gardner Agnes M (wid James P), res 426 Cleveland av.
- Gardner August, yardman J Bourrie, res 558 Cleveland.
- Gardner Charles, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Mullett Lake rd.
- Gardner Edward J, setter M D Olds, bds 558 Cleveland.
- Gardner Edwedge, bds 558 Cleveland av.
- Gardner Edwin N, state food inspr, res 338 Huron S.
- Gardner George P, asst foreman Cheboygan Democrat, bds 426 Cleveland av.
- Gardner James P, gasmkr Cheboygan Gas Light Co, res 308 Duncan av.
- Gardner Peter, lath mafr, res 210 Bailey N.
- Gardner Robert M, insurance, res 601 Main S.
- Gardner Terrence, acid mkr, bds 558 Cleveland av.
- Gardner Theron M, carrier No 2 P O, bds 338 Huron S.
- Garrison Leo, sign writer, bds Atlanta Mann.
- Garrow John A, meats 422 Main N, res 410 Water.
- Gartland Peter, clk J H Clune, res 225 B South.
- Gass John, tmstr, bds 310 State E.
- Gass Mabel M, bds 310 State E.
- Gass Samuel, draying, 310 State E, res same.
- Gately Co The, Edith P Campbell agt, house furng gds, 123 Main S.
- Gauthier Alphonse, carp, res 314 Duncan av.
- Gauthier Frank, setter, bds 314 Duncan av.
- Gauthier Henry, lab, bds 314 Duncan av.
- Gauthier Louis, attendt Dr A M Gerow, bds 314 Duncan.
- Gayette George, lab, bds 601 3rd E.
- Gayette Joseph, lab, res 601 3rd E.
- Gaylord Clara M, tchr domestic science public schools, bds 221 Ball S.
- Gagnor Angus, blksmith Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res e s Western av 2 n of Mackinaw av.
- Gaynor Delmar, carp, bds 938 1st W.
- Gaynor Gladys, sorter, bds 938 1st W.
- Gaynor Joseph, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds Angus Gaynor.
- Gaynor Wm F, deputy sheriff, res 938 1st W.
- Geauther Philemina (wid Alexander), res 250 Duncan av.
- GEBHARDT OTTO H, Propr Crown Pharmacy and Veterinary Surgeon, 229 Main N, Tel Main 65, res
211 Bailey S, Tel Main 211.
- Geddert Vick, fisherman, res C South.
- Gee Gertrude, bds 939 1st W.
- Gee Wm M, lab, res 939 1st W.
- Genac David, fisherman, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Genney Feme, waitress, bds 1020 Mackinaw av.
- Geoffroy Andrew, night watchman Cheboygan Bwg & Malting Co, res e s Western av, 3 s of Lincoln av W.
- Geoffroy Eugene, lab, bds Thomas Geoffroy.
- Geoffroy Frank, lab, bds Thomas Geoffroy.
- Geoffroy Jacob G, lab, bds Thomas Geoffroy.
- Geoffroy Nellie M, bds Andrew Geoffroy.
- Geoffroy Paul, flour packer Cheboygan Flour Mill Co, res 1247 Howard.
- Geoffroy Raymond, lab, bds Andrew Geoffroy.
- Geoffroy Thomas, gardener, s s Lincoln av W, 1 w of city limits, res same.
- Georges John M, paper mkr, res 718 Division.
- Georgii Herman, agt Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 31 Tannery set.
- Gerard Marie, housekppr New Cheboygan Hotel, bds same.
- Gerow Agnes, dom, 238 Huron S.
- Gerow Allan F, bds 238 Huron S.
- GEROW ARTHUR M, Physician and Surgeon, Office Hours 2 to 4 and 7:30 to 9 p. m. 5-6 New Gerow
Blk, 307 Main N, res 238 Huron S, Tel 117.
- Gerow Arthur R, grocery, 643 Duncan av, res same.
- Gerow Block, 313-321 Main N.
- Gerow James F, supt, res 126 Center av.
- Gerow School, Ida V Cooley prin, s w cor 4th E and F North.
- Gettman George, barnman C Schley, bds same.
- Geyer Charles H, bds 120 Huron S.
- Geyer Edward A, clk D & M R R, bds 520 State.
- Geyer Eugene A, laundryman Star Steam Laundry, res 524 Mackinaw av.
- Geyer Mary (wid Charles H), bds 120 Huron S.
- Geyer Wm, cigarmkr John Noll, res 7th and B South.
- Ghent Lola (wid Robert J), res 408 Mackinaw av.
- Gibberd John, fisherman, bds 117 C South.
- Gibson Ivor E, fisherman, bds Commercial House.
- Gignac Frederick, wheelwright J A St Jean, res 404 C North.
- Gilbert Julius, lab, res 529 Bailey N.
- Gill Philip, lab, res 529 Bailey N.
- Gillmore Clyde C, barber 323 Main N, res 106 Ball N.
- Gillmore Eva, student, bds 106 Ball N.
- Gillmore Harry L, vocalist, bds 106 Ball N.
- Gillmore Walter G, hostler J L Houck, rms 218 Main N.
- Gilpin Archie R, supt Cheboygan Public Schools High School, bds 504 Pine.
- Gilpin Margaret L, student, bds Samuel Gilpin.
- Gilpin Samuel, lumber, res s w cor Lafayette av and Elizabeth.
- Gilpin T Fred, bds Samuel Gilpin.
- Gindera Joseph, lab, res n s David, 4 e of Fulton.
- Girard Arthur F, draving 113 State E, res same.
- Girsberger Mabel R, bds 113 North.
- Girsberger Ola, lab, res 113 North.
- Globe House, Mrs Catharine Bruen propr, 331 Huron N.
- GLOVER CO THE, Hal W Glover Pres and Mngr, S James Duffin Sec, Edward N Durand Treas, Department Store, 419 Main N, Tel 162.
- Glover Hal W, pres The Glover Co, res 364 Sammons.
- Glover James S, tug engr Cheboygan T & W Co, res 103 F South.
- Gokey Frank, canthook twiner M D Olds.
- Golden Catherine M, nurse 88 Harrison av, bds same.
- Golden George, edger M D Olds.
- Golden George H, bkkpr, bds 88 Harrison av.
- Golden Henry, lab, res 336 Bellant.
- Golden Jeremiah, barnman Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res Harrison av.
- Golden John J, lab, res 88 Harrison av.
- Golden Marie H, bds 88 Harrison av.
- Gooden Lizzie (wid Nelson), res 915 Dot.
- Goodnow Elmo, filer, res 517 Mackinaw av.
- Goodnow Mrs Maude, baker, 517 Mackinaw av, res same.
- Goodwin George H, lab, res s s Pinehill av 12 w of Loomis.
- Gormley J B, lumber inspr, res 987 Mackinaw av.
- Gouin Wm, lumberman, res 113 Main S.
- Gouler Mrs Josephine, bds 121 B North.
- Graham James, lab M D Olds, res n e cor Eastern av and Olds R R.
- Graham Victor, lab M D Olds, bds J Graham.
- Gray Arthur, barber 400 Main N, res 438 State W.
- Gray Mrs Katherine, bds 456 Huron S.
- Grebota Annie, bds 15 Tannery set.
- Grebota Philip, lab, res 15 Tannery set.
- GREEN BAY TRANSPORTATION CO, McArthur Dock Agts, ft of Main. (See right top lines.)
- Green Samuel, inspr M C R R, bds Globe House.
- Greenlees Jacob C, painter 926 Main S, res same.
- Greenlees Pearl E, clk Wm Meisel, bds 926 Main S.
- Greenlees Wm J, finisher, bds 926 Main S.
- Greenless Charles M, clk J H Clune, res 1016 State W.
- Greenless Clark, papermkr, res 225 D South.
- Greenless Joseph O, painter, 1373 Court, res same.
- Greenless Walter E, painter contr, 710 Huron S, res same.
- Greenwood George, lab, res 516 Mackinaw av.
- Greenwood George R, lab, bds 516 Mackinaw av.
- Greenwood Grace O, pianist The Arcade Theater, bds 516 Mackinaw av.
- Greenwood S, mason, res 902 1st W.
- Gregg Arthur, bds Hub Hotel.
- Grenier John B, shoemkr E F Newell, res 531 Antoine.
- Grier Annie, clk McMullen Printing Co, bds 123 Bailey North.
- Grieve Agnes P, stenog E F Newell, bds 616 Pine.
- Grigsby Allan D, prin Central School, res 221 Backus.
- Grigsby Wm T, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 36 Tannery set.
- Grimm August, res 862 Main South.
- Grimm Henry, baker, bds 863 Main S.
- Grimm Louise H, tchr Lincoln Av School, bds 863 Main.
- Grinier May, res 243 Western av W.
- Grisbrook Ernest, mason, res 449 State W.
- Grisbrook Fred, bricklyr, bds 201 D North.
- Grisbrook Walter, mason, 201 D North, res same.
- Grobiske James, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Groulx Antoine, mason, res 400 7th E.
- Groulx Clara M, student, bds 400 7th E.
- Grove Charles E, lab, res 614 1st E.
- Grover Mrs Stella M, bds 604 Pine.
- Grubinske Sofe, dom, 614 Main S.
- Grzcboski Walter, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Grzegorczyk John, lab, res 150 Bancroft.
- Guenther Harry, bartndr Charles Schley, res 958 1st W.
- Guetschow Carrie, bds 1120 Mackinaw av.
- Guetschow Elda, student, bds 1120 Mackinaw av.
- Guetschow Louis, carp, res 1120 Mackinaw av.
- Guetschow Viola, bds 1120 Mackinaw av.
- Guilbo Edward, lab, bds 302 D North.
- Guilbo Emma, bds 302 D North.
- Guilbo George, lab, bds 302 D North.
- Guilbo Mrs Mary, res 302 D North.
- Guilbo Nelson, lab, bds 302 D North.
- Guile George A, pharmacist B A Cueny, bds 326 Dresser.
- Guile J Eugene (W F Guile & Son), bds 326 Dresser.
- Guile J K, bds 326 Dresser.
- Guile Kathleen, appr E G Walton, bds 326 Dresser.
- GUILE W F & SON (Wm F and J Eugene), Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Diamonds, Cut Glass, Silverware, Opticians and Optical Goods, 328 Main N.
- Guine George, roller Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds Henry Guine.
- Guine Jeremiah, fireman, res 22 Tannery set.
- Guine Matilda, bds 22 Tannery set.
- Guine Patrick, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Old State rd.
- Guine Peter, lab, res 46 Tannery set.
- Guine Philip, lab, Watson, 1 e of Main S.
- Gunsolus Burmie, bds 413 Dresser.
- Gunsolus Earl, picture opr, bds 413 Dresser.
- Gunsolus Joseph, janitor City Hall, res 413 Dresser.
- Gunsolus Wm, mach, bds 413 Dresser.
- Gunther Adolph O, lab, res 331 Duncan av.
- Gunther Wm A, lab, bds 331 Duncan av.
- Gurski John, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds Philip Gubalo.
- Guyette James, helper Henry Petts, res 116 B North.
- Guyette Joseph, setter Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 236 B North.
- Haedys Thomas (Mushlock & Haedvs), res cor D and 3rd.
- Hagadorn Warde L (Archibald & Hagadorn), res 417 Division.
- Hagan Thomas, saloon, res 427 3rd E.
- Hagerty Loran D, ag Mt C R R, res 513 Pine.
- Hagerty Paul, clk, bds 513 Pine.
- Hagstrom Charles, lab, bds 306 Gerow.
- Hagstrom John, lab, res 306 Gerow.
- Hagstrom Selina, bds 306 Gerow.
- Haidysh Peter, janitor Court House, res 320 E North.
- Haines Harold, driver, M W Brown.
- Hajduk Joseph, lab, bds 15 Tannery set.
- Haley Everett, barber 516 Main N, res same.
- Hall Joseph E, stenogr M W Benjamin, res 112 Western av S.
- Hall Mrs Mollie, bds 313 Main S.
- Hallenbeck Ethel, milliner, bds 314 Main S.
- Hamburg Benjamin, lab, bds 446 Harrison av.
- Hamburg Charles, lab M D Olds, res 442 Harrison av.
- Hamburg Elmer, lab, bds 446 Harrison av.
- Hamburg Herman, clk Philip Fineberg, res 1030 Fremont.
- Hamburg Herman, lab, res 442 Harrison av.
- Hamburg Jennie, bds 446 Harrison av.
- Hamburg Margaret (wid August), res 446 Harrison av.
- Hamburg Robert H, student, bds 1030 Fremont.
- Hamel Alexandria, clk H H Hamel, bds 200 Duncan av.
- Hamel Edward N, res 500 Mackinaw av.
- Hamel Homer H, grocer, 200 Duncan av, res same.
- Hamilton Elizabeth C, asst prin High School, bds 319 Huron N.
- Hamilton Frank K, life saver, res 623 Pine.
- Hamilton Katherine D, tchr music and drawing public schools, bds 319 Huron N.
- Hamilton Muriel, student, bds 623 Pine.
- Hamlin Alice, bds 515 3rd E.
- Hamlin Jane (wid Charles), res 515 3rd E.
- Hamlin Henrietta, smstrs, bds 515 3rd E.
- Hamlin Monica B, bds 515 3rd E.
- Hanes Alice W, apprentice, bds George A Hanes.
- Hanes Earl L, lab, bds George A Hanes.
- Hanes Edwin S, lab, bds George A Hanes.
- Hanes George A, gardener, s s Court, 1 w of Foster, res same.
- Hannan John, watchman, res 129 B South.
- Hansen Christian, lab, res 521 Lincoln av W.
- Hansen Christian F, lab, bds 521 Lincoln av W.
- Hansen Elizabeth A, bds 521 Lincoln av W.
- Hansen Fredericka, mach opr, bds 521 Lincoln av W.
- Hansen George C, lab, bds 521 Lincoln av W.
- Hanson Joseph, lab, bds New Campbell House.
- Hanson Laura, appr E T Walton, bds 220 Western av S.
- Hare Benjamin, condtr, res 431 Bailey N.
- Harpster Alva F, lab, bds 219 C South.
- Harpster Eva J, milliner Minnie Johns, bds 219 C South.
- Harpster Henry W, lawyer, 219 C South, res same.
- Harrington Alfred, lab, res 717 Spooner.
- Harrington Burton N, lab, res 230 Brown.
- Harrington Frederick, papermkr, bds 223 Benton N.
- Harrington George, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Harrington John, engr, res 120 E South.
- Harrington Reuben, lab, bds 253 Western av N.
- Harrington Walter B, clk Leo Edelstein, bds 223 Benton N.
- Harrison Arthur S, florist George H Harrison, bds 805 Court
- Harrison George H, florist, 805 Court, res same,
- Harrison Jane, dressmkr, 510 4th E, res same.
- Harrison Lester W, student, bds 805 Court.
- Harrison Mary, bds 510 4th E.
- Hart Adolphus, lab, bds 1206 Mackinaw av.
- Hart Mrs Jane, bds 215 Ball N.
- Harteau Stanley, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 464 State W.
- Hartford Sadie, dom Edward Parker.
- Hastings David A, sec and treas Nelson Lumber Co, res 242 Sammons.
- Hastings Stewart E, student, bds 242 Sammons.
- Hatch Norman, roller, bds James Davidson.
- Haveling Elizabeth, tailoress P J Bilitzke, bds 208 Duncan av.
- Haverly Anthony, grocer, 1200 Mackinaw av, res same.
- Haverly Anthony Jr, butcher, bds 1200 Mackinaw av.
- Haverly Elizabeth, ironer Star Steam Laundry, bds 1200 Mackinaw av.
- Haverly John J, clk A Haverly, bds 1200 Mackinaw av.
- Haverly Wm, plumber J E Cueny & Bro, bds 1200 Mackinaw av.
- Hayden Albert, bds 404 Huron S.
- Hayden Harry, drayman, bds 404 Huron S.
- Hayden Orpha C, collr Cheboygan Tel Co, bds 232 Benton S.
- Hayes Wm, blksmith, res 408 Dresser.
- Hayes Wm, cigar mnfr, 212 Backus, res 403 Dresser.
- Hayes Wm C, county game warden, Court House, res 408 Dresser.
- Haynes Fred, mach opr, bds Hotel Summit.
- Hazard Alice, tchr Pattersonville School, bds 314 Main S.
- Heaphy Agnes, bds Thomas W Burrell.
- Heffernan Patrick, res 200 D South.
- Heinzel Adolph A, printer Cheboygan Tribune, res 605 Cleveland av.
- Heinzel Wm J, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 605 Cleveland av.
- Heizer Joseph, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds Philip Gubalo.
- Helman Mrs Annie, dressmkr 807 Mackinaw av, res same.
- Helmholz August, treas Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Milwaukee, Wis.
- Hemel George, lab, bds 43 Tannery set.
- Henderson Archie, s s Pine, 1 e of Main S.
- Hendricks Simon, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Hennessy Catherine (wid Michael), res 218 D North.
- Hennessy Catherine, student, bds 218 D North.
- Hennessy Pearl, mach opr, bds 218 D North.
- Henry George, carp, res 902 Mackinaw av.
- Henry John, res 209 B North.
- Hepp Wm H, foreman J L Houck, bds 213 Huron N.
- Herman Christ, lab, res 611 Antoine.
- Heron Thomas, lab, res e s Western av S, 1 s of Lincoln av W.
- Herrington Louis, painter, res 531 Bailey N.
- Herrington Wm J, bartndr J B Wheaton, res 209 State West.
- Hickey George, lab, res 308 C North.
- Hickey Philip, lab, res n e cor Leslie and Lalonde.
- High School, Fordyce B Wiley, prin, n e cor Division and Bailey.
- Hilborn John R, whol fish, river front, 1 s of McArthur Dock.
- Hilborn Florence, stenogr Vet S Moloney, bds 721 State W.
- Hilborn Pearl, bds 721 State W.
- Hill John, driver S Hill, bds same.
- Hill Silas, ice dealer, w s Western av, 1 s of M C R R, res same.
- Hiller Jacob W, engr, res 210 Huron S.
- Hilpert Gideon C, agt, res 48 Vale.
- Himler George M, lab, Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds Emil Debushet.
- Hinkley Edgar R, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 32 Tannery set.
- Hinkley Grace, nurse 32 Tannery set, bds same.
- Hinkley Lloyd B, roller Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 47 Tannery set.
- Hipkins Edward, lab, Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 115 State E.
- Hipkins Nettie, mlnr, bds 115 State E.
- Hipkins Thomas, lab, res 115 State E.
- Hoban Ella J, bds 135 D South.
- Hoban Eugene F, butcher Henry Barber, res 135 D South.
- Hoban Josette M, bds 135 D South.
- Hoban Patrick, tmstr, res 314 Littlefield.
- Hockey Fred, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Hoenselaar Wm, mach tndr, res 119 B South.
- Hohler Frank J, baker 125 Main N, res same.
- Holland Patrick, fisherman, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Horan Bernard C, appr, bds 507 Mackinaw av.
- Horan John M, propr Princess Roller Skating Rink, res 507 Mackinaw av.
- Horne Charles J, fisherman, res 757 Main N.
- HORNE GERTRUDE, Register of Probate, Court House.
- Horne Margaret (wid Philip H), bds 757 Main N.
- Horning Gilbert, lab, bds 1276 Howard.
- Horton Arthur, contr and bldr, 941 Dot, res same.
- Horton Delos C, popcorn vender, res 317 Dresser.
- Horton Edward G, carp, bds 941 Dot.
- Horton Ella, mlnr, bds 317 Dresser.
- Horton Grace, booker, bds 317 Dresser.
- Horton Howard, bds 317 Dresser.
- Hose House, s e cor Duncan and Eastern av N.
- Hose House 2d ward, n s State E, bet E north and F N.
- Hose House, 3rd ward, 1205 Mackinaw av.
- Hose House, 5th ward, s e cor Court and Huron S.
- Hoskins Alexander, driver, res 136 Benton S.
- Hotel Commercial (Israel Eno propr), 206 Water.
- Hotel Summit, Robert N Hyde, propr, 430 Main S.
- HOUCK JOHN L, Livery, Hacks, Baggage Transfer and Funeral Carriages, 214 Main N, Tel 61, res 213
Huron N. (See right top lines.)
- Hough Catherine S (wid John M), bds 112 Western av S.
- Houghtaling Mrs Lillian, bds 545 Duncan av.
- Houle Angus, lab, res 232 E North.
- Houle Arthur, lab, bds 208 Benton S.
- Houle Benjamin, lab, bds 318 D North.
- Houle Bernadette, bds 208 Benton S.
- Houle Frederick, lab, bds 318 D North.
- Houle Henry, lab, bds 318 D North.
- Houle Joseph, lab, res 318 D North.
- Houle Moses, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 208 Benton S.
- Hout Fred A, salesman, res 410 Young.
- Howard Andrew M, sawyer M D Olds, res 1102 Main S.
- Howard Delia E, bds 1102 Main S.
- Howard Ethel E, student, bds 909 Mackinaw av.
- Howard George A, cook Saratoga Cafe, rms 418 Water.
- Howard Jessie C, bds 1102 Main S.
- Howard Nathan, filer, res 909 Mackinaw av.
- Howard Ralph N, clk M D Olds, bds 1102 Main S.
- Howard Widmar A, filer, bds 909 Mackinaw av.
- Howes James B, canvasser, res 1001 Mackinaw av.
- Hub Hotel, Mrs Kate McCauley prop, 402 Water.
- HUB MERCANTILE CO, D J McDonald Mngr, Wholesale and Retail Groceries, Crockery, Flour, Feed, Hay, etc, 127 Main N, Tel Main 90. (See right bottom lines.)
- Hubacker John W, lab, bds 425 Lincoln av W.
- Hubacker Mrs Mary, res 425 Lincoln av W.
- Hubbard Edward, saloon, 213 Main N, bds same.
- HUBBARD PEARL (Perkett & Hubbard), Mngr Spencer House, Tel 83, res same.
- Hubbard Wm R, saw filer, res 213 Main N.
- Hudak Anthonv, sailor, bds 405 Duncan av.
- Hudak Joseph/lab M D Olds, res 239 E North.
- Hudak Lawrence, lab, bds 405 Duncan av.
- Hudak Louis, lab, res 405 Duncan av.
- Hudak Stanley J, lab, bds 405 Duncan.
- Hudson Andrew J, fisherman, res 464 State W.
- Hudson Bertha, laundry wkr, bds r 324 (5) Bellant.
- Hudson Charles, lab, bds 464 State W.
- Hudson Emma E, hair dresser, r 324 (5) Bellant, bds same.
- Hudson Fred A, longshoreman, bds r 324 (5) Bellant.
- Hudson Henry, bds r 324 (5) Bellant.
- Hudson J Clyde, lab, bds r 324 (5) Bellant.
- Hudson Lulu, bds 464 State W.
- Hudson Napoleon, longshoreman, res r 324 (5) Bellant.
- Hudson Wm J, lab, res s s Pinehill av, 5 w of Loomis.
- Hueneke Conrad F, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 37 Tannery set.
- Hughes Jemima (wid George B), bds 326 Dresser.
- Hugill Edgar O, office mngr M D Olds, bds 350 Huron S.
- Hugill George A, propr Cheboygan Novelty Turning Works, res 350 Huron S, tel Main 108.
- Hughill Roy, druggist, bds 350 Huron S.
- Hulbert Edward, clk MCRR, res 851 Main S.
- Hulbert Ellen, bds 851 Main S.
- Hulbert Maude, tchr, Pattersonville School, bds 851 Main S.
- Humphrey Benjamin, sailor, res 218 6th E.
- Humphrey Caroline, student, bds 800 Mackinaw av.
- HUMPHREY GEORGE P, General Insurance and Real Estate, Justice of the Peace, 220 Main N, res 800
Mackinaw av. (See right bottom lines.)
- Humphrey Joseph J, clk M D Fralick, bds 218 6th E.
- Humphrey Laura, bds 800 Mackinaw av.
- Humphrey Wm J, clk Laske Bros, bds 218 6th E.
- Hunseler John, paper mkr, res 463 State W.
- Huntley Elton A, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Huntley George S, carp, Cheboygan Mnfg Co, res 204 State W.
- Huntley Hiram F, carp, res s s Pinehill av, 10 w of Loomis.
- Hurley Arthur P, lab, res 121 F South.
- Hurley John, lab, bds 121 F South.
- Hurley J Arthur, tug fireman, bds 121 F South.
- Hurley Wm, student, bds 121 F South.
- Hyde Carrie, bds Hotel Summit.
- Hyde Harold G, cedar inspr, bds Hotel Summit.
- Hyde Irene, bds Hotel Summit.
- Hyde Kittie, bkkpr, Cheboygan Bwg & Malting Co, bds Hotel Summit.
- Hyde Robert N, tie supt Lombard & Rittenhouse, propr Hotel Summit, res same.
- INLAND ROUTE, McArthur Dock Agts, ft of Main. (See right top lines.)
- Irving James H, capt lightship, res 520 Seymour E.
- Irwin Albert, lab, bds 545 Duncan av.
- Irwin Arthur, lab, bds 545 Duncan av.
- Irwin George, bkkpr, res 545 Duncan av.
- Isabell Philip, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Black River rd W.
- ISLAND TRANSPORTATION CO, McArthur Dock Agents, ft of Main. (See right top lines.)
- Ives Charles W, farmer, res n s Lincoln av W, 6 w of Loomis.
- Jackson Charles, bkkpr, bds 411 Main N.
- Jackson Frances M (wid Percy J), bds 110 Huron S.
- Jackson George H, troubleman, Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co, bds 411 4th E.
- Jackson George W, blksmith, bds 422 State W.
- Jackson Georgia E, stenogr M D Olds, bds 411 Main N.
- Jackson Hugh, lab, res 411 4th E.
- Jackson John F, lab, bds 411 4th E.
- Jackson John W, cement worker, res 535 Mackinaw av.
- Jackson R J Stonewall, bkkpr, Cheboygan Paper Co, res e s Ball, 1 n of Division.
- Jackson Thomas H, res 411 Main N.
- Jackson Wm, horseshoer, r 443 State W, res 422 same.
- Jackson Wm B, blksmith, Wm Jackson, res 111 D South.
- Jana Edward, bds 124 Duncan av.
- Jana Frederick, lab, res 109 F South.
- Jana Herman, meat ctr, bds 124 Duncan av.
- Jana Mary, bds 124 Duncan av.
- Jana Matilda (wid Fred), res 124 Duncan av.
- Jankowiak Albert, woodsman, res 220 B North.
- Jankowski Frank, lab, bds 170 Harrison av.
- Jankowski Louis, lab, bds 170 Harrison av.
- Jankowski Mary, bds 170 Harrison av.
- Jankowski Thomas, lab, res 170 Harrison av.
- Jarnec David, fisherman, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Jarvis Angeline, bds 217 Michigan av.
- Jarvis Cyril, sawver Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 238 C North.
- Jarvis Ellen, bds 217 Michigan av.
- Jarvis Lillian, bds 238 C North.
- Jarvis Lizzie, bds 109 State W.
- Jarvis Louis, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Jarvis Maxime, lab, bds 318 Todd.
- Jarvis Sherman, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Jarvis Wm, lab, res 109 State W.
- Jasnowski Philip, bookkpr, Cheboygan Paper Co, res 616 Pine.
- Jean Mrs Josephine, res 215 Clinton.
- Jeffrey Ellen, bds 103 Gerow.
- Jeffrey George A, pharmacist Cheboygan Drug Co, bds Mrs E Lewis.
- Jeffrey Wm, lab, res 103 Gerow.
- Jeffroy Eugene J, coach cleaner, bds 401 Main N.
- Jenne Lot, lab, res 1228 Howard.
- Jewell Albert E, carp Cheboygan Mnfg Co, res 603 Lafayette av.
- Jewell Alfred, saloon, 332 Main N, res 3 miles s e.
- Jewell Mary (wid George), bds 128 C South.
- Jewell Theodore, carrier No 1 P O, res 128 C South.
- Jewell Warren, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 247 Center.
- Jewett Burt, farmer, res 1254 Court.
- Jobin Florence, bds 443 Duncan av.
- Jobin Peter, lab, res 443 Duncan av.
- Jodway Andrew, res 129 C South.
- Jodway Harry, driver Hub Mercantile Co, bds 131 Benton N.
- Jodway Tofile, sawyer, res 131 Benton N.
- Johns John, lumber, res 237 Dresser.
- Johns Minnie, mlnr, 402 Main N, bds 237 Dresser.
- Johns Wm C, res 235 Dresser.
- Johnson Alice (wid John), res 115 Huron S.
- Johnson Barbara (wid Henry), res 325 D North.
- Johnson Byrde, res 519 1st W.
- Johnson Chauncey, lab, bds 804 1st.
- Johnson Edith C, clk H J A Todd, bds Mrs Mary C Johnson.
- Johnson Ellen E, student, bds 81 Sutherland.
- Johnson Emma, waiter New Cheboygan Hotel.
- Johnson Frank J, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds Mrs Mary C Johnson.
- Johnson Fred, lab, bds Mrs E Lewis.
- Johnson Gunnard E, lab, bds 81 Sutherland.
- Johnson Herman J, lab M D Olds, res 81 Sutherland.
- Johnson James N, clk Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co, bds 458 Main S.
- Johnson Jasper J, butcher, res 804 1st W.
- JOHNSON JOHN R, Photographer, Post Cards and Souvenirs, Finishing and Developing for Amateurs,
222 Main N, res 343 Bailey N. (See right bottom lines.)
- Johnson Mary C (wid Frank C), res e s Main S, 1 s of limits.
- Johnson Myrtle, bds George O Davis.
- Johnson Sweeney, lab, res 450 Harrison av.
- Johnson Sylvia, bds 804 1st W.
- JOLLY BENJAMIN C, Sec and Treas Cheboygan Paper Co, res 546 Main S, Tel Main 256.
- Jondrew Felix, net mndr, res 512 Mackinaw av.
- Jones Anna L, tel opr Cheboygan Tel Co, bds 1216 Mackinaw av.
- Jones Edna C, tchr Central School, bds 126 Huron S.
- Jones Eliza A (wid Elijah), bds 108 Huron S.
- Jones Hannah (wid George), boarding house 322 Dresser, res same.
- Jones James L, lab, res 308 Palmyra S.
- Jones John S, blacksmith V Buerger, res 1123 Randolph.
- Jones Joseph W, farmer, res 1216 Mackinaw av.
- Jones Mildred, tel opr Cheboygan Tel Co, bds 1216 Mackinaw av.
- Jones Rachel A, tel opr Cheboygan Tel Co, bds 1216 Mackinaw av.
- Jones Verna, music teacher 322 Dresser, bds same.
- Jordan M Ethel, bds 204 B South.
- Jordan Wm H, chef New Cheboygan Hotel, res 204 B South.
- Joseph Assad, pedlr, res 749 Antoine.
- Juillet Anton, longshoreman, res 305 Cass.
- Juillet Benjamin, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co. res 315 Todd.
- Juillet David, electn, bds 305 Cass.
- Juillet Eli, longshoreman, res 1110 1st W.
- Juillet Henry, barnman Embury-Martin Lumber Co. bds 315 Todd.
- Juillet Ida, student, bds 305 Cass.
- Juillet Joseph, lab, res 428 (196) James.
- Juillet Lillian, bds 305 Cass.
- Kahlbow Augusta (wid John F), bds 605 Cleveland av.
- Kahlbow Ella, bds 805 Court.
- Kalbaugh Frank, lab M D Olds.
- Kaorz Stanley, lab, res 800 Western av S.
- Karwik Edward J, clk J W Karwik, bds 601 Mackniaw.
- Karwik John W, clothier 501 Main N, res 601 Mackinaw.
- Kasprzak Stanislaus, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 514 Cleveland av.
- Kasprzczak Thomas, lab, res 236 D North.
- Kathan Warren W (Fexer & Kathan), res 607 Mackinaw.
- Keeler Caroline, bds 443 State W.
- Keeney Calvin N (N B Keeney & Son), res LeRoy, N Y.
- Keeney N B & Son (Clavin N Keeney), seed peas and beans, s w cor Lake and Huron.
- Keis Mrs Edith A, bds 117 C South.
- Kelleher Hannah G (wid Daniel), bds 386 (195) Cleveland av.
- Kelley E Oswald, papermkr, res 315 4th East.
- Kelley Howard M, electr, bds 113 C South.
- Kelley James N, porter Veio Bros, res 113 C South.
- Kelley Oswald E, mach hd, bds 113 C South.
- Kempt Elvina (wid James), res 215 C South.
- Kempt Evelyn, ctr, bds 215 C South.
- Kempt Frank, warehouseman N B Keeney & Son, bds 215 C South.
- Kempt Margaret, ctr, bds 215 C South.
- Kempt Wm, mate, bds 215 C South.
- Kennedy Angus H (Kennedy Bros), res 1213 State W.
- Kennedy Bros (George and Angus), wholesale fish, Cheboygan River bet State E and 6th S.
- Kennedy Franklin, filer, res 302 Western av S.
- Kennedy George F (Kennedy Bros), res w s Palmyra N 2 s of State W.
- Kennedy Phoebe V, hairdresser, 505 Main N, res same.
- Kennedy Rose, bds George F Kennedy.
- Kennedy Wm F, clk M C R R, bds 505 Main N.
- Kenney John J, fisherman, res 325 Garfield av.
- Kepler Lizzie, housekpr, bds 472 Grove.
- Kesseler Anna, bds 417 Mackinaw av.
- Kesseler Block, 431 Main N.
- Kesseler Bros (Joseph and Mathias J), grocers 417 Mackinaw av.
- Kesseler Euclid, clk, bds 454 State W.
- Kesseler Ezra M, bds 454 State W.
- Kesseler Joseph (Kesseler Bros), res 417 Mackinaw av.
- Kesseler Joseph E, cook, bds 454 State W.
- Kesseler Louis M, chef Saratoga Cafe, res 420 Ball N.
- Kesseler Mathias J (Kesseler Bros), res 454 State W.
- Keys Emma C (wid Wm), bds 1014 Mackinaw av.
- Keys Floyd T, carp, res 1014 Mackinaw av.
- Kiehl Edward, lab, res 112 Benton S.
- Kimball Lottie E (wid Simeon), res 314 Main S.
- Kimbal Wm, lab, res 208 Center av.
- King Andrew, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- King Charles, engr Cheboygan Mnfg Co, res cor Backus and Dresser.
- King Harry A, lab, res 410 Mackinaw av.
- King Mrs Rachael L L, cook, res 201 (17) 1st W.
- King Mrs Sadie, res 28 Antoine.
- Kingsbury Paul P C, cook New Cheboygan Hotel.
- Kinne John M, supt, res 307 Huron S.
- Kinne Mary L, stenogr Cheboygan Paper Co, bds 307 Huron S.
- Kinne Ruth, clk County Clerk's Office, bds 307 Huron S.
- KINNEY CHARLES E, General Insurance and Real Estate, 325 Main N, Tel Main 89, res 329 Bailey S, Tel West 322.
- Kirkbride Alexander, blksmith, res 211 North.
- Kirsch Gertrude, dom 350 Huron S.
- Kitchen Charles F, lab, res 934 State W.
- Kitchen George E, cook, res 222 Benton N.
- Klien Nicholas C, driver, res 1204 Hancock.
- Kline John, mason, bds 123 Main S.
- Kling Fred, lighthouse keeper, res 639 Duncan av.
- Klingensmith Charles E, mach opr, bds 217 Huron S.
- Klingensmith Frank N, agr implts 214 Main S, res 217 Huron S.
- Kluwe Carl, carp J Bourrie, res 200 C South.
- Kluwe Frederick W, bds 200 C South.
- Kluwe Henry E, teamster Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, bds 200 C South.
- Kluwe Robert T M, printer Cheboygan Tribune, res 110 D South.
- Knight Clarence, bartndr W A Trudo, bds Mrs E Lewis.
- Kodalski Frank, lab, res 306 D North.
- Kolasinski Mrs Lillian M, bds r 324 (5) Bellant.
- Kolock Rudolph, bartndr Hub Hotel, bds same.
- Koneske John, lab, res 811 Western av S.
- Konieczny Frank, saloon 109 State W, res 229 D North.
- Konieczny Genevieve, ironer Star Steam Laundry, bds 210 C North.
- Konieczny Joseph, lab M D Olds, bds 210 C North.
- Konieczny Josephine (wid George), bds 229 D North.
- Konieczny Martin, lab M D Olds, bds 210 C North.
- Konieczny Matthew, lab M D Olds, bds 210 C North.
- Konieczny Michael, lab, res 306 D North.
- Konieczny Peter, lab M D Olds, bds 210 C North.
- Konieczny Sadie, bds 210 C North.
- Konieczny Stanislaus, lab M D Olds, res 210 C North.
- Konowske Alexander, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 715 Western av.
- Koschij Mrs Anna, confr 880 Main S, res same.
- Koschij Fred, res 880 Main S.
- Koviak Anna, dom 314 Main S.
- Koviak Frances, dom 364 Sammons.
- Kozakowna Stanislawa, tchr St Lawrence School, bds 210 State E.
- Kozlowski Anthony, lab, res s s Byron 1 w of Western av South.
- Kozlowski Helen, bds Anthony Kozlowski.
- Kozlowski John, lab, bds Anthony Kozlowski.
- Koblowski Katherine. dom 410 Water.
- Krakowski Augusta, bds 1119 Fremont.
- Krakowski Cecelia, bds 324 D North.
- Krakowski Joseph, lab, bds 324 D North.
- Krakowski Stanislaus, lab, res 324 D North.
- Krakowski Veronica, bds 324 D North.
- Kramer Floyd, lab, bds 16 Clay.
- Kramer Joseph, tailor Rapin-Bessette Clothing Co, res 16 Clay.
- Kratz Flarold E, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 417 1st W.
- Kratz Henry, blacksmith Cephas Dore, res 417 1st W.
- Kreps Anton, lab, res w s Adams 1 n of Duncan.
- KRESS WM H, Jeweler and Optician, Hand Painted China and Cut Glass, Sterling Silver, etc., 415 Main N, res 425 Dresser.
- Kriedeman Mrs Alzina (A & G Kriedeman), res 206 Main S.
- Kriedeman Anna (wid Charles), res 235 Young.
- Kriedeman A & G (Mrs Alzina and Gust Kriedeman), saloon 206 Main S.
- Kriedeman Bertha M, bds 235 Young.
- Kriedeman Charles J, driver J M Meyer, res 235 Young.
- Kriedeman Edith M, mach opr, bds 235 Young.
- Kriedeman Emma, clk, bds 20G Main S.
- Kriedeman Gust (A & G Kriedeman), bds 206 Main S.
- Kriedeman Minnie, music teacher 206 Main S, bds same.
- Kriedeman Nellie M, tel opr Cheboygan Tel Co, bds 235 Young.
- Kriedeman Sherman T, student, bds 235 Young.
- Kroski Joseph, lab, res 20 Tannery set.
- Krueger Wm, millwright, res 224 C. North.
- Kucinski Alexander, shoes, 411 Main N, res 203 C North.
- Kucinski Alexander Jr, clk A Kucinski bds 203 C North.
- Kucinski Bruno, sailor, bds 203 C North.
- Kucinski Olga, smstrs, bds 203 C North.
- Kucinski Viola V, clk A Kucinski, bds 203 C North.
- Kurkowitz Charles F, lab Pfister 6c Vogel Leather Co, res 3 Tannery set.
- Kwiatowski James, lab, bds 218 C North.
- Kwiatowski Julius, lab, res 218 C North.
- La Barge Joseph, lab, bds 406 George.
- La Barge Joseph Jr, lab, bds 406 George.
- La Barge Theodore, lab M D Olds, res 406 George.
- La Chance Joseph, lab, res 106 Duncan av.
- La Course Julius, sawyer, res 215 D North.
- La Cross Adlard, student, bds 319 D North.
- La Cross Callixte, longshoreman, res 319 D North.
- La Cross Christian, lab, res 205 D North.
- La Cross Ellen, bds 319 D North.
- La Cross Lucy, smstrs, bds 319 D North.
- La Crosse Joseph, woodsman, res s s James 1 w of Sutherland.
- La Crosse Lycippe, woodsman, bds Joseph La Crosse.
- La Crosse Richard J, woodsman, bds Joseph La Crosse.
- La Duc Win, lab, res 408 South av.
- La Duc Xavier, packer Booth Fishery, res 214 Duncan.
- Ladwig Edward, asst agt and supt Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 87 Seymour W.
- La Fonde Bertha, bds 201 B South.
- La Fonde George, lab, res 213 6th E.
- La Fonde L Napoleon, bkkpr, bds 309 D North.
- La Fonde Sidney, longshoreman, res 201 B South.
- La Forest Gilbert, fisherman, res 102 6th E.
- La Fountain Joseph, lab, bds 519 State E.
- La Fountain Napoleon, sawyer, res 519 State E.
- Lafrainier Adelor, bartndr Columbian Hotel.
- La Garry Frank, drayman 309 D North, res same.
- Lage Mrs Rebecca E, res 1116 1st W.
- Lahaie Delia (wid Joseph), res 433 Duncan av.
- Lahaie Henry, lab, res 433 George.
- Lahaie Lucy, bds 433 Duncan av.
- Lahaie Mabel, bds 433 Duncan av.
- Lahaie Melvina, dom 501 Mackinaw av.
- Lahaie Mildred, bds 1100 1st W.
- Lahaie Roy, lab, bds 1100 1st W.
- Lahaie Sylvester, lab M D Olds, res 1100 1st W.
- Lalond Frank V, saloon 400 Mackinaw av, res same.
- Lalonde Albert J, warehouse foreman D & M R R, res 701 3d E.
- La Londe Alexander, lab M D Olds, res 611 3d E.
- Lalonde Alexander, longshoreman, res 701 3d E.
- Lalonde Arthur J, lab M D Olds, bds 1206 Mackinaw av.
- Lalonde Frank, propr American Hotel, res 104 State E.
- Lalonde Frank, roller Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 117 F South.
- La Londe Fred A, drayman 318 F North, res same.
- La Londe Joseph O, lab, bds w s Harris 2 s of State W.
- Lalonde Joseph P, longshoreman, res n s Lalonde 1 w of Western av.
- Lalonde Levi, boom hd M D Olds, res 807 3d E.
- La Londe Louis, lab, res 223 E North.
- Lalonde Louis Jr, boom hd M D Olds, res 227 E North.
- Lalonde Samuel G, cement wkr, res n s State 1 e of Western av S.
- La Londe Wm W, mach hd, res 1016 State W.
- Lamont George C, nightwatchman, res 811 Loomis.
- Lamont John, night watch McArthur Dock, res s w cor Mackinaw av and Dresser.
- La Montagne Alexander, lab M D Olds, bds 224 B North
- La Montagne Peter, lab, res 224 B North.
- Lamontagne Thomas, lab, bds 213 Pinehill av.
- La Moth Leander, millwright, res w s Southerland cor Vale.
- La Moth Louisa, bds Leander La Moth.
- La Moth Fred C, lab, res n w cor Palmyra and Byron.
- Lamotte Joseph, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Lancashire Robert, lab, res 401 Duncan av.
- Lancour Charles, wheelsman, res 309 C North.
- Lancour Henry, lab, Cheboygan Mnfg Co, bds 309 C North.
- Land Walter, wheelsman, bds 223 D North.
- Landon Ira C, fireman, res 119 6th E.
- Landon Irving, watchman M D Olds.
- Landrie David, porter, res 228 B North.
- Lang Ella, tchr, bds 643 Duncan av.
- Langaer Erick, lab, res 609 Antoine.
- Langdon George P, chief fire dept, res 611 Main N.
- Langdon Mrs Mary, cook C W Lyons, res 611 Main N.
- Lange Wm H, mngr, European Hotel, res same.
- Langmaid Wm, mngr Singer Sewing Machine Co, res 310 Court.
- La Peer Benjamin A, lab, bds 221 B North.
- La Peer Edmund, lab M D Olds, res 221 B North.
- La Peer Hazel F, clk The Glover Co, bds 221 B North.
- La Peer Mabel, reporter Saginaw Evening News, bds 614 Division.
- La Peer Norman, clk Moses De Gowin. res 614 Division.
- La Pointe Adolph G, substitute carrier P O, bds 665 Lincoln av W.
- La Pointe Alexander J, fisherman, res 211 C North.
- La Pointe Erma Z, bds 665 Lincoln av W.
- La Pointe George, engr. bds 665 Lincoln av W.
- La Pointe Louis N, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 665 Lincoln av W.
- La Pointe Martha, waiter American Hotel.
- La Pointe Nelson, papermkr, res 754 Spooner.
- La Pointe Ruby A, milliner Minnie Johns, bds 665 Lincoln av W.
- La Pointe Stanley A, student, bds 665 Lincoln av W.
- La Prairie Gideon, lab, res 318 6th E.
- La Prairie John B, mason, res 1218 Court.
- La Prairie John L, foreman, res 407 F North.
- Lardie Rose, bds 425 Dresser.
- Larkin Daniel, lab, res 318 D North.
- Larocque Clovis, res 508 Bailey N.
- La Rose John, caulker, res w s Sutherland 1 s of George.
- La Rose Sadie C, bds John La Rose.
- Larsen Ernest C, lab, bds 121 Main N.
- Larsen Lars P, lab, res 121 Main N.
- Larson Emil, lab, bds Charles Hotel.
- Larue Ella, bds 126 Center av.
- Lash Frank, policeman, res 119 B North.
- Laske Benjamin (Laske Bros), bds 110 B North.
- Laske Bros (John J and Benjamin), cigars and billiards, 305 Main N.
- Laske John J (Laske Bros), bds 110 B North.
- Laske Lillian, clk, bds 110 B North.
- Latimer Cecil, student, bds 416 Elm.
- Latimer Ella, tchr Gerow School, bds 416 Elm.
- Latimer Lillian, student, bds 416 Elm.
- Latimer Wm, foreman M D Olds, res 416 Elm.
- La Tulip Albertina, bds s w cor Palmyra and Byron.
- Lavigne Wm, coachman, res 215 North.
- Lawlor Margaret (wid Michael J), grocer, 525 State E, res 209 E North.
- Larwence Charles J, lumberman, res 409 Garfield av.
- Lawrence Ethel, student, bds 409 Garfield av.
- Lawrence Francis, student, bds 409 Garfield av.
- Lawson August, lumberman, res 619 Locust.
- Lawson Flarry, bkkpr, bds 619 Locust.
- Lawson Reuben, student, bds 619 Locust.
- Lawton Block, 410 Main N.
- LAWTON DANIEL G, Physician and Surgeon. Office Hours 10 to 11 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m, 410 Main N, bds 217 Huron N.
- Lawton George, cigars and billiards 410 Main N, res 217 Huron N.
- Le Baron Charles, emp Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, bds 119 Huron S.
- Le Baron John, lathe opr Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, res 119 Huron S.
- Le Blanc Adelor, lab, bds 626 Locust.
- Le Blanc George, lab, bds 626 Locust.
- Le Blanc Joseph, lab, res 626 Locust.
- Le Blanc Joseph Jr, lab, bds 626 Locust.
- Lebon Ernest, fisherman, res 209 B South.
- Le Clair Alice M, bds 436 Mackinaw av.
- Le Clair Bernard, farmer, bds 436 Mackinaw av.
- Le Clair Joseph, res 314 Bellant.
- Le Clair Napoleon, farmer, res 436 Mackinaw av.
- Le Duc Belle, student, bds 429 Main N.
- Le Duc Charles, logger, res 410 Water.
- Le Duc Charles Jr, bkkpr C Le Duc, bds 410 Water.
- Le Duc Mrs Charles, milliner 306 Main N, res 410 Water.
- Le Duc Edward, cook, bds 410 Water.
- Le Duc Exvia, lab, res 601 4th E.
- Le Duc Flossie, clk Mrs C Le Duc, bds 410 Water.
- Lee Elizabeth A (wid James; E A Lee & Co), res 512 State W.
- Lee E A & Co (Elizabeth A Lee, Charles J Stokes), dry goods, 307 Main N.
- Leishman John R, grocer 400 State W, 413 Huron N.
- Leishman Wm, asst engr City Water Works, res 400 State W.
- Leishman Wm T (Leishman & Elliott), res 506 Main N.
- Leishman & Elliott (Wm T Leishman, John Elliott), saloon, 506 Main N.
- Le Gare Florence, bds 410 C North.
- Le Gare Frank, lab, res 410 C North.
- Le Gare Laura, bds 410 C North.
- Le Gault, Margaret, bds 221 D South.
- Le Gault Marion C, clk N Y Racket Store, bds 221 D South.
- Le Gault Mrs Nellie, res 221 D South.
- Lemieux Bernadette, bds 421 Mackinaw av.
- Lemieux Hormisdas, clk N Y Racket Store, res 427 State W.
- Lemieux Irene, pianist, bds 427 State.
- Lemieux Julia, waiter, bds 421 Mackinaw av.
- Lemieux Romeo, lab, bds 421 Mackinaw av.
- Lemoire Ely, bds 1051 Stanley.
- Le Moire Frank C, janitor Frost-Kesseler blk, res 1051 Stanley.
- Lemoire Golden, lab, bds 1051 Stanley.
- Lemoire Robert C, lab, bds 1051 Stanley.
- Lennox Norman B, cigarmkr John Noll, res 915 Mackinaw av.
- Lenz Wm A (W A Lenz Drug Co), res 117 State W.
- Lenz W A Drug Co (Wm A Lenz, George A Thomas), drugs, 117 State W.
- Leonall Victor, lab, res n s Gerow 1 e of Eastern av N.
- Leonard Elizabeth A, bds 215 Cass.
- Leonard Ella, waiter, bds 1020 Mackinaw av.
- Leonard Margaret, tel opr Cheboygan Tel Co, bds 215 Cass.
- Leonard Thomas H, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 215 Cass.
- Leonard Wm J, lab, bds 1020 Mackinaw av.
- Leonard Wm L, lab, Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 215 Cass.
- Leporowski Peter, lab, res 318 C North.
- Leske Benjamin F, lab, res 1020 Division.
- Leske Leonard, res 411 1st W.
- Leske Leonard J, cigar mnfgr 302 C South, res same.
- Lesperance Virginia, dressmkr, bds 225 Michigan av.
- Letulip Cyrille, painter, res 1211 Mackinaw av.
- Letulip George, lab, bds 1211 Mackinaw av.
- Leveque Clements, lab, res s w cor Palmyra and Byron.
- Leveque Eli, cook, res 106 Benton S.
- Leveque Joseph, lab, res 224 Brown.
- Leveque Maxim, cook, bds Charles Hotel.
- Leveque Napoleon, sawyer Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, res 229 D South.
- Levi Maxime, engineer, res 317 Bailey N.
- Lewis Mrs Eliza, boarding house, s e cor Huron N and Elm.
- Lewis Frederick C, hostler D & M R R, bds Mrs E Lewis
- Lewis Herman L (Lewis & Wertheimer), res Detroit, Mich.
- Lewis James P, foreman Cheboygan Tribune, res 516 Bailey N.
- Lewis Jesse, lab, bds 511 Huron N.
- Lewis Mary E, clk N Y Racket Store, bds Wm Lewis.
- Lewis Roy, printer Cheboygan News, bds Wm Lewis.
- Lewis Thomas, lab, bds Mrs E Lewis.
- Lewis Wm, farmer, res s s Court 4 w of Foster.
- LEWIS & WERTHEIMER (Herman L Lewis, Wm A Wertheimer), Proprs The Model Billiard and Bowling Parlors, 510-512 Main N.
- LIEBNER AUGUST A, Upholsterer and Yacht Builder, Furniture of All Kinds Repaired, n w cor 3d E and Duncan av, res 301 Duncan av, Tel N 66-2r.
- Liebner Ernest C, collr First Nalt Bank, bds 301 Duncan.
- Liebner Henry A, repairer, bds 301 Duncan av.
- Liebner Ida P, mlnr, bds 301 Duncan av.
- Liebner Wm A, lab M D Olds, res 221 Duncan av.
- Lighthall John, grocer, 520 Mackinaw av W, res same.
- Linchewitz Paul, lab, res 304 C North.
- Lincoln Ella, waiter New Cheboygan Hotel, bds 1020 Mackinaw av.
- Lincoln Leonard J, lab, bds 1020 Mackinaw av.
- Lincoln Wm, lab, bds 1020 Mackinaw av.
- Lincoln Wm S, decorator 1020 Mackinaw av, res same.
- Lindh Carl, appr Leon Lindh, bds 435 State W.
- Lindh Leon, watchmaker 106 State W, res 435 same.
- Lindsay May, res 618 Antoine.
- Lindsey Thomas, bartndr George McNeil.
- Linski Agnes, bds 330 Bellant.
- Linski Alexander, lab, res 330 Bellant.
- Linski Alexander Jr, lab, bds 330 Bellant.
- Lipsinski John, shoes 210 State E, res same.
- Lipsinski Rose, dom 210 State E.
- Linsipski Stanislaus, lab, bds 210 State E.
- Lippard Annie, bds Mrs Mary A Lippard.
- Lippard Fannie, bds Mrs Mary A Lippard.
- Lippard Mary A (wid Richard), res s w cor Loomis and North.
- Lippard Samuel, lab, bds Mrs Mary A Lippard.
- Little Anna, dressmkr 1031 Randolph, bds same.
- Littlefield Allan G, res 1121 1st W.
- Littlefield Charles, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co. res 1121 1st W.
- Litzner Adolph C, driver J J Post Hdware Co, res 1051 Fremont.
- Livingston James Y, chef, res s e cor Mackinaw av and Huron N.
- Lockman George P, lumberman, res 119 Bailey S.
- Loeffler Eliza, bds 881 Main S.
- Loeffler Frank C, electr Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 881 Main S.
- Loeffler Otto, grocer 881 Main S, res same.
- Loeffler Otto Jr, lab, bds 881 Main S.
- Loeffler Paul O, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 881 Main S.
- Loeffler Richard, bds 881 Main S.
- Loisell Lillian, bds 523 State E.
- Loisell Melvina M, bds 121 B North.
- Loisell Nelson,lab, bds 523 State E.
- Loisell Robert, mason, res 523 State E.
- LOMBARD JOHN T (Lombard & Rittenhouse), res LOMBARD & RITTENHOUSE (John T. Lombard, John C Rittenhouse), Forest Products, Cedar Ties, Posts, Poles and Lumber. Office First Natl Bank Bldg, Tel Main 92. City Yards Ball, Division and State, Tel Main 239. (See left bottom lines.)
- Lond Isaac, broom mkr, res 114 Duncan av.
- Long Ernest W, millwight, res 117 C South.
- Longman James M, physician 505 Main N, res 114 Huron South.
- Louisignau Charles J, lightkpr, res 301 Cleveland av.
- Louisignau Joseph L, mngr DeGowin Bros, res 301 Cleveland av.
- Louisignau Leo E, clk, bds 301 Cleveland av.
- Lourie John H, tug engr Cheboygan T & W Co, res 316 State E.
- Love Agnes E, typstr, bds 229 C South.
- Love Dot M, printer, Cheboygan Democrat, bds 229 C South.
- Love Nellie, clk The Glover Co, bds 229 C South.
- Love Robert G, watchman, bds 229 C South.
- Love Thomas, lab, res 229 C South.
- Lovelly Audrey E, bds 253 Western av N.
- Lovelly Bernice M, stenogr McArthur Dock, bds 253 Western av. N.
- Lovelly Joseph J, section hd, res 253 Western av N.
- Lovelly Van, janitor High School, res 224 D South.
- Lovelly Vernon, student, bds 224 D South.
- Lovely Clarence C, cigarmkr, bds 114 6th E.
- Lovely Frank, lab, res 420 Cleveland av.
- Lovely Frank Jr, lab, bds 420 Cleveland av.
- Lovely Mabel A, bds 114 6th E.
- Lovely Philip, bartndr Spencer House, res 114 6th E.
- Lowe Nellene M, stenogr Reilley & McPhee, bds 214 Ball.
- Lowery Milton, painter, bds Wm F Malloy.
- Lowery Richard, lab, res 509 1st W.
- Lowery Simon P, engr, res 232 Duncan av.
- Lucke Bertha, bds 160 Harison av.
- Lucke Emma, clk, bds 160 Harrison av.
- Lucke Gustaf, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 160 Harrison av.
- Lucke Martha, bds 160 Harrison av.
- Lucke Paul W, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 160 Harrison av.
- Luft John, lab, res 209 North.
- Luke Henry, hoop mnfr, res 505 Main N.
- Luke Norman C, confectioner 115 State W, res same.
- Lund Alice, clk, bds 1005 Main S.
- Lund Charles (J B Lund & Sons), bds 1005 Main S.
- Lund George, mach J B Lund & Sons, res s s Lincoln av w of Huron.
- Lund Gustave L, student, bds New Cheboygan Hotel.
- Lund Julius B (J B Lund and Sons), res 1005 Main S.
- LUND J B & SONS (Julius B, Robert W and Charles), Ship Builders, s w cor Cleveland av and 6th E, Machinists, Brass and Iron Founders, s s Seymour, 1 e of Main S, Tel Main 22.
- Lund Robert W (J B Lund & Sons), bds 1020 Main S.
- Lynch Daniel, bookkpr, bds 406 1st W.
- Lynch John, res 406 1st W.
- Lynch Stephen J, lumberman, bds 406 1st W.
- Lynch Wm, foreman, res 224 State E.
- Lynn Elizabeth (wid Charles), bds 325 Huron N.
- Lynn Wm J, butcher Henry Barber, res 223 Pinehill av.
- Lynts Ray, lathe opr Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, res 127 Huron S.
- Lyons Charles H, bartndr Cheboygan Boiler Wks, bds 410 Antoine.
- Lyons Amelia M, bds 1201 Court.
- Lyons Charles W, restaurant 426 Main N, res 1249 Court West.
- Lyons Ellen (wid Michael), bds 414 Cleveland av.
- Lyons Emma, student, bds 410 Antoine.
- Lyons Ethel M, stenogr D H Crowley, bds 1201 Court.
- Lyons George C, lab, bds 1201 Court.
- Lyons John C, longshoreman, res 410 Antoine.
- Lyons Leon, livery 101 Main S, res 407 Elm.
- Lyons Louis G, carp, res 1201 Court.
- Lyons Mabel C, bds 117 E North.
- Lyons Wm, student, bds 410 Antoine.
- Lyons Wm G, trimmer M D Olds, res 217 E North.
- Lyons Wm R, lumber inspr Archibald & Hagadorn, res 414 Cleveland av.
McAlpine Jennie, bds 235 Western av N.
- McAlpine John, lab, res 235 Western av N.
- McAlpine John A, lab, bds 235 Western av N.
- McARTHUR DOCK, M D Olds Propr, R E Matt Agt, Coal, Lime, Cement Building Material, Storage and Forwarding, Agts D & C Navigation Co, Northern Michigan Transportation Co, Green Bay Transportation Co, Arnold Transit Co and The Island Transportation Co, ft of Main N. (See right top lines.)
- McArthur James A, carrier No 4 P O, bds 638 Duncan.
- McArthur John B, real est 638 Duncan av, res same.
- McArthur Margaret A (wid John), res 214 North.
- McArthur Voilet C, bds 214 North.
- McArthur W & A Co Ltd, A F MacArthur chairman, John R MacArthur vice-chairman, C J MacArthur sec, H E Reagan treas, 443 Huron S.
- McBain Ranald, woodsman, res 428 Huron N.
- McCallum Allie, clk Leo Edelstein, bds 120 D South.
- McCallum Edna, bds 402 Cuyler.
- McCallum Frances, bds 120 D South.
- McCallum Genevieve, bds 402 Cuyler.
- McCallum James A R, res 120 D South.
- McCallum Maude, bds 120 D South.
- McCann Edward, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 321 Todd.
- McCann George, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res Lake av 2 w lumber mill.
- McCarter John, lab, res s s Gerow 1 w of Eastern av.
- McCarthy Clarence G, woodsman, bds 890 Main S.
- McCarthy D Lawrence, tallyman, bds 400 Garfield av.
- McCarthy George W, woodsman, res 890 Main S.
- McCarthy Hugh, barber A Gray, res 400 Garfield av.
- McCarthy Kenneth, fireman, bds 890 Main S.
- McCarthy Michael, lumber, res 400 Garfield av.
- McCarthy Thomas E, foreman M D Olds, res 421 Bailey North.
- McCartney Robert J, bartndr, bds 334 Main N.
- McCash Edith, bds 110 B North.
- McCash Ethel, bds 244 Backus.
- McCash George, fisherman, res 121 C South.
- McCash Harry E, fisherman, res 110 B North.
- McCash James A, fisherman, res 244 Backus.
- McCash Walter C, fisherman Robert Cooper, res 110 B North.
- McCauley Kate (wid James), propr Hub Hotel, res same
- McClellan Charles, lab, res 438 James.
- McClellan Mrs Florence, bds 1257 Mackinaw av.
- McClelland Benjamin J, lab, bds 625 3d E.
- McClelland Elmer B, barber M McClelland, bds 625 3d East
- McClelland George O, lab, bds 625 3d East.
- McClelland John, driver Cheboygan Mnfg Co, res 625 3d East.
- McClelland John E, photgr, res 231 Dresser.
- McClelland Marvin J, barber 119 Main N, bds 625 3d E.
- McClintic Albert T, barber 206 State W, res 215 Ball N.
- McCombes John H, roller Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 35 Tannery set.
- McCombs Robert, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 119 D South.
- McCombs Wm, lab, res 119 D South.
- McCoy Alexander, lab, res 419 D North.
- McCoy Alexander Jr, lab, bds 419 D North.
- McCoy Ellen, bds 419 D North.
- McCoy John, lab, res 407 Mackinaw av.
- McCoy Wm, lab M D Olds, bds 419 D North.
- McCrimmin John, hostler D & M R R.
- McCrimmon Lillian, dom n s Fremont 1 w of Western av S.
- McDollan Elmer, bds A M Gerow.
- McDonald Alec R, tmstr, res 658 Huron S.
- McDonald Allen, res e s Lafayette 1 s of Lincoln av E.
- McDonald Archibald F, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 118 William.
- McDonald Charles P, engr, bds Allen McDonald.
- McDONALD DANIEL J, Mngr Hub Mercantile Co, res 654 Main S, Tel South 41.
- McDonald Eleanor, music tchr 238 Huron S, bds same.
- McDonald Francis J, lab, bds Allen McDonald.
- McDonald James N, mach, res 461 Western av.
- McDonald Rev John, asst pastor St Mary's Church, bds 118 D North.
- McDonald John, boilermkr, res 447 Garfield av.
- McDonald John C, lab, bds Allen McDonald.
- McDonald Kenneth A, mach, bds Allen McDonald.
- McDonald Mrs Mary, bds 224 Main N.
- McDonald Nellie R, bds Allen McDonald.
- McDonald Paul, engr, bds 915 Dot.
- McDonald Roberta, student, bds 658 Huron S.
- McDougal John A, marine eng, res 527 Lafayette av.
- McFelda Annie, bds 107 William.
- McFelda Anthony, lab, res 107 William.
- McGinn Arthur C, asst supt Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 209 Duncan av.
- McGinn John W, res 305 Dresser.
- McGinn Rupert A, asst bkkpr Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 201 Duncan av.
- McGinn Thomas P, wood yd 201 Duncan av, res same.
- McGinn Walter J, sailor, res 241 Young.
- McGinnis Archie, sawyer M D Olds, res 85 Gerow.
- McGinnis Phoebe (wid John C), res 85 Gerow.
- McGregor Garnet, bds 313 Main S.
- McGregor Hazel, bkkpr Cheboygan Boiler Wks, bds 313 Main S.
- McGREGOR JAMES, Propr Cheboygan Boiler Works, res 313 Main S. (See adv page 4.)
- McGuire Charles, res 216 Huron S.
- McGurn Elizabeth (wid John), bds 107 B South.
- McGurn Toseph, tmstr, res 200 D North.
- McGurn Maggie A, cashier N Y Racket Store, bds 216 B North.
- McGurn Nellie, asst Dr C B Marks, bds 216 B North.
- McIntire Carrie F, student, bds 127 Bailey S.
- McIntire Frank, sec J J Post Hardware Co Ltd, res 127 Bailey S.
- McKay Alex, chief engr City Water Works, bds 417 State W.
- McKervey Charles C, carp Cheboygan Mnfg Co, bds 504 Lincoln av E.
- McKervey Ida, housekpr 1020 Main S.
- McKervey James, farmer, res 504 Lincoln av E.
- McKervey James P, farmer, bds 504 Lincoln av E.
- McKervey Mabel A, bds 504 Lincoln av E.
- McKewen Catherine, music tchr 109 C South, res same.
- McKinnon Gleason, clk, bds 510 4th E.
- McKinnon Hugh A, lumber inspr, res 436 Main S.
- McKinnon Mrs Isabelle, smstrs, res 510 4th E.
- McLaughlin George, engr, res 134 B South.
- McLaughlin Herbert, bartndr Thomas Trudeau, bds same
- McLaughlin John, lab, res n s Gerow 1 e of Eastern av N.
- McLaughlin Mary, prin Tannery School, bds 650 Huron South.
- McLaughlin Richard, bds 205 Gerow.
- McLaughlin Thomas, bds 205 Gerow.
- McLaughlin Walter, lab, res 205 Gerow.
- McLaughlin Wm W, engr, res 106 Bailey N.
- McLean Charles, carp, bds 1 Union.
- McLean Harriet (wid Hugh), res 319 Huron N.
- McLean Hazel, res 200 Clinton.
- McLean James A, lab, bds 1 Union.
- McLean Jean, bds 806 Division.
- McLeod James W, lumberman, res 324 Young.
- McLeod Wm A, drayman 126 B South, res same.
- McManus George (Amo & McManus), res Detroit, Mich.
- McMillen Joseph O, estimator Lombard & Rittenhouse, bds Spencer House.
- McMULLEN DAN P, Propr McMullen Printing Co, and Postmaster, res 215 Dresser.
- McMullen John, lab M D Olds, bds Globe House.
- McMullen Mrs Marv A, bds 215 Dresser.
- McMULLEN PRINTING CO, Dan P McMullen Propr, Printers, Stationers and Dealers in Office Supplies,
223 Main X, Tel Main 284. (See opp. )
- McNeill George, saloon 603 Main N, bds 601 same.
- McPhee John (Reilly & McPhee), bds 230 Backus.
- McPherson John A, res 20 Lincoln av E.
- McQuay Robert, lab, res 408 Mackinaw av.
- McQueen Delmar, lab, bds 308 D North.
- McQueen John A, engr, res 308 D North.
- McQueen Wilmont, lab, bds 308 D North.
- McRea Alexander F, lab, res 309 Duncan av.
- McVey Ethel M, bkkpr Cheboygan State Bank, bds 107 Huron N.
- McWethy John L, lab, bds 620 Loomis.
- Maase Isaac, farmer, res n e cor Milwaukee av and Leslie
- MacARTHUR ARTHUR F, Chairman W & A McArthur Co Ltd, Vice-Pres Cheboygan Paper Co, res New
York City.
- MacArthur Catherine, bds 304 Seymour W.
- MacARTHUR CLARK J, Sec and Treas Cheboygan Flour Mill Co, Sec W & A McArthur Co Ltd, res
304 Seymour W.
- MacArthur Mrs Edith, bds 304 Seymour W.
- MacArthur Gladys, teacher, bds 304 Seymour W.
- MacArthur Horatio, bkkpr First Natl Bank, bds 220 Backus.
- MacARTHUR JOHN R, Pres Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co, and Cheboygan Gas Light Co, res New
York City.
- MacArthur Ward, bds 304 Seymour W.
- MacCormick Thomas, vocalist Vaudette 5c Theater, bds 317 State W.
- MacDonald Agnes, tchr Galbraith School, bds 525 State East.
- MacDonald Alec S, landlooker, res 405 Dresser.
- MacDonald Angus, tmstr, res 111 C North.
- MacDonald Angus N, bookkpr, bds 405 Dresser.
- MacDonald Daniel K, lab, res 517 Palmyra S.
- MacDonald James D, lab, bds 517 Palmyra S.
- MacDonald John A, electr, res 814 Western av S.
- MacDonald Reynold F, lab, res n s Lincoln av W 1 w of Western av S.
- MacDonald Sadie, bds 517 Palmyra S.
- MacDonald Wm, lab, bds 517 Palmyra S.
- MacDonald Wm M, law student, bds 405 Dresser.
- MacGrew Bessie, bds 123 Huron S.
- MacGrew Mrs Ethel M, dressmkr 123 Huron S, res same.
- Maciejewski Thomas, lab, res 364 Harrison av.
- Mack James L, gardener 249 Pinehill av, res same.
- Mackenzie James, millwright Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds James Davis.
- Mackinaw Av School, s s Mackinaw av 2 e of Western.
- MacKINNON GRACE M (wid Hugh), Propr MacKinnon's Resort, res on w shore Black Lake, 14 miles
s e, R F D No 2. (See page 7.)
- MacKINNON'S RESORT, Mrs Grace M MacKinnon Propr, on w shore Black Lake, 14 miles s e, R F D No 2. (See page 7.)
- MacMillan John, timber estimator, bds 314 Littleleld.
- Mageau Alice M, bds 116 C South.
- Mageau Adelord, longshoreman, res 333 F North.
- Mageau Anna, ironer Star Steam Laundry, bds 116 C South.
- Mageau Ida J, bds 333 F North.
- Mageau Wm, lab, bds 116 C South.
- Magnan Rev John B, rector St Charles R C (French) Church, res 222 Bailey N.
- Magoon Hiram, ins agt, res 344 Young.
- Magoon Rosabelle, clk The Glover Co, bds 344 Young.
- Maguire Ferguson, carp 309 Bailey N, res same.
- Maguire Thompson, carp, bds 309 Bailey N.
- Mailhot Joseph H, lumberman, res 370 Young.
- Mairer Agnes, dom 1213 State W.
- Major Bernadette, bds 103 State E.
- Major Felix, lab, res 103 State E.
- Major N Ephraim, lab, bds 103 State E.
- Malanfant Frederick W, clk Y Wertheimer & Son, res 403 Mackinaw av.
- Malanfant Joseph, lab, res 998 Mackinaw av.
- Malanfant Joseph I, switchman, res 453 State W.
- Malanfant Laura, bds 998 Mackinaw av.
- Malanfant Marie, clk The Glover Co, bds 998 Mackinaw.
- Malek Alexandria, clk, bds 210 Main S.
- Malek Benedict, student, bds 210 Main S.
- Malek Frank V, bartndr, res 116 Benton S.
- Malek Gertrude, student, bds 210 Main S.
- Malek Joseph J (Noskey & Malek), res 210 Main S.
- Malek Martin F, shoes 210 Main S, res same.
- Maley Celesta, longshoreman, res 306 George.
- Mallette Alexander, lab, res 201 Sutherland av.
- Malloy Wm F, lake capt, res s s Abbott 1 w of Lafayette.
- Maloney Anna E, clk The Glover Co, bds 308 Littlefield.
- Maloney Ellen (wid Patrick), res 308 Littlefield.
- MALONEY JAMES C, Propr The Smoke Shop, Wholesale and Retail Cigars and Tobaccos, Confectionery, News and Periodicals, 323 Main N, Tel Main 228; res 218 Bailey N. (See right bottom lines.)
- Maloney Wayne, student, bds 218 Bailey N.
- Mann Atlanta (wid Lew A), res s e cor Main and Elm.
- Mann Ronita, photogr, bds Atlanta Mann.
- Mann Eliza (wid Wm A), bds Hub Hotel.
- Mann George, meat ctr, bds 732 Mackinaw av.
- MANN OTIS E, Carriage and Sign Painter, Card Writer, Etc., ft of Elm, res s e cor Main and Elm. (See left bottom lines.)
- Mann Ray, lab, bds 464 State W.
- Mann W Herb, trav salesman, res 314 Pine.
- Manne Albert, baggageman M C R R, res 602 Pine.
- Manuel James, lab, res s s Pinehill av 9 w of Loomis.
- Marcuson Alexander, lab, bds 505 State E.
- Marcuson Marcus, lab, bds 505 State E.
- Markle Ellen (wid Emanuel), res 1004 State W.
- Markle Helena, bds 1004 State W.
- Markle Mary, tchr, bds 1004 State W.
- Markle Susan L, tchr, bds 1004 State W.
- MARKS CHARLES B, Physician and Surgeon, Office Hours 9 to 11 a m, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 :30 p m, 217 Main X. Tel North 19; res 516 Cuyler, Tel South 19.
- MARKS MRS SADIE P, Pres Cheboygan Drug Co, res 516 Cuyler.
- Marquette Colonel L, dep collector U S customs 319 Main N, res 122 Bailey S.
- Marquette Luella, student, bds 122 Bailey S.
- Marquette Rachel (wid Alexander), res s w cor Harrison av and Eastern av N.
- Marsden Mrs Martha, res 113 Benton N.
- Marsden Ray D, student, bds 113 Benton N.
- Marsden Reba, bds 113 Benton N.
- Marsh Carolina A (wid Lee), res 416 Division.
- Marsh Stephen E, clk M C R R, res 1011 Mackinaw av.
- Marshall Arthur S, 2d asst kpr Spectacle Reef Light Station, res 305 Cleveland av.
- Marshall Ernest, carp, res 30 Tannery set.
- Marshall Fannie, dressmkr 322 Bailey N, bds same.
- Marshall Joseph, bds 322 Bailey N.
- Marshall Rozella, milliner, bds 322 Bailey N.
- Marshall Walter G, capt U S life saving crew, res 332 Bailey N.
- Martin Amable, carp, res 103 6th E.
- Martin Anthony, lab, res e s Western av 1 n of M C R R.
- Martin Benjamin, bds 242 Young.
- Martin Carrie, bds Anthony Martin.
- Martin Delia, bds Anthony Martin.
- Martin Fortuna J, clk J E Cueny & Bro, res 109 Benton South.
- Martin Henry, lab Cheboygan Bwg & Malting Co, res 111 Bailey N.
- Martin Israel, gardener e s Roberts Place 1 n of Court, res same.
- Martin James A, mach Schulz Bros, res 411 Bailey N.
- Martin Laura, stenogr, bds Israel Martin.
- Martin Leona, stenogr, bds Israel Martin.
- Martin Mabel (wid Alex P), res 503 Ball N.
- Martin Mary J (wid Charles), tchr Central School, bds 411 Bailey N.
- Martin Thomas A (Cheboygan Mnfg Co), res 501 Ball N.
- Martin Wh G, student, bds 501 Ball N.
- MARTIN WM L, Pres Embury-Martin Lumber Co, 1st Vice-Pres Cheboygan County Savings Bank, res 242 Young, Tel 259.
- Martineau Joseph E, cook, res 625 Duncan av.
- Martineau Wm, fireman, res 219 C North.
- Martino Charles, lab, res 321 Duncan av.
- Martino Edmond, lab, res 826 1st E.
- Marttla John, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Marttla Wm, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Marx Barney J, lab, bds 100 Western av S.
- Marx Frank, papermkr, res 100 Western av S.
- Marx Mrs Lucy, bds 100 Western av S.
- Marx Mrs Minnie, grocer 100 Western av S, res same.
- Mascott Frank, section hand, res 745 Spooner.
- Mascott Herbert H, driver Mrs Josephine Cueny, res 222 Center.
- Mason Edward, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Mason Sadie (wid John J), res 344 Huron S.
- Mason Wm J, bottler P X Moloney, res 304 Pine.
- Masse Alcide, bartndr, res 623 Locust.
- Masse Gilbert, lab, res 225 Michigan av.
- Masse Louis, lab, res 700 Western av S.
- Masse Minnie, milliner Mrs C Le Duc, bds 225 Michigan av.
- Masse Ruby, appr Mrs L LeDuc, bds 225 Michigan av.
- Massey Wilson, carp Cheboygan Mnfg Co, bds New Campbell House.
- Mathews Charles H, lab, res 117 F South.
- Matt Joseph, bds 753 Main N.
- MATT, ROY E, Agt McArthur Dock, ft of Main, Tel 51, res 753 Main N, Tel 325.
- Matti Gottlieb, lab, res 525 Antoine.
- Mattson Charles, lab, bds 306 Gerow.
- Mattson Peter, farmer, res 306 Gerow.
- Maxwell Frederick, farmer, res 236 Ball N.
- May Benjamin, carp, res 900 State N.
- May Clara E, bds r 201 F South.
- May Wm, brakeman D & M R R, res 900 State W.
- Mead Ezra G, roller Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 33 Tannery set.
- Meade Harry F, tel opr M C R R, bds Spencer House.
- Meden Wm A, lab, res 1314 Court.
- Meggitt Edith M, dressmkr 301 Pinehill av, bds same.
- Meggitt Frederick, poundmaster 5th ward, res 301 Pinehill av.
- Meggitt George R. lab, res 657 Lincoln av W.
- Meggitt John W, lab, bds 301 Pinehill av.
- Meggitt Laura, bds 301 Pinehill av.
- Meggitt Robert (R Meggitt & Son), res 103 Sutherland
- Meggitt Robert F, farmer, bds 103 Sutherland.
- MEGGITT R & SON (Robert and T Stanley Meggitt), grocers 108 State E, Tel 315.
- Meggitt T Stanley (R Meggitt & Son) bds 103 Sutherland.
- Meinze Andrew, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 10 Tannery set.
- Meisel Charles A, barber 111 Main N, res 232 Benton S.
- Meisel Margaret, bds 232 Benton S.
- Meisel Wm, bazaar 303 Main N, res 205 Ball S.
- Malancon Angeline (wid Charles), bds 425 4th E.
- Melancon Charles, butcher J B Leishman, res 318 6th E.
- Melavey Marion, milliner, bds 107 Huron S.
- Melavey Neil, saloon 107 Main N, res 107 Huron S.
- Melavey Winifred, student, bds 107 Huron S.
- Melbourne Robert, lab M D Olds.
- Mellett Joseph, foreman, res 205 B South.
- Melville Charles H (Peoples Outfitting Co), bds 418 Water.
- Melville George A (Peoples Outfitting Co), bds 418 Water.
- Melville John P, res 418 Water.
- Melville Nellie, music tchr 418 Water, bds same.
- Melville Wm H, bds 418 Water.
- Mendriski Wm, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co.
- Mercer George, lumber inspector, bds New Cheboygan Hotel.
- Merrill Frank, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 1221
Mackinaw av.
- Merriott Frank, lab, res 228 Duncan av.
- Merriott Frank E, lab, bds 228 Duncan av.
- Merriott Frederick, vocalist, bds 228 Duncan av.
- Merriott Violet R, bds 228 Duncan av.
- Merriott Wm H, lab, bds 228 Duncan av.
- Merritt Wm H, supt of poor Court House, res Wolverine, Mich.
- Metivier Edmund, mason, res 124 E North.
- Metivier Josette, clk, bds 124 E North.
- Metivier Louis E, barber, res 318 Dresser.
- Metivier Mabel, printer Cheboygan Democrat, bds 124 E North.
- Metivier Rachel, milliner E G Walton, bds 124 E North.
- Metivier Robert, engr, bds 124 E North.
- Metivier Rose, clk, bds 124 E North.
- Metivier Sophia, student, bds 124 E North.
- Metivier Warren, student, bds 124 E North.
- Metivier Wm, lab, bds 124 E North.
- Meyer Albert, student, bds 236 Sammons.
- Meyer Emma, stenogr Cheboygan Co Abstract Co, bds 236 Sammons.
- Meyer Frederick G, clk J M Meyer, bds 236 Sammons.
- MEYER JOHN M, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain, 204 Main S, Tel 34, res 236 Sammons.
- MEYER LONE N, Treas Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 426 Taylor.
- Meyer Marie A, stenogr Cross & Cross, bds 236 Sammons
- Meyer Thomas, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 236 D.
- Meyer Ethel, student, bds 541 Cuyler.
- Meyers Henry W, mach opr Vaudette 5c Theater, bds 317 State W.
- Michigan Central Railroad Passenger Station, Loran D Hagerty agt, School bet Court and Nelson.
- Miekowski Elizabeth (wid Joseph), res 200 C North.
- Military Orchestra (The), Charles A Meisel mngr, 111 Main N.
- Miller Adolph, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds August Schmidt.
- Miller Alfred, tmstr, bds 334 C North.
- Miller Alva R, lab, bds 525 Mackmaw av.
- Miller Arthur G, yd man Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 525 Mackinaw av.
- Miller Daniel, header, bds 101 Williams.
- Miller Daniel, lab, bds Wm Smeader.
- Miller Edward, lab, res 1383 Court.
- Miller Elvina, bds 324 C North.
- Miller Fern, bds 118 6th E.
- Miller Frank, edger M D Olds, bds 334 C North.
- Miller Henry, lab M D Olds, res 324 C North.
- Miller Henrv jr, boom hd M D Olds, bds 334 C North.
- Miller Jeremiah, lab M D Olds, bds 334 C North.
- Miller Joseph, tmstr, bds 324 C North.
- Miller Josephine, bds 324 C North.
- Miller Lena A, bds 525 Mackinaw av.
- Miller Louis, tmstr, bds 334 C North.
- Miller Mrs Matilda, res 302 Clinton.
- Miller Peter, lab, res 334 C North.
- Miller Wm, carp, res 118 6th E.
- Miller Wm Jr, bds 118 6th E.
- Milliken Harry M, foreman Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co, res 430 Huron S.
- Milliken Clyde, savings teller First Natl Bank, bds 310 Sammons.
- Milliken Mrs Lydia, res 310 Sammons.
- Mills Christopher, lab, res 1004 Court.
- Ming Frederick, student, bds 722 Division.
- Ming Frederick R, livery 520 Main N, res 722 Division.
- Ming Mabel, tchr, bds 722 Division.
- Ming Matie, bds 722 Division.
- MODEL BILLIARD AND BOWLING PARLORS, Lewis & Wertheimer Props, 510-512 Main N.
- Moekel Oscar E, tailor W W Ross, res 204 B South.
- Moloney Block, 415-417 Main N.
- Moloney Charles L, mngr P X Moloney, bds 342 Sammons.
- Moloney George, bottler P X Moloney, bds 342 Sammons
- Moloney Gerard, student, bds 342 Sammons.
- MOLONEY JAMES F, Pres Cheboygan County Savings Bank, res 422 Main S.
- MOLONEY JOSEPH P, supt Cheboygan Brewing & Malting Co, res 362 Young.
- MOLONEY PATRICK X, Propr Cheboygan Bottling Works and Confectioner, 240 Main S, res 342 Sammons.
- Moloney Regina V, bds 342 Sammons.
- MOLONEY VET S, General Insurance, Real Estate, Loans, Farm and Resort Property, Frost-Kesseler Blk, Tel Main 181, res 207 Bailey S, Tel Main 6. (See page 2 and left top lines.)
- Monaghan Daniel, sawyer M D Olds, res 903 Seymour.
- Monaghan Edward, coach cleaner D & M R R, res 918 1st W.
- Monaghan Eliza, dressmkr 310 State E, bds same.
- Monaghan Ethel, bds 918 1st W.
- Monaghan Frank J, lab Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, bds 903 Seymour.
- Monaghan George A, trav salesman, res 103 Huron N.
- Monaghan James J, lab, res 39 Tannery set.
- Monaghan John J, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 39 Tannery set.
- Monaghan Rose, student, bds 903 Seymour.
- Monaghan Wm D, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 39 Tannery set.
- Mondeau Emil, mach, res 300 Harrison av.
- Montgomery James, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Moody Eli, blksmith, res 1355 Court.
- Moody Joseph A, mason, res 1321 Court.
- Moody Marvin L (Moody & Amo), res 214 Backus.
- Moody Mary (wid Joseph), res 1355 Court.
- Moody Moses, lab, res 1214 Court.
- Moody, Wm, mason, res 1204 Court.
- Moody & Amo (Marvin L Moody, Adolph Amo), saloon, 518 Mani N.
- Mooney Anna, bds Mrs Margaret Mooney.
- Mooney James A, lab, bds Mrs Margaret Mooney.
- Mooney John T, lab, bds Mrs Margaret Mooney.
- Mooney Mabel, bds Mrs Margaret Mooney.
- Mooney Mrs Margaret, res s s North 2 w of Loomis.
- Moore Charles C, sailor, res 1027 Hancock.
- Moore Charles E, student, bds 1027 Hancock.
- Moore David, lab, res 128 D South.
- Moore Roy H, lineman Cheboygan Tel Co, bds 322 Dresser.
- Moore Wm C, confectioner 331 Main N, res same.
- Moran Adolph, lab, bds Charles Hotel.
- Morris Joseph, blksmith H Portelance, res 437 Duncan West.
- Morris Stephen, painter, res 418 Water.
- Morris Mrs Vina, dishwasher Columbian Hotel.
- Morrison Delbert, lab res 616 Antoine.
- Morrison Elizabeth, tchr, bds 314 Western av S.
- Morrison James, lab, res 314 Western av. S.
- Morrison John, lab, bds 314 Western av S.
- Morrison Kate (wid Wm), res 328 Western av S.
- Morrison Margaret, cook, bds 314 Western av S.
- Morrison Wm, lab, bds 314 Western av S.
- Morrow Andrew, millwright, res 517 Dresser.
- Morrow Clarissa, bds 712 Loomis.
- Morrow Cyril, miller, res 228 D South.
- Morrow Edmund, lab, bds 1213 State W.
- Morrow Ellen (wid John), res 712 Loomis.
- Morrow Eugene, papermkr, res 700 Huron S.
- Morrow Joseph, finisher, res 1050 Randolph.
- Morrow Maxim, ship carp, res w s Moloney 1 s of Abbott.
- Morrow Oliver, woodsman, res r 209 B North.
- Morrow Peter J, lab, res 65 Center.
- Morrow S, elevator man Cheboygan Flour Mill Co.
- Morrway Wm, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Mosier Mary C, bds 624 Main S.
- Mosier Reuben H, lake capt, res 624 Main S.
- Mould Charles E, lumber, res 233 Seymour.
- Mould Jack A, student, bds 233 Seymour.
- Moulder Frederick W, warehouseman N B Keeney & Son, bds 201 D South.
- Moulder Henry, harbor master, res 201 D South.
- Murphy Anna E, bds 309 State E.
- Murphy Effie E, cashier Leo Edelstein, bds 224 C South.
- Murphy Frances V, bds 309 State E.
- Murphy John, drayman, 224 C South, res same.
- Murphy Joseph J, cigar mnfr 309 State E, res same.
- Murphy Joseph P, cigarmkr Jos J Murphy, bds 309 State E.
- Murphy Leo T, cigarmkr Jos J Murphy, bds 309 State E.
- Murphy Maria (wid Joseph J), bds 309 State E.
- Murphy Martin, lab, res 227 Duncan av.
- Murtaugh John A, student, bds 650 Huron S.
- Murtaugh Oliver, res 650 Huron S.
- Muschell Anna M, sorter, bds 512 James.
- Muschell Charles S, junk 512 James, res same.
- Muschell Marguerite L, sorter, bds 512 James.
- Mushlock Anthony (Mushlock & Haedys), res Munising, Mich.
- Mushlock & Haedys (Anthony Mushlock, Thomas Haedys), saloon 416 Main N.
- Musial Edward F, lab, bds 184 Harrison av.
- Musial Freda M, bds 184 Harrison av.
- Musial Frederick W, lab M D Olds, bds 184 Harrison av.
- Musial Theodore, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 184 Harrison av.
- Muslak Anthony, lab, bds 319 F North.
- Muslak Joseph, sailor, res 118 Duncan av.
- Muslak Mary (wid Albert), res 319 F North.
- MYERS CHARLES J, Agency Organizer Prudential Insurance Co of America, Frost-Kesseler Blk, Tel Main 293, rms 126 Huron S.
- Naleta John, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds George Ewanski.
- Neelis James J, lab, res 305 D North.
- Neelis Lawrence, lab, bds 305 D North.
- Neff E Marguerite, stenogr Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 431 Bailey N.
- Neffle August, lab, res n s Gerow 2 e of Eastern av N.
- Neilis Wm, tmstr, bds 941 Dot.
- Nelligan Daniel M, barnman Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 213 Western av N.
- Nelson Benjamin, acid mkr, res 214 Seymour E.
- Nelson Charles, lab, res 738 1st E.
- Nelson Charles L, acid mkr, bds 214 Seymour E.
- Nelson David, lab, Cheboygan Bwg & Malting Co, res 1333 Court.
- Nelson Florence M, bds 528 Mackinaw av.
- Nelson Frank W, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 528 Mackinaw av.
- Nelson Frederick W, lab, res 528 Mackinaw av.
- Nelson Frederick W. Jr, cigarmkr, bds 528 Mackinaw av.
- Nelson Harvey, lab, bds 1333 Court.
- Nelson Jennie, bds 214 Seymour E.
- Nelson Jennie (wid Nels), res 962 Mackinaw av.
- Nelson John N, pres Nelson Lumber Co, res 847 Main S.
- Nelson Lumber Co, J M Nelson pres and genl mngr, D A Hastings sec and treas, 835 Main S.
- Nelson Martin, lab M D Olds, res 615 Duncan av.
- Nelson Maude, finisher, bds 214 Seymour E.
- Nesbitt James, condr D & M R R, res 433 Bailey N.
- Neski Statia, lab, res 8 Tannery set.
- Ness Albert K, foreman McMullen Printing Co, res 403 Bailey N.
- Neumann Otto, lab, res e s Garfield av 8 s of Abbott.
- New Campbell House, Alexander Campbell propr, 400 1st W.
- NEW CHEBOYGAN HOTEL, New Cheboygan Hotel Co Proprs, D and S E St Amour Mngrs, s w cor State Av and Water. (See page 8.)
- NEW CHEBOYGAN HOTEL CO, D St Amour Pres, S E St Amour Sec and Treas, Proprs New Cheboygan Hotel, s w cor State W and Water, Tel 54. (See page 8.)
- New Gerow Block, 303-307 Main N. New York Racket Store Inc, F L Thompson pres, I F Thompson sec, Guy A Thompson treas and mngr, department store, 313-315 Main N.
- Newburg Henry, lab, bds 229 C North.
- Newell Donna, bds 320 Main S.
- NEWELL EDWIN F, "The Shoe Man," 321 Main N, Tel 98; res 320 Main S, Tel 132. (See left top lines.)
- Newell Frank, lab, bds Thomas Heron.
- Newell Herbert, lab, bds Thomas Heron.
- Newman Cecelia (wid James), bds 117 E North.
- Newman Joseph, trimmer M D Olds, res 337 Bailey N.
- Newman Wm J, watchman, res 407 Bailey N.
- Newton Mrs A P, res 337 Dresser.
- Ney Wm, brakeman, res 940 State.
- Nichols Albert, hostler J H Simpson & Co, res 404 Dresser.
- Nichols Archie, fireman, bds 404 Dresser.
- Nichols George, lab, res 322 Duncan av.
- Nichols George Jr, lab, res 318 Duncan av.
- Nichols Herbert, lab, bds 322 Duncan av.
- Nichols John, bds 404 Dresser.
- Nichols Peter, city scavenger, res e s Dresser, 1 n of 1st West.
- Nicholson Alice, waiter New Cheboygan Hotel.
- NIMMO GEORGE D, Asst Cashier Cheboygan State Bank, bds 321 Sammons.
- Nimmo Helen, bds 321 Sammons.
- Nimmo Jessie U, clk The Glover Co, bds 321 Sammons.
- Nimmo Phoebe (wid Robert), res 321 Sammons.
- Nimmo Walter, bds 321 Sammons.
- NOLL JOHN, Cigar Mnfr 611 Main N, res 201 Bailey S.
- Noll Ruth I, student, bds 201 Bailey S.
- Nordberg George T, driver, bds 500 Duncan av.
- Nordberg Oscar, carp, res 500 Duncan av.
- Norman Gus, lab, bds 241 Gerow.
- Norman John, farmer, res 241 Gerow.
- NORTHERN MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS, Pennell Bros Proprs, Mnfrs of and Dealers in Artistic Marble and Granite Monuments, Tablets, Markers, Etc, 121 S Main. (See right bottom lines).
- NORTHERN MICHIGAN TRANSPORTATION CO, McArthur Dock Agts, ft of Main. (See right top lines.)
- Noskey Anthony J (Noskey & Malek), res 538 Cleveland av.
- Noskey John, bds 538 Cleveland av.
- Noskey & Malek (A J Noskey, J J Malek), proprs Palace Roller Rink, 616-618 Main N.
- O'Brien Charles H, farmer, bds 386 (195) Cleveland av.
- O'Brien John, real estate 419 State W, res same.
- O'Brien Margaret, tel opr Cheboygan Tel Co, bds e s Cleveland av bet Seymour and Lincoln av e.
- O'Brien Park, n w cor Garfield and Lincoln avs.
- O'Brien Philip, res 386 (195) Cleveland av.
- O'Brien Wm J, wireman Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co, res 220 7th East.
- O'Brien Wm S, lab, bds 386 (195) Cleveland av.
- Och John P, grocer 119 Duncan av, res same.
- O'Connor Mrs Lillie, res 411 State W.
- O'Connor Wm, tmstr Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 50 Tannery set.
- O'Grady George, pharmacist Sangster & Riggs, bds Mrs E Lewis.
- O'Grady Lena, student, bds 1216 Mackinaw av.
- Olds Florence, student, bds 426 Seymour.
- OLDS MILLARD D, Mnfr of Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Propr McArthur Dock, ft of B North, Tel 111; res w s Main S 1st s of Seymour.
- Oleson Walter, lab, res 22 Harrison av.
- Olmsted John E, fisherman, res 317 (90) Lake.
- Olson Andrew, res 308 Gerow.
- Olson Charles, lab M D Olds, bds 308 Gerow.
- Olson Olaf P, lab, res 414 South av.
- O'Malley Patrick, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Omes Grace, dom 418 Water.
- O'Neil Belle, milliner The Glover Co, bds 504 Pine.
- O'Neill Charles, lab, res 515 Lincoln av E.
- O'Neill Ella, student, bds 515 Lincoln av E.
- O'Neill James J, lab, res 208 Seymour av.
- O'Neill John, lab, res 505 Lincoln av E.
- O'Neill John E, lab, bds 606 Cleveland av.
- O'Neill Margaret (wid James J), res 606 Cleveland av.
- O'Neill Margaret, ctr, bds 606 Cleveland av.
- Opera House, n w cor Backus and Huron S.
- Osilski Stanislaus, lab, res 236 D North.
- Overly George A, shingle weaver, res 1104 Court.
- Owens Robert, cook, bds Charles Hotel.
- Oxley Amos, clk, res 425 4th E.
- Oxley Norman O, clk J N Brown, res 543 Bailey N.
- Packard Frank J, lab, res 242 Duncan av.
- Packham Frank, res 347 Dresser.
- PADDOCK RALPH A, Asst Postmaster, res 367 Young
- Page Mrs Eliza J, bds 1276 Howard.
- Palace Roller Rink, Noskey & Malek proprs, 616-618 Main N.
- Papin Adolph J, res 654 Cuyler.
- Papin John R, lab, res w s Western av S, 3 s of Lincoln av West.
- Papinau Francis, lab, bds Mrs Margaret Mooney.
- Papineau Frank, lab, bds 511 Bailey N.
- Papineau James, lab, bds 511 Bailey N.
- Papineau Joseph, lab, bds 511 Bailey N.
- Papineau Louise, bds 511 Bailey N.
- Papineau May, bds 511 Bailey N.
- Papineau Peter, carp, res 511 Bailey N.
- Paquette Block, 217-221 Main N.
- Paquette Burtus C, supervisor 5th ward, rms 217 Main North.
- Paquette Charles, warehouseman N B Keeney & Son, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Paquette Charles A, gardener s s Court 3 w of Foster, res same.
- Paquette Mary E (wid George), res 516 Cuyler.
- Paquin Gideon, lab, res 411 State W.
- Paquin Joseph, lab, res 615 3d E.
- Pardee Carl, blksmith James Watson, bds Commercial Hotel.
- Parker Edward, lab, Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res s s Lalonde 2 w of Western av.
- Parker Isaac, millwright, res 700 Palmyra.
- Parker Jerome, lab, res 700 Palmyra.
- Parker John, lab, bds 511 Huron N.
- Parker Leona, bds 700 Palmyra.
- Parkham John, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Parks Alfred, grocer 463 Main S, res 452 Main S.
- Parks Roland E, clk A Parks, bds 452 Huron S.
- Parks Viola, clk A Parks, bds 452 Huron S.
- Parrish Lafayette L, mason, bds 225 C South.
- Parrish Olai, mason, bds 225 C South.
- Parrish Robert H, mason, res 225 C South.
- Pasine Charles, coach cleaner D & M R R.
- Passeneau Albert, coachman, 528 Huron S.
- Passino Ethel G, bds 718 Huron S.
- Passino Frank, tug capt Cheboygan T & W Co, res 718 Huron S.
- PATTERSON BROS (James and Chrest), Mnfrs of Fine Confectionery, also Ice Cream Parlors, 227 Main N, Tel Main 56.
- Patterson Chrest (Patterson Bros), res 227 Main N.
- PATTERSON GEORGE E, Vice-Pres Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 328 Main S, Tel Main 250.
- Patterson James (Patterson Bros), res 227 Main N.
- Pattersonville School, n e cor Palmyra S and Center av.
- Paulson Gustave, lab, res 134 Bancroft.
- Pauly Fred, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res w s Western av 2 s of Lalonde.
- Paxton Julius J, fisherman Robert Cooper.
- Payea Benjamin, lab, res 118 Marquette.
- Payea Fred, lab, res 516 Lincoln av W.
- Payne Arthur L, lab, res n w cor Center av and Western South.
- Payne Mary E, bds Arthur L Payne.
- Peake Mrs Belinda, bds Wm F Malloy.
- PEAKE WM, Chairman Board of County Auditors, res Hebron Twp R F D No 3.
- Pear Joseph, lab, res 104 Bancroft.
- Pearl Horatio F, warehouseman N B Keeney & Son, res 233 Ball S.
- Pearl Lura E, bds 233 Ball S.
- Pearson Rev John, pastor First Baptist Church, res 323 Bailey N.
- Peck Mary A, supply clk Board of Education, res 238 Huron S.
- Peets Annie (wid Joseph), res 129 B North.
- Peets Henry, plumber 104 State W, 207 D South.
- Peets Joseph, clk R B Smith, bds 129 B North.
- Peets Louie, fisherman, res 304 Clinton.
- Pelkey Joseph, lab, res 319 Duncan av.
- Pellenz Mrs Anna, res 803 1st W.
- Pellenz George, sailor, bds 803 1st W.
- Pellenz Joseph, saloon 410 Mackinaw av, res 416 same.
- Pellenz Martha L, student, bds 416 Mackinaw av.
- Pellenz Mary, bds 803 1st W.
- Pellenz Peter, lab, res 805 1st W.
- Pelott Adelore, lab, res 215 Center.
- PENNELL BROS (J M and E M), Proprs Northern Marble and Granite Works, 121 Main S. (See right bottom lines.)
- PENNELL EDWARD M (Pennell Bros), res 653 Huron S. Tel 39 Main.
- Pennell Frank W, student, bds 220 Backus.
- Pennell Hall, 121 Main S.
- PENNELL JAMES M, Business Mngr Northern Marble and Granite Works, res 220 Backus, Tel 289 Main.
- Penoyer George S, clk F L DeGowin, res 616 Cleveland.
- Penoyer Sadie B, student, bds 614 Cleveland av.
- Penoyer Sterling A, farmer, res 614 Cleveland av.
- PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE, I M Stringham Propr, Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc, 514 Main N, Tel 299-N.
- Peoples Outfitting Co (Charles H and George A Melville). furniture and pianos, 111 State W.
- PEPPLER ALLEN W, Barber, Baths, 428 Main N, res 103 Huron S.
- Peppler Jacob S, steamftr Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 656 Huron S.
- Peppler Katherine, bds 245 Pinehill av.
- Peppler Lydia (wid Louis), res 245 Pinehill av.
- Peppler Walter A, clk The Glover Co, bds 245 Pinehill.
- Peppler L Wellington, clk Hub Mercantile Co, bds 245 Pinehill av.
- Percy Caesar, lab, res 214 E North.
- Percy George, lab, res e s Garfield av 9 s of Abbott.
- Percy George, papermkr, res 208 Cleveland av.
- PERKETT JOSEPH W (Perkett & Hubbard), res Traverse City Mich.
- PERKETT & HUBBARD (Joseph W Perkett, Pearl Hubbard), Proprs Spencer House, 619 Main N, Tel 83. (See page 3.)
- Perreault Joseph, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Perry Arthur W, carp Cheboygan Mnfg Co, res 233 Ball South.
- Perry Charles R, lab, bds Edward D Perry.
- Perry Edward D, lab, res s s Byron 2 w of Loomis.
- Perry Herbert D L, clk The Glover Co, bds 233 Ball S.
- Perry Leal A, student, bds 233 Ball S.
- Perwig Archibald, longshoreman, res 218 C South.
- Peters Edith, bds 433 Bailey N.
- Petersen Hans, lab, res 533 Duncan av.
- Peterson Alfred, lab, res r 400 D North.
- Peterson Alice, mach opr, bds 517 Pine.
- Peterson C August, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res e s Main S, 3 s of limits.
- Peterson John, lab, res e s Palmyra N, 1 s of State W.
- Petteron Charles, yd man Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Pew John E, student, bds 332 Young.
- PEW WM F, Register of Deeds, Court House, res 332 Younef.
- Pew Mrs Wm F, dep register of deeds, res 332 Young.
- Pfeffer Harry, mach tndr, bds Hotel Summit.
- Pfister Charles F, vice-pres Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Milwaukee, Wis.
- PFISTER & VOGEL LEATHER CO, Fred Vogel Jr Pres, Charles F Pfister Vice-Pres, August Helmholtz Treas, Guido C Vogel Gen'l Manager, Herman Georgii Local Manager, Main S, Tannery Settlement Tel 88.
- Pflug Joseph, linotype opr Cheboygan Democrat, bds A. A. Weber.
- Phaneuf Charles F, carp, res n e cor Hancock and Palmyra N.
- Phillips Emma (wid James), bds 318 Huron N.
- Phillips Florence, bds 317 Bailey N.
- Phillips George, lab, res 118 Marquette.
- Phillips Lillie M, tchr Central School, bds 317 Bailey N.
- Phillips Wm, bds 318 Huron N.
- Pickard Clara, bds 425 Dresser.
- Pietszak Stephen, lab, res 18 Tannery set.
- Pilon Christopher, lab, bds Felix Pilon.
- Pilon Felix, farmer, res s s Pinehill av, w of Loomis.
- Pilon Felix Jr, lab, bds Felix Pilon.
- Pilon Jenette, bds Felix Pilon.
- Pilon John, lab, bds Felix Pilon.
- Pilon Mabel, bds Felix Pilon.
- Pilon Oliver, lab, bds Felix Pilon.
- Pilon Veronica, bds Felix Pilon.
- Pinehill Cemetery, Frederick Meggitt Sexton, n s Pinehill av nr city limits.
- Place Gladys, bds 1252 Howard.
- Place Mannie, bds 1252 Howard.
- Place W Frederick, lathe opr, Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, res 1252 Howard.
- Plant Joseph, lab J R Hilborn, res 425 State W.
- Plintz John, lab, res 108 Duncan av.
- Plintz Rosa, clk I Frazer, bds 108 Duncan av.
- Plintz Win, clk J C Maloney, bds 108 Duncan av.
- Pockopowich Vincent, lab, res 233 D North.
- Poirier Fredick, longshoreman, res 64 Vale.
- Poirer Joseph, lab, bds 400 George.
- Poirier Patrick, lab M D Olds, res n s Vale, 1 w of Cedar.
- Poleski Felix, fireman, bds 230 Brown.
- Pollock George E, coach cleaner D & M R R, res s w cor Lincoln av W and Spooner.
- Porpor Alex, lab, res 301 Gerow.
- Porpor John, farmer, bds 301 Gerow.
- Porpor Josephine, bds 301 Gerow.
- Porpor Olive, bds 301 Gerow.
- Portelance Hilaire, blksmith 123 State E, res 120 B East.
- Post Jacob J, Vice-Pres First National Bank, chairman T T Post Hardware Co Ltd, res 528 Huron S.
- POST J J HARDWARE CO LTD, Jacob J Post Chairman, Schuyler Farrell Sec, Frank McIntire Treas. Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing and Heating, 309 Main N, Tel 57 Main.
- POSTOFFICE, Daniel P McMullen Postmaster, 226 Main N.
- Postoffice Building, 226 Main N.
- Postal Jane A (wid Robert), res s s Court, 1 w of Loomis
- Potter F J, county game warden, res Mackinaw City, Mich.
- Potvin Emil J, pilot, bds 334 D North.
- Potvin Louis P, bottler Cheboygan Bwg & Malting Co, bds 334 D North.
- Potvin Peter P, marine engr, res 334 D North.
- Potvin Rachel M, waitress, bds 334 D North.
- Poulin George, carp, res 461 Duncan av.
- Poulos James, clk Patterson Bros, rms 227 Main N.
- Powers Richard, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Premo Paul, res 101 State E.
- Prevost Bernard N, coal, res 932 1st W.
- Princess Roller Skating Rink, John M Horan, s e cor Mackinaw av and Huron N.
- Princess Theater, Lloyd Fairchild propr, 338 Main N.
- Prisza Albert, mach hd, res 314 C North.
- PROBATE COURT, Homer H Quay probate judge, Court House.
- Proctor George, fireman, res 506 James.
- Proctor Ira, millwright, res 32 Harrison av.
- Poctor Wm, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 32 Harrison av.
- Prophet Thomas, cook Veio Bros, bds 416 Water.
- PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA, Charles J Myers Agency Organizer, 3d fl Frost-Kesseler Blk, Tel Main 293.
- Przyborowski Mrs Angela, housekpr 568 Cleveland av.
- Pryzinski John, lab, res 358 Harrison av.
- Purely Ella M, bds 219 North.
- Purdy Laura L, bds 219 North.
- Purdy Wm R, lab, res 219 North.
- Quay Edward, shingle mnfr, res 326 Huron S.
- Quay George, shingle mnfr, res 326 Huron S.
- QUAY HOMER H, Probate Judge, Court House, bds 332 Huron S.
- Quay Lafayette, shingle mnfr, res 332 Huron S.
- Quintal Frank E, barber A W Peppier, res 110 C South.
- Rabideau Benjamin, mach Cheboygan Mnfg Co, res 235 (67) Duncan av.
- Rabideau Charles, mach opr Princess Theater, bds 235 (67) Duncan av.
- Rabideau Charles E, clk Y Wertheimer & Son, bds 235 (67) Duncan av.
- Rabideau George, lab, bds 461 Duncan av.
- Rabideau Isaac, mach Cheboygan Mnfg Co, bds 235 (67) Duncan av.
- Rabideau John O, longshoreman, res 417 3d E.
- Rabideau John O jr, bds 417 3d E.
- Rabideau Joseph W, carp, bds 235 (67) Duncan av.
- Rabideau Lillian E, clk E A Lee & Co, bds 235 (67) Duncan av.
- Rabideau Wm, helper Cheboygan Mnfg Co, bds 235 (67) Duncan av.
- Rabiore Peter, lab, res 1100 1st W.
- Radent Frank, driver Cheboygan Mnfg Co, bds 518 1st W.
- Radford James, mach Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Radliski Rose, bds 621 3d E.
- Raiman Edward E, lab, res 58 Tannery set.
- Raish Frank, lab, bds Charles Hotel.
- RAMSAY ALBERT W, Cashier First National Bank, Treas Cheboygan Telephone Co, Sec and Treas Cheboygan Pea Canning Co, res 604 Huron S, Tel 76 Main.
- RAMSAY CHARLES S, Propr and Editor Cheboygan Tribune, res 420 Taylor, Tel 63.
- RAMSAY DORA M, Asst Editor Cheboygan Tribune, bds 420 Taylor.
- Ramsay Pearl, bds 420 Taylor.
- Ramsay Ross C, printer Cheboygan Tribune, bds 420 Taylor.
- Rand Elsie, dressmkr, 250 Duncan av, res same.
- Rand Jane (wid Charles C), res 28 Cedar.
- Rand John E, fireman, bds 28 Cedar.
- Rands Francella, domestic 654 Main S.
- Rands Maude, bds 115 Huron N.
- Rannoo Ernest, lab, res 6 Tannery set.
- RAPIN-BESSETTE CLOTHING CO, M J Rogan Pres, Theodore L Rapin Vice-Pres, Louis F Bessette Sec
and Treas, Clothiers and Men's Furnishers, Hats, Caps and Shoes, 230 Main N, Tel 288.
- Rapin Frank C, surfman, res 404 State W.
- Rapin Rose, dressmkr, 215 Backus, bds same.
- Rapin Theodore L, vice-pres Rapin-Bessette Clothing Co, res 314 Water.
- RAUHUT EARNESTINA E, Hairdressing and Hair Goods, Facial Massage, Manicuring and Shampooing,
415 Main N, bds 512 Pine.
- RAUHUT ELIZABETH B, Exclusive Millinery and Millinery Goods, 121 Main N, bds 512 Pine, Tel North 192.
- Rauhut Martha P, cashier The Glover Co, bds 512 Pine.
- Rauhut Minnie, clk J C Taggart, bds 512 Pine.
- Rauhut Pauline A (wid August), res 512 Pine.
- RAYNOLDS GEORGE F, Pres First National Bank, res cor Huron S and Taylor, Tel 66.
- Raynolds John F, student, bds 542 Huron S.
- REAGAN HERBERT E, Pres Cheboygan Flour Mill Co, Treas Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co, and Cheboygan Gas Light Co, res Chicago, Ill.
- REAMES A WILBER, Painter and Paperhanger, 411 State W. Tel 214 E, res 223 Benton N. (See p 5.)
- Redman George, student, bds 517 Dresser.
- Redman Grace, dom 732 Mackinaw av.
- Redmond Daniel, lab, bds 209 E North.
- Redmond Daniel C, res 233 C South.
- Redmond Harry I, clk, bds 233 C South.
- Redmond Sylvester, engineer, res 725 State W.
- Redzoski Annie, dom 310 Court W.
- Reed Seth, lumber inspr Archibald & Hagadorn, bds 504 Pine.
- REED WILBUR F, Physician and Surgeon and County Coroner, Office Hours 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m, 221 Main N, Tel North 67, res 504 Pine, Tel South 67.
- Reeves Charles U, barber C C Gillmore, bds 949 Division.
- Reeves Chauncey F, lab, res s s Division 4 w of M C R R.
- Reeves Dick, res 1123 Randolph.
- REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE, Wm F Pew Register, Court House.
- Reid Hazel W, tchr, bds 707 Main N.
- REID JOHN, Funeral Director and Embalmer, Pictures and Picture Frames, 317 Division, Tel North 330, res 707 Main N, Tel South 330. (See right top lines.)
- Reid Sherman I, student, bds 707 Main N.
- Reilley Crawford S (Reilley & McPhee), res 541 Main S.
- Reilley & McPhee (Crawford S Reilley, John D McPhee), lawyers, Frost-Kessler blk.
- Reimen Edward, beam hd Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Tannery set.
- Remlow Julius, 2d-hd store, 114 State W, res 102 same.
- Renshaw Charles, lab, bds 614 Cleveland av.
- RENWICK WM R, City Surveyor, City Hall, bds 110 Huron S.
- Reville Louis N, woodsman, res s s James 1 w of Sutherland.
- Reville Thomas J, boilermkr, res 612 Duncan av.
- Reynolds John, lab, res 223 Center.
- Reynolds Walter, jockey, bds New Campbell House.
- Rich Fred E, patternmkr, res 214 Huron N.
- Richards Agnes M, bkkpr Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds Mrs E Lewis.
- Richards Charles A (Richards & Spaulding), res 326 Water.
- Richards Ella, tchr Galbraith School, bds 338 Huron S.
- Richards & Spaulding (Charles H Richards, Henry F Sapulding), laundry, 330 Water.
- Richardson George C, dentist, 334 Main N, res same.
- RIEBETH AUGUST R, Sec Cheboygan Brewing & Malting Co, bds 421 N Huron, Tel 327 North.
- Rieger Clara, dom 415 Nelson.
- Riell Henry J, tailor C P Habeling, bds 233 D South.
- Riell Jeremiah, lab, res 233 D South.
- Rife Florian J, carp, res 223 D South.
- Riggs Clarence, sawyer Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, bds 206 D North.
- Riggs Harry, lab, bds 206 D North.
- Riggs John H, lab, res 206 D North.
- Riggs John S, bds 1236 Mackinaw av.
- Riggs Maude, bds 206 D North.
- RIGGS MILES E (Sangster & Riggs), res 232 Main N.
- Riggs Wm, barn man Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Riker Mrs Phoebe, dressmkr, 230 Main S, res same.
- Riopelle Lawrence, ship carp, res 116 Duncan av.
- Rioux Louis, section hand, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Rittenhouse George W, store mngr Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 52 Tannery set.
- RITTENHOUSE JOHN C (Lombard & Rittenhouse), res 521 Cuyler, Tel 109.
- Rittenhouse John E, bds 521 Cuyler.
- RITTER FRANKLIN S, Vice-Pres Cheboygan Flour Mill Co, res 541 Cuyler. Tel Main 87.
- Ritter Guy F, bkkpr, bds 541 Cuyler.
- Ritter John H (J H Ritter & Son), res 1101 Court.
- Ritter J H & Son (John H and Perry J), grocers, 1101 Court.
- Ritter Perry J (J H Ritter & Son), res 1103 Court.
- Rivers Eliza (wid Joseph), res 501 Duncan av.
- Rivers Frank, boilermkr Cheboygan Boiler Wks.
- Rivette Eva,waitress Spencer House.
- Rivette Frank, boilermkr, res 64 Lafayette.
- Rivette Zeina, waitress Spencer House.
- Robarge Alfred, lab, res 1258 Mackinaw av.
- Robarge Philip, lab, bds 1258 Mackinaw av.
- Robarge Samuel, lab, bds 1258 Mackinaw av.
- Robarge Thomas, bds 964 1st W.
- Robb John A, lab, res 211 6th E.
- Roberton Arthur, trav slsman, bds 215 Backus.
- Roberts Arthur, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 42 Tannery set.
- Roberts Elizabeth (wid Henry W), res 348 Young.
- Roberts Ida M, bds 42 Tannery set.
- Roberts Joseph, mach Pfister & Vogel Leather Co.
- Roberts Mabel E, asst librarian Cheboygan Public Library, bds 348 Young.
- Roberts Maude E, bds 42 Tannery set.
- Roberts Ross, lab, res r 127 Huron S.
- Roberts Wm, lab, bds 32 Tannery set.
- Roberts Wm C, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds Edwark Hinkley.
- Robertson Henry S, engr, res 911 Main S.
- Robertson Margaret, clk, bds 911 Main S.
- Robinson Mrs Charles M, res n e cor Pine and Bailey.
- Robinson Charles R, yard foreman Lombard & Rittenhouse, bds 322 Dresser.
- Robinson Hiram W, tel opr MCRR, res 101 Court.
- Robitaille Louis, janitor Gerow and Galbraith Schools, res 219 B South.
- Rocheleau Balcey, barber S W Adams, bds Commercial Hotel.
- Rochon George A, yard foreman Lombard & Rittenhouse, res 119 C South.
- Roetz Joseph, janitor Eastern Av School, res 202 Harrison av.
- Rogan Michael J, pres Rapin-Bessette Clothing Co, res Detroit, Mich.
- Rogers Fred W, barnman, res n e cor B North and 1st E.
- Rogers J, lumber shipper, bds Spencer House.
- Romes Anthony, lab, bds Stephen Romes.
- Romes Grace, bds Stephen Romes.
- Romes Mary, bds Stephen Romes.
- Romes Peter, lab, bds Stephen Romes.
- Romes Stephen, fireman, res w s Western av S 2 s of Lincoln av W.
- Romes Stephen jr, lab, bds Stephen Romes.
- Roof G Paul, bkkpr and teller First Natl Bank, res 628 Huron S.
- Root Henry, sailor, res 825 Dresser.
- Rose Albert L, mngr, res 338 Young.
- Rose Alex P, student, bds 1105 Mackinaw av.
- Rose Alfred, student, bds 318 Todd.
- Rose George, lab, bds 1105 Mackinaw av.
- Rose Gordon J, sailor U S Light-ship, bds 1105 Mackinaw av.
- Rose Joseph, janitor Mackinaw Av School, res 1105 Mackinaw av.
- Rose Joseph C, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 318 Todd.
- Rose Lawrence, lab, bds 318 Todd.
- Rose Maxime, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 318 Rose Olive E, bds 318 Todd.
- Rose Vene, printer, bds 1105 Mackinaw av.
- Rose Wm A, clk, bds 347 Bailey N.
- Roshek Anthony, clk, bds 201 4th E.
- Roshek Frank, lab, res 201 4th E.
- Roshek John, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 201 4th E.
- Roshek Joseph, mach hd Blake & Son, res 122 B North.
- Roshek Mary, bds 201 4th E.
- Ross Charles C, lab, res 1237 Howard.
- Ross Martha, mach opr, bds 1237 Howard.
- Ross Max A, lab, bds 1237 Howard.
- Ross Otto H, lab, bds 1237 Howard.
- Ross Wm, fisherman, res 508 Mackinaw av.
- Ross Wm R, tailor, 211 State W, res 330 Bailey N.
- Rossiter Mrs Tillie M, nurse, 112 Ball S, res same.
- Roud John, lab, res 610 Palmyra S.
- Roush George F, trav agt, res 240 North.
- Roussin Rouer H, clk The Glover Co, res 535 Bailey N.
- Rowson Arthur G, lab, res 421 Lincoln av W.
- Ruddy Patrick, lab, res 210 D North.
- Ruddy Samuel, lab, bds 210 D North.
- Ruddy Wm J, lab, bds 210 D North.
- Rufener George M, tchr High School, bds 235 Dresser.
- Rump Frederick, lab, res 210 Harris.
- Russell Dwight E, student, bds 214 B South.
- Russell George H, bkkpr N B Keeney & Son, res 608 Division.
- Russell Raymond B, mngr bottling dept Cheboygan Bwg and Malting Co, bds 214 B South.
- Russell Walter C, trav agt, res 214 B South.
- Ryan Frank, bartndr Charles Hotel, res 511 Mackinaw av.
- Ryan Flarry, lab, bds 400 (178) James.
- Ryan Mary A, dressmkr Elsie Rand, bds 400 (178) James
- Ryan Richard, lab, res 400 (178) James.
- Sabin Alfred, lumberman, res 113 Bailey N.
- Sabin Hazel, teacher, bds 113 Bailey N.
- Sabin Merle, student, bds 113 Bailey N.
- Saind Matthias, carp, res 508 F North St Amour Arman, bds 115 Huron.
- ST AMOUR DOMINO, Pres New Cheboygan Hotel Co, res 201 State W.
- ST AMOUR SILVO E, Sec and Treas New Cheboygan Hotel Co, res 201 State W.
- ST AMOUR STANISLAUS A, Physician and Surgeon, Office Hours 10:30 to 12 a m, 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 :30 p m, Frost-Kesseler Blk, Tel Main 77, res 115 Huron N.
- St Antoine Amos, lab, res s s Byron 1 w of Loomis.
- St Antoine Wm, lab, bds Amos St Antoine.
- St Charles Parochial School, Sisters of Mercy in charge, s w cor Bailey and Division.
- St Charles R C Church, Rev John B Magnan rector, s w cor Bailey N and Division.
- St Eloi Eliza A, dressmkr 323 (17) Bellant, bds same.
- St Eloi Louis, lab, res 323 (17) Bellant.
- St Germain Charles A, tmstr, res 215 B South.
- St James Episcopal Church, s w cor Locust and Huron S
- St Jean Mrs Alphonsine, dressmkr, 133 B South, res same.
- ST JEAN JOSEPH A, Propr Cheboygan Carriage Shop, res 133 B South.
- ST JEAN JOSEPH I, Funeral Director and Embalmer, Pictures and Picture Framing, 401 Main N, Tel 265, res same.
- St John Bros (Fred and Ernest), painters, 208 D South.
- St John Delia, dressmkr, bds 620 Division.
- St John Ernest (St John Bros), res 210 D South.
- St John Ferdinand, painter, bds 620 Division.
- St John Fred (St John Bros), res 208 D South.
- St John Lucy, housekeeper 222 Bailey N.
- St John Rose (wid Joseph), res 620 Division.
- St Lawrence Parochial School, s w cor Cleveland av and C.
- St Lawrence Roman Catholic Church (Polish), Rev Stanislaw Sosnowski pastor, s w cor Cleveland av and C.
- St Louis Agatha M, printer Cheboygan Democrat, bds 135 C South.
- St Louis Alexandria (wid James A), res 135 C South.
- St Louis Gertrude, bds 135 C South.
- St Louis Roland P, pharmacist F E Brackett, bds 133 C South.
- St Mary's Catholic School, s w cor State E and E North.
- ST MARY'S CHURCH, Rev A Webeler Pastor, s e cor D North and 4th E.
- St Peter Joseph, pianos, 109 Main N, res same.
- St Thomas Lutheran Church, Rev Otto C Bliese pastor, n w cor Western av S and Stanley.
- St Thomas Lutheran School, n s Stanley, 1 w of Western av S.
- Salspaw Caroline (wid Nicholas), res 757 Spooner.
- Salspaw Catherine, clk, bds 757 Spooner.
- Salspaw Josephine, clk, bds 757 Spooner.
- Saltonstall Brayton, res 961 Division.
- Saltonstall Sarah (wid Wm), bds 961 Division.
- Salvation Army, Barracks 229 Backus.
- Sammons B Frank, carp, res w s Loomis, 3 n of Lincoln av W.
- Sammons Jacob, painter, n s Lincoln av W, 4 w of Loomis, res same.
- Sammons Lottie, mngr City Sand & Gravel Co, res s s Pinehill av, 6 w of Loomis.
- Sands Carl, carpet weaver 1361 Court, res same.
- Sands Carl H, lab, bds 1361 Court.
- Sands Marie A, bds 1361 Court.
- SANGSTER ALBERT E (Sangster & Riggs), Dentist, Hours 8 to 12 a m, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m. Over City Drug Store. Tel 68-2r, res 304 Young. Tel 147.
- Sangster James, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 1300 Court.
- Sangster Mary J, bds 1300 Court.
- Sangster Vera, bds 304 Young.
- Sangster Walter, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 1300 Court.
- SANGSTER & RIGGS (Albert E Sangster, Miles E Riggs), Proprs City Drug Store 232 Main N, Tel 68. (See left bottom lines.)
- Santamore Andrew, lab, res 1279 Howard.
- Santamore Louis, lab, bds Hiram P Huntley.
- Sapp Michael, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 42 Tannery set.
- Saratoga Cafe, Michael Carmody propr, 115 Backus.
- Sargent Edna E, bds 302 Sammons.
- Sargent Edward D, road master MCRR, res 302 Sammons.
- Sargent M Edward, student, bds 302 Sammons.
- Sawdon Elmer A D, farmer, bds J B Sawdon.
- Sawdon Harry E, farmer, bds J B Sawdon.
- Sawdon John B, farmer, res Main S, 2 s of D & M Ry.
- Sawdon Ralph J, farmer, bds J B Sawdon.
- Sayre Myrtle, tchr High School, bds 317 Bailey N.
- Scanlon Adelaide (wid Daniel), res 116 Western av S.
- Scanlon Daniel C, lab, bds 116 Western av S.
- Scanlon Lester E, lab, bds 116 Western av S.
- Scanlon Stanley J, student, bds 116 Western av S.
- Schaefer Charles J, propr Charles Hotel 200 State W.
- Schaefer Hazel, bds Charles Hotel.
- Schall Adolph B, propr Star Steam Laundry, res 1236 Mackinaw av.
- Schall Allan, student, bds 1236 Mackinaw av.
- Schall Harry A. student, bds 1236 Mackinaw av.
- Schall Walter, blksmith, res s w cor Main and Petoskey State rd.
- Scheltle Herman, brewmaster, Cheboygan Brewing & Malting Co, res 421 Huron N.
- Schleiben Anna, dom 119 Dnuncan av.
- Schley Bertha, bds 327 Sammons.
- Schley Building, 314-316 Mackinaw av.
- SCHLEY CHARLES, Groceries and Provisions, 314 Mackinaw av and Saloon 316 same, res same, Tel 180. (See page 4.)
- Schley Joseph E, clk Charles Schley, bds 314 Mackinaw.
- Schley Max J, clk Charles Schley, bds same.
- Schmidt Adolph, lab M D Olds, res 305 Duncan av.
- Schmidt August, lab, res Tannery set.
- Schmidt Edward G, driver, bds 305 Duncan av.
- Schmidt Fred, agt Cable Piano Co, bds 511 Mackinaw av.
- Schmidt Lena C, milliner Minnie Johns, bds 201 Duncan av.
- Schneider Frank, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Schoenith Ella N, bds 48 Water.
- Schoenith Emil, bottler Cheboygan Brewing & Malting Co, bds 48 Water.
- Schoenith Max, saloon 424 Main N, res 48 Water.
- Schoenith Max Jr, bottler Cheboygan Brewing & Malting Co, bds 48 Water.
- Schoff George, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Schonebarger John, millwright, bds Hotel Summit.
- Schramm Frank, mach, bds 215 D South.
- SCHRAMM VALENTINE A, City Marshall, City Hall, res 207 C North.
- Schramm Walter, lab, res 215 D South.
- Schryer Margaret, student, bds C F Reeves.
- Schuh Henry M, master mechanic, res 307 Main S.
- Schultz John, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 324 D South.
- Schulz Albert C, papermkr, res 1014 Court.
- SCHULZ BROS (Gustave L Schulz), Automobiles, Bicycles and Repairs, Sporting Goods, etc, 414 Main N. Tel 73. (See page 4.)
- SCHULZ GUSTAVE L (Schulz Bros), res 521 Pine. Tel 304.
- Schwartz Amiel J, bartndr C A Gallagher, res 566 Huron S.
- Schwartz Bros (John H and Charles M), boilermkrs, ft of Elm.
- Schwartz Charles M (Schwartz Bros), res 506 Lincoln.
- Schwartz John H (Schwartz Bros), res 417 Huron N.
- Schwartz Wm, engr, bds 512 Lincoln av W.
- Scott Albert R, packer J R Hilborn, bds 215 Clinton.
- Scott Dennis, lab, bds Henry Scott.
- Scott Ernest, lab, bds Henry Scott.
- SCOTT FRANK G, Member Board of County Auditors, res Rondo, Mich.
- Scott Henry, lab, res s s Pinehill av, 7 w of Loomis.
- Scott John, lab, bds 1030 Fremont.
- Scott M P, county road commr, Court House, res Wolverine, Mich.
- Scott Otto C, student, bds 732 Mackinaw av.
- Seabrook Ernest H, cook, bds 229 B South.
- Seabrook Ethel E, waiter, bds 229 B South.
- Seabrook Wm H, chef, res 229 B South.
- Seabrook Wm H Jr, bds 229 B South.
- Seamark Wm B, office mngr Lombard & Rittenhouse, res 126 Huron S.
- See Delila P, propr European Hotel, res same.
- Seger Bertie, bds Mrs Sarah Seger.
- Seger George, foreman, bds Mrs Sarah Seger.
- Seger Gladys, bds Mrs Sarah Seger.
- Seger Mrs Sarah, res e s Western av, 3 n of Mackinaw.
- Sehl Edward W, warehouseman McArthur Dock, res 214 North.
- Shaffer Mary, waiter Charles Hotel, bds same.
- Shank Wm, lab, res s s North, 3 w of Loomis.
- Shaver Mrs Clara, nurse, 123 Huron S, res same.
- Shawl Arthur, fisherman, bds 211 C North.
- Sheeley Thomas (T & J Sheeley), res 523 Mackinaw av.
- Sheeley T & J (Thomas Sheeley), bazaar 523 Mackinaw.
- Sheffer Lottie (wid Wm), res n s Lincoln av W, 3 w of Loomis.
- Sheldon Agnes, bds 344 Huron S.
- Sheldon. Elizabeth, bds 511 Lincoln av W.
- Sheldon Frank O, bkkpr Lombard & Rittenhouse, res 511 Lincoln av W.
- Sheldon Frank R, plumber T J Post Hdware Co, res 614 State W.
- Sheldon Richard H, promoter, res 417 State W.
- Shelhart John, lab, res 611 Duncan av.
- Shelhart Wm J, student, bds 611 Duncan av.
- Shepherd Ethel M, tchr, Central School, bds 244 Huron S.
- SHEPHERD HON FRANK, Judge of 33d Judicial District, Pres Cheboygan State Bank, res 224 Huron S. Tel. 118.
- Shepherd G Ralph, clk, bds 224 Huron S.
- SHEPHERD JAMES F, Lawyer, Gerow Blk, 119 Main N. Tel Main 282, res 526 Cuyler. Tel North 58.
- SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Charles G Clute, Sheriff, 404 Huron S.
- Sherman Mrs Harriet, res s s Pine, 3 e of Main S.
- Sherman Howard, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 902 1st W.
- Sherman Mabel, bds Mrs Harriet Sherman.
- Sherry Archibald, bartndr P Astin, res 400 C North.
- Shields Joseph, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Mullett Lake rd.
- Shoemaker Lillian A, bkkpr W E Shoemaker, bds 534 Dresser.
- SHOEMAKER WM E, General Insurance, Real Estate and Loans, 431 Main N, Tel 278, res 534 Dresser,
Tel 175.
- Shultz Frank, lab M D Olds.
- Siankiewicz Anna, mach opr, bds 98 Harrison av.
- Siankiewicz Elizabeth, bds 98 Harrison av.
- Siankiewicz Frank, lab, bds 98 Harrison av.
- Siankiewicz Julian, lab, res 98 Harrison av.
- Siankiewicz Mary, bds 98 Harrison av.
- Sias Evelyn, bds 311 Mackinaw av.
- Siemann August, lab, res 106 Marquette av.
- Sigman Fred, lab, res 56 Tannery set.
- Sigman Libbie, bds 56 Tannery set.
- Sigman Rose, bds 56 Tannery set.
- Sikorski Carl J, student, bds 511 State E.
- Sikorski Stanislaus, lab, res 511 State E.
- Silverthorn Peter, cook, res 313 Water.
- Simkowski Joseph, lab, bds 202 State E.
- Simmiew Alexander, woodsman, bds 302 George.
- Simmiew Walter, hack driver, bds 302 George.
- Simmons John S, lab, res 1303 State W.
- Simono J Walter, hostler J L Houck, rms 218 Main N.
- Simons Mary, res 321 Huron S.
- Simpson Alexander, cook, res 124 D South.
- Simpson Collis J, hostler J H Simpson & Co, bds 414 Huron S.
- Simpson John H, mngr J H Simpson & Co, res 414 Huron S.
- Simpson J H & Co, John H Simpson mngr, livery 203 Main N, Tel 59.
- Simpson Thomas E, pop corn vender, res 241 Backus.
- Simsky Bertha, tchr, bds 925 Mackinaw av.
- Simsky Edith, tchr, bds 925 Mackinaw av.
- Simsky Frank, farmer, res 925 Mackinaw av.
- Simsky Fred, driver Hub Mercantile Co, bds 925 Mackinaw av.
- Simsky Joseph, engr, bds 925 Mackinaw av.
- Simsky Tophil E, mailing clk P O, res 925 Mackinaw av.
- Singer Sewing Machine Co, Wm Langmaid mngr, 202 Main S.
- Sisters of I H M, 117 E N.
- Sitter Carl E, lab, bds 425 Lincoln av W.
- Sitter Frank J, cigar mnfr 327 Main N, res 425 Lincoln av W.
- Sitter Raymond F, lab, bds 425 Lincoln av W.
- Sitz Frank, lab, res 500 Cleveland av.
- Siver Mrs Sarah, res 119 Bailey N.
- Skurski John, lab, bds 15 Tannery set.
- Slack Frank, fireman, res 21 Tannery set.
- Sly Frank, lab, bds r 400 D North.
- Smalley George W, lab, res 1015 1st W.
- Smeader Wm, lab, res 101 William.
- Smith C Eugene, tinner J E Cueny & Bro, res Ball N.
- Smith Earl W, carrier R F D No 1, res w s Main S, 1 s of limits.
- Smith Egbert A, vice-pres Thompson Smith's Sons, bds 417 Cuyler.
- Smith Fred C, yardman McArthur Dock, res 407 1st W.
- Smith George E, lumberman, bds Spencer House.
- Smith George W, papermkr, res 620 Locust.
- Smith Hattie, waitress Spencer House.
- Smith Helen, ironer Star Steam Laundry, res 203 C S.
- Smith Henry W, lab, res s s Davison 2 W M C R R.
- Smith James W, cook, res 223 B South.
- Smith John Wr, carp, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Smith J Frank, foreman Nov Turn Wks, res 301 Littlefield av.
- Smith Mabel, student, bds 423 Elm.
- Smith Maribel, tchr Galbraith School, bds 126 Huron S.
- Smith Mary E (wid Henry F), res 208 C South.
- Smith Otto, rafter, bds Hub Hotel.
- Smith Robert B, grocer, 408 Main N, res 216 Backus.
- Smith Thomas X, lab, res 957 Division.
- Smith Wm W, lab, res 211 Huron S.
- Smith's Thompson Sons, Thompson Smith (Greenwich, N Y), pres and sec, Egbert A Smith, vice-pres, it of Toronto av.
- SMOKE SHOP THE, J C Maloney Propr, Cigars and Tobacco, Billiards and Pool, Periodicals, etc, 323 Main N, Tel Main 228. (See right bottom lines).
- Smyth Celia L (CL Smyth & Co), bds 103 Bailey S.
- Smyth Charles L(CL Smyth & Co), res 103 Bailey S.
- SMYTH C L & CO (Charles L and Celia L Smyth), Props The Cheboygan News, Jewelers and Opticians, 209 Main N. Tel Main 158.
- SMYTH WM E, Official Watch Inspector for the M C and D & M R Rs, 209 Main N. Tel. 158; res same.
- Smyth Wm J, student, bds 209 Main N.
- Snell Bert, agt, bds Mrs E Lewis.
- Snetsinger George B, tug capt, res 314 C South.
- Snider Z Harry, clk New Cheboygan Hotel, bds same.
- Snowden Charles T, agt Prudential Ins Co, res 539 Bailey N.
- Snowden Jonathan, lab, res 704 Huron N.
- Snowden Katherine, bds 704 Huron N.
- Snowden Rose, bds 704 Huron N.
- Snowden Samuel W, clk, bds 704 Huron.
- Snowden Wm D, bds 704 Huron N.
- Soboleski Rudolph E, lab, res 1119 Fremont.
- Socha Bros (John W and Michael), saloon, 120 Main S.
- Socha John W (Socha Bros), res 727 Spooner.
- Socha Michael (Socha Bros), res 120 Main S.
- Socha Minnie, dom, res Main S.
- Sonntag Herman R, gas mkr Cheboygan Gas Light Co, res 313 Duncan av.
- Sosnowski Res Stanislaw, pastor St Lawrence R C Church, res 568 Cleveland av.
- Sourgenfril Ella, dom, 526 Cuyler.
- Sova Alexander, fireman Central School, bds Jeremie Tarjeft.
- Sova Alexander E, grocer 705 Main S, res 731 Main N.
- Sova Andrew, lab, res 5 Tannery set.
- Sova Arthur, fireman Central School, bds Jeremie Tarjeft.
- Sova Eulalia M, clk, bds 731 Main N.
- Sova Joseph, lab. res 1 Tannery set.
- Sova Louis, lab, res 314 6th E.
- Sova Mrs Mary L, grocer and restaurant, 731 Main N, res same.
- Sova Wm, lab, bds 314 6th E.
- Spaulding Henry F (Richards & Spaulding), res 326 Water.
- Spaulding Mabel, ironer Richards & Spaulding, bds 326 Water.
- Spaulding Wanda (wid James L), res 325 Young.
- Spear John R, moved to Detroit, Mich.
- Spence Charles A, tmstr, res 1119 Main S.
- Spence Faye, student, bds 1119 Main S.
- Spencer Asa, carp Pfister & Vogel Leather Co.
- SPENCER FRANK B, Sec Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co and Cheboygan Gas Light Co, res 458
Main S. Tel 52 S.
- SPENCER HOUSE, Perkett & Hubbard Proprs, Pearl Hubbard Mgr, 619 N Main. Tel 83. (See page 3.)
- Spencer Louis W, engr, res 213 Pinehill av.
- Spencer Sadie, stenogr, bds 657 Lincoln av W.
- Sperry George E, engr, res 806 Division.
- Spiegel Adolph Rev, Evangelical Lutheran Church, res 424 Ball N.
- Spies Charles C, appr, bds 307 Pinehill av.
- Spies Elizabeth, bds 307 Pinehill av.
- Spies Henry E (Spies & Son), res s s Lincoln av w, 4 w of Spooner.
- Spies Herbert E (Spies & Son), bds Henry E Spies.
- Spies Martin J, clk, bds 307 Pinehill av.
- Spies Ruby F, bds Henry E Spies.
- Spies Wm E, carrier RFD No 2, bds 307 Pinehill av.
- Spies Wm H, tmstr, res 307 Pinehill av.
- Spies Wm P, driver, bds Henry E Spies.
- Spies & Son (Henry E and Herbert E), dairymen, s s Lincoln av w, 4 w of Spooner.
- Spinkowski Stanley, lab, res 820 Palmyra.
- Sprague Samuel H, plumber, bds 215 B South.
- SPRAGUE VICTOR D (Frost & Sprague), res 415 Nelson. Tel Main 25.
- Spray Joseph, sawyer M D Olds.
- Springfield Frederick, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 34 Tannery set.
- Sproat Robert, mngr pole dept Lombard & Rittenhouse, rms 344 Huron S.
- Stalker Archie A, sub station opr Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co, res 520 Pine.
- Stalker Beulah C, stenogr C E Kinney, bds 520 Pine.
- Stalker Myrtle, clk, bds 520 Pine.
- Standard Oil Co, w s Huron 1 s of Lake Shore.
- Stanley May, cook Spencer House.
- STAR CLOTHING HOUSE (Y Wertheimer & Son), Clothe Men and Boys from Head to Foot, corner
Main and State. Tel Main 184. (See right top and left bottom lines.)
- Star Steam Laundry, Adolph Schall propr, 105 Main S.
- Stead Martin, well driler, 1276 Howard, res same.
- Stead Wm J, lumberman, res 250 North.
- Steffins Block, 332-336 Main N.
- Steffins Harry, sailor, bds 334 Main N.
- Steffins John W, phys, 334 Main N, res same.
- Steiner Fred, meat ctr Steiner & Dnffiney, res s s Harriet 1 w of Sutherland.
- Steiner Fred S (Steiner & Duffiney), res e s Duncan av 1 n of Harriet.
- Steiner & Duffiney (Fred S Steiner and Charles E. Duffiney), meats, 108 State W.
- Stencil I Frederick, grocer, 227 State E, res same.
- Stencil J Fred, clk I F Stencil, bds 227 State E.
- Stetson Marie A, tchr Gerow School, bds 334 Sammons.
- Stevenson Otto, lab, bds 539 Mackinaw av.
- Stevenson Rov, student, bds 539 Mackinaw av.
- STEVENSON THOMAS H, Propr City Meat Market, 407 Main N. Tel 80; res 539 Mackinaw av. Tel Main 242. (See left bottom lines).
- Stewart Allan, sailor, bds 391 Mackinaw av.
- Stewart Annie, tchr, bds 391 Mackinaw av.
- Stewart Charles K, carp, res 214 Ball N.
- Stewart Edward E, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 1116 1st W.
- Stewart Elizabeth (wid Wm), bds Joseph Stewart.
- Stewart George A, sailor, res 229 C South.
- Stewart Hazel, student, bds 214 Ball N.
- Stewart James, farmer, res 391 Mackinaw av.
- Stewart Jessie, student, bds 391 Mackinaw av.
- Stewart Joseph, farmer, res Lincoln av E.
- Stewart Karl L, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, bds 1116 1st W.
- Stewart Marian, bds 500 State E.
- Stewart Stanley C, sailor, bds 1116 1st W.
- Stewart Wm J, boat capt, res 500 State E.
- Stiereman Henry, lab, res 340 Makcinaw av.
- Stierman Edward, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res e s Leslie 2 n of Mackinaw av.
- Stierman Mary (wid James), bds Isaac Maase.
- Still August A, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Old Petoskey State rd.
- Still Edward, lab, bds August Still.
- Stoddard Willis, sawyer, res 419 Huron S.
- Stokes Charles J (E A Lee & Co), res 512 State W.
- Stone Harry J, lumber inspr Archibald & Hagadorn, bds e s Ball 6 s of State.
- Stork Wm A, bartndr New Cheboygan Hotel, res same.
- Stott Clarence J, lab, bds Joseph Stott.
- Stott George E, driver Cheboygan Bwg & Malting Co, bds Joseph Stott.
- Stott Joseph, lab, res n w cor Lincoln av W and Loomis.
- Stringham Mrs I Mai, propr People's Drug Store, res 225 Backus.
- Stringham James R, student, bds 225 Backus.
- Stringham M Mai, student, bds 225 Backus.
- STRINGHAM WM R, Physician and Surgeon, Office Hours: 9 to 10 a m and 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p m, 514
Main N. Tel 299 N ; res 225 Backus. Tel 297 S.
- Strong Lizzie E (wid Henry L), bds 421 Bailey N.
- Suliot Eugenia, tchr High School, bds 221 Ball S.
- Sullivan Daniel J, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res 534 Mackinaw av.
- Sullivan Francis, bds 302 C South.
- Sullivan Frank, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 40 Tannery set.
- Sullivan Patrick, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 34 Tannery set.
- Sutherland Howard, lab, bds 101 North.
- Swedish Lutheran Church, n s Harrison av 1 e of Eastern av N.
- Sweeney Frank, res 100 Benton S.
- Sweenor John, lab, res 319 Water.
- Sweenor Kathleen, bds 319 Water.
- Sweenor Louis, lab, res 421 Mackinaw av.
- Sweeso Charles A, lab, bds 244 North.
- Sweeso Elizabeth D (wid August), res 244 North.
- Sweeso Frances E, bds 244 North.
- Sweeso Norman A, lab, bds 244 North.
- Sweet Henry, fisherman, res 621 1st W.
- Swontek Catherine (wid Thomas J), propr Franklin House and notions, 202 State E, res same.
- Swontek Mitchell J, bkkpr Cheboygan Co Savings Bank, bds 202 State E.
- Swontek Theodore, student, bds 202 State E.
- Swontek Vina, clk, bds 202 State E.
- Syc John, lab, res 236 D North.
- Syers Clara, student, bds 15 4th E.
- Syers Elizabeth, bds 15 4th E.
- Syers Joseph, fisherman, res 15 4th E.
- Syers Joseph F, lab, bds 15 4th E.
- Syers Lena (wid Joseph), res 825 Dresser.
- Syers Wm F, light ship tndr, bds 15 4th E.
- Szepanski Walter, lab, bds 164 State W.
- Szymanski Hipolit, lab, res 215 B North.
- Taggart John C, confectioner, 405 Main N, res same.
- Tague Frank, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Tallman Mrs Angeline, res w s Loomis 2 n of Lincoln av W.
- Tallman August, appr, bds 717 Spooner.
- Tallman Ernest R, lab Cheboygan Flour Mill Co, bds 1339 Court.
- Tallman George, lab, res 717 Spooner.
- Tallman James H, lab, bds 1339 Court.
- Tallman Lawrence, lab, bds Mrs Angeline Tallman.
- Tallman Levi, lab, bds Mrs Angeline Tallman.
- Tallman Peter, driver, Cheboygan Bwg & Malting Co, res 1339 Court.
- Tannery School, Mary McLaughlin prin, Main S Tannery st.
- Tappe Catherine, bds 403 F North.
- Tappe John, saloon, 200 State E, res 403 T North.
- Tarjeft Jeremie, janitor Central School, res same.
- Tarjeft Loretta, dom, 226 Backus.
- Tate Ollie H, bds 124 D South.
- Taunt Alice M, student, bds 207 C South.
- Taunt James, night watchman, Cheboygan Mnfg Co, res 207 C South.
- Taunt J Herbert, cigar mkr John Noll, res 201 C South.
- Taylor Alice L, bds 230 Center av.
- Taylor David, lab, bds 248 Center av.
- Taylor David I, carp contr, 218 Center av, res same.
- Taylor Eva M, bds 248 Center av.
- Taylor Frank, lab, res 511 Huron N.
- Taylor George, carp, res 248 Center av.
- Taylor George M, lab, bds 230 Center av.
- Taylor James H, lab, bds 248 Center av.
- Taylor Mrs Mary, res 230 Center av.
- Taylor Robert W, lab, bds 230 Center av.
- Teachout H Allen, machine hnd Embury-Martin Lbr Co, res 338 Main N.
- Teachout Myrtle, milliner, bds 338 Main N.
- Teachout Wm, logman Embury-Martin Lbr Co, bds 338 Main N.
- Tebo Edith, bds 211 North.
- Tebo Mary (wid Joseph), res 334 C North.
- Tebo Mitchell, lab M D Olds.
- Tebo Myrtle, bds Amos St Antoine.
- Tellefsen Bernard, lab, bds 505 State E.
- Tellefsen Carrie M, clk Leo Edelstein, bds 505 State E.
- Tellefsen Gertrude, bds 505 State E.
- Tellefsen Herbert, lab, bds 505 State E.
- Tellefsen Martin, lumber inspr, res 505 State E.
- Tellefsen Thomas, lab, bds 505 State E.
- Tellier Edward, blacksmith, 109 Main S, res 802 same.
- Tennant Isaac, lab M D Olds, bds 229 C North.
- Terwilliger Albert, sawyer, res 250 Duncan av.
- Theriauk Fred, cook, bds 816 1st W.
- Theunick Joseph L, roller Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 209 Gerow.
- Theunick Mrs Julia, res 209 Gerow.
- Theunick Mary, bds 209 Gerow.
- Theunick Omar, lab, bds 209 Gerow.
- THOMA DIETRICH W, Pres and Treas Cheboygan Brewing & Malting Co, bds 325 Young. Tel 69.
- Thomas George A (W A Lenz Drug Co), res 117 State E.
- Thomas Guy O, lab, bds Globe House.
- Thomas M James, carp, res 855 Dresser.
- Thomas Mrs Odessa, housekeeper, Globe House.
- Thomas Thomas K, foreman, res 659 Huron S.
- Thompson Charles, mach H A Blake & Son, res 705 Mackinaw av.
- Thompson Mrs Flora L, pres New York Racket Store Inc, res 319 Dresser.
- Thompson George, fisherman, res 28 Antoine.
- Thompson George A, field man Cheboygan Pea Canning Co, res 1127 Randolph.
- THOMPSON GEORGE W, General Contractor, Dealer in Coal, Wood, Cement, Lime and Chimney Brick, Estimates Furnished on Application, s e cor Mackinaw and Bell avs nr D & M R R Round House, res same. Tel 168 S. (See page 7.)
- Thompson Guy A, treas and mngr New York Racket Store Inc, res 206 Bailey S.
- Thompson Mrs Inez F, sec New York Racket Store Inc, res 206 Bailey S.
- Thompson John, pensioner, res 1221 Mackinaw av.
- Thompson Richard, asst lighthouse kpr, res 228 B South.
- Timmins John, clk A Parks, bds 400 Cleveland av.
- Timmins Margaret, bds 386 Cleveland av.
- Tissue John, brewer, Cheboygan Bwg & Malting Co, res n s Lincoln av 2 w of Loomis.
- Tobias Wm, lab, res e s Sutherland 1 s of James.
- Tobin Richard, sawyer, res 127 F South.
- Tobin Roy, filer, bds 127 F South.
- Tobin Sarah (wid Richard), res e s Lafayette av 2 s of Lincoln av.
- Tobin Sherman, bds 127 F South.
- Tobin Thomas, setter, bds 127 F South.
- Tobin Wm, lab, bds Charles Hotel.
- Todd Albert W, tug capt, res 203 Ball S.
- Todd Albertha L, clk, bds 203 Ball S.
- Todd Block, 327-331 Main N.
- Todd Grace A, student, bds 203 Ball S.
- TODD HENRY J A, Dealer in Everything; Toys, Games, Books, China and Glassware, Musical Instruments, Talking Machines, etc, 327 Main N, res 109 Bailey S.
- Todd John W, woodsman, res 606 Duncan av.
- Todd Lynell, student, bds 602 Pine.
- Todd May, student, bds 602 Pine.
- Todd Ralph A, clk Leo Edelstein, bds 203 Ball S.
- Todd Vivian S, bds 109 Bailey S.
- Todd Rev Wm M, pastor First M E Church, res 108 Huron S.
- TONNER WM, Member Board of County Auditors, res Beaugrand, R F D No 3.
- Torgeson Annie, photogr C H Wheeler.
- Tracy Mrs Eva D, opr The Arcade Theater, res 508 Ball N.
- Tracy Frank, barber, res 508 Ball N.
- Train Mabel G, stenogr Frost & Sprague, bds 103 Huron S.
- Tremaine Edward A, mngr lumber dept Lombard & Rittenhouse, res 324 Sammons.
- Tremaine Florence, student, bds 324 Sammons.
- Tremaine Helen, student, bds 324 Sammons.
- Tremaine James D, lumber inspr, First National Bank Bldg, bds 508 Cuyler.
- Treudo Louise, bds 207 Pinehill av.
- Treudo Rose (wid Joseph), res 207 Pinehill av.
- Treudo Sylvester, carp, res 407 Antoine.
- Treudo Wm, drayman, 127 North, res same.
- Trichler Charles, clk C Schley, res same.
- Trick Vera L, milliner Minnie Johns, bds 226 Huron N.
- TRICK WM J, Cigar Mnfr and Retail Dealer in Cigars and Tobaccos, 117 Main N, res 225 Huron N.
- Trombley Alice J, student, bds 221 Ball S.
- Trombley Andrew, fisherman, res 221 Ball S.
- Trombley Bert, fisherman, res 615 Antoine.
- Trombley Hazel M, music tchr, 221 Ball S, bds same.
- Trombley Laura K, tchr Central School, bds 221 Ball S.
- Trudeau Adolph (Trudeau Bros), res 810 Court.
- Trudeau Alphonse, cook, res 219 D North.
- Trudeau Anthony (Trudeau Bros), res Boyne City, Mich.
- Trudeau Bros (Adolph and Anthony), saloon, 810 Court.
- Trudeau Frank, lab, res 406 D North.
- Trudeau George, appr, bds 226 Pinehill av.
- Trudeau James E, lab, bds 226 Pinehill av.
- Trudeau Joseph, lab, res 226 Pinehill av.
- Trudeau Thomas, saloon Tannery set, res same.
- Trudo Margaret, res 305 Clinton.
- Trudo Mary, res 309 Clinton.
- Trudo Wrm, lab, res 209 D North.
- Trudo Wm A, saloon, 304 Main N, res 110 Bailey N.
- Trumpour David A, supt Booth Fisheries Co, res 427 Court.
- Trumpour Mae E, tchr, bds 427 Court.
- Tucker Bessie, bds 1020 Court.
- Tucker Grace, bds 1020 Court.
- Tucker Myron F, paper mkr, bds 1020 Court.
- Tucker Samuel R, carp, res 1020 Court.
- Tuke John S, trav salesman, res 347 Bailey N.
- Tullison Gertrude, dom, 207 Bailey S.
- Tuttle Alwilda, bds 215 Ball S.
- Tuttle George A, undertaker J H Tuttle, res 429 Main N.
- Tuttle Henry B, baths, 425 Main N, res same.
- Tuttle James H, furniture and undertaker, 429 Main N, res 120 Center av.
- Tuttle John E, harness, 320 Main N, res 215 Ball S.
- Tuttle John E Jr, bkkpr, bds 215 Ball S.
- Tuttle Pearl, singer The Arcade Theater, bds 425 Main N.
- Tweed Arthur W, inspector, res 416 Water.
- TWEEDALE CHARLES B, Physician and Surgeon, Office Hours: 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m, 227 Main N, res same.
- United States Customs Office, C L Marquette dep collr, 319 Main N.
- United States Light House, Charles J Louisignau kpr, light house pt Duncan Bay.
- UNITED STATES POST OFFICE, D McMullen Postmaster, 226 Main N.
- Valcour Cal, lumberman, bds 119 Huron S.
- Vallie Joseph P, lab, res s s Division 2 w of Loomis.
- Van Allen Fred L, ins agt, bds 126 Huron S.
- Van Camp Gladys, bds 118 E North.
- Van Camp Victoria, bds 118 E North.
- Van Camp Wm E, lab, res 118 E North.
- Van Camp Wm F, lab, bds 118 E North.
- Van Horn Charles, lab, res 11 Tannery set.
- Vanier Roselina, waitress Columbian Hotel, bds 228 B North.
- Varne Allan, barnman, bds 242 Young.
- Vaudette 5c Theater, Lloyd Fairchild propr, 336 Main N.
- Veio Bros (Joseph and Frederick H), saloon, 224 Main N.
- Veio Donna, appr The Glover Co, bds 335 Young.
- Veio Frederick H (Veio Bros), res 335 Young.
- Veio Joseph (Veio Bros), res 224 Main N.
- Veio Julie (wid Andrus), res 224 Main N.
- Venable Ben F, porter A T McClintic, bds American House.
- Verett Paul, bds 108 Gerow.
- Vieau Alphonse, lab, res 520 James.
- Vieau Archibald, lab, bds 412 George.
- Vieau Edward, lab, res 416 George.
- Vieau John, lab, res 234 C North.
- Vieau Joseph, molder J B Lund & Sons, res 302 George.
- Vieau Louis, woodsman, res s w cor Cedar and Vieau.
- Vieau Mary J, bds 416 George.
- Vieau Moses H, lab, bds s w cor Cedar and Vieau.
- Vieau Napoleon, farmer, res s w cor Cedar and Vieau.
- Vincent Louis, longshoreman, res w s Southerland 1 n of Harvey.
- Vincent Mary, student, bds Louis Vincent.
- Vinson Wm, boilermkr, bds Globe House.
- Vogel Fred Jr, pres Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res Milwaukee, Wis.
- Vogel Guido C, genl mngr Pfister & Vogel Leather Co.
- Voisin Robert A, mngr, res 504 Dresser N.
- Waack Gustav, mill hd, res 427 Bailey N.
- Wait Henry W, carp Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 30 Lincoln av E.
- Waite Enoch, painter A W Reames, res 443 State W.
- Wald John, foreman Embury-Martin Lumber Co, res Lake av 3 w of Lumber Mill.
- Walker Cora M, bds 233 Duncan av.
- Walker Henry, res r 123 Huron S.
- Walker John, longshoreman, res 233 Duncan av.
- Walker Richard, lab, res 508 Cleveland av.
- Walker Sadie E, student, bds 233 Duncan av.
- Wallace Joseph, lake capt, res 803 State W.
- Waller J Wesley, mason, res 213 Benton N.
- Waller Myrtle, tchr, bds 213 Benton N.
- Waller Olive, tchr, bds 213 Benton N.
- Waller Ward I, carrier No. 3 P O, bds 213 Benton N.
- Wallinger Anthony, lumberman, res n w cor Pinehill av and Loomis.
- Walsh Bertha, bds 304 C South.
- Walsh D James, blksmith M D Olds, res 304 C South.
- WALTON ELIZABETH G, Milliner and Art Needle Work, 314 Main N, res same.
- Walton Louise, seamstrs, res 734 Huron S.
- Walton Nettie E, res 806 Huron S.
- Wanke Adolph E, clk Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, bds 57 Tannery set.
- Wanke Adolph O, lab Cheboygan Nov Turn Wks, res n w cor Randolph and Palmyra S.
- Wanke Anna, dom, 408 Dresser.
- Wanke John, lab, res 57 Tannery set.
- Wanke Nellie, bds 57 Tannery set.
- Wanzora Eugene, carp Cheboygan Mnfg Co, res 834 Dresser.
- Ward Dennis, lab, res s s Pinehill av 11 w of Loomis.
- Ward Earl, lab, bds 511 Huron N.
- Ward Homer A, propr Ward's Auto Garage, res 311 Pine.
- Ward's Auto Garage, H A Ward propr, 110 Main N.
- Ware George, confectr, 208 Main S, res same.
- Ware Wm J, fireman, res s e cor State W and Palmyra N.
- Warring Edward, bartndr, res 102 Main.
- Wartelle John, lab, bds 817 Mackinaw av.
- Warwick Wm D, painter, n s Fremont 1 w of Western av S, res same.
- Waterbury James, woodsman, res 880 Main S.
- Waterbury James X, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- WATERS DUDLEY E, 2d Vice-Pres Cheboygan State Bank, res Grand Rapids, Mich.
- Watkins John, lab, res 426 Harrison av.
- Watkins Viola, dom, 213 Main N.
- Watson Arthur F, real estate, res 223 Huron S.
- Watson Arthur F Jr, civ engr, bds 223 Huron S.
- Watson Charlotte A (wid James F), res e s Main S 1 s of limit.
- Watson Edith, stenogr, bds 229 C North.
- Watson James, blacksmith, s e cor Water and Division W, res 229 C North.
- Watson Margaret, tchr, bds 229 C North.
- Watson Sarah J (wid Walter W), bds Wm J Watson.
- Watson Walter, farmer, bds Wm J Watson.
- Watson Wm J, farmer, res e s Main S 2 s of limits.
- Wawrzyniak George, lab, bds 215 C North.
- Wawrzyniak John, lab, bds 215 C North.
- Wawrzyniak Michael, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 215 C North.
- Wawrzyniak Wm, lab, bds 215 C North.
- Weathers Ethel, dom, 313 Sammons.
- WEBER ALBERT H, Foreman Cheboygan Democrat, res 214 Benton N.
- WEBELER REV A, Pastor St. Mary's Church, res 118 D North. Tel 171 North.
- Webeler Mrs Josephine, housekpr, 118 D North.
- Weigmann E Gustav, lab, res 472 Grove.
- Wendling Joseph, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Wentlend Charles, washer Richards & Spanieling, res 332 Water.
- Wentlend Mrs Nellie, ironer Richards & Spanieling, res 332 Water.
- Wertheimer Lionel A, clk Lewis & Wertheimer, bds 442 State W.
- WERTHEIMER MYRTON C, Mngr Y Wertheimer & Son, res 226 Backus. Tel 296 South.
- Wertheimer Wm A (Lewis & Wertheimer), bds 442 State W.
- WERTHEIMER Y & SON, Myrton C Wertheimer Mngr, Clothing, Shoes and Men's Furnishings, Proprs Star Clothing House, cor Main and State. Tel 184. (See right top and left bottom lines.)
- Wessell Lucy, dom, 521 Cuyler.
- Wessell Otto, lab Embury-Martin Lumber Co.
- Western Store The, Isidore Frazer propr, dry goods, 509 Main N.
- WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, M E Farr Mngr, 324 Main S. Tel 84.
- Wheaton Andrew B, lab, bds 214 State E.
- Wheaton Anna G, mlnr, bds 214 State E.
- Wheaton Edward M, asst U S light house tndr, res 214 State E.
- Wheaton Guy C W, clk N Y Racket Store, bds 214 State E.
- Wheaton Harriet M, dressmkr 214 State E, bds same.
- Wheaton John B, saloon, 209 State W, res 320 State E.
- Wheaton Martha M (wid Andrew R), res 214 State E.
- Wheeler Andrew J, painter, res 221 Backus.
- Wheeler Charles H, photographer and post cards, 613 Main N, res n s Stanley 2 w of Western av S.
- Wheeler George H, clk, res 309 Sammons.
- Wheeler James, lab, res s s Division 3 w M C R R.
- Wheeler Josephine, bds 840 Main S.
- Wheeler Louis, bds 221 Backus.
- Wheeler Wm J, carrier R F D No 3, res McDonald av nr Eastern av.
- Wheelock Ethel, bds 326 Bailey N.
- Wheelock Lena (wid Fred), res 326 Bailey N.
- White Alexander, fisherman, res 109 6th E.
- White Blanche, bds 620 Pine.
- White Louis, fisherman, bds 109 6th E.
- White Marie, bds 537 1st W.
- White Mary, bds 109 6th E.
- White Maud E, tchr Central School, bds 221 Ball S.
- White Myrtle, bds 109 6th E.
- White Oliver, fisherman, res 537 1st W.
- White Samuel A, sailor, res 201 1st W.
- White Samuel S, farmer, res 206 Cleveland av.
- White Wm, lab, res 537 1st W.
- White Wm, member U S life saving crew, res 620 Pine.
- Wichlaz John, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 23 Tannery set.
- Wickson Eva, student bds 754 Huron S.
- Wilbur James A, barber A W Peffler, res 131 Main N
- Wilcox Alfred, chef, res 712 Mackinaw av.
- Wilcox John B, boilermkr, res 181 Western av S.
- Wiley Fordyce B, prin High School, res 604 Pine.
- Willette Alfred, fisherman, res 616 Antoine.
- Williams Miss Belle, ironer Star Steam Laundry, bds 116 Benton S.
- Williams Charles A, lab, res 48 Tannery set.
- Williams D Archie, lab, res w s Ball 1 s of Mackinaw a v.
- Williams Gordon, lab, res 120 Harrison av.
- Williams James E, lab. bds Frank J Bashaw.
- Williams Jessie, appr The Glover Co, bds Mrs E Lewis.
- Williams Lawrence, cook C W Lyons, bds D Archie Williams.
- Williams May, bds D Archie Williams.
- Williams Wm, lab, bds 116 Benton S.
- Williams Wm G, lab, res w s Cuyler 1 s of Lincoln av W.
- Williamson Charles, lab, res 708 Loomis.
- Willis Wesley, lab, bds Adam F Blatzer.
- Williston Mrs Amelia, bds 413 Huron N.
- Willsey Cora M, prin County Normal School, bds 235 Dresser.
- Wilsie Thomas, baker Mrs Josephine Cueny, bds 501 Main N.
- Wilson Archie M, upholsterer, 404 State W, res same.
- Wilson Charles, cook, bds Charles Hotel.
- Wilson Frank, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Wilson Frederick J, cedar inspr, res 517 Pine.
- Wilson George, timber estimator, res 121 Huron N.
- Wilson Robert C, lake capt, bds 817 Mackinaw av.
- Wing Elmer J, driver J R Leishman, res 447 State W.
- Winters Richard, lab, res 505 3d E.
- Wirtella Olga, dom, 338 Young.
- Witham Frank J, ticket taker The Arcade Theater, bds 801 Mackinaw av.
- Witham Frank M, lab, res 801 Mackinaw av.
- Witham Wm B, painter, bds 801 Mackinaw av.
- Witson Robert, lab, bds 511 Huron N.
- Wixon Howard W, foreman Cheboygan T & W Co, res 1407 Court.
- Wizell Elizabeth, bds 415 D North.
- Wizell Jeremiah, lab, res 415 D North.
- Wizell Joseph, lab, bds 415 D North.
- Woiderski John F, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 1417 Court.
- Wolfe Arthur, lab, bds 511 Bailey N.
- Wood Albert, night watchman Chebovgan Nov Turn Wks, res 113 Main S.
- Wood Elizabeth (wid Wm), bds 54 Tannery set.
- Wood James D, foreman Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res 54 Tannery set.
- Woods Arthur, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Woods Arthur A, lumber inspr Archibald & Hagadorn, res Hebron twp.
- Woods Dora, dam, 757 Main N.
- Woods Eslie W, grocer, 254 Duncan av, res 260 same.
- Woods Frederick, lab, res 219 Center.
- Woods George, foreman, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Woods George Jr, lab, bds Columbian Hotel.
- Woods Reuben G, lab, res 1236 Howard.
- Woodworth Edward, lab, bds Henry Woodworth.
- Woodworth Henry, farmer, res n s Pinehill av 1 w of Pinehill Cemetery.
- Woodworth Henry Jr, lab, bds Henry Woodworth.
- Wright Elmer, barnman, bds 1221 Mackinaw av.
- Wright Floyd, student, bds 230 Backus.
- Wright Frank A, drayman 906 Mackinaw av, res same.
- Wright Robert, sawyer, res 230 Backus.
- Wright Thomas, lab, res 415 3d E.
- Wright Wm, engr, res 1217 Mackinaw av.
- Wright Wm N, carp, res 953 1st W.
- Wylie James, lab, res 424 State W.
- Wylie Mrs Mary A, carpet weaver, 424 State W, res same.
- Wylie Stanley E, lab, bds 424 State W.
- Yakima Yacht Club (Inc), Phil Jasnowski pres, Dr C B Tweedale sec and treas, e s Main S nr Lincoln av bridge.
- Yon Alphonse, lab, bds 1134 Randolph.
- Yon Arthur, lab, bds 1134 Randolph.
- Yon Mary, bds 1134 Randolph.
- Yon Octave, lab, res 1134 Randolph.
- Young Harry, bartndr F V Lalond, res 310 Dresser.
- Young Joseph, lab, bds 104 State E.
- Youngs Zachariah, porter C C Gillmore, res 315 Water.
- Zelinski Leo, lab, bds 202 State E.
- Zenzen Bertha, bds 237 North.
- Zenzen Jacob, lab, res 237 North.
- Zenzen Jacob M, lab Pfister & Vogel Leather Co, res w s Loomis 1 n of Lincoln av W.
- Zeptke Louis, lab, res 811 Western av S.
- Zibel Joseph, sawyer, res 125 C North.
- Ziegler John, carp, res 413 Home.
- Ziegler Joseph, lab, bds 413 Home.
- Zimorski Julius, lab, res 303 C South.
- Zimorski Thomas, bds 303 C South.
- Zoeller Elizabeth, tchr, Central School, res 757 Main N.
- Zorn Anna C, bds 200 Main S.
- Zorn A Wm, reporter, bds 200 Main S.
- Zorn Bros (Martin Zorn), saloon, 200 Main S.
- Zorn Marie, bds 200 Main S.
- Zorn Martin (Zorn Bros), res 200 Main S.
- Zorn Polycarp M, musician, bds 200 Main S.
- Zorn Sue C, clk, bds 200 Main S.
- Zufeld George, lab, rms 204 State W.
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