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A newspaper article from 1843, about recent election results.



A letter from Lapeer dated Nov. 10, states that the election has gone off unusually well for the democratic cause in that town. The Democratic majority for Governor and Congress is between 70 and 100. The Democratic Representative is elected by 11 majority. Hart, Democrat, and Lamb, Whig, got a large majority, some 800 in the county, for Senators.

From the Plaindealer

THE LAST EXPRESS HAS COME—Lapeer Redeemed—Whigery gone to the Shades.—We have the pleasure of saying that Lapeer has again taken her stand among the democratic counties of the State. Our entire ticket is elected. Barry’s majority will be about 80; Hunt’s about the same, while we have elected our county ticket and the Representative, by an average majority of about 50. This is a signal victory for Lapeer. She has long been the strong hold of Whigery in the North, “the green spot in the West.” But the democracy of the county have wiped out that “greenness” most effectually.

Every exertion which could be made by the coons was put forth, but the ‘bare footed’ party, as the whigs call us, though the weather was cold and the ground covered with snow, found some way to get to the polls and lay “bare” the corruptions of the whigs. Give us three cheers.

Detroit Free Press (Detroit, MI) Monday, 13 Nov 1843, page 3

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