One thing of which the people of Big Rapids have just cause to feel proud is the magnificent hotel known as The Northern. Few cities in Michigan of equal size with Big Rapids can boast of anything in this line on a comparitive footing with Th Northern. As a business block it is a very imposing structure s is shown by the accompanying engraving. The office and lobby ossupy the central portion of the ground floor of the building, while large and convenient waiting rooms, barber shop and sample rooms are located on either side. The balance of the dround floor, front, geing devoted to stores.
Not alone is the Northern Hotel an up-to-date one for a city of the size of Big Rapids, but is one of modern appointments, a fact the traveling public has come to fully appreciate. The lobby is large and well lighted, while this hostelry contains 75 rooms which are models of neatness, well lighted, equipped with electric lights and gas, and heated by steam. Its reception parlors, corridors, lobby and dining rooms presenting an exceedingly neat, cheerful and home like appearance.
This block was erected in 1881 by Hood & Gale, Crocker & Hudnutt, of this city, being the contractors, the ownership a few years later passing to M.P. Gale. On May 1st last, Mr. Gale sold this property to E.B. Hoffman of Chicago. During the 25 years sincethe opening of this hotel its management has been such as to gain for it a very enviable reputation. However, Mr. Hoiffman the new owner, decided that there were many points in which more modern appliances might be installed to the confort, convenience and pleasure of the guests and during the past few months has gen the entire building a thorough renovation, at an expense of upwards of $10,000.
Among the improvements made may be mentioned a modern steam heating and hot water plant for heating every room in the building and supplying hot water in all rooms where needed for the convenience of guests. A considerable number of rooms have been equipped with baths, new carpets laid on many of the floors, new furniture installed.