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A newspaper article from 1869.

The Romeo Observer has the following items in its Dryden correspondence: There is considerable excitement prevailing here just now over the sudden disappearance of the Rev. Horace Bartlett, Sr. His conduct of the past few weeks has given rise to suspicions that he intended self-destruction, and it is yet conjectured by some that he has carried into execution his often repeated threat to hang himself. But we are inclined to agree with his son’s opinion, i. e., that he has gone in search of a Mrs. Beardsley, with whom he eloped a year ago this spring. It is nothing strange, as he is a youth of only seventy-five, and was a great-grandfather three years since.

Mr. Edwin Bristol, of Almont, received fatal injuries on Tuesday of last week, while returning home with a yoke of oxen which he had purchased in the north woods. When within four or five miles of Almont the cattle became frightened and ran into the woods. Mr. Bristol went in immediate pursuit, overtook and passed them. They ran over him, trampling him under their feet and bruising him in a terrible manner. He called for help, but no one coming to his assistance he worked his way back to the road. Not being able to walk he was compelled to crawl upon his hands and feet, where he remained a short time in hopes that someone would come to his relief, but no one coming he managed to reach a house that was not far distant, where he remained conscious just long enough to narrate the above particulars, after which time he remained unconscious until he died.

Detroit Free Press (Detroit, MI) 27 May 1869, p. 4

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