Many of the counties that surround Washtenaw County will sometimes hold records of your ancestors. For instance, an ancestor that lived in Washtenaw County might have done
business in Wayne County or they might have traveled to nearby Monroe County
for legal matters. Perhaps a family member went to visit someone in Lenawee County
or Jackson County and unexpectedly died. A family might have had an extended visit with relatives
in Livingston County and a birth might have occurred. Or, by chance, an ancestor might have "run away" to get married and
they traveled to neighboring Oakland County. It's so important to check into the records of the neighboring counties,
who knows what you might discover? We've created a special tool to help you do this.
As part of the USGenWeb® Project, this site strives to assist genealogists in their efforts to learn about the lives of their Washtenaw
ancestors. As this is a volunteer effort, we need your contributions to help make this site a success. Please email the county
coordinator with questions, suggestions, submissions, etc. Thank you, and happy hunting!

About Us - State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola