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A newspaper article from 1837, about a meeting of Democrats in Lapeer.


In accordance with a call of the Democratic Corresponding Committee for the county of Lapeer, the delegates of the several towns convened at the house of L. Forbes, in the village of Lapeer, on the 8th day of July, 1837, and organized by choosing S. D. McKEEN, president, and RICHARD BROWNSON, secretary.

On motion, a committee of three was appointed by the Chair to examine credentials, consisting of Messrs. Davidson, Rood and Andrews, who reported in favor of the sitting members.

On motion, Josiah R. Rood of Lapeer, and Wm. H. Wing of Newbury, were elected to represent this county in the Democratic Republican State Convention, to be holden at Ann Arbor on the 20th inst.

On motion, Norman Davidson of Atlas, was elected to represent this county in the Democratic Republican Convention, next to be holden for the 5th Senatorial District.

After which, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the delegates elected to represent this county in the State Convention be, and they are hereby, instructed to use their intelligence to procure the nomination of STENENS T. MASON, for Governor, and ISAAC E. CRARY for representative of this state in the Congress of the United States.

Resolved, That the proceedings of this convention be signed by the president and secretary, and published in the Detroit Free Press and Oakland Balance.

On motion, the convention adjourned, sine die.

S. D. McKEEN, President.


Detroit Free Press (Detroit, MI) Wednesday, 19 Jul 1837, page 3

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