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Hillsdale County, Michigan
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Michigan Deaths 1867-1897
at LDS Family Search Labs
in the Newspapers
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The Michigan Historical Library is in the process of uploading digitized death certificates for 1898 - 1920.
This link will take you to the Seeking Michigan site - then click on SEEK tab to search.
Other Sources SSDI Hillsdale County Cemeteries GENDIS - Michigan Death Index 1867-1897 Hillsdale
County Deaths Michigan Family History Network - Hillsdale County Deaths at MIFamilyHistory.org Pioneer Society of Michigan Memorial Report Vol 3 (1879)Surnames mentioned: Betts, Della, Gamard, Gregory, Grosvenor, Lockwood, Noe, Scovell, Slites
Pioneer Society of Michigan Memorial Report Vol 4 (1880-81) Pioneer Society of Michigan Memorial Report Vol 9 off-site Neighbors |
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[Acting] State Coordinator: Coleen Pustola
Archives/Assistant State Coordinator: Wayne Summers
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This Page Updated: 11 May 2022
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