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A newspaper article from 1848, debunking a false rumor.

Attempted Whig fraud on the Electors.

The Electors of the 3d Congressional district should be aware, for such men as Rufus Hosmer, Moses Wisner, and others are attempting to defraud them of their votes. The whigs put a Roorback in circulation that John M. Lamb, the free soil candidate had withdrawn in favor of the Taylor nominee! The following card from John M. Lamb, puts at rest this whig Roorback, but there are others in circulation. The voters should be aware of them, or they will be grossly deceived by these reckless whig politicians.



“Whereas, a statement that I had resigned the nomination for the office of Representative in Congress—an honor conferred upon me by my fellow free soil friends—has, as I am well-informed, obtained a considerably widespread circulation. This is therefore to inform my friends that I never have made such resignation, but on the contrary, having in a measure taken the advice and counsel of my free soil friends relating to the propriety of my name now being withdrawn, I am almost without exception universally advised by them, that such resignation would be inexpedient in view of our standing as a party, and highly prejudicial to the success ultimately of our free soil principles, and that the report is without foundation in fact, except that I have expressed my willingness that my name might be dropped if my friends assembled in convention for the purpose of considering the propriety thereof, should so advise, which convention has been held in which my friends wholly refused their consent to the measure.”

(Signed) JOHN M. LAMB.
Dryden Oct. 28, 1848.

Detroit Free Press (Detroit, MI) Tuesday, 31 Oct 1848, page 2

[Note: a "Roorback" is a defamatory falsehood published for political effect. This term refers to an even in the 1844 US Presidential election. See Merriam-Webster.]

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