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Lapeer County

A newspaper article from 1850, listing Decomocratic Nominations and Platform.

Lapeer County.

The democracy of Lapeer have made the following excellent nominations:

For Judge, Silas D. McKeen.
For Second Judge, Horace N. Lathrop.
For Representative, Noah H. Hart.
For Treasurer, Wm. H. Clark.
For Sheriff, Harvy C. Mills.
For Prosecuting Attorney, Nathaniel H. Redmond.
For County Clerk, Wm. Beech.
For Register of Deeds, Reuben McArthur.
For County Surveyor, Hiram S. Griswold.
For Coroners, Jesse B. Mason, Lewis C. Townsend.

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the democracy of Lapeer county have examined the Baltimore platform of 1844 and 1848, and pronounce it safe and sound, and capable of sustaining the democracy of the entire Union.

Resolved, That we are a self-governing people, both in the States and Territories, and that we are willing to leave the subject of slavery where all power not expressly conferred upon Congress rightfully exists, in the hands of the people of the States and Territories. That the doctrine of non-intervention, as laid down and advocated by that great civilian and statesman, Lewis Cass is our doctrine.

Resolved, that as true friends of the Union we heartily approve of the action of Congress in the adjustment of the exciting questions which have so long disturbed the peace and happiness of our beloved country.

Resolved, that we reprobate the man who attempts to sow the seeds of discord between different parts of the United States, and to place party distinctions upon geographical distinctions.

Resolved, That if there is a statesman living who has earned the position of President of the United States by a long life of eminent services and devotion to principles, that statesman is Gen. Lewis Cass.

Detroit Free Press (Detroit, MI) Tuesday, 29 Oct 1850, page 2

Note: The term "democracy of Lapeer county" refers to the Democratic Party in Lapeer County. The distinction between Democratic and democratic was not always observed.

Note: Lewis CASS was one of the leaders of the Democratic Party. He ran for President, and held several high offices, including US Senator from Michigan from 4 Mar 1849 to 3 Mar 1857.

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