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A newspaper article from 1838, on the mortgage of Derrick Stebbens.


DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a certain mortgage, executed by Silas D. McKeen, to Derrick Stebbens of Lapeer in the state of Michigan, of all that certain parcel of land situate in the county of Lapeer, and State of Michigan, known and described as the “Northeast quarter of section number twenty in township number nine north of range number ten east,” which mortgage bears date the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven, and was given to secure the payment of two hundred and sixty dollars, witn, interest—which sum and the interest thereon from the date of said mortgage is now claimed to be due, and unpaid, and as the purchase money for said parcel of land—

Notice is therefore hereby given that the said mortgaged premises—or parcel of land above described will be sold at public vendue or auction at the place in the village of Lapeer, where the Circuit Court for the county of Lapeer aforesaid was last held, on Saturday the 9th day of March next at ten o’clock in the forenoon. Dated Lapeer, Monday, 26th Nov. 1838.


T. J. DRAKE, Att’y. 12w45

Pontiac Courier (Pontiac, MI) Friday, 14 Dec 1838, page 1

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