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This page was last updated Tuesday, 05-Jul-2011 22:12:18 MDT

Births * Marriages * Divorces * Deaths


The Michigan Legislature, under authority of Act 9 of 1897, required all circuit court clerks to notify the Secretary of State of all petitions for divorce filed in their respective counties. These reports were to include the names and ages of the parties involved, names and ages of any children in the family, date and place of petition for divorce and county where the marriage took place. In 1923 (PA 27) the law was changed, directing the circuit court clerks to submit their reports to the Department or Public Health. Microfilms of the archived reports are at the State Library and Historical Center.

1851-1881 *** 1880-1890 *** 1889-1915

If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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