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Lapeer County

1892 Political Controversy



The Attempt to Use an Old Document for a Purpose Never Intended Has Reacted. ---Its Sentiments Vigorously Repudiated by Many Old Veterans.

In 1884, John H. Palmer, of Lapeer City, formerly a Republican, but now a Democrat, wrote a circular letter and procured the signatures of eighty-three ex-soldiers, protesting against the action of John T. Rich because he recommended the appointment of John Abbott instead of Stewart Gorton for postmaster at the City of Lapeer. There were 42 Democrats, 39 Republicans, and two Prohibitionists who signed the letter, 11 of whom have since died and 10 removed from the State. Many of the signers were not patrons of the office. This letter has recently been printed in circular form by the lapeer County Democratic Committee, and is being circulated by them all over the State to induce Republican ex-soldiers to vote for Allen B. Morse for governor. We presume no harm will come from it, but in justice to Mr. Rich, and that the Republicans outside of Lapeer county may know how we feel toward him, we, the undersigned, Republican ex-soldiers, who signed said letter, being all the Republicans excepting two who signed the same now living and residing in Lapeer County, do hereby protest against the use of said letter to influence ex-soldiers to vote for Allen B. Morse, and we do hereby pledge ourselves to vote for John T. Rich, and recommend all Republican ex-soldiers to vote for him for governor, as in our judgement he best represents our sentiments.

H. L. Strong, 1st Mich. Cavalry.
J. B. Decker, 18th N. Y. Cavalry.
Stephen Henry, 4th Mich. Infantry.
Geo. B. Crain, 20th N. Y. Cavalry.
J. Houghton, Capt. 142d N. Y. Inf'ty.
C. V. Austin, 22d Mich. Infantry.
James Briggs, 22d Mich. Infantry.
W. A. Vosburg, 5th Mich. Infantry.
R. A. White, H. S. U. S. A.
George Elliott, 1st Mich. Cavalry.
Edwin A. Weston, 4th Mich. Cavalry.
Darius Cooley, 4th Mich. Infantry.
Leonard S. Fitch, 8th Mich. Cavalry.
Warner Butts, 1st Mich. Cavalry.
F. L. Henderson, 1st Mich. Cavalry.
G. B. Farquharson, 99th Ohio V. I.
Silas N. Bradshaw, 7th Mich. Inf'ty.
Henry H. Smith, 10th Mich. Inf'try.
John B. Selder, 88th Ind. Vol. Inf'try.
H. D. Smith, 10th Mich. Infantry.
Royal H. Weston, 1st Eng. & Mech.
Geo. E. Holman, 7th Mich. Infantry.
Geo. Hill, 22d Mich. Infantry.
E. B. Matteson, 10th Mich. Infantry.
Sylver Hudon, 91st N. Y. Infantry.

"I have voted the Republican ticket for thirty years and shall vote it this fall without a scratch."


The Times Herald (Port Huron, MI) Friday, 7 Oct 1892, page 2

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