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Lapeer County

1874 Business Directoty for Lapeer County, MI

Business Directory, transcribed from Atlas of Lapeer Co., Michigan, ed. F. W. Beers. (1874) pp. 52-4.

Rich Township

Dickerson Charles . . Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Dist No 1
Fox Martin . . Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Frac Dist No 1
Thayer S. D. . . Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Dist No 1
Wilcox Lewis . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Sheep Raiser, Dist No 1

Burlington Township

Arnell T. H. . . Farmer, Carpenter and Joiner, Dist No 2
Bradshaw Amos . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fruit Grower. Making Stock Growing a Specialty. Dist No 1
Bradshaw Sanford . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Grower. Making Stock Growing a Specialty. Propr of Carriage and Wagon Shop in Beechville. Also, Lumberman, Dist No 1
Buckley L. S. . . Propr of Saw and Shingle Mill. A Fine Assortment of Lumber and Shingles always on hand. Custom Sawing done to order. Dist No 2
Bentley Wm . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Grower. Also extensively engaged in Lumbering. Propr Saw Mill, Dist No 3
Castle H. S. . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 1
Laffity D.W. . . Grain Stock and Fruit Grower. Also, Lumberman, Dist No 4
McGloghlin T. E. . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Grower. Making Stock Growing a Specialty, Frac Dist No 2
Page Levi . . Genl Farming, Dist No 4
Seaman H. . . Township Treasurer, Methodist Minister. Also Genl Farmer, Dist No 3
Stiver Peter . . Supervisor. Also, Farmer Making, Stock Growing a Specialty, Dist No 3
Spencer John . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Grower. Also, Breeder of Long Wool Sheep, Berkshire and Suffolk Hogs, Frac Dist No 2
Taylor D, W. . . Genl Farmer and Lumberman, Dist No 1


Bolton A. . . Farmer, Breeder of Good Stock and Sheep, Dist No 4
Bates S. S. . . Propr of Burnside Hotel, Burnside P. O.
Brown J, M. . . Farmer, Stock Grower. Supervisor and Justice, Sec. 7, Maple Valley Tp., Sanilac Co
Dean D. . . Farmer, Frac Dist No 6
Glasure G. . . Farmer, Breeder of Good Stock and Essex Swine, Frac Dist No 6
Sutton O. W. . . Farmer, Dist No 2
Sinclair Alex . . Farmer and Supervisor, Dist No 1
Taylor W. J. . . M.D. Office, one door South of Burnside Hotel, Burnside P.O.



Middaugh Moses . . Propr Globe Hotel. First-class accommodations given to the Public. Also, a good Barn in connection


Atkins Sarah P . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Yankee Notions and PatentMedicines, and all kinds of Farm Produce


Atkins Thomas . . Post Master
Lyman Almon W . . Resident

Marathon Township

Clark John . . Farmer and Grain Raiser, Breeder of Fine Stock and Sheep, Dist No 6
Deline Jonas . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Sheep Raiser, Dist No 5
Hallenbeck R . . Farmer, Grain Raiser, Breeder of Durham Cattle and Fine Wool Sheep, Dist No 2
Hazelton H . . Carpenter and Joiner, Marathon
Le Valley L. . . Farmer and Lumber Contractor, Frac Dist No 3
MeArthur Levi . . Farmer, Dist No 1
McArthur Reuben . . Farmer, Grain Raiser, Breeder of Fine Stock and Fine Wool Sheep, Dist No 4


Adams D. . . Manufr and Dealer in Saddles, Harness, Saddlers' Hardware, Whips, Blankets, Brushes, Curry Combs, Cards, and everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop
Brant O. L. . . Propr of Billiard Room. Choice Cigars and Wines constantly on hand
Congdon L. H. . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Drugs, Medicines, Flour, Feed, Pork, Produce, &c., &c. Also, Physician and Surgeon, and Post Master
Congdon Charles . . Propr of Restaurant. Choice Cigars and Wines constantly on hand
Farrell Mrs. M. . . Propr of Farrell House. First class accomodations for the Public. Good Feed and Stabling for Horses
Fox A. W. . . Carpenter, Joiner and Millwright. Also, Propr of Jobbing Shop
Grover Wm. P. . . Manufr of Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, &c. Repairing and Painting neatly and promptly done. Genl Blacksmithing and Horse-Shoeing
Hollenbeck Jacob . . Grain and Genl Produce Dealer. Also, Farmer, Dist No 1
Hamilton Wm. B. . . Physician and Surgeon
Harris B. J. . . Supervisor and Justice of the Peace
Laing David N. . . Founder, Machinist, and Manufr of Plows, Agricultural Implements and Castings of all kinds
Richard Asa & Bro . . Propr of Custom Grist, Saw and Shingle Mill
Wheeler W. S. P. . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Wall Paper, Crockery, Patent Medicines, &c.

Otter Lake

Belden & Benson . . Manufrs of Pine and Oak Lumber, and Pickets, Lath and Shingles
Sherman S. O. . . Manager for Belden & Benson
Stark N. M. . . Book Keeper for Belden & Benson

North Branch Township

Boegner J, D. . . Genl Farmer, Cabinet Maker and Builder. One of the first Settlers. Also, Justice of the Peace, Dist No 4
Coffron Wm . . Grain. Stock and Fruit Grower. Also Lumberman, Dist No 1
Castle O. J. . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Grower, Frac Dist No 2
Harger R. M. . . Genl Farmer, Raiser of Fine Fruit, Dist No 1
Knapp S. . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Frac Dist No 2
Lake J. . . Farmer. Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 1
Lee S. S. . . Genl Farmer. Also, extensively engaged in Lumbering, Frac Dist No 11
Moyer & Simmons . . Propr of Saw and Shingle Mill. Manufrs of Lumber, Shingles, Heading Doors, Sash and Blinds, Dist No 5
Richards G. D. . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Grower. Also, Carpenter and Joiner, Dist No 1
Shippy N. S. . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser. Fine Wool Sheep a Specialty; Dist No 1
Shell H. S. . . Farmer, Grain and Fruit Raiser. Breeding Stock a Specialty. Dist No 1
Wattles D. C. . . Farmer, Stock and Fruit Grower. Breeding Stock a Specialty. Dist No 4



Gallinger Henry . . Propr of North Branch Exchange


Ballard & Sholes . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Yankee Notions, &c.
Briggs D. C. . . Merchant and Custom Miller. Dealer in Flour, Feed, Grain. Also, Town Treasurer
Clover A. A. & Co . . Dealers in Millinery and Fancy Goods
Comstock L. H. M. . . Dealer in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Tin, Copper, Iron, Nails, Cook and Parlor Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Edge Tools, Glass, Putty, &c.
Galbraith F. J. . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, &c. Also, Propr Meat Market
Haddrill W. H. .Propr Grocery Store and Farm
Schell A. . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Crockery, Glassware, &c
Weston H. C. . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, &c. Also, Farmer
Weston J. . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, &c.


Mott Geo. . . Atty at Law and Notary Public


Sicklesteel George . . Merchant and Custom Miller. Manufr of and Dealer in Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Planing, Matching, Scroll Sawing, Turning, &c,, done to order


Best W. E. . . Physician and Surgeon. Also engaged in the Profession of Law
Doane Geo. H. . . Physician and Surgeon. Homeopathic
Scott A. L. . . Physician and Surgeon. Also, Farmer


Ballard Chas . . Resident
Deo Charles . . Farmer, Breeder of Cotswold and Leicester Sheep, Fine Horses and Cattle. Also, Dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implements
Gallinger Jacob . . Resident and Justice of the Peace,
McCormick J. . . Genl Blacksmithing
McLean H. . . Genl Blacksmithing. Manufr of Wagons, Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters. Also, Propr Paint Shop. Custom work promptly done
Moyer A. . . Resident and Propr Saw Mill
McKenzie E. . . Salesman and Town Clerk
O'Neil Wm . . Practical Millwright
Scott S. B. . . Supervisor and Farmer
Schell S. . . Farmer and Breeder of Cotswold and Leicester Sheep and Berkshire Hogs, Dist No 2
Smith & Brown . . Propr Restaurant and Billiard Hall
Smith G. L. . . Resident
Stafford Benjamin . . Resident
Weston Irving. . . Post Master, Particular attention given to Buying and Selling all kinds of Hard and Soft Lumber. Also, engaged in Buying and Selling Pine Lands. Mrs. Weston keeps an extensive Millinery and Fancy Goods Store.
Weston O. P. . . Resident and Money Loaner

Oregon Township

Eckley B. F. . . Farmer, Breeder of Durham Cattle, Leicester and Cotswold Sheep, MillvilMillvillele
Klam Louis . . Farmer and Harness Maker, Dist No 1
Ovaitt Daniel . . Farmer. Also, Carpenter and Joiner, Dist No 1
Peterson F. M. . . Mechanic. Foreman in T. Parker's Saw and Shingle Mill, Also, Propr of Farm, Dist No 1
Russell James G.. Farmer, Frac Dist No 4
Tomlinson Wm. W. . . Propr of Farm. Also, Manufr of Wagons and Sleighs. Repairing promptly done. Frac Dist No 4
Vaughan C. E. . . Manufr and Dealer in all kinds of Lumber, Large Bills of Sawing Solicited, Millville
Woodward S, K. . Farmer, Frac Dist No 4
Wrigglesworth Wm . . Farmer, Frac Dist No 4

Mayfield Township

Abbott Mrs. M. L. . . Resident, Union School Dist
Abbott A. . . Farmer, Union School Dist
Betteys H. G. . . Market Gardener and Small Fruit Grower, Frac Dist No 1
Conklin G. B. . . Propr Conklin Hotel. Frac Dist No 11
Carpenter G. W. . . Genl Farmer, Frac Dist No 3
Evans Daniel . . Farmer. Settled in Lapeer Co., in 1836, Frac Dist No 2
Evans J. B. . . One of the first Settlers, Frac Dist No 1
Goodale W. W. . . Geni Farmer and Stock Grower, Dist No 6
Hunt G. W. . . Farmer. Hay a Specialty; Frac Dist No. 7
Ivory P. . . Propr of Saw and Shingle Mill, Dist No 9
Lee Henry . . Genl Farmer, Frac Dist No 3
Lathrop S. R. . . Genl Farmer and Lumberman, Frac Dist No 3
Lacy F. D. . . Manufr of Shingles, Millville
Misner A. . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Frac Dist No 1
Peterson F. M. . . Foreman of Saw and Shingle Mill, owned by Parker. Also owner of Farm in Oregon
Peaslee J. W. . . Farmer and Grower of Hops, Frac Dist No 1
Rood H. D. . . Farmer. Settled in Lapeer in 1836, Frac Dist No 1
Roberts H. . . Farmer, Dist No 9
Rice Wm. W. . . Farmer and Breeder of Stock, Hay a Specialty; Dist No 6
Rich V. . . Farmer and Atty at Law, Dist No 6
Smith Urban C. . . Genl Farmer and Blacksmith, Frac Dist No 3

Fish Lake

Beech M. J. . . Propr Hotel
Curtis Asa H. . . Lumberman
Cronk Sylvester . . Head Sawyer
Hopkins J. A. . . Chief Engineer for Co.
Leet E. J. . . Head Clerk for Co.
Maumee Jacob . . Millwright and Genl Mill Business
Stephens & Mellen's . . Manufrs of Pine Lumber. Capacity of Mills, one hundred thousand feet, per day. Mills run day and night the year round. Planed Lumber of every description at Mills. P. O. Stephens, Lapeer Co., Michigan
Sullivan T. O. . . Foreman for Co.
Sheldon Clarence . . Inspector for Co.
Sharp James . . Genl Farmer, and Lumberman for Co., Sec. 6, Lynn Tp. St. Clair Co.
Stewart Robert . . Paymaster for Co.
Trumball A. P. . . Foreman in Planing Mill. Also, Sea-Faring Man for twenty years
Williams Aaron . . Chief Filer for Co.

Arcadia Township

Bevens Samuel . . Farmer. Propr of Arcadia Hotel, Deputy Sheriff and Notary Public, Frac Dist No 9
Battershall L. A. . . Manufr of Lumber and Lath, Planing and Matching. Dist No 2
Degroat H. C. . . Farmer, Dist No 1
Fitch Samuel . . Farmer, Dist No 1
Goodrich H. D. . . Farmer and Town Clerk, Frac Dist No 1
Gass R. M. . . Farmer, Making Hay a specialty; Frac Dist No 9
Lyons Walter S. & Son . . Farmers, Frac Dist No 9
Palmer Robert . . Farmer, Frac Dist No 8
Wilson J. B. . . Farmer and Manufr of Lumber. Also Resident of this State since 1824. Frac Dist No 8

Goodland Township

Abbott Wm. L. . . Farmer and Dealer in Horses and Oxen, Dist No. 4
Buchanan H. M. . . Farmer; Stock and Wool Grower Dist No. 6
Cheney Alvin . . Settled in this County, in 1834; Farmer, Dist No 5
DeLong E. . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Frac Dist No 1
Fox W. A. . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Dist No 1
Flansburgh Calvin D. . . Farmer and Dealer in Cattle, Dist No 2
Gillett Silas E. . . Farmer, Lumberman and Carpenter and Joiner, Dist No 3
Kipp Hiram. . . Farmer and Breeder of Leicester Sheep Frac Dist No 1
Mead Wm. Y. . . Farmer, Carpenter and Joiner. Also, Supervisor, Frac Dist No 1
Nickerson A. Farmer and Propr Hotel, Dist No 1
Porter Andrew . . Farmer, Dist No 5
Smith William H. . . Farmer and Lumberman, Dist No 6
Sleeper Benjamin . . Farmer and Carpenter. Settled in this County 1833; Dist No 5

Elba Township

Butts Mason . . Carpenter and Builder. Also, Resident since 1834. Dist No 3
Briggs John N. . . Genl Farming, Dist No 3
Bristol Philo J. . . Engaged in Genl Farming, Dist No 3
Bissell Myron W. . . Engaged in Genl Farming. Also, Breeder of good Stock, Merino Sheep and Essex Swine, Dist No 4
Bullock M. D. . . Genl Farmer, Fine Wool and Stock Grower. Also, Notary Public, Dist No 4
Bolton John. Propr of Western Hotel, Also, General Dealer in Staves and Timber, Elba Station and P.O.
Brookins Almon . . Genl Farmer, making Fine Wool Growing a Specialty. Also, Resident since 1836, Frac Dist No 7
Baldwin Geo. W. . . Engaged in Genl Farming, Frac Dist No 5
Crankshaw Phillip J. .Engaged in Genl Farming, Dist No 7
Cobb Chas. C. . . Genl Farmer, Frac Dist No 9
Furgeson J. H. . . Doing a Genl Gristing and Flouring Business, Frac Dist No 3
Gibson Henry . . Genl Farmer, Breeding Messenger Horses a Specialty, Dist No 1
Hammond A. . . Genl Farmer, Breeding Fine Wool Sheep a Specialty. Also, Resident since 1840, Dist No 4
Hammond John R. . . Engaged in Genl Farming, Dist No 4
Hudson Wm. H. . . Justice and Notary Public. Also, Blacksmith, Frac Dist No 9
Hervey James . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 4
Henderson James . . Farmer. Also, Genl Dealer in Stock, Breeding Merino Sheep a Specialty, Dist No 3
Howland Ira . . Genl Farmer. Also, Manufr of Cider and Cider Vinegar, Frac Dist No 6
Karr Joseph W. . . Engaged in Genl Farming, Frac Dist No 6
Lemon Samuel . . Farmer and Stone Mason, Dist No 6
Luther E. W. . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 6
Luther J. W. . . Genl Farmer, Frac Dist No 6
Mclntyre Silas G. . . Farmer, Carpenter and Builder, Dist No 4
May D. E. . . Farmer and Stock Grower, Dist No 4
May Harvey . . Engaged in Genl Farming and Fruit Growing, Dist No 3
May Dexter . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 3
Mudge O. I. . . Genl Farmer, Frac Dist No 3
Potter, H. W. . . Genl Farmer, Frac Dist No 2
Pitcher C. B. . . Genl Farmer, Stock and Grain Grower. Settled in Lapeer County in 1840. Frac Dist No 1
Perry Warren . . Genl Farmer, Breeding Berkshire Swine a Specialty. Also, Grower of Merino Sheep and Blooded Stock, Dist No 6
Parker C. P. . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 3
Potter W. D. . . Baptist Clergyman and Missionary of American Sunday School Union
Rich John T . . . Genl Farmer. Also, Breeder of Thoroughbred Merino Sheep, Devon Cattle and Essex Swine, Dist No 4
Reeser John . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 4
Stewart Robert . . Genl Farmer, Frac Dist No 9
Stewart John . . Genl Farmer, Frac Dist No 9
Stimson P. . . Genl Farmer and Grower of Durham Stock, Frac Dist No 2
Treadway Joseph . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Dist No 4
Woodard Harlow . . Genl Farmer, Carpenter & Builder, Frac Dist No 8



Birdsall H. A. . . Atty and Circuit Court Commissioner
Hemingway Wm. . . Atty at Law
Gaskill & Geer. . Attys at Law
Hart Noah H . . Atty at Law
Moore J. B. . . Atty at Law, &c.
Stickney W. W. . . Atty at Law
Thomas C. P. . . Atty at Law
Taylor R. L.. . . Atty at Law
Wattles J. M. & Son . . Attys at Law

Agricultural Implements

Webster & Mills . . Dealers in Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery, Neppessing St


First Nat. Bank . . H. K. White Pres. B. F. Moore, Vice-Pres. C. G. White, Cashier
Hart R. G. & Co . . Bankers. R. G. Hart, James Turrill

Books and Stationery

McVean David . . Dealer in Books and Stationery, Wall Paper, Picture Frames, Mouldings, Pictures, Toilet Articles, Sheet Music, &c., Neppessing St
Thatcher C. L. . . Dealer in School Miscellaneous and Blank Books, and all kinds of Stationery, Pocket Books, Bill Books, Notions, &c. Wall Paper a specialty; Franklin Ave
Vincent Shad N. . . Book Seller and Stationer, Franklin Ave

Boots and Shoes

Butts Maynard . . Manufr of and Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Leather and Findings, Hats and Caps, &c. (Established in 1866,) Goodrich Block
Case Luman . . Dealer in Boots and Shoes, opp. Court St
Fenner Geo . . Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Union Block
Hicks S. S. & Son . . Manufrs and Dealers in Boots and Shoes. Particular attention paid to Custom Work, opp. Abram House
Hicks J. H. . . Manufr and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Particular attention given to Custom Work, Franklin Ave


McElroy & Carrigan . . Proprs Lapeer Bakery. Dealers in Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Confectionery, &c. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Smoked and Dried Fish, Dried and Canned Fruits, Cigars, &c., &c. Nepessing St

County Officers

Sheriff . . Ulyses D. Bristol
County Clerk . . .Jasper Bentley
Register of Deeds . . Robert L. Taylor
County Treasurer . . Orville O. Morse
Judge of Probate . . John B. Hough
Prosecuting Attorney . . Joseph B. Moore
Circuit Court Commissioners . . Henry A. Birdsall, Franklin S. Abbott. County Surveyor . . Gilbert Bates
Coroners . . Andrew L. Kingsbury, John B. Sutton
County Supt. Schools . . James H. Vincent
Representatives . . 1st Dist, Jacob C. Lamb, 2d. Dist, John T. Rich
County Supt’s Poor . . Orson Ingalls, Levi McArthur, Horace D. Rood

City Officers

Mayor . . Dr. M. C. Kenny
Clerk . . S. J. Tomlinson
Treasurer . . C . T. Dodge
Aldermen . .
1st Ward. J. M. Wattles, L. J. Haddrill
2d Ward. M. Butts, G. B. Gregory
3d Ward. J. D. Kenney, Alex Mair
4th Ward. R. G. Hart. H. D. Pike
Supt. Schools . . L. C. Miller
Deputy U. S. Marshal for Eastern Dist, Michigan . . Stephen Henry

Carpenters, Masons and Builders.

Birdsall Stephen . . Carpenter and Builder, Oregon St
Dutcher Peter . . Carpenter and Joiner and Mason
Emmett Thos . . Contractor and Builder, Res, Mayfield Township
Marr Patrick . . Mason and Builder, cor Oregon and Madison Sts
Smith H. M. . . Carpenter and Joiner, Park St
Wadsworth Daniel . . Contractor and Builder, Law St


Douglass Dr E. G. . . Dentist, Bank Block


Bristol U. D. . . Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Perfumeries, Books and Stationery, Paints, Oils, &c. Neppessing St
Jackson W. A. & Sons . . Druggists and Apothecaries, Franklin Ave
Vincent Shad N. . . Druggist and Grocer. Also Express Agent, and Manager for W. U. Telegraph Co.

Editors and Printers

Tomlinson S. J. . . Propr of the "Clarion" Newspaper. Book and Job Steam Printing House, Neppessing St
Pond Geo. H. . . Editor and Publisher "Lapeer Democrat"-$1 50, per year. Also Book and Job Printer, Neppessing St

Furniture Dealers and Undertakers.

Keiser Joseph . . Manufr and Dealer in Cabinet Furniture and Upholstering Goods, Neppessing St
Smith J. O. . . Manufr and Dealer in all kinds of Furnture, Neppessing St
Sessions Levi . . Dealer in Undertakers Goods, Caskets, Coffins, Robes and Shrouds of all sizes and styles. All calls promptly attended to, night or day. The elegant Hearse of John Lee will be in attendance whenever desired; Office and Warerooms, Neppessing St

Fruit and Ornamental Trees

Wadsworth W. R. . . Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Roots, &c, Res, Bentley St

Groceries and Provisions

Adams & Cutting . . Genl Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Glassware, Neppessing St
Cummings H. . . Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Flour, Feed, Produce, &c., Kings Block, Neppessing St
Dubois & Webster.. Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, &c., Neppessing St
Haddrill Brotihers . . Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Wines and Liquors at Wholesale and Retail; Union Block
Sage A. A. . . Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Feed, &c., Neppessing St


Abram House . . Jas. Abram, Propr, foot of Neppessing St
Donaldson House . . Hugh Donaldson & Bro., Proprs. Mason St
Marshall House . . L. M. Smith & Bro., Proprs. cor Pine and Park Sts


Loder & Sutton . . Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Nails and Glass, Rubber aad Leather Belting, Files, &c, Neppessing St
White & Brown . . Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Glass, Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, &c., White's Block


Hetts Valentine . . Harness Manufr, and Dealer in Saddlery, Hardware, Robes, Blankets, Harness, Whips, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, &c., Neppessing St
Smith W. H. . . Manufr and Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Whips, Brushes, &c , Saginaw St


Gregory A. L. . . Jeweler. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Gold Pens, &c., &c. Neppessing St
Tenny & Piper . . Jewelers. Dealers in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Fancy Goods, School, Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Albums and Pocket Books. Special attention paid to Repairing Fine Watches; Abram House Block


Griswold H. . . Propr of Livery and Sale Stable, opposite Donaldson House
Lee John . . Propr "City Livery" Sale and Boarding Stable. Also Omnibus and Hack Line, Fox St
Thompson A. M. . . Propr Livery, Sale and Boarding Stables. Also Omnibus and Hack Line, Park St., near Marshall House
Vosburgh A. . . Propr Livery and Sale Stable, opp. Marshall House

Merchants and Dealers

Armstrong John & Bro . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Crockery, &c, Near cor Neppessing and Fox Sts
Clark & Henderson . . Proprs "Pioneer Restaurant." Dealers in Tobacco, Cigars, Confectionery, &c., Neppessing St
Hadida Solomon . . Dealer in Wines and Liquors, Groceries, Choice Segars, Tobaccos, &c., Neppessing St
Johnston Alex . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Glassware, &c., &c. Union Block
McLennan A. & Bro . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Union Block
McCarthy Thos . . Merchant Tailor, and Dealer in Cloths, Cashmeres and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Corner Cedar and Neppessing Sts
Miner C. S. . . Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, &c. Also Manager of American Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co., Abram House Block
Pike H. D. . . Dealer in Dry Goods and Genl Mdse., Neppessing St
Palmer A. R. . . Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Neppessing St., near 1st Nat. Bank.
Phillips H. F. . . Dealer and Shipper in Lime, Coal, Salt &c., &c., at Depot
Roberts & Beech . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, &c., &c. Opp. Court House
Tomlinson &Waterbury . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Ladies and Children's Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, &c., Bank Block
Tuttle & Gregory . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, &c., Franklin Ave
Van Dyke Peter . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Genl Mdse., Neppessing St
White & Hevener . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, &c., White's Block

Manufacturers and Dealers

Bruce A. C. & Son . . Manufrs of Wheel and Corn Cultivators, Rollers, Drags, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs, &c. Fox St
Beringer J. L. & Co . . Wholesale Dealers in Lumber and Shingles, Office, near C. & L. H. R. R. Depot
Butterfield I. H. Jr . . Propr Pepper Grist Mill, also Milk Man, Territorial Road
Buerger John A. . . Brewer. Calhoun St
Brown W. H. . . Manufr of all kinds of Barrels, Casks, Tubs, &c. Genl Cooperage done to order, Madison St
Carpenter Saml . . Manufr and Dealer in Lumber, Res, Flint
Dodge C. T. . . Manufr and Dealer in Shingles, near C. & L. H. R. R. Depot
Demorest & Tucker . . Proprs Italian and American Marble Works. Dealers in Monuments, Headstones, Mantle Work, Tablets, Building Stone, &c., &c. Opp. Goodrich Block
Hemingway C. Hough . . Manufrs Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Dressed Siding, &c. Building Contractors; Lumber of all kinds furnished. Park St., on D. & B. C. R. R.
Hamlin R. C. & Co . . Manufrs of Choice Family Flour. Also Dealers in Coarse Grains and Ground Feed, Pine St
Hart Jos. B. . . Manufr of Furs and Robes of every description. Cash paid for Furs and Deer Skins. Neppessing St
Johnston Alex . . Manufr and Dealer in Lumber and Shingles
King Robt . . Manufr and Dealer in Lumber
King & Hallock . . Manufrs and Dealer in Wood, Iron and Stone Pumps, cor Fox and Law Sts
Manwaring Joshua . . Merchant and Lumberman, Res. Oregon Sts
Merritt J. J. . . Manufr and Dealer in Oak Heading and Staves
Moses J. . . Carriage Manufacturer, Park St
McDonald Wm. & Son . . Proprs Lapeer Steam Engine Works. Manufrs of Steam Engines, Brass and Iron Castings, Machinery, &c., Oregon St
Peter F. J. . . Manufr of Pine Shingles. Office, Neppessing St
Redfield B. B. & Son . . Manufrs of all kinds of Pine Lumber and Shingles. Orders from Dealers promptly attended to. Territorial Road
Snyder A. R. . . Manufr and Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c., North, Abram's House
Smith C. A. . . Manufr of Shingles. Orders promptly filled. Cars loaded at Lapeer or Dodges Switch. Elba
Smith S. H. . . Manufr of Shingles and Farmer, Corner Michigan and Main Sts
Tuttle & Gregory . . Manufrs of Doors, Sash, Blinds, Siding, Flooring, Mouldings, &c., Monroe St
Todt A. H. . . Manufrs of Carriages, Sleighs and Cutters. Platform Spring Wagons a specialty; Park St
Walker R. T. & Bro . . Proprs S. S. S. & H. Mill. Manufrs of Shingles, Headings and Lumber, Territorial Road
Watson W. H. . . Manufr and Dealer in Shingles, Res, cor Cedar and Park Sts
Varnum & Co . . Founders and Wagon Manufacturers, Court St
Vincent S. T. . . Agt for Canton Wrought Iron Bridge Co., of Canton, Ohio. Res. on Plank Road

Music and Musical Instruments

Perkins B. F. . . Dealer in Music and Musical Instruments, Neppessing St

Meat Markets

Brackenbury Thos . . Propr Lapeer Meat Market. Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, &c, Neppessing St
Donaldson Hugh & Bro . . Proprs Meat Market, and Dealers in all kinds of Meats, Neppessing St
Giles J. A. . . Propr Meat Market, Pork Packer, and Dealer in Hides, Pelts, &c. Supplying Lumber Camps a specialty; Neppessing St
Reynolds J. R. . . Propr Meat Market, and Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, Neppessing St


Kenny Dr. M. C. . . Physician and Surgeon, Pearl St Jackson W. A. . . Physician, Franklin Ave
Thompson M.D., A. H. . . Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon, cor Cedar and Clay Sts

Real Estate and Insurance

Abbott Jno . . Real Estate and Loan Agent. Proprietor Lapeer County Abstracts, Court House
Barber W. W. . . Notary Public. Pension and Bounty Claim and Land and Tax Agent. Will attend to the payment of Taxes in any County in the State, and to the Purchases and Sale of Real Estate
Daley W. F. . . Genl Ins Agent. Agent for Phoenix of Hartford. Underwriters Agency of New York; Franklin Fire of Philadelphia; Springfield Fire and Marine of Massachusetts; North American of Philadelphia; Black River, Watertown, New York; Penn. Fire of Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania Fire of Philadelphia
Miller D. C. . . Agent for Watertown and Agricultural Fire Insurance Co's., of Watertown, N.Y., Res Main St
Putnam Wm. H. Jr . . Dealer in Tax, Titles, &c.

Sewing Machines

Lake M.W. . . Genl Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine, for Lapeer Co., Bank Block

R. R. Ticket Agency

Swayze J. A. . . Agent C. & L. H. R. R. Sells Tickets through to ail points East, via G. T. and G. W. Railway


Armstrong W. . . Daiiyman, Oregon St
Abbott Austin . . Farmer, Oregon St
Butterfield I. H. . . Farmer and Miller, Territorial Road
Brown H. W. . . Harness Maker
Bennett Geo . . Resident, cor Main and Oregon Sts
Covel C. D. . . Methodist Clergyman, cor Park and Jefferson Sts
Converse David . . Resident
Colson Caroline . . Farmer, Territorial Road
Caley John . . Resident Farmer, Farmers' Creek Road
Gillespie E. J. . . Miller for I. H. Butterfield
Graham J. B. . . Resident
Hinman Horace . . Resident
Hanlon John . . Farmer and Street Contractor. Has the best Sand Bank in the Vicinity. Has also discovered Iron Ore on his place; Farmers Creek Road
Houghton Jonathan . . Resident, cor Turrill Ave., and Washington St
Hinman L. W. . . Farmer, Res, Cor Main and Jefferson Sts
Kenney J. D. . . Res, Cor Pearl and Calhoun Sts
Lacey Richard . . Resident, Genesee St
O'Connor P. . . Farmer and Dealer in Stock, Territorial Road
Piper A. H. . . Resident, cor Madison and State Sts
Rich Mrs. Charles . . Res, cor Liberty and Madison Sts
Roberts E. M. . . Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger, Res Cor Michigan and Monroe Sts
Rood G. W. . . Res, Pine St
Simes T. . . Res, Genesee St
Slayton Mrs. P. . . Res, cor Liberty and Washington Sts.
Watkins J. J. . . Res, Main St
Waidie Walter . . Horse Shoeing and Genl Blacksmithing, Fox St
White J. R. . . Resident, Genesee St

Lapeer Township

Bolton R. . . Genl Farmer. Settled in Lapeer Co., in 1843; Frac Dist No 5
Bullock Elijah . . Farmer, Sand and Gravel Dealer. Settled in Lapeer Co. in 1837; Dist No. 15
Bates Wm . . Geni Farmer. Propr Grain and Clover Thresher, Frac Dist No 1
Clark James B. . . Farmer and Stock Grower, Frac Dist No 6
Clark David . . Farmer and Stock Grower, Frac Dist No 6
Carpenter C. . . Farmer and Stock Grower. One of the Early Settlers, Dist No. 15
Chapman G. P. . . Farmer, Lumber Manufr and Dealer, Dist No 4
Cory A. W. . . Farmer, Hay and Stock a Specialty. Also, Genl Dealer in Fire-arms and Amunition, with A. C. Harrington. Repairing done to order, Frac Dist No 6
Collins Eli . . Farmer, Dist No 3
Clark Mrs. T. . . Farmer, Dist No 3
Dodds ? H. & Son . . Genl Farmers, Stock a Specialty. Dist No 4
Davis H. . . Farmer and Stock Grower. Dist No 14
Elliot J. D. . . Manufr Flour, Feed, &c. Higley Mills, two and one-half miles South-east Lapeer. Also, Agt for Excelsior Turbine Water Wheel, Dist No 4
Goray A. J. . . Genl Farmer. Settled in Lapeer Co., in 1835, Dist No. 4
Green F. H. . . Genl Farmer, Manufr and Dealer in Lumber, Dist No 12
Higley Geo. W. . . Farmer, Manufr and Dealer in Lumber, Dist No 4
Higley G. T. . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 4
Higley E. A. . . Farmer and Propr Higley Mills, Dist No 4
Kingsbury A. L. . . Genl Farmer. Agt Michigan State Insurance Co., Coroner and Justice, Frac Dist No 6
Lumbard F. . . Genl Farmer and Stock Grower, Dist No 4
Mandeville James . . Farmer and Stock Grower, Dist No 15
Michael A. . . Farmer, Manufr and Dealer in Lumber, Dist No 3
Pike O. B. . . Farmer and Grain Raiser. Graded Devon Cattle, Cotswold Sheep and Chester White Swine a Specialty. Dist No 15
Rosco L. F. . . Farmer and Stuck Grower, Merino Sheep a Specialty; Frac Dist No 11
Rood H. C. Farmer, Manufr Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Flooring, Siding, &c., Dist No 4
Rice Jared . . Genl Farmer and Grain Grower. Settled in Lapeer Co., in 1847, Frac Dist No. 1
Schuneman J. B. & Bro . . Genl Farmers Stock and Fruit Growers, Dist No 3
Stringer Geo . . Farmer. Cotswold Sheep a Specialty. Dist No 3
Turrill Geo. N. . . Farmer and Dealer in Real Estate, Dist No 15
Teller J. W. . . Manufr Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Flooring Siding, Heading, Flour, Feed, &c. District No 14
Tripp John L. . . Farmer and Manufr Lumber, Frac Dist No 5
Woodbury C. G. & Son . . Genl Farmers and Fruit Growers. Breeding, Graded, Short Horns a Specialty. Union School Dist
Yorker C. J. . . Farmer, Frac Dist No 1

Attica Township

Barber Arvin . . Farmer and Breeder of Devon Cattle and Merino Sheep, Frac Dist No 9
Buckingham O. G. . . Propr Steam, Saw and Shingle Mill, and Dealer in all kinds of Lumber. Also, Farmer, Frac Dist No 11
Ball John . . Farmer, Millwright and Carpenter and Joiner, Frac Dist No 9
Henderson Benjamin . . Propr Steam, Saw and Shingle Mill, and Dealer in all kinds of Lumber. Also, Farmer, Dist No 3
Luddington Jonathan . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, and Carpenter and Joiner, Frac Dist No 11
Nye S. D. . . Farmer and Breeder of Merino Sheep and Essex Hogs, Dist No. 5
Payne Richard . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Frac Dist No 5
Struble Lewis Y. & Son . . Genl Farmers, Durham Cattle, Leicester Sheep, and Berkshire Swine a Specialty, Frac Dist No 5
Smith James P. . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, and Breeder of Berkshire Hogs, Dist No. 3
Snyder P. J. . . Farmer and Stock Raiser, Frac Dist No 11
Swearthout A. . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Frac Dist No 15
Squires Warren . . Farmer. Frac Dist No 4
Spencer Benjamin . . Farmer, Dist No 5
Walton F. L. . . Farmer, Frac Dist No 9
Walton Jonathan T. . . Farmer, Fruit Raiser and Breeder of Suffolk and Chester White Hogs. Pure Grain a Specialty, Dist No 3
West Daniel . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, and Breeder of Leicester and Cotswold Sheep, Dist No 3
Young Alpheus . . Farmer and Lumberman, Frac Dist No 9



Harris Mrs. L. A. . . Dealer in all kinds of Staple and Fancy Millinery Goods
Jenness I. N. & Co . . Manufrs and Dealers in Pine and Oak Lumber, Bridge, Ship and Bill Timber, Lath and Shingle. Also, Dealers in Wheat, Coarse Grains, and Genl Mdse
Peek J. W. . . Druggist and Apothecary, and Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Glassware and Fancy Goods
Sanderson N. . . Manufr of Boots and Shoes. Also, Justice of the Peace
Wood Henry . . Genl Variety Store, and Dealer in Country Produce
Williams W. & A. . . Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c.

Manufacturers and Dealers

Jenness I. N. & Co . . Dealers in Pine and Oak Lumber, &c.
Varnum & Hodges . . Manufrs and Dealers in Flour, Feed and Grain. Also, Custom Millers
Williams W. & A. . . Manufrs and Dealers in Pine and Oak Lumber. Planing, Matching and Sawing done to order
Williams O. A. . . Manufr and Dealer in Lumber, Also Town Clerk


Blake Wm . . M.D. Physician and Surgeon, Office, over J. W. Peck's Store
Fancher N. S. . . Propr Feed and Livery Stable
Fancher Elisha . . Horse Shoeing and Genl Blacksmithing
Nichols A. D. . . Contractor and Builder
Wilson Mrs. Mary . . Resident
Williams Anthony . . Supervisor
Williams Wm . . Settled in this State in 1834

Imlay City


Abbott Frank S. . . Atty and Town Clerk
Walton S. W. . . Attorney


Jones Geo, W. . . Physician and Surgeon


Calkins L. . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes &c.
Krusen N, J. . . Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Glassware, Perfumery and Fancy Articles. Also, Books and Stationery, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes, Choice Tobacco and Cigars
Lyons H. H. . . Dealer in Gents' Furnishing Goods, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars, Fancy Articles, &c., Groceries, Boots and Shoes
Manwaring & Son . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, &c.
Parmlee V. S. . . Dealer in Stoves, Hardware, and Agricultural Implements, Machines and Machine Repairs kept constantly on hand
Reed E. R. . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, &c. Also, Boots, Shoes, Lime and Coal
Rogers Wm . . Groceryman, and Propr Livery Stable
Robinson John . . Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, &c. Also, Justice of the Peace
Sell, Quick & Co . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes &c
Townsend & Bro . . Dealers in Produce and Genl Mdse


Bentley & Brown . . Manufrs and Dealers in Oat Meal, Feed, &e. All Oat Meal. Warranted and Shipped to any Rail Road Station in Michigan
Delany Patrick . . Manufr and Dealer in all kinds of Boots and Shoes
Delany Mrs. P. . . Genl Millinery
Eldredge N. B. & Co . . Genl Produce Dealers
Kinnee Geo . . Manufr and Dealer in Harness, Saddlery, Horse Clothing, Whips, Robes, Trunks. Also, Hides and Leather
Staples J. F. . . Manufr and Dealer in all kinds of Leather, Hides, &c. Also, Custom made Boots and Shoes
Wells H. C. Manufr and Dealer in all kinds of Cabinet Ware. Also, Bed Springs, Milk Safes, Window Shades, Curtains & Fixtures, Picture Frames, &c. Genl Undertaker, Ready-made Coffins always on hand. Funerals attended to and Hearse Furnished if desired


Buzzell E. A. . . Contractor and Builder
Churchill W. B. . . Justice of Peace and Town Treasurer
Hall Abner . . Lumberman
Hunt Jonathan . . Resident Farmer
Handley R. . . House, Sign and Ornamental Painting. Also, Graining and Marbleing
Lord A. A. . . Propr Billiard Hall and Restaurant. Choice Wines and Cigars. Also, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Oysters
Messer C. E. . . Supt. Public School
Palmer Chas . . Civil Engineer
Quatermass Wm . . Supervisor
Wees Wm . . Genl Blacksmithing. Horse Shoeing a Specialty

Imlay Township

Clark S. S. . . Farmer, Dist No 3
Martin H. B. . . Farmer and Tanner, Dist No 3
McRoy R. A. . . Farmer, Dist No 3
Sisson Gilbert . . Farmer. Frac Dist No 7
Smith N. . . Farmer and Raiser of Hops, Dist No 2


Haggadone Catharine . . Resident
Kipp Edwin . . Genl Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing
Losey Phillip & Son . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Yankee Notions, and all kinds of Country Produce.
Marshall Charles S. . . Propr of Steam Saw and Planing Mill. Also, Dealer in all kinds of Lumber
Mason J. D. . . Notary Public and Dealer in Lumber. Also, would inform the Public that he has a few copies of the New Atlas of Lapeer County. That parties can obtain, by applying immediately 5 at the regular price, $10.00. P. O. and Residence, Imlay
Roy Luciean . . Farmer
Yerex D. V. . . Physician and Surgeon



Geer C. L. . . Propr Hadley Hotel


Hemingway & Son . . Dealers in Hardware and Farming Implements. Also, Agts for Singer Sewing Machine
Mills & Hutton . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Drugs, &c. Also, a full Stock of Clothing
Mills A. D. . . Dealer in and Repairer of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. All work Warranted. Also, Agt, for Clipper Mower and Reaper


Da Lano A. D. . . Inventor and Patentee of De Lano's Patent Improvement in Sleighs. Persons wishing, can procure Town, County, or State Rights, by applying to him. Residence and P. O. Hadley
Fortune John . . Manufr of Sash and Blinds. All kinds of Turning done to order. Also, Carpenter and Joiner
Haller R. . . Manufr of Cabinet Ware and Coffins. A Good Hearse in attendance
Kaiser Wm . . Manufr Boots and Shoes. Custom work and Repairing a Specialty. All work Warranted
Moorland A. . . Manufr and Dealer in Harness, Saddlery, Whips, Blankets, and all Goods needed in a First-class Harness Shop


Bentley A. . . Township Clerk
Eckert C. H. . . Blacksmith. Carriage Ironing, Horse Shoeing, &c. All Custom work promptly done
Farmer Thomas . . Resident and Speculator
Guiles J. . . Genl Blacksmithing. Horse Shoeing a Specialty
Hutton R. S. . .Town Treasurer
Hemingway J. H. . . Justice of the Peace
Hodgson J. A. . . Farmer
Henderson W. A. . . Clerk with Mills & Hutton
Stone Silas . . Veterinary Surgeon. Also, Propr of Stage Line, between Hadley and Metamora
Slimer Peter . . Propr of Grist and Saw Mill. Grinding done to order, and satisfaction Guaranteed.

Hadley Township

Brownell E. A . . . Ex. Member of State Legislature Also, Farmer and Breeder of Fine Cattle and Horses, Dist No 2
Brigham A. . . Farmer and Raiser of Spanish Merino Sheep, Fine Durham and Devon Cattle, Chester White Hogs, Fine Horses, &c., Frac Dist No 1
Burr Asa . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Frac Dist No 3
Cramton Cook . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 6
Cramton A. H. . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 6
Cramton D. A. . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 5
Cramton G.W. . . Raiser of Fine Stock, Fruit and all kinds of Produce, Dist No 6
Cady Dwight . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser. Also, Propr Saw Mill, Frac Dist No 3
Cobb Russell . . Farmer, Stock and Fruit Raiser. Also, Inventor of Cobb's Patent Hay and Grain Rack. Dist No 1
Campbell J. W. . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Frac Dist No 1
Davenport R. . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 6
Dexter Gardner . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser. Also, Justice of Peace, Frac Dist No 1
Davidson F. M. . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser. Also, Propr of Threshing Machine, Dist No 2
Davidson J W. . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser. Also, Propr of Threshing Machine, Dist No 2
De Lano A. D. .
Farrar C. A. . . Farmer, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 6
Garrison Stella . . School Teacher
Gillett C. R. . . Genl Farming. Also Blacksmith, Frac Dist No 1
Green N. N. . . Farmer, Stock, Grain and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 1
Goodrich C. P. . . Clergyman of Free Will Baptist Denomination Also, Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 5
Hartweil Medford . . Farmer and Millwright, Dist No 1
Hemingway John M. . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser. Also, Carpenter, Dist No 5
Haywood M. H. . . Farmer. Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser. Also, Drover, Dist No I
Kore J. C. . . Ex. Member State Legislature. Also, Supervisor and Farmer, Dist No 3
Lee Hiram . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Frac Dist No 1
Proctor James . . Farmer, Stock and Fruit Grower, Dist No 6
Palmerlee Heman . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 6
Rogers & Lewis . . Grain, Stock and Fruit Growers, Dist No 1
Riley S. F. . . Drover. Dealer in Cattle and Sheep. Also, Farmer and Raiser of all kinds of Produce and Stock, Dist No 6
Riley Clarenda . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 6
Rabe Ludwig . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 9
Strong H. L. . . Farmer, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 6
Shotwell B. H. . . Farmer, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 6
Sanborn Mary . . Resident and Farmer, Frac Dist No 2
Tunison M. C. . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 6
Walker Merritt . . Farmer, Stock and Fruit Raiser, also, Propr of Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, Dist No. 1
Webster E. B. . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fruit Raiser, Dist No 9

Farmers Creek

Brown Charles W. . . Genl Farming
Cady Mrs. Eunice G. . . Genl Farming
Look John . . Resident and Post Master

Metamora Township

Blood N. B. . . Farmer, Grain, Stock, Fine Wool Sheep, and Horse Raiser, Dist No 3
Booth J. S. . . Farmer and Grain Raiser, and Breeder of Fine Stock and Fine Wool Sheep. Also, Mechanic, Frac Dist No 9
Brownell Enos L. . . Farmer. Grain, Stock and Leicester Sheep Raiser, Dist No 6
Brownell Ellery L . . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fine Wool Sheep Raiser, Dist No 6
Comstock J. S. . . Farmer and Raiser of Fine Fruit, Also Justice of Peace, Frac Dist No 1
Caley Thomas . . Farmer, Grain, Stock, Fruit and Fine Wool Sheep Raiser, Frac Dist No 1
Coriell A. B. . . Farmer, Grain and Stock Grower. Also, Carpenter and Joiner, Frac Dist No 2
Dibble C. T. . . Farmer, Grain, Stock, and Sheep Raiser, Dist No 2
Fishell J. . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Sheep Raiser, Frac Dist No 9
Harbar F. & P. . . Farmers, Grain, Stock, Leicester and South Down Sheep Raisers, Dist No 2
Hunt Abraham . . Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Dist No 6
Lee Jesse . . Farmer and Fine Stock Raiser, Frac Dist No 2
McGregor James . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fine Wool Sheep Raiser, Dist No 4
Mors Richard . . Farmer, Grain, Stock, and Fine Wool Sheep Raiser, Dist No 2
Millikin J. & A. G. . . Farmers, Grain and Stock Raisers Also, Carptenters and Joiners, Frac Dist No 9
Park Wm . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fine Wool Sheep Raiser, Frac Dist No 9
Price Tobias . . Farmer and Grain Raiser. Also, Breeder of Durham Cattle and Fine Wool Sheep, Dist No 3
Read Ira . . Farmer, Grain. Stock, and Fine Wool Sheep Raiser, Dist No 4
Rossman Conrad . . Farmer, Grain, Pork and Horse Raiser, Dist No 4
Schock Joseph . . Farmer, Grain, Stock, Sheep and Horse Raiser, Dist No 6
Townsend C. . . Farmer, Grain, Stock, Fruit, and Fine Wool Sheep Raiser, Frac Dist No 1
Townsend L. C. . . Farmer, Grain, Stock, and Fine Wool Sheep Raiser, Dist No 5
Winegar Henry . . Farmer, Grain and Stock Raiser, Dist No 6
Webster O. P. . . Farmer, Grain, and Fine Wool Sheep Raiser, Dist No 5
White A. . . Farmer, Grain and. Fruit Grower, and Breeder of Fine and Cotswold and Leicester Sheep, Frac Dist No 1


Alyea John . . Propr of Threshing Machine. Also, owner of full blooded English Stock
Barrows Eber . . Resident
Campbell John . . Manufr and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Particular attention paid to Custom Work and Repairing
Fricke C. A. . . Dealer in Agricultural Implements
Hart John D. . . Horse-shoeing and Genl Black-smithing
Harp John A. . . Manufr of Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters
Hoard Lorenzo . . Resident and Post Master
Perkins James . . Propr of Hoard House. Good accommodation for travelers. Feed and Stabling for Horses
Slone D. F. . . M.B., M.C., P.S., Ontario. Residence, Metamora. Office hours, every Saturday P.M.


Caulkins John S. .Physician and Surgeon
Church James . . Well Driver
Eoff J. H. . . Manufr and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Particular attention paid to Custom Work and Repairing
Freer J . . Merchant
Goetchiens Mrs. H. . . Resident
Jones Franklin . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. Hardware, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Patent Medicines. Also, P.M.
Lambertson W. R. & Co . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready-made Clothing, School Books, &c
Morton John . . Manufr and Dealer in Flour, Feed, Grain Pearl Barley and Oatmeal. Custom Grinding done to order
Peaslee Mrs. J. . . Resident
Thorn Benjamin . . Resident
Thorn Charles S. . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Fine Wool Sheep Raiser

Dryden Township

Balch Warren . . Farmer and Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep and Good Horses, Dist No 6
Bartlett Henry . . Farmer, Dist No 1
Bartlett Elijah . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Dist No 3
Ballard J. . . Farmer, Dist No 1
Billings M. . . Genl Farming and Stock Growing, Dist No 1
Burnett G. S. . . Farmer and Propr Blacksmithing, Frac Dist No 8
Balle Wm. E. . . Farmer and Breeder of Devonshire Cattle, Merino Sheep, and Chester White Hogs, Frac Dist No 2
Barnes Stephen & Wellington . . Farmers, Stock and Fruit Growers, Dist No 10
Butler William . . Genl Farmer, Wheat, and Stock Grower, Dist No 10
Cooley D. . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Dist No 7
Croley C. A. . . Farmer and Stock Grower, Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Frac Dist No 9
Calderwod John . . Genl Farmer and Stock Grower, Frac Dist No 9
Cheeseman Calvin H. . . Farmer and Breeder of Merino Sheep, Dist No 10
Clinansmith John . . Farmer and Fruit Grower, Breeder of Durham Cattle and Leicester Sheep, Dist No 10
Busing P. . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 3
Day W. C. . . Farmer and Breeder of Merino Sheep, Dist No 3
Emmons B. R. . . Genl Farmer and Horse Dealer, Dist No 1
Freer John . . Supervisor, Frac Dist No 9
Foot John H. & P. H. . . Genl Farmers, Dist No 7
Gaskill Wm . . Farmer, Grain, Stock and Wool Grower, Dist No 4
Gillings Joshua . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 3
Hosner Allen . . Genl Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Dist No 10
Jacobs Richard . . Propr Grist Mill, Cooper and Blacksmith Shops, Dist No 10
Kendrick L. . . Farmer. Ex. Member of H. R., from Dist No. 7
Lamb J. C. . . Member of House of Representatives, from Dist No 1. Dist No 1
Lane C. . . Farmer, Dist No 8
Lewis Oliver A. . . Farmer and Breeder of Durham Cattle, Merino Sheep, Messenger and Sampson Horses, Dist No 1
Lewis O. A. . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 3
Mathews Wm. . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Raiser, Frac Dist No 8
Manley B. N. . . Genl Farmer and Manufr of Maple Sugar, Dist No 1
Maynard Washington . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 7
Moore B. C. & R. B. Govan . . Farmers and Breeders of Messenger and Sampson Horses, Merino Sheep and Durham Cattle, Dist No 10
Newton Isaac . . Genl Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Dist No 10
Peck Horace B. . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 6
Sanborn Daniel . . Genl Farmer and Stock Breeder, Frac Dist No 8
Schanck Henry . . Genl Farmer, Stock and and Wool Grower, Dist No 10
Schanck John . . Genl Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Dist No 10
Smith R. T. . . Genl Farmer and Stock Grower, Dist No 10
Ulrick Peter . . Genl Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower, Dist No 1
Van Kleek Henry . . Resident. Settled on Section 11, in 1840; Dist No 1
Winslow W. . . Farmer and Breeder of Good Horses, Dist No 1
Webster O. . . Genl Farmer, Dist No 10

Dryden Village

Bartlett Albert . . Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace.
Cheasbro Wm. H. H. . . Propr of Shoe Store
Darwood Joseph . . Lumberman and Architect
Manwarning Joseph . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs, Medicines, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Wall Paper, Notions, &c.
Rupert Joseph J. . . Propr Blacksmith Shop. Genl Blacksmithing promptly done
Weaver Jno . . Resident



Corey E. W. . . Atty and Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery
Taylor Thos C. . . Atty at Law


Ferguson C. & Son . . Bankers. Sell Exchange; Pay Interest on Deposits by Special Agreement, Buy and Sell Real Estate and Cash Securities

Dry Goods, Hardware, Drugs, &c.

Farquharson R. . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes and Clothing
Harris J. M. . . Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, &c.
Ingalls & Leete . . Dealers in Stoves, Hardware, Iron, &c.
McEntee P. H. . . Dealer in Crockery, Glassware and Cutlery
Ovens Wm & Jas . . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Crockery, &c.
Price H. H. . . Dealer in Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, &c.. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Lamps, School Books &c.


Harrington James . . Propr National Hotel

Manufacturers and Dealers

Currier H. A. & Bro . . Machinists, Foundrymen, and Manufrs of Agricultural Implements
Ballard J. & Co . . Manufrs of Ballard's Washing Machine. Patented March 25th, 1873; with late Improvements
Farnum R. K. . . Propr of Grist and Saw Mill. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. Also Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Land Rollers, Milk Safes, Farm Gates, &c., &c. Dressed Lumber of every description on hand; Bills Sawed to order
Johnston B. F. . . Manufr of and Dealer in Furniture, Looking Glasses, Card Boards, Wall Paper and Oil Cloth. Also Genl Undertaker
McEntee W. H. & Bro . . Manufr of Fanning Mills
Miller Gibson . . Manufr of and Dealer in Light and Heavy Buggies, Carriages, Lumber Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters. Genl Repairing done neatly and promptly
Sullivan & Green . . Manufrs of and Dealers in Light and Heavy Buggies, Carriages, Lumber Wagons, Sieighs and Cutters of every description. Repairing neatly and promptly done
Washer D. M. . . Manufr of and Dealer in Harnesses, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Boots, Shoes, Robes, Whips, Blankets, Brushes, Combs, Fly Nets, &c. Repairing promptly done

Meat Markets

McGeorge F. E. . . Propr Meat Market, South Main St
Retherford L. M. . . Propr Meat Market, opp. Nat. Hotel


Moore M. T. . . Physician and Surgeon
Stone A. R. . . '' " "

Real Estate

Ferguson Peter . . Farmer and Dealer in Real Estate
Johnson J. S. . . Dealer in Pine and Farming Lands, Real Estate and Cash Securities


Andrus James H. . . Resident
Beach I. T. . . "
Balch Simeon . . “
Currier F. P. . . "
Hazen D. E. . . "
Kennett Charles Sen . . "
Morton Charles . . Resident and Miller
Smith H. . . Tailor
Townsend Urile. . . Resident
Wilcox H. N. . . Carpenter and Joiner
Whitehead Wm. H. . . Propr of Saloon

Almont Township

Bristol Sheldon . . Farmer, Dist No 1
Bristol Joseph . . Farmer, Dist No 1
Bristol E. . . Farmer and Dealer in Horses and Cattle, Dist No 1
Bostick E. C. . . Eclectic Physician, Frac Dist No 14
Cook Solomon . . Farmer, Stock, Grain and Wool Grower, Frac Dist No 9
Dewitt John P. . . Farmer, Dist No 1
Howland Hiram . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower Dist No 3
Hodson Joseph B. . . Farmer and Stock Grower, Frac Dist No 13
Hough Henry G. . . Farmer and Stock Grower, Dist No 1
Kittridge Edwin . . Genl Farmer and Stock Grower, Frac Dist No. 2
Learmont Joseph W. . . Farmer and Stock Raiser, Dist No 1
Lawrence Wm. M. . . Farmer and Breeder of Good Stock Frac Dist No 7
Laughlin W. F. . . Genl Farmer and Stock Grower, Dist No 1
Matteson Wm. S. . . Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower Dist No 3
McRoy James . . Genl Farmer, Stock and Wool Grower Dist No 1
Mair John . . Genl Farmer and Stock Grower, Dist No 5
Muir William . . Farmer and Breeder of Good Stock Dist No 5
Muir John M. . . Farmer and Stock Grower, Dist No 12
Riddle James . . Farmer and Breeder of Durham Cattle. Also engaged in Lumbering, Frac Dist No 2
Roth Carl . . Genl Farmer and Stock Grower. Also Breeder of Merino Sheep, Dist No 5
Rowley Ory . . Farmer and Stock Grower, Dist No 8
Steenson Robert . . Farmer and Mason, Dist No 8
Webster W. S. . . Farmer and Propr Grist Mill, Frac Dist No 2
Wallace William . . Farmer and Genl Stock Breeder, Dist No 12

This page was last revised 30 Jun 2024 by William Haloupek.

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