R. L. POLK & CO'S.
Directory of Indian River, Mackinaw City, Tower and Wolverine
Indian River
Population 350. Is a popular summer resort in Tuscarora township on the Mackinaw division of the M. C. R. R. 21 miles south of Cheboygan, its county seat. It is situated on the picturesque Inland Route connecting Cheboygan with Petoskey and during the season is a favorite with the summer colony. It has a Methodist-Episcopal Church, a bank, a hotel and a number of prosperous stores. The American Express, Western Union and Michigan Telephone Companies have offices here.
- American Express Co, O D Baxter agt.
- Annand George, 1st vice-pres Indian River Bank, res Cheboygan, Mich.
- ARNDT HARVEY M, druggist.
- Artcliff Bert, livery.
- Babcock Edwin, lumberman.
- Bale Agnes M, teacher.
- Bale George W, carpenter.
- Baxter O D, station master, Michigan Central R R.
- Bell Freeman, barber.
- Bell James M, asst station agt.
- Bell J Wilson, physician.
- Berry J A, painter.
- Bradley Albert, confr.
- Bradley Wm R, lab.
- Campbell C A, limestone.
- Carter Eldon, student.
- Carter John, clerk.
- Carter Maida, grocer, agt Michigan Telephone Exchange.
- Clements Arthur L, clerk.
- Clements Bert, lake engineer.
- Clements Everett G, teamster.
- Clements Mrs Mary J.
- Clements, T J.
- Clune John, 2d vice-pres Indian River Bank, res Cheboygan, Mich .
- Cole, Mrs Lizzie.
- Dagwell Harry T, boat builder.
- Dagwell James V, boat builder.
- Dagwell Wm, boat builder.
- Dorrance Frank, section foreman.
- Dorrance Wralter, section hand.
- Dudley Percy T, auditor Indian River Bank, res Cheboygan, Mich.
- Edwards Clinton H, cashier Indian River Bank and general store.
- Edwards Donald, clerk, C H Edwards.
- Fitzpatrick Leo A, cedar ties, posts and poles.
- Frost George E, pres Indian River Bank, res Cheboygan, Mich.
- Hamper, Mrs Lettie.
- Hand Mary (wid Wm).
- Haner Bird E.
- Hetrick Ethel, domestic.
- Hewitt Thomas, mason.
- Hoffacker Franklin L, lumberman.
- Hopke F E, blacksmith.
- Indian River Bank, George E. Frost pres, George Annand 1st vice-pres, John Clune 2d vice-pres, Clinton H. Edwards cashier, Percy T Dudley auditor.
- Jarvis James, lunch room.
- Jones John J, twp treasurer.
- Lester Joel W, genl mdse.
- McHenry Matthew A.
- McPhee Robert, bartender.
- Martin Cressy L, student.
- Martin Floyd A, clerk, F E Martin.
- Martin Floyd E, postmaster and genl merchandise.
- Martin Frank E, clerk.
- Martin Helen B, asst postmaster.
- Martin Mary.
- Martin Wm I, clerk.
- Methodist Church (no pastor).
- Michigan Central R R Station, O D Baxter station agt.
- Michigan Telephone Co, Maida Carter agt.
- Miller Joseph R, carpenter.
- Morgan Wm M.
- Murray Samuel, lab.
- Muscott Ray H, lab.
- Ostrancler Madge (wid Wm H.).
- Park John, saw mill.
- Patterson Everett F, lumberman.
- Patterson Walter B, lumberman.
- Peck Bert, clk.
- Peck J, deputy sheriff.
- Post Office, Floyd E Martin, postmaster.
- Reeves Edith.
- Rogers Henry.
- Shaffer Mrs Margaret E, grocer.
- Shagren Harry, mail orders.
- Slade Ephraim L, saloon and livery.
- Stanley Fred W, twp supervisor.
- Taylor James C, section hand.
- Trimm Bert, bartender.
- Vermilya Mrs Hattie A.
- Watkins Wm H.
- Western Union Telegraph Co.
- Wilber Thad C, boat livery.
- Wilber & Brown, photographers and boat livery.
- York Charles T, propr The York House.
- York House The, Charles T York propr.
Mackinaw City
Population 400. The farthest-north village of the upper peninsula looks out over the straits of Mackinaw to the beautiful Mackinac Island and the shores of the upper peninsula less than 10 miles away. As the northern terminus of the Mackinaw division of the M C R R and the G R & I Ry, it is the gateway through which the rail traffic to the upper peninsula flows. The trains of the D S S & A Ry reach Mackinaw City on the powerful car ferries St Ignace and Ste Marie the year around. The latter boat was selected by the Russian government as a model for an ice crusher in their own waters. Water communication is maintained daily during the season with Mackinac Island and the other popular summer resorts in the immediate vicinity. There are many points of historic interest at Mackinaw City. It was here that the first fort and block house was erected and upon that site of the massacre of June 4th, 1763, has been located the Michillimackinac state park of 22 acres. In addition the village boasts over four miles of cement walks; a boulevard about two miles in length along the shores of the straits; a city hall, fire station and council chamber with the second floor equipped as an opera house with a seating capacity of 500; for fire protection a fire engine, hook and ladder truck and 1,500 feet of hose and a volunteer fire department of 40 members. Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterian and Roman Catholic churches have suitable edifices and a public school of ten grades with 205 pupils is maintained. It is lighted by electricity and has telephone and telegraph communication with all points. The postoffice name is Mackinaw though the incorporated name of the village is Mackinaw City.
- President—Samuel J Smith.
- President pro tem—Wm C Martin.
- Clerk—George H Patrick.
- Treasurer—Thomas J McLaughlin.
- Assessor—E M Sutherland.
- Marshal—Frank J Potter.
- Health Officer—Dr Geo E Grover.
- Fire Warden—W S Van Hellen.
- Trustees—Wm C Martin, Amos Risk, E A Wheeler, John J Risk, Geo D Wolford, Arthur N Buhler.
- Adams Parshall E, clk.
- American Express Co, John Hilliker agt.
- Ames Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev Victor H Hufton pastor.
- Amphlett Cora G.
- Amphlett Edward C, agt G R & I Ry.
- Amphlett Hazel Y.
- Anderson Charles, lab.
- Anderson George, brakeman.
- Anderson Mildred, waiter M C R R restaurant.
- Andrews Mrs Delia, propr Palace Hotel.
- Andrews Michael, lab.
- Archer M, clk.
- Arnold Cyrus, lab.
- Arnold Thomas, lab.
- Ashlo Peter, section hnd M C R R.
- Austin Isaac, lab.
- Austin Rose E.
- Awrey John, sawyer G V King.
- Bacon Alva E, lab.
- Bacon Stephen A, carp.
- Ball Charles, tel opr.
- Ball James, lab.
- Barker Alice A (wid Wm H).
- Barker Elmer A, lab.
- Barrett Clyde O, switchman.
- Barrett Herbert T, barber M B Eastman.
- Barrett Margaret M (wid Devenus), drygoods, etc.
- Bartlett Richard J, janitor M C R R.
- Beach Hotel, Walter Swontek propr.
- Bearinger Lucy.
- Bearinger Wm, foreman.
- Belfrey Susan M (wid Wm).
- Benley John, hostler.
- BIG BUSY STORE THE, Gustave M Harris Propr, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. (See page
- Blackmer Charles W, lab.
- Blackmer Cynthia, waiter M C R R Restaurant.
- Blackmer E Henry, lab.
- Blackmer George, lab.
- Blackmer Ida, waiter M C R R Restaurant.
- Blackmer John A, fireman.
- Booth Fisheries Co, John B Stimpson cashier.
- Bowman Fred T, coach cleaner.
- Buhler Anna E (wid Albert H).
- Buhler Arthur N, village trustee.
- Buhler Elizabeth L.
- Buhler Frederick, lab.
- Buhler Jennie (wid Albert).
- Burroughs Rex, clk M C R R.
- Burroughs Mrs Martin, helper Stimpson House.
- Burrows Charles, bartndr.
- Bush John W, blksmith.
- Bush Louise M, milliner.
- Cadwell John, brakeman G R & I Ry.
- Cantile Helen J.
- Cantile Julius J, lab.
- Cantile Margaret (wid Julius), janitor M C Pub Schools.
- Chamberlin Ernest C, clk S B Chamberlin.
- Chamberlin Samuel B, grocer and hardware.
- Chapman Wm, second asst U S lighthouse.
- Cherwinski Martha, dom Beach Hotel.
- Churchill Mrs Marie.
- Clark Angela, waiter Lake Side House.
- Coffman George V (J H Coffman & Son), taxidermist.
- Coffman John H (J H Coffman & Son).
- Coffman J H & Son (John H and George V), druggists and jewelers.
- Coffman Louis C.
- Conlogue Joseph, foreman.
- Crane Charles H, tug engr.
- Crane Gertrude.
- Cunningham John, teamstr.
- Dagwell Charles T, marine reporter.
- Davenport Edith.
- Davenport Harry F, lab.
- Davenport James, lab.
- Davenport Louise.
- Davenport Overton G, clk S B Chamberlin.
- Dawson Chester A, lab.
- Dawson James H, lab.
- Demerest Harvey E, brakeman G R & I Ry.
- Desy Alphonse A, clk J S Desy.
- Desy Come, carp.
- Desy Eugene S, carp.
- Desy James S, restaurant and cigars.
- Dickerson John H, bartndr J W Hayes.
- Dickinson Mina, waiter Stimpson House.
- Dietz Anna H S, clk C J Dietz.
- Dietz Christian J, general store.
- Doner Frederick, lab.
- Drier Mrs May.
- Drier Walter, lab.
- D S S & A Ry Depot, Herbert Z Galbraith ticket agt.
- Duffina Hattie J.
- Duffina Paul, lab.
- Duffina Peter, lab.
- Duffina Theodore, fish inspr Booth Fisheries Co.
- Durham Wallace M, foreman.
- Eastman Martin B, barber.
- Enos Amos, brakeman G R & I Ry.
- Erwin James, lab.
- Erwin Raymond, lab.
- Erwin Roy, lab.
- Galbraith Herbert Z, ticket agt M C R R and D S S & A R R.
- Gehl Louis J, propr Lake Side House.
- Gilbert Jesse D, meat ctr G I Peck.
- Gillis Thomas, lab.
- Gordon Edward, engr.
- Gowrans Howard, clk.
- Gownes Oliver, clk.
- Granger Milton J, tel opr M C R R.
- Grant Hannah, dom C T Dagwell.
- Griffith Frank, fireman.
- Grover George E, physician.
- G R & I Ry depot, E C Amphlett agt.
- Harding Vine, propr Wa-Wat-Am Beach.
- Harris Mrs Elizabeth.
- HARRIS GUSTAVE M, Propr The Big Busy Store, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. (See adv below.)
- Harris Harry D, messngr Western Exp Co.
- Hartgrove Clarence A, section hd.
- Hayes John W, saloon.
- Hilliker John L, agt American and Western Express Co.
- Hoffman Herman, coach cleaner.
- Hufton Rev Victor H, pastor Ames Memorial M E Church.
- Hurd Charles B, prin M C Public Schools.
- Inglis Mrs Julia A, tchr M C Pub Schools.
- Inglis Lucy, tchr M C Pub Schools.
- Johnson Charles C, porter.
- Jones Tressia S.
- Jones Justin C, clk Am Exp Co.
- Kanthk Clement, lab.
- King George V, lumber and lath, 24 mile s e.
- Kinsen Alfred, lab.
- Kinsen Fred, lab. Kinsen Henry, lab.
- Kinsen Mathilda.
- Kniffin Almira (wid Chester).
- Kniffin Arvine P, lab.
- Kniffin Frank D, mason.
- Kniffin Helen, clk.
- Kniffin Rose M.
- Kniffin Sampson, lab.
- Kniffin Samuel W, lab.
- Knowlton James, carp.
- Kopka Wm, lab.
- Krause Vina, waiter MCRR Restaurant.
- Lajoie Isaac, wheelsman.
- Lake Side House, Louis J Gehl propr.
- Lamain John (Lamain & McLaughlin).
- Lamain Maude, clk Lamain & McLaughlin.
- Lamain & McLaughlin (John Lamain, Thomas J McLaughlin), grocers.
- Lamenand Angeline, cook Stimpson House.
- Lane Edward, lab.
- Lamond Belle M, postmaster.
- Laquea Amab, bartndr O R Smith.
- Laquea Amab Jr, lab.
- Laquea Bernard, lab.
- Laquea Chester, lab.
- Laquea Joseph, lab.
- Laquea Reuben, lab.
- Laquea Wm, lab.
- Larocque Emery, barber.
- La Van Frank, Ry mail clk.
- La Van Peter.
- Lowery Wm J, engr.
- McGregor John, cook.
- McGinnis Burton J, lab.
- McGinnis Charles E, engr.
- McGinnis L S Jane.
- McGinnis Mrs Maggie.
- Mclntire D J, clk.
- McLaughlin Thomas J (Lamain & McLaughlin).
- McVey Alexander W, clk.
- McVey Charles W, condr.
- McVey Ethel M, clk.
- McVey George L.
- McVey Grover J, clk.
- McVey H Katherine.
- McVicar John, bkkpr.
- Mackinaw City Public School, Charles B Hurd prin.
- Marshall George W, asst kpr U S lighthouse.
- Marshall Mary.
- Martin Earl T, bartndr W J Ryan.
- Martin Lester, lab.
- Martin Nettie, waiter M C R R Restaurant.
- Martin Wm C, village pres pro-tem.
- Meade Harry, tel opr M C R R.
- Meeker Thomas, porter Stimpson House.
- Menzie Donald blksmith.
- Mestor John, lab.
- Mestor Joseph, lab.
- M C R R Depot, Herbert Z Galbraith agt.
- M C R R Restaurant, M C R R Depot.
- Mirandette Adolphus, lab.
- Mirandette Edward, lab.
- Mirandette Hannah.
- Moore Melville, barber M B Eastman.
- Morse Bertha E.
- Newberry Menard, lab.
- Newland Ray, clk.
- Olson Conrad, bartndr A Risk.
- Osterman Charles, car repairer.
- Osterman Sophia (wid Wm).
- OVERTON JOHN M, Druggist.
- Owens F C, engr.
- Palace Hotel, Mrs Delia Andrews propr.
- Paquet Alfred, lab.
- Paquin Peter E, Ry mail clk.
- Parker Doris, dom.
- PATRICK GEORGE H, Hardware, Motor Boat and Auto Supplies, Sporting Goods, Builders' Materials,
Fire Insurance. (See page 158.)
- Peck Glenn I, meats.
- Pelton Austin, lab.
- Pelton Ira, lab.
- Pelton Herman P, lab.
- Pelton Roland, lab.
- Pelton Rufus G, lab W S Van Hellen.
- People's Bank The, S J Smith pres, J F Moloney and W L Martin (Cheboygan), vice-prests, Percy T Dudley (Cheboygan), auditor, George D Wolford cashier.
- Peterson Charles A, clk.
- Pierce Benjamin B, physician.
- Pierce Earl R, clk.
- Plaunt Alphonse C, fisherman.
- Plaunt August, fisherman.
- Plaunt Charles L, coach cleaner G R & I Ry.
- Plaunt Christ, fisherman.
- Plaunt Delia M.
- Plaunt Lewis N, fisherman.
- Plaunt Nettie E.
- Plaunt Wm H, coach cleaner G R & I Ry.
- Potter Frank J, village marshal.
- Presbyterian Church.
- Rafferty Wm, lab.
- Ranville Edward, milk dealer.
- Ranville George M, lab.
- Ranville John H, lab.
- Ranville Joseph W, coach cleaner.
- Ranville Margaret (wid Alexander).
- Reed Charles M.
- Richards Clark A, livery.
- Richards John J G, grocer.
- Richards Wm, hostler Clark Richards.
- Risedorph Charles E, clk Am Exp Co.
- Risk Amos, saloon.
- Risk John J, dairy.
- Risk Norman M, lab.
- Risk Stanley J, lab.
- Robinson Agnes (wid Wilbert E).
- Robinson Charles, lab.
- Robinson Charles R, hostler.
- Robinson Guy, carp.
- Robinson Mildred A, clk J M Overton.
- Robinson Ona S.
- Ryan Wm J, saloon.
- Seger George W, millwright.
- Servoss DeWitt H, Ry mail clk.
- Servoss Mae E.
- Servoss Phil H, student.
- Sillar Georgia, waiter Stimpson House.
- Sillar Grace, waiter Stimpson House.
- Shepney Wm, capt launch Arbutus.
- Smith Benjamin L, lab.
- Smith D & Son, Samuel J Smith mngr/proprs Stimpson House.
- Smith Hazel M, clk G M Harris.
- Smith Maude M.
- Smith Oscar R, saloon.
- Smith Mrs Rhoda, chambermaid Stimpson House.
- Smith Samuel J, mngr D Smith & Son and village pres.
- Smith Wellington D, clk Stimpson House.
- Sousie Silas, sailor.
- Spencer Asa, lab.
- Squires Harry, Ry mail agt M C R R.
- Sterrit Everett C, keeper U S Lighthouse.
- Stimpson Elvira A (wid George W).
- Stimpson House, D Smith & Son proprs.
- Stimpson Ida E, cashr Booth Fisheries Co.
- Stimpson John B, cashier Booth Fisheries Co.
- Stokes David, lab.
- Stringham George F, clk M C R R.
- Sutherland E M, grocer and baker.
- Swontek Walter, propr Beach Hotel.
- Thompson Wm, drayman.
- Tice Harry, brakeman G R & I Ry.
- Tinker John, clk M C R R.
- Trumble C V, night opr.
- Tourtillott Leah, waiter M C R R restaurant.
- Tourtilott Mathilda (wid Henry).
- U S Lighthouse, Everett E Sterrit keeper.
- Van Hellen Wm S, carp contr and planing mill.
- Walters Charles H, lumberman.
- Walters Leonard R, lab.
- Walters Paul A, lab.
- Ward George, clk.
- Watson Burt, agt.
- Wenzel Joseph P, purser.
- Western Express Co, John Hilliker agt.
- Wheeler Angie B, student.
- Wheeler Delbert, lab.
- Wheeler E A, village trustee.
- Wheeler Fred, lumberman.
- Wheeler Gay D, student.
- Wheeler Mrs Gertrude, asst postmaster.
- Wickett Allie B, tchr M C Public School.
- Widger Ernest G, clk.
- Wilcox Charles R, car insp.
- Williams H Roy, car insp.
- Williams Isaac H, lab.
- Williams Lena.
- Williams Richard N, lab.
- Williams Valerie (wid Roy), waiter Stimpson House.
- Wolford David A, foreman G R & I Ry.
- Wolford Floyd, lab.
- Wolford George D, cashier The People's Bank.
- Wolford Guy J, car repr G R & I Ry.
- Wolford Marcela.
- Wolford W J, section hd G R & I Ry.
- Woodruff Charles E, cashier G R & I Ry.
- Woods J, fireman.
- Zedar Henry, engr M C R R.
- Zimmerman Alice L.
- ZIMMERMAN CHARLES H, Furniture, House Furnishing Goods and Licensed Undertaker. (See below.)
- Zimmerman Angus A, student.
- Zimmerman Orin J, student.
Population 800. A village located in the southeastern part of the county on the Detroit & Mackinac Railway 23 miles from Cheboygan, the county seat and on the Black river in Forest township. It has one bank, a Methodist, Episcopal and Baptist churches, a graded school, a hotel, handle, shingle, stave and saw mills and a planing mill. Telephone and telegraph connections.
Village Officers.
- President—D M Myers.
- Clerk—John J Kelley.
- Marshal—Thomas Clark.
Adams Archibald, stave jointer.
Adams Clarence T, lab.
Adams Herman L, lab.
American Express Co, G R Banant agt.
Angerd Edwin C, clk.
Anderson John, scaler.
Anderson Samuel, tmstr.
Arrowsmith George (HA Feahr & Co).
Balcolm Frank, lab.
Banant George R, agt American Express Co and D & M R R.
Baxter Edwin F, sawyer.
Baxter James G, lab.
Beach David E, painter.
Beals Lester L, stave jointer.
Beane Frank, packer.
Beane Wm H, filer.
Beauchamp George, decorator.
Bennett Lottie.
Bigger June J, lab.
Bilodo Wm, blksmith.
Block Frederick D, jeweler.
Bolton Basil A, woodsman.
Bolton Mary A (wid Alphonso), cook.
Bonz Stephen C E, carp.
Bowman Henry.
Boyd Mrs Emma V, nurse.
Boyd Eva.
Boyd Marshal B, tmstr.
Boyd Samuel C, lab.
Boyer Joseph, lab.
Brining Stephen M, lab.
Brown Alfred D, lab.
Burdick James F, lab.
Burt Edwin C, lab.
Burt Ernest J, lab.
Burt John, electr.
Canada Wm, lab.
Canada Wm Jr, lab.
Candellary Antoine, lab.
Cassidy James O, woodsman.
Channell Sidney, engr.
Churchill Arthur H, tmstr.
Churchill Edward, lab.
Churchill Lillian B, clk M H Weinberg.
Churchill Manley L, lab.
Churchill Wesley J, tmstr.
Clark Thomas H, painter.
Clemens Carrie V (wid George).
Clemens J D, lab.
Clemens Ocie.
Coffey Wilford L, tchr.
Coleson Elsie P, tchr.
Compeau Donald, lab.
Conover Wm, foreman.
Cox James D, lab.
Crannell Edward M, barber, restaurant and livery.
Crippen Harold, lab.
Crippen Perry A, sawyer.
Dauzet Juliette (wid Degnan).
Dauzet Ulric, lab.
Day Homer F, barber Ed Crannell.
Day Louise (wid Arthur D).
Demorst Isaac, drayman.
Dennis Ernest, lab.
Desormeau Adolph, blksmith.
Detroit and Mackinaw R R, George R Banant agt.
Diekman Marian, tchr.
Donaldson Richard, lab.
Doremier Joseph, lab.
Dugan George, blksmith.
Dunn John, janitor.
Dutcher Remington E, lab.
Evans Wm J, shoemkr.
Feahr Henry A (H A Feahr & Co).
Feahr H A & Co (H A Feahr and George Arrowsmith), grocers.
Ferguson Frank W, engr.
Ferguson Vere W, packer.
Finan Ethel E, clk P O.
Finan Frank T, student.
Finan Thomas, lumber.
Findley George H, tmstr.
Findley Lucretia A, student.
First Baptist Church, Rev Drury Martin pastor.
Fitzpatrick Bros (Thomas R and Henry J), shingle mill.
Fitzpatrick Henry J (Fitzpatrick Bros).
Fitzpatrick Thomas R (Fitzpatrick Bros).
Forrest Lumber Co The (C H Keys, W A Worboys, Harry and Sidney Lenz).
Fox Alphus (Fox Bros).
Fox Bros (Ralph and Alphus), meats.
Fox Ralph (Fox Bros).
Frost Charles, lab.
Gainor Wm, tmstr.
Gallerno Dayton, mill hd.
Gallerno James, lab.
Gallerno James, lab.
Garvey Alice, bkkpr De Forest A Stratton.
Gillett Harvey C, lab.
Gillis Albert, woodsman.
Gillis Charles, woodsman.
Gillis Ida M, clk.
Gillis Lottie D.
Gillis Wm, farmer.
Gillis Wm H, woodsman.
Gleason Mrs Hattie.
Goodchild Arthur.
Goodchild Walter, decorator.
Goodridge Burt, bartndr R G Walker.
Gorsuch Daniel, lab.
Gray Albert, woodsman.
Greenfield Wm & Co (Wm Greenfield & Co), res Ottaway, Mich.
Greenfield Wm & Co (Wm Greenfield and H L Sias), proprs Tower Exchange Bank.
Gross Elmer A, student.
Gross Julius F, genl store.
Haines Nettie.
Heidenrich Louis, clk M H Weinberg.
Hillicker George W, lab.
Hillicker Giles T, lab.
Hillicker Lizzie (wid Thomas).
Hotel Banks, Fitzpatrick Bros proprs.
Hope Nellie.
Hope Theodore, lab.
Howey Edward E, lab.
Howey George A, lab.
Howey Janson, lab.
Howey Robert A, carp.
Howey Wm, lab.
Hoxie John, hoop mill.
Hudson G Fred, woodsman.
Huff James E, stave jointer.
Hughes John, lab.
Hunt George (Star Theatre).
Jackson Verne L, lab.
Jones Mary, cook Hotel Banks.
Jordan Carl J, blksmith.
Kahn George, clk J J Mahler.
Kearns Robert H, lab.
Keeler Caroline (wid Samuel).
Kelley James A, postmaster.
Kelly John J, drugs.
Kellogg Asa H, lab.
Keys & Worboys Co (C H Keys and W A Worboys), stave mill.
King John J, woodsman.
Kisser Josephine, waiter Hotel Banks.
Kisser Julius, baggageman D & M Ry.
Klee Frederick W, sorter.
Klee John, mach hd.
Ladd Fred B, barber.
La Fleur Jeremiah, watchman.
Latch John, lab.
Latch Wm, lab.
McCardell Caroline (wid Mack).
McClevearty Wm, fireman.
McGillis Dougall A, tel opr D & M R R.
McGinnis Charles, mngr The Forest Lumber Co.
McGinnis Peter, foreman Keys & Worboys Co.
McGirr Albert E, lab.
McGirr Allen F, lab.
McGirr Elmer W, lab.
McGirr John J, lab.
McGirr John L, engr.
McGirr Tillie, student.
Mcintosh Anna.
McKenzie Alexander R, general store.
McKenzie Hall, A R McKenzie propr.
McKenzie Mary R, student.
McKenzie Ralph H, clk A R McKenzie.
McLean Wm H, mngr Fox Bros.
McNeil Malcolm, livery.
McNeil Norman J.
Mahler Joseph J, genl store.
Marchbanks John W, mngr DeForest A Stratton.
Martin Rev Drury, pastor First Baptist Church.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev Roy Wolfe pastor.
Moffatt Joseph, lab.
Moran Alexander, lab.
Moran Robert A, mach hd.
Morow Joseph J, genl store.
Myers Maurice D, dry goods.
Nixon James, lab.
North Alexander, lab.
North Henry, lab.
North Myrtle, tchr.
Norton Frank W, clk J J Kelly.
Nutt Arthur W, lab.
Oppenheim Louis, clk M H Weinberg.
Parker Mrs Julia.
Parker Wm, lab.
Peacock Stephen W, photogr.
Peltier Frank, stave jointer.
Peterson Emil, cedar inspr.
Pine Annie L.
Pine John H, woodsman.
Pollard Charles, clk.
Pollard Earl N, opr Star Theatre.
Pollard Frederick, mngr Star Theatre.
Pollard Irene A, clk M D Myers.
Pollard Mae, student.
Pollock Glenn, student.
Pollock James W, tmstr.
Poole Charles H, bartndr W F Worth.
Post Office, James A Kelley postmaster.
Quigley Justus S, lab.
Ratliff Gordon, filer.
Reid Charles, lab.
Reid George H, lab.
Reid T Burewell, lab.
Richardson Edward, stave jointer.
Rothfuss John B, millwright.
Rubey A Elizabeth (wid George).
Rubey Lester.
Rupke Albert, mach hd.
Rupke Rudolph, lab.
Sauer Christian, engr.
Saulgut Joseph, lab.
Schuler Mrs Effie, boarding.
Schuler Lloyd L, student.
Schuler Loftus, barnman M McNeil.
Shaver Maude, tchr.
Shields Wm A, woodsman.
Sias Harry L (Wm Greenfield & Co).
Sias Louise (wid Warren L).
Silvers Wm O, lab.
Smith Angus, carp.
Smith Charles S.
Smith Frederick E, bartndr.
Smith James R, grocer.
Smith J Clyde, plasterer.
Smith Mae E, stenogr.
Smith Mary J.
Smith Neil, saloon.
Smith Neil J, clk J R Smith.
Snowden Adam, lab.
Solomon Henry, clk M D Myers.
Sovie James, lab.
Star Theatre, Earl W and Frederick Pollard and George Hunt proprs.
Stoneburner Ernest H V, lab.
Stout Lester B, handle turner.
Stout Warren L, student.
Stratton De Forest A, J W Marchbanks mngr, handle mnfr.
Sullivan Anna, student.
Sullivan Mary.
Tate John H, handle mkr.
Torongo Alfred, stave cutter.
Torongo Clement, lab.
Tower Exchange Bank, Wm Greenfield & Co proprs.
Trumbull Thompson, lab.
Valentine Wm, lab.
Van Lear Lockus, woodsman.
Walker Rodney G, saloon.
Walters George, woodsman.
Weinberg Max H, general store.
Welling John, stave jointer.
Whitman Fred, lab.
Whitney Blanche, dom.
Windsor John S, lab.
Windsor Ruth M.
Wolfe Rev Roy, pastor Methodist Episcopal Church.
Worth Wallace F, saloon.
Wright Frank, stave jointer.
Wright Frank J, stave cutter.
Yokom Walter A, sawyer.
Young Hazel M, tchr.
Young John B, lab.
Young Samuel L, lab.
Population, 1000. It was incorporated as a village in April, 1903 and is located on the Mackinaw Division of the M C R R at the forks of the Sturgeon river, a popular trout stream in Nunda township, 28 miles south of Cheboygan, the county seat. Wolverine occupies an advantageous proximity to the timber which supplies the raw material for the manufacturers which are located here. These consist of 2 saw mills, a lath mill, a shingle mill, a veneer and cooper age stock mill, a planing mill and give steady employment to a number of the citizens. The surrounding country has shown an exceptional adaptation to successful fruit growing and the apples produced are of the finest quality, both in size and flavor. A graded school and Congregational, Methodist Episcopal and Roman Catholic churches care for the intellectual and spiritual needs of the community. Wolverine boasts of an excellent cornet band of 16 pieces and has a well equipped fire department. Two banks with ample capital serve the financial needs of the village and the surrounding country. A live weekly newspaper, the Wolverine Courier, chronicles the events of this section and is devoted to the advancement of its interests. Wolverine is the supply center for the southern part of the country and the stocks of goods carried by its merchants would be a credit to a village of twice its size.
Village Officers.
- President—Dr A J McKillop.
- Clerk—Henry Cook.
- Treasurer—A W Jones.
- Assessor—A I Bonnett.
- Marshal—Charles Peterson.
- Health Officer—Dr A J McKillop.
- Fire Chief—Henry Kuehl.
- Street Commissioner—M W Jones.
- Trustees—J E Wiggins, B S Hulin, A J Mackensen, A T McMillan, W R Black, Henry Kuehl.
- Abner Wiliyard S, clk.
- American Express Co, Albert T McMillan agt.
- Aplin Wm, lab.
- Aplin Wm M, lab.
- Artcliffe Fay, student.
- Atkinson Marshall A, clk Cook Bros & Co.
- Babcock Linda G, clk J W Levie.
- Baltz John, lab.
- Barber John, brakeman.
- Barghoorn CharlesD, lawyer.
- Basler Carl D, prin Wolverine Public School.
- Baxter Mrs. Elmina E.
- Beard Bert, laborer.
- Beebe Alanson, laborer.
- Beebe Richard L. laborer.
- Beyer Rose, tchr Wolverine Public School.
- Bidwell Edward, laborer.
- Black Ploward R, bookkeeper.
- Black Maude.
- Black Nettie, teacher.
- Black Walter R, scaler.
- BOLTON EARL B, Pres Wolverine State Savings Bank, res Gay lord, Mich.
- Bonnett Arthur, clerk.
- Bonnett Albert L tel opr M C R R.
- Boomeyer Jesse, laborer.
- Bradley Charles A, lab.
- Bradley Elisha E, meats.
- Brannack Albert R, lab.
- Briggs Flossie.
- Briggs George W, land looker.
- Briggs Joseph S, clk B F Butler.
- Briggs Laura.
- Bristow Richard E, butcher.
- Brittenbender Peter, filer.
- Brown Clarence R, brakeman M C R R.
- Brown Frank P, lab.
- Brown Rena.
- Brushaber Charles, lab.
- Buell Frank, lumber and real estate.
- Burkhardt Clyde W, lab.
- Butler Benjamin F, dry goods, groceries and shoes.
- Cardinal Claude, lab.
- Cardinal Israel, lab.
- Cardinal Wm, lab.
- Case Wm H, physician.
- Caughlin Timothy, soft drinks.
- Chambers Florence E, tchr Wolverine Public School.
- Chase George W, barber.
- Chas Grace E.
- Chase Irene.
- Churchill Anna (wid Thomas).
- Churchill Hugh, lab.
- Clark Fred D, lumber.
- Clark Ray B, lab.
- Cole Rev G. Henry, pastor Congregational Church.
- Colescott Garnette W, clk M D Cryderman.
- Collins Albert G, foreman.
- COMSTOCK ABC, Director The People's Bank of Wolverine, res Gaylord, Mich.
- Comstock Wallace J, lab.
- Congregational Church, Rev G Henry Cole pastor.
- Constable Una.
- Cook Albert A (Cook Bros & Co), res Gaylord. Mich.
- Cook Alfred, mngr Cook's Spot Cash Store.
- Cook Arthur B, clk Cook's Spot Cash Store.
- Cook Bros & Co (A A Cook, H H Morrow, F E Cook), general store.
- Cook Fred E (Cook Bros & Co), res Gaylord.
- Cook George W, clk Cook's Spot Cash Store.
- COOK HENRY, Cashier The People's Bank of Wolverine and Fire Insurance. (See left top lines and page 8.)
- Cook Hubert, bkkpr.
- Cook's Spot Cash Store, Alfred Cook mngr, grocers, crockery and novelties.
- Cornwell Charles, lumber mnfr.
- Cottrell Samuel lab.
- Cough James H, lab.
- Cough Pearl S.
- Crossett Clarence L, lab.
- Crumb Howard H, lumber inspr.
- Crumb Jesse, lab.
- Cryderman Michael D, furniture and undertaker.
- Culham J Henry, livery.
- Culham Walter D, student.
- Daley James, soft drinks.
- Davis Alfred, lab.
- Davis Isaac L, engr.
- Davis Jessie.
- Davis Maude.
- Davis Wm, driver.
- Dawdy Orton J, lab.
- Deagon Mrs Minnie M.
- Dean John, engr MCRR.
- Donner Bertha.
- Donner George, farmer.
- Donner Mary (wid George).
- Dubey George, land looker.
- Duprey Elsie, waiter Mrs Emma Holcomb.
- Duprey John, carp.
- Ebel Albert, lab.
- Ebel Ida M.
- Ebel Robert, lab.
- Ebel Wm, farmer.
- Ebel Wm S, lab.
- Eckman Mabel.
- Eddy Joseph, lab.
- FAILS CHARLES M, Postmaster.
- Fails Frances J (wid Carson C).
- Feick Lewis K, janitor.
- Fowler Archie J, condr.
- Fowler Irma.
- Fox Charles, grocer and hardware.
- Franklin John T, lab.
- Freer Lloyd.
- Freer Samuel, farmer.
- Garnsey Henry A, lab.
- George Percy F (J F Holden & Co).
- Germain Henry, scaler.
- Gibbs Benjamin W, brakeman.
- Giffin Hedley, vet surgeon.
- Gifford Joseph A, genl mngr Guelph Patent Cask Co Ltd.
- Gillespie Mary, student.
- Gillespie Wm F, lumber scaler.
- Goddard Clara.
- Goddard George A, mail carrier.
- Goodman George T, lab.
- Goodman Mary M.
- Goodman Wm H, lab.
- Goodman Wm J, cement block mnfr.
- Gower Owen, brakeman.
- Graff Wm M, lab.
- Graves George, lab.
- Graves Ruth.
- Greiner Joseph, lab.
- Grubbc Ona O, saloon.
- Guelph Patent Cask Co Ltd (London, Eng.), Joseph A Gifford genl mngr, veneer and hoop mnfrs.
- Hackett Mrs Loretta.
- Hall Emma.
- Hall John, lab.
- Hamilton Lucinda.
- Harris Mrs Grace, clk Cook Bros & Co.
- Harris Jesse, lab.
- Harris Leila.
- Harris Mary (wid Andrew), dressmkr.
- Hartford Benjamin F, lab.
- Hartford Charles A, cook.
- Hartford Morris, lab.
- Hartford Wm J, mason.
- Havel Minnie, tchr Wolverine Public School.
- Hawley George W, brakeman.
- Henderson Wm S, lab.
- Hickey Jessie (wid Claude).
- Higgins Edward C, tel opr M CRR Hillier House, W F Selleck propr.
- Hillier James W, clk B F Butler.
- Hillier Norman J, lab.
- Holcomb (wid James E), restaurant.
- Holden Jesse F (J F Holden & Co).
- Holden J F & Co (Jesse F Holden, Percy F George), drugs and stationery.
- Howland Margaret (wid Samuel).
- Howland Meroe.
- HULIN BURGESS S, Vice-Pres Wolverine State Savings Bank, Dealer in Groceries, Table Supplies, Men's Furnishings, Etc. (See adv below.)
- Jacobson Charles, lumber scaler.
- Jameson Stillman, clk Cook Bros & Co.
- Jefferson Charles A, lumberman.
- Johnson James, carp, bds Hillier House.
- Jones Alman (Jones & Taylor).
- Jones David, lumberman.
- Jones George A, tmstr.
- Jones Howard, lab.
- Jones Maurice.
- Jones Willerton.
- Jones & Taylor (Alman Jones, Charles F Taylor), hardware.
- Karslik Harry, carp, bds Hillier House.
- Kelly Wm, farmer.
- Kilburn Ira, tmstr, bds Hillier House.
- King John J, lab.
- Kinsey George M, wood turner.
- Klacking John N, foreman.
- Klacking Pearl J, student.
- Kuehl Henry, mason.
- La Londe Arthur, lab.
- Larocque Agnes.
- Levie Abe M, clk J W Levie.
- Levie J Walter, dry goods, clothing, shoes and furnishings.
- Lloyd John, lab.
- Lowery Rev Paul, pastor Methodist Episcopal Church.
- Lozow Burt, lab.
- Lynes John.
- Lynts Carl, shingle weaver.
- McCall Bardro, restaurant.
- McCall Jay, lab.
- McClellan George H, blksmith J N Sterling.
- McClish Albert, lab.
- McCormick Jane (wid Henry).
- McDonald Alexander, foreman.
- McDonald Archie, lab.
- McDonald Frank, lab.
- McDonald John, conductor M C R R.
- McDonald Lottie.
- McDonald Robert, lab.
- McDonald Wm B, lab.
- McKian Frank, lab.
- McKian Peter J, lab.
- McKian Russell, lab.
- McKillop A J, physician.
- McKillop Gordon, student.
- McLaish Margaret (wid James).
- McMillan Albert T, agt M C R R.
- Mackensen Albert (Mackensen Bros).
- Mackensen Bros (Albert and Fred E), shingle mill.
- Mackensen Fred E (Mackensen Bros).
- Masonic Hall, A & F M Lodge No 442.
- Mathews Francis, student.
- Matthews Will, lab.
- Maxwell James, foreman.
- Mayott Joseph C, meats.
- Melching Lena J, tchr Wolverine Public School.
- Merritt Elizabeth, tchr Wolverine Public School.
- Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev Paul Lowery pastor.
- M C R R Station, Albert T McMillan agt.
- Moore Judson E, tmstr.
- MORFORD J LEE, Director The People's Bank of Wolverine, res Gaylord, Mich.
- Morrow Howard H (Cook Bros & Co).
- Nettleton George, lab.
- Newell Charles R, foreman Frank Buell.
- Newell Donna, music tchr.
- Nichols Harry, lab.
- Nicols Kathrine (wid Alfred).
- Nowak Augustus, tel opr M C R R.
- Odette Jeremiah, lab.
- Paquin Ada, waiter Hillier House.
- Parker Charles, lab.
- Parrett Charles, lumber mill.
- Patridge Jay, lab.
- Paul Guy, lab.
- Paul Harry, veterinary surgeon.
- Peck Milo, lab.
- PEOPLE'S BANK OF WOLVERINE THE, A B C Comstock, James A Quick, J Lee Morofrd and Charles A Quick Directors, Henry Cook Cashier. (See left top lines and page 8).
- Perry, Nina, student.
- Perry Wm J, lab.
- Peterson Arthur B, lab.
- Peterson Charles A, city marshal.
- Peterson John, lab.
- Piehl Daniel, farmer.
- Pond Harry, condr.
- Potter Morris R, mngr Wolverine Home Made Hosiery Co.
- Pratt Charles E, carp.
- Pressland Arthur.
- Pressland Herbert E, bkkpr Wolverine State Sav Bank.
- Quarry Charles, lab.
- QUICK CHARLES A, Director The People's Bank of Wolverine, res Gaylord, Mich.
- QUICK JAMES A, Director The People's Bank of Wolverine, res Gaylord, Mich.
- Reddon Phillip W, harnessmkr.
- Rich Hazel.
- Rich Thomas, lab.
- Richards Emma, cook Mrs Emma Holcomb.
- Richards George D, real estate.
- Richards Leon.
- Richards Paul, lab.
- Richards Russell A, lab.
- Roach Herbert G, clk Cook Bros & Co.
- Roberts Charles N, land looker.
- Roberts C Uri, lab.
- Roberts Ira, clk J F Holden & Co.
- Roberts Ira E, billiards.
- Roberts Marion C, lab.
- Roman Catholic Church.
- Rorabeck Charles E, clk B S Hulin.
- Rorabeck Emma J.
- Rowe Sarah J (wid Wm).
- Sabourin Gertrude.
- Sabourin Joseph A, engr.
- St Coure Elizabeth.
- St Coure Wm J, lab.
- Saunders Charles G, dentist.
- Saunders Gladys L.
- Schlenter Augusta (wid John).
- Schoby Louis E, hostler.
- Sears Harold, barber Harry Sears.
- Sears Harry V, barber.
- Selleck Wm F, propr Hillier House.
- Shabineau Peter, filer.
- Shann Wm, lab.
- Shell Lydia, dom.
- Shier John C, blksmith.
- Shier Ula M.
- Shook Edwin, lab.
- Shook Ernest J, lab.
- Shook Lela, dom.
- Sickles Sadie (wid George), milliner.
- Smith Cleveland, lab.
- Smith Edward, lab.
- Smith Ira, lab.
- Smith Jennie (wid George), milliner.
- Smith Mettie (wid Alden).
- Smith Zina, clk Mrs J Smith.
- Solomon Wm, farmer.
- Sowton Harry, bkkpr.
- Stale Thomas, meat ctr E E Bradley.
- Start Bessie.
- Start Fred, supt Guelph Patent Cask Co Ltd.
- Start Gladys H.
- Start Joseph, foreman.
- Steele Roy E, lab.
- Sterling Elizabeth.
- Sterling Jesse N, blksmith.
- Stiffler B Frank.
- Stonehouse Casson B, lab.
- Stonehouse Elva R.
- Stonehouse Etta M.
- Stonehouse John L, lab.
- Storey Ann (wid Robert).
- Storey Margaret J, dressmkr.
- Storey Wm H, moving pictures.
- Swaffield Walter, whol meats.
- Swanson Charlotte (wid Lars A).
- Swart Louis, lab.
- Switzer Cora (wid Isaac N).
- Taylor Charles F (Jones & Taylor).
- THAYER BURTON E, Editor and Propr Wolverine Courier. (See page 186.)
- Thomas Annie, asst prin Wolverine Public School.
- Thompson Wm A, baker.
- Titus Charles, lab.
- Tondu Stephen J, lab.
- Township Hall.
- Travis Charles, carp.
- Travis Lucille.
- Treatchler Calvin, lab.
- Treatchler John T, lab.
- Treatchler Mary (wid Wm T).
- Treatchler Mary J.
- Treatchler Rachel.
- Treatchler Sarah.
- Walborn C Emory, lab.
- Waelcomb Clifton.
- Waelcomb James, cigar mnfr.
- Waelcomb Nina.
- Weathers Ethel, waiter Hillier House.
- Whittaker Archie B, lab.
- Whittaker Delasky, lab.
- Whittaker George A, lab.
- Whittaker Jay, lab.
- WIGGINS JOHN E Cashier Wolverine State Savings Bank, Real Estate and Fire Insurance.
- Williams Guy, leader Wolverine Cornet Band.
- Willyard Abner, clk Charles Fox.
- Wilson Willard, lab.
- Wolverine Bowling Alleys, James Welcomb propr.
- Wolverine Cornet Band, Guy Williams leader.
- WOLVERINE COURIER THE (Weekly), Burton E Thayer Editor and Propr. (See page 186.)
- Wolverine Home Made Hosiery Co, M R Potter mngr.
- Wolverine Public School, Carl D Easier prin.
- WOLVERINE STATE SAVINGS BANK (Organized Jan 1, 1907; Capital $20,000). Earl B Bolton Pres, Burgess S Hulin Vice-Pres, John E Wiggins Cashier. (See front cover and page 186.)
- Wolverine Village Fire Department.
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