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Hillsdale County, Michigan
This Site is part of
The MIGenWeb & The USGenWeb


General Information
Requesting Pre-WWI Records
Information on how to obtain military service records

War of 1812
War of 1812 Veterans

Civil War
National Park Service Civil War Soldiers - Search Off site link

Michigan in the Civil War formerly Don Harvey's

American Civil War Home Page George H. Hoeman Off site link

Rally Round the Flags
Michigan History, Arts, and Libraries - flag collection photographs Off site link

Sons of Union Veterans Grave Database Search

Note: The following documents only list men from Hillsdale County, or that moved to the county after the war.
First Michigan Infantry
Second Michigan Infantry
Fourth Michigan Infantry: A-L
Fourth Michigan Infantry: M-Y
Seventh Michigan Infantry
Tenth Michigan Infantry
Eleventh Michigan Infantry
Twelfth Michigan Infantry
Fifteenth Michigan Infantry
Sixteenth Michigan Infantry
Eighteenth Michigan Infantry: A-K
Eighteenth Michigan Infantry: L-Z
Twenty-Fourth Michigan Infantry
Twenty-Seventh Michigan Infantry
Thirtieth Michigan Infantry
First Michigan Engineers
First Michigan Sharpshooters
Second Michigan Sharpshooters
Second Michigan Cavalry
Fourth Michigan Cavalry
Seventh Michigan Cavalry
Seventh Michigan Cavalry
Eleventh Michigan Cavalry
Other Groups

Civil War Veterans Visitor Submissions

Spanish-American War
Michigan Volunteers - at MIFamilyHistory.org (moving to new site)

World War One
Soldiers of the Great War, WWI - at Chippewa MIGenWeb
Leonardson Cemetery War Memorial

World War Two

Korean War/Conflict
Korean War Casualties

Vietnam War/Conflict
Vietnam War Casualties-Hillsdale County


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The information on these pages can be used for Genealogical & Historical purposes and for no other.

Please give credit where credit is due. 


The MIGenWeb Administrative Team
 Up for Adoption

[Acting] State Coordinator: Coleen Pustola

Archives/Assistant State Coordinator: Wayne Summers
MIGenWeb Official Notices 

This Page Updated: 1 December 2024

This site is a part of the MIGenWeb and the USGenWeb


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