# Created on Feb 19, 2022 3:59:14 PM 1872 Imlay City News Items


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A newspaper article from 1872, containing news items related to Imlay City, Lapeer County, MI.


A Difficult Surgical Operation—Business Prospects—Railroad Matters. Correspondence of the Port Huron Times.

IMLAY CITY: March 11, 1872.

On the 28th of last month, a difficult surgical operation was successfully performed upon the person of Mr. Wallace Huntley, a disabled soldier of our late war, by Dr. Geo. W. Jones, of this place, assisted by Drs. McCall, Yerex and Bridon. The operation, which consisted of an amputation of the thigh, was rendered necessary by an injury which Mr. Huntley received in the service by a horse falling upon his leg, breaking the knee joint, on account of which he was discharged from the service. Since that time the hurt has been aggravated by occasional injuries received from time to time in the course of his daily employment, till finally his knee became so bad that an amputation was necessary to save his life. At last accounts he was doing remarkably well. Dr. Jones, late of Port Perry, Canada, and a graduate of the University of Buffalo, N.Y., has during the past year’s residence at this place, built up a most successful practice, and one which, owing to his genial manner and thorough understanding of his profession is daily becoming more lucrative.

Business of all kinds during the winter has been of a most satisfactory character, our city of stumps, located in the midst of the woods is rapidly losing its primitive characteristics, and assuming the appearance and proportions of what it really is, a thriving railroad town. Building operations this spring have already commenced, and the indications are that more buildings, and those too of a superior character, will be erected this season than last. The firm of Lamb & Townsend are now preparing to build a store 30 feet by 80 feet in size, near their elevator. The firm will be composed of Hon. J. C. Lamb, Wm. Townsend, and Buel Eldridge, of Dryden, men of capital, and long experience in the trade, and possessing every requisite to insure a successful business. They intend to keep on hand a large stock of general merchandise, and to make specialty of produce, as well as to create a depot of supplies for lumbermen. In doing so they will supply a want which has been felt since the commencement of the place, and one which from our central location, can be more easily supplied than at any other point along the line of this railroad.

Our citizens are not neglectful of their interests in railroad connections with other points, but are fully alive to their interests in this regard, and will contribute largely in aid of any project to give us communication with the Saginaw Valley.

Port Huron Times (Port Huron, MI) Thursday, 14 Mar 1872, page 3

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