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This page was last updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2014 02:33:22 MST

Births * Marriages * Divorces * Deaths


In 1867 (PA 194) the Michigan legislature passed a law requiring a state-wide system for the important information relating to births and other vital data. This law required the township supervisors to collect facts pertaining to all births that occurred in their jurisdiction, noting date, name of individual, gender, race, place of birth, and the names, birthplaces, occupations and residences of the parents. In 1925 the authority for maintaining these statistics was transferred from the Secretary of State to the Department of Public Health, where control remains today. In 1978, by authority of PA 368, the legislature restricted access to all birth registers and indexes. Consequently none of the birth records listed can be examined by researchers. Birth certificates must be obtained from the Michigan Department of Public Health.

If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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Current County Coordinator: Paula Johnson (c) 2017-2025
Previous content & design by: Gerry Christiansen (c) 2007-2016
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