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A newspaper article from 1838, on the mortgage of John Shafer.


DEFAULT having been made in the payment of the sum of Two hundred dollars and the interest thereon from the 4th day of December, A. D. 1836, secured by mortgage executed by Silas Dinsmoor M’Keen to John Shafer both of Lapeer in the county of Lapeer and state of Michigan, of all those certain parcels of land (lying in the county of Lapeer) known and described as the the undivided half of village lots numbered sixty five (65), sixty six (66), ninety three [93], ninety four [94], ninety five [95] ninety six [96], and fractional Block numbered thirteen [13], according to the recorded Plat of the Village of Lapeer as recorded in the Register’s office for the county of Lapeer, and Village Lot numbered one hundred and forty seven [147], according to the Plat of said village as recorded in the Register’s office in the county of Oakland in said state—said lots front on River, Saginaw, Nippissing, Pine and Park streets, according to the Plat first above mentioned.—Which mortgage was executed by Silas Dinsmoor M’Keen to John Shafer to secure the purchase money of the parcels of land above described, on the fourth day of December, A. D, 1836, and recorded in the Register’s office for the county ol Lapeer on the fifth day of December A. D. 1836, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon in Registry of Mortgages book A. at pages 33, 34, and 35, and on which there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice two hundred and twenty three dollars and ninety one cents.

Notice is hereby given that the above described parcels of land with the appurtenances will be offered for sale at Public Auction agreeably to a power of sale contained in said mortgage, at the outer door of the house where the Circuit Court for the county of Lapeer was last held, on Monday the third day of December next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon. Lapeer, Aug. 20, 1838.

JOHN SHAFER, Mortgagee.

T. J. Drake, Att’y. 30

The above sale is postponed until Tuesday the fifth day of February next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. at the place above stated in the advertisement.

Lapeer, Dec. 8, 1838.


T. J. Drake, Att’y. Mortgagee.

Pontiac Courier (Pontiac, MI) Friday, 14 Dec 1838, page 1

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