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The Diary Entries of John Geddes of Washtenaw County, MI - 1845

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July 4th – 43 degrees in the morning. A first rate day.  I attended Sawmill.  A journey to Whitmore Lake the order of the day.

14th – Robert Geddes commenced cutting wheat gives fifty cents pr acre for cradling.  A first rate crop of wheat this year in this country, very plump

24th – North water wheel of Geddes mill is 16 ˝ inches above the water (the lower part of the buckets) Water 19˝ inches deep under water wheel

31st – Flouring mill started on new Wheat.  Wheat .60 pr bu.  Huron low, not enough water for one grinding wheel with machinery wheel.

Aug 12th – John Sinclair died in Dixboro

18th – Amos Hicks commenced work for I’ Rogers

25th – Rev. J. M. Wead started on a visit to the East.

19th – Thomas J. Van Sickle finished shingling my house.  the shingles are poplar siding 18 inches long

Sept 8th – Finished reading the Bible by course the third time since married and commenced the fourth.

Sept 20 – School commenced in the new school house.

Sept 21st – Thermometer 34 degrees Sept 22nd - 30 degrees lowest so far this month

Sept 25 – Wheat .62 pr Bu at Geddes Mill

26th – Wheat .62 ˝ pr bu at Geddes Mill.  .60 at Ann Arbor

28th – Henry Kirk White and Martha Stone were married (Sunday evening) none of the neighbors invited to the wedding.

29th – Water enough in the Huron to run Grist and Sawmill in Geddesburg.

October – The Locomotive on the Central Rail Road cannot do more half that is required of them.

22nd – 13 degrees above Zero this morning

Oct 31st – Robert Geddes started for Stephenson county Illinois on the Rail Road cars

31st – Henry Kirk White had an Infair at his father’s.  The whole neighborhood accepted and almost all there.  A very pleasant evening.

Nov. 18th – Robert Geddes arrived at home from Illinois.

22nd – Wheat. 82 pr Bu in Ann Arbor

27th – Wheat 1.00 pr Bu in Ann Arbor

29th – Bought a new Cooking Stove & Patent oven 23.00 + 6.00

28th – William Geddes moved into his own house.

29th  - William Geddes was forcible thrown out of his own house by the Three Stuck & three others and his goods.

29th – Bought a Cooking Stove of S.W. Jewett and patent oven.   Cost 23.00 + 6.00

Dec 5th – Settled with Joseph Rogers & Co and received a due bill for $19.47

15th – Jane Geddes, Robert Geddes oldest daughter up to Ypsilanti Seminary to school.   Board $1.90 and find her own bed & do her own washing

22nd – Wheat .85 per bu in Ypsilanti.  Built a kitchen this fall & out about $1.10

25th – Christmas Day 22 degrees this morning.  Sleighing good

25th – Wheat .85 at Geddes Mill.  87˝ in Ann Arbor

25th – Pork 4.25 for over 200 hogs

27th – This District discharged their teacher, Mr. Willson, for want of food in the school

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