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As been our practice for two years past, we present our readers today with a brief recapitulation of the more important local occurances during the year just closed. Jan. 13 The water tank tender at Wood Lake on the G.R. & I.R.R. killed by a passing locomotive. FYI - No Deaths reported until Aug. 1, 1873. January 14 Election of directors and officers of the Northern National Bank and of the Big Rapids Boom Company. Same date - Contract for driving logs awarded to W.W. Hooper, and for sorting logs to Steven Aldrich, by the Big Rapids Boom Company. Same date - Meeting of the Mecosta and Osceola County Medical Society in thius city. Same date - Circuit Court opened - Judge Giddings presiding. Sidney G. Hickock pleaded guilty to stealing a horse from Geo. R. Louskes, and was sentenced State Prison for 16 months. A lad named David pleaded guilty to stealing a coat, and was sentenced to the Reform School till 21. January 16 The Magnet printed by steam power - the first newspaper ever printed by steam power in Big Rapids. January 20 Robert Jones had a finger crushed at the G.R. & I. road-house, and same was amputated and dressed by Dr. Bigelow. Jan. 21 Nelson C. Coy and Ellen C. Covey married. January 27 Henry T. Jones and Augusta Greenwood married. Jan. 28 Donation part for Re. G.L. Haight at the residence of Dr. Phelps. Cash receipts - $40.00 Jan. 31 Fred Douglass lectured in Big Rapids. Feb. 1 A laborer at Mears & Bates lumber camp on Little River, fatally injured. Feb. 4 Oyster supper by the Ladies of the Presbyterian Church. Net proceeds - $115. Feb. 5 Mrs. Livermore lectured in this city. Feb. 8 Dr. Willets lectured in this city. Feb. 9 Norman VanAstine and Alice Langworthy were married. Feb. 11 W. H. Cavanaugh and Mary Duddles were married. Feb. 13 Fire in Teachout & Hardy's market building. Flames extinguished without material damage to the building. Feb. 14 J. T. Escott elected President of the Literary Association, vice W.T. Ransom resigned. Feb. 17 H.A. Smith sent to the Detroit of Correction for 60 days. Feb.19 Mr. Hugh lost three fingers in a planing machine at Morley. Feb. 19 & 20 Prof. Black's stercoptican views exhibited in Big Rapids. Feb. 20 Hiram Houghton teamster at Byer's lumber camp, dangerously injured. Feb. 21 Legislative committee took testimony in this city, concerning the management of the G.R. & I. railroad. Feb. 22 Fora Baker and Emma Cooper married. Feb. 25 E.S. Eggleston announced for a lucture in this city which he did not deliver. March 1 Village election at Morley. Evening of same day, Gov. Kilpatrick lectured in Big Rapids. March 6 and 7 Entertainment at the Presbyterian Church by the Ciceronian Society. March 7 The Merchant House, a hotel at Clam Lake, burned. $5,000; no insurance. March 10 Edward Verbolan sent to the Detroit House of Correction for 6 months, by Justice Nottingham. March 16 Sunday. A bloody and disgraceful row amongst a lot of drunken emn at Reed City. March 22 S.D. Thompson fined $50 and costs for selling whiskey. March 24 Anna Dickinson lectured in Big Rapids closing the season course. March 26 An adjourned term of the Circuit Court, for the trial of Chas. D. Bronson, charged with the murder of Jerry Sweeney, commenced, Judge Giddings presiding. March 25 Hicks & Co.'s hardware at Clam Lake burned. March 27 Dr. H.A. Whitfield returned from Chicago. April 3 L.G. Palmer nominated for Sept. of Schools by the Republican County Convention. April 4 Regular annual election in Pilgrim Commandery No. 23, K.T. April 5 C.W. Borst and family left for Cedar Springs. April 5 Special tax on saloons raised from three to five hundred dollars. April 7 Regular annual township and city election. April 15 Bronson's trial closed - verdict, not guilty. Trial lasted for 21 days. April 16 Regular term of the Circuit Court commenced - Judge Giddings presiding. April 18 Edward Racoley sent to the House of Correction for 60 days, by JUstice Nottingham. April 21 Bulk-head at Tioga Company's dam washed out. April 22 Special session of the Board of Supervisors commenced, which lasted til the 26th. Col. Vincent elected chairperson. Missing the section from April 23rd until May 21. If I find it at a some taker date, I'll add it in. May 21 A.R. Morehouse and Lucy P. Foote married. May 22 Novelty Circus in Big Rapids. May 23 Very high wind. Bill Frederick's old blacksmith shop blown down. May 24 Belle Rodman, a little girl aged 8 years nearly drowned in the Muskegon, near the lower dam. May 27 Young ladies of the Presbyterian Church had a festival at Vandersluis' Hall. May 30 Review of the Fire Department. June 2 Election of Exchange Bank officers. June 3 Alarm of fire - caused by the burning of slabs south of Stimson's mill June 6 Grady's show exhibited in Big Rapids. June 7 Wm. Morse murdered by Wm. Rosecrans, at Pierson, Montcalm county. June 9 John and Stephen E. Bigelow's mill dams washed out. June 12 The Magnet closed it's third volaume. June 12 Excursion party went to Traverse City. June 14 Excursion party returned from Traverse City. June 16 John Swangberry, a Swede, badly injured by a construction train a few miles west of Big Rapids. June 24 Presbyterian festival at Thompson & Bennett's new building. Net proceeds $56. June 24 Justice Nottingham sent Oliver Ellis to the House of Correction for 90 days. June 27 & 28 "Buckskin Joe" lectured in Big Rapids. July Laying of the iron on the Muskegon and Big Rapids Railroad completed. July 3 The City Pound filled with cattle. July 4 B.A. Webster's shingle mille burned. July 4 Sunday School celebration in Big Rapids. Most of the crowd thoroughly drenched in a thunder shower. July 5 Forepaugh's show at Cedar Springs. July 7 August Abrams died. July 8 Regular meeting of the Mecosta & Osceola Medical Society in this city. July 9 C.B. Lincoln's boy nearly drowned in this river near the lower dam. July 14 Thomas Stilwell arrested for trespass. July 17 Shiedel's store broken open and money drawer robbed. July 19 Wm. Graham arrested for stoning passenger cars near Byer's station. July 20 Excursion train from Muskegon - first passenger train over the road - arrived in Big Rapids. July 21 The Muskegon and Big Rapids railroad opened for business. First regular paasenger train left Big Rapids this morning. July 22 John and Stephen E. Bigelow's mill-dams washed out again. July 23 Catholic festival at Thompson & Bennett's new store room. Net profits upwards of $300. July 24 Warner's show exhibited in Big Rapids. July 25 Big Rapids Trotting Park Association organized. July 26 Charles Williams, Assistant Master Mechanic of the Chicago & Nich. Lake Shore Railroad, died at the Pacific House in this city. July 29 Duman and Murdock had a fight. July 30 Western Union Telegraph Line completed and put in operating order to this city. July 31 Robt. Monro's shingle mill started up. August 1 Maude, infant daughter of Michael Brown and wife died. Aug. 3 James Leepart and Elizabeth Hover married. Aug. 4 The Big Drive passed the lower dam in this city. Aug 4 Daisy, only daughter of C.C. Fuller died. Aug. 7 J.P. Underwood, C.D. Crandell and several others, started on a fishing excursion to the Traverse regions. Aug. 8 School picnic in Austin Aug. 12 Dr. Whitfield's office moved. Aug. 13 Mr. Mowen quite seriously injured by a flying splinter in the Big Rapids Improvement Company's mill at kower damn. Aug. 14 Alice J., wife of Henry davenport, died. Aug. 15 Social hop in Crawford's new store building. Aug. 15 Monroe E. Russell, of Paris, arrested and held for trial on a charge of embezzelment. Aug. 17 Infant son of Allen E. Williams and wife died. Aug. 18 James McEllery, a desperate character, captured by Under Sheriff Hutchinson. Aug. 19 Bloody row in the Smart Leighter family. Aug. 20 Episcopal Sunday Schookl had a picnic in Rose's Grove. Aug. 22 An Alpena Dept., Sheriff started for home with McEllery, in custody.Br> Aug. 23 Youngest daughter of B.F. Graves and wife died. Aug. 24 Anna Shaw preached at Clam Lake. Aug. 25 James Canavan attempted an outrage upon a little girl in this city. Aug. 26 Jno. F. Brown's team ran away from the lower depot. Aug. 26 Big Rapids District M.E. Conference commenced in Big Rapids. Aug. 27 The waiting rooms of the new Muskegon road depot opened to the public. Aug. 29 Special meeting of the Board of Supervisors to hear applications for permission to buikd dam. Aug. 30 Stowe's great (?) show in town. Aug. 30 Otto and the Jensens arrested for stealing an ox from Fitch Phelps. Sept. 3 Fall term of the Big Rapids Schools commenced - D.E. Wilbur, principal. Sept. 7 Willie Hutchinson had a leg broken. Sept. 9 Social hop at the Peninsular Hardware buildings. Sept. 9 James Bennett died. Sept. 11 Delinquent tax list publiched in the Magnet. Sept. 11 Ground broken for the Mason House addition. Sept.11 Margaret A. Foley drowned herself and child in Ryan Creek, about a mile east of this city. Sept. 12 Infant son of J.M. Swanger and wife, of Morley died. Sept. 13 Wm. W. Tenny died. Sept. 18 David L. Green and Mary E. Kain married. Sept. 18 D.C. Warner, Pros. Atty. of Lake county, and Lorinda Calkins married. Sept. 19 First number of the Morley Eagle issued. Sept. 20 Hon. W.D. Foster of Grand Rapids died. Sept. 22 One of the T.D. Stimson's teams ran away. Sept. 25 Examination of John M. Justin, charged with raping his own daughter, commenced before Justice Whittlesey. Sep. 27 Pilferers raided through Colfax. Sept. 30 Eld. Peck and family left for Kalamazoo. Oct. 1 The running of a sleeping car on Muskegon and Big Rapids railroad discontinued. Oct. 1 Big Rapids Knights Templar and others off for Lansing, to attend the Corner Stone Ceremonies. Oct. 2 Justin discharged. Oct. 4 Stimson's mill shut down. Oct.5 C.M. Darrah's team ran away. Oct. 6 Youngest daughter of F.C. Malcolm and wife died. Oct. 7 Big Rapids Post Office moved. Oct. 7 Fall term Mecosta Circuit Court commenced. Oct. 8 Charlotte Justin arrested and committed to jail on a charge of perjury. Oct. 11 Circuit Court sentenced Albert Jensen to State Prison for 2-1/2 years; Merlin C. Merrill, 1 year 7 months and 25 days. Oct. 11 Thomas Fitzgerald sent to jail for stealing a cap from Square Dealing Clothing House. Oct. 13. Board of Supervisors commenced its annual session. Same Day - Circuit Court adjourned sine die. Oct. 14 Michael Nolen had a leg broken at Ives' mill. Oct. 14 Mrs. De Saunte, of this city fell and broke one of her limbs. Oct. 15 Clarissa Justin and others arrested for perjury, discharges. Oct. 16 Charlotte Justin discharges. Oct. 16 Several members of the Big Rapids Fire Department visited Greenville. Oct. 19 Charles S. Walker and Mary S. Delaney married. Oct. 22 V.W. Bruce and Maria Barker married. Oct. 22 A team of L.H. Green ran away with a load of shingles at the lower depot. Oct. 23 Alarm of fire caused by the Peninsular Hardware buildings catching fire. Fire extinquished with but little damage. Oct. 30 C.W. Nottingham and M.A. Tucker married. Nov. 1 Dr. W.A. Whitney and Lizzie E/ Clark married. Nov. 2 Change of time on the G.R. & I R.R. and one train taken off. Nov. 3 Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad completed to Little Traverse Bay. Nov. 4 Alvin Clark went to the House of Correction for 90 days for stealing a scarf from in front of Levy Bros. store. Nov. 5 Thomas J. Owen elected Secretary of the Big Rapids Literary Association, vice Bruce resigned. Nov. 7 Commissioners to settle matters between Mecosta and Clare counties, awarded Mecosta $1,780.82. Nov. 8 David Bagley amd Hattie E. Tice married. Nov. 9 Geo. A. Jarvis amd Lizzie E. Wakefield married. Nov. 12 Gov. Bagely inspected north end of the G.R. & I.R.R. Nov. 14 Dr. Chapin lectured in this city. Nov. 15 Charles E. Woodard and Lucy A. King married. Nov. 19 Hiram Hollis tried for whipping his wife, and aquitted. Nov. 20 Gen. Kilpatrick announced to lecture, but failed to connect. Nov. 21 Gen Kilpatrick lectured at the Presbyterian church. Nov. 22 During the week ending today, Fitch Phelps shingle mill cut 242,000 eighteen inch shingles, working hours each day. Nov. 24 Geo. McCulloch and wife started for Tennessee. Nov. 24 Geo. M. Burr resigned the Cashiership of the Northern National Bank. Nov. 25 Mecosta and Osceola Medical Society meeting in this city. Nov. 26 Mrs. DeSaunto had limb amputated. Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Nov. 30 Henry D. Greely and Lena L. Mathewson married. Dec. 1 Dr. Holland lectured in this city. Dec. 1 Exchange Bank robbed during last night, $2,865.42 being taken. Dec. 1 Ed Clark opened a news depot first door south of the Post Office. Dec. 3 Jno. Graham and Ursula High married. Dec. 3 High Water. Bridge over Mitchell Creek, on Hemlock street underminded and rendered impassable. Dec. 3 C.D. Bronson resigned the Cashiership of the Exchange Bank and F. Fairman elected to fill vacancy. Dec. 4 The wind blew a perfect hurricane. Dec. 5 A small deer captured alive by school boys near the Central building. Dec. 6 C.H. McConnell resigned the foremanship of the Magnet office. Dec. 7 John Hoffman and Ida Allen married. Dec. 7 J. Hulbert's dwelling in Chippewa Township, burned. Dec. 9 John Hatch started for California Dec. 9 Freight car burned on the Muskegon Road, near Ives' mill. Dec. 10 Vescelius Concert in this city, on which occasion the new Opera Hall was opened. Dec. 11 John M. Justin and Lloyd F. Smith indulged in a fight in the woods, all by themselves. Justin got "worsted." Dec. 13 Alden Campbell's house burned. with all its contents. Dec. 14 Elder Munn lectured to a full house on the "First Commandment." Dec. 15 John C. Burgess jailed in Grand Rapids. Dec. 15 L.H. Green's team ran away and coursed the streets of this city. Dec. 16 Mush and Mills festival at the Opera House, by the presbyterians. Proceeds $54. Dec. 16 Charles W. Newton and Amanda M. Green married. Dec. 19 Fall term of the City Schools closed. Dec. 19 Geo. W. Fairfield elected Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. Dec.23 Election of officers in the Big Rapids Encampment I.O.F. Dec. 24 Richard C. Ross and Jennie Pryor married. Dec. 25 Christmas. Grand Ball at the Opera House. |
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