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Hillsdale County, Michigan
This Site is part of
The MIGenWeb & The USGenWeb


1873 * 1888

MIGenWeb Archives

Michigan Deaths 1867-1897
at LDS Family Search Labs

in the Newspapers

Death Certificate Images

A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I-J * K * L * M
* N * O * P-Q * R * S * T * U-V * W * X-Y-Z

The Michigan Historical Library is in the process of uploading digitized death certificates for 1898 - 1920.
This link will take you to the Seeking Michigan site - then click on SEEK tab to search.

Other Sources

Social Security Death Index and Railroad Retirement information and data.

Hillsdale County Cemeteries
Listing of Hillsdale County cemeteries, with links to online data.

Hillsdale County Obituaries

GENDIS - Michigan Death Index 1867-1897

Hillsdale County Deaths
(partial listing) surnames from Ab-Ce only

Michigan Family History Network  - Hillsdale County Deaths at MIFamilyHistory.org

Pioneer Society of Michigan Memorial Report Vol 3 (1879)
Surnames mentioned:
Betts, Della, Gamard, Gregory, Grosvenor, Lockwood, Noe, Scovell, Slites

Pioneer Society of Michigan Memorial Report Vol 4 (1880-81)
Surnames mentioned:
Adams, Alpaugh, Babcock, Bacon, Barnes, Baxter, Beecher, Champlin, Couch, Delavan, Doty, Evans, Gay, Goodwin, Graham, Hewitt, Jermain, Jones, Luce, Macomber, Owens, Peck, Thorpe, Varnum, White, Wisner

Pioneer Society of Michigan Memorial Report Vol 9 off-site

Jackson County Pioneer Society of Michigan Memorial Report Vol 8 off-site
Jackson County borders Hillsdale County on the North.


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Please give credit where credit is due. 


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Archives/Assistant State Coordinator: Wayne Summers
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This Page Updated: 11 May 2022


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