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A newspaper article from 1845, on the Democratic Convention in Lapeer.

Lapeer County.

At a Democratic county Convention, held on the 31st day of July, A. D. 1845, at the Court House, in the village of Lapeer.

Col. Benjamin Thorn, of Dryden, was elected President, and Doct. J. S. Comstock of Hadley, was chosen Secretary.

On motion of A. N. Hart, a committee of three delegates was appointed, consisting of Mr. George W. Rood of Lapeer, Doct. N. B. Eldredge and William Williams of Dryden, to examine credentials and report the names of delegates entitled to seats in the convention. The report of said committee was accepted, and on motion of N. B. Eldredge, it was

“Resolved, That there be a committee of three appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of this convention.

The chair then appointed Messrs. Eldredge, Hart and Isaac McKeen, who reported several spirited resolutions approving the general State administrations, and also recommending the sale of the State Railroads in discharge of the liabilities of the State, which were unanimously adopted. (For the want of room we are compelled to omit the resolutions.)

The convention then proceeded to elect two delegates to attend the State Convention at Jackson on the 27th of August, and on counting the ballots, it appeared that A. N. Hart and N. B. Eldredge were elected.

The convention then elected Col. Benjamin Thorn and Hon. Chas. A. Hebbard, delegates of the Senatorial Convention.

On motion of Doct. Eldredge,

Resolved, That the proceedings of the Convention be published in the Plain Dealer and the Democratic Free Press.

The Convention then adjourned, sine die.

J. S. COMSTOCK, Sec’y.

Detroit Free Press (Detroit, MI) Tuesday, 12 Aug 1845, page 2

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