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The Diary Entries of John Geddes of Washtenaw County, MI - 1846 |
1846 Jan 1st – 33 degrees in the morning and 46 degrees at noon. A drizzling. Roads good. some snow. Huron low. I was at home. Cut loose and sawed some Oak lumber is $6 per thousand. Rail Road rails $8.00 Poplar Siding $6.50 Pop. flooring $7.50 Pop Boards $7. Shoots or Bran $8.00 per ton. Flour $4.50 bu. 5th – Collins B. Cook commenced teaching in School District (8) eight. 21st – Five inches of snow fell last night & this morning. 25th – Thermometer 16 degrees below zero. 24th 5 degrees below. 25th 32 degrees above. 26th – 36 degrees above all morning. Water scarce yet 31st – Last night the weather changed from raining to freezing and broke my thermometer by freezing the water Feb 10th – A party of neighbors at John Geddes’ last night. 15th – My son John was bit by a Dog on the finder He was alone in the Road and Dickinson’s dog was coming up the road and bit the boy. 21st – Good sleighing. The best this winter. 24th – Julia Etta Savage left for home (Mother a bad cold) March 2nd – Last day of good Sleighing this winter. 3rd – Wm Parker the Evangelist came to Ypsilanti to preach. 19th – This is John Geddes birth day. The thermometer is 46 degrees in the morning and 59 degrees at noon. In the forenoon, it rained a little: in the afternoon the day was very pleasant April 6th – Township Election John Geddes elected Supervisor John Geddes has 319 votes Orin White (Loco) has 263 votes for Supervisor and Horace Coy (Native) has 69 votes for Supervisor. George W. Jewett (Abol) has 69 votes for Supervisor 17th – Jacob Bacon, P. W. Sage, John Geddes, Wm. - - - - -, Isaiah Norris, John Howland & George Skinner signed a litter directed to the Rev. Ira M. Wead inviting him to resign the Pastor in charge of Ypsilanti Congregational Society. May 2nd – Wheat .80 pr Bu at Geddes Mill 9th – Wheat .62 ½ pr Bu in Ann Arbor 19th – Thermometer 28 degrees in the morning. Did not do much however. 21st – Mr. Wead refuses to resign hi pastoral charge in Ypsilanti for the present. May 16th – River Raisen Bank Broke. I lost nothing by it. 25th – Henry Savage (my wife’s father) died about seven o’clock A. M. He would have been 70 years old if he had lived to the 11th of June 1846 25th – Thermometer 96 degrees June 6th – R. Geddes got .65 pr bu for Wheat at Geddes Mill 12th – William Geddes wife brought him a son. 20th – Wheat .56 pr bu in Ypsilanti 18th – Thermometer 100 degrees 24th – A Camp Meeting commenced on Ne of NW part of Sec 36 and ended 29th. It was a rainy time. four converts and eight sanctified. July 4th – A warm day with some rain. Mr. Wolf, wife and family visited. Mr. John Powell, Mr. Perry wife & girls. Mother Savage & Julia Etta Savage. William Allen + wife + their son. Allens were there. 6th – Robert Geddes began cutting Wheat. An abundant crop but some shrunk this year. Harvest hands scores and wages $1.75 per day. Wheat .50 pr Bu. 10th – Thermometer 72 degrees in the morning. 102 degrees a little after one O’clock 11th – Thermometer 75 degrees in the morning, 95 degrees warmest 16th – Thermometer 40 degrees in the morning John Geddes worked 6½ days raking & binding Wheat this harvest. July 12th – Julius Foster and Maria White were married. It was Sunday evening. Aaron Lawrence Esqr Loses on 1000 barrels of Flour. Bought Hunter $1711.9 It was a disastrous and foolish speculation. 29th – Thermometer 102 degrees at one O’clock August 1st – Wheat is .50 pr Bu. The Wheat crop is abundant. 3rd – Bought a horse of Partridge for $65 7th – Thermometer 103 at 2 O’clock. Wheat .56 8th – Pettibone moved into the Board kiln house. They are to have it one year for 10 dollars Sept. 1st – Mrs. Pettibone died about eight O’Clock P.M. 4th – A rainy day. Water enough now to Saw 7th – Thermometer 93 degrees. Wheat .56 This has been a warm summer and sickly this fall. 14th – Wheat .60 pr Bu in Ann Arbor 18th – Robert Geddes sold his crop of Wheat to Norris for 62 ½ pr bu and the rise 19th – Wheat .65 pr bu in Ypsilanti 24th – This day the Central Rail Road was sold Sept 26th – Wheat .70 in Ann Arbor. Sept 30th .70 at Geddes Mill Sept 28th – Thermometer 39 degrees 28 & 29th – Went and returned from Detroit 29th – Wheat 73 pr Bu in Ypsilanti 30th – Bought 15 acres of land in Sec 23 for $300. Paid for it. (All but $17.28) by $180 let Morgan have Aug 5, 1838 Oct 3rd – Thermometer 32 degrees. The coldest this season yet. 13th – Thermometer 30 degrees at 9 O’clock P.M. 14th – Thermometer 30 degrees at 2 O’clock A.M. Coldest this season. 14th – James Lawrence + Mary Rogers were married at his fathers. They had considerable of a party. It was Mary’s birth day. She is nineteen today. 15th – William Palmer + Mary Drake were married. Aaron Lawrence Esqr settled his Flour + Wheat speculation with Hunter. Lawrence paid $750 in Cash and gave his note for $350 24th – Wheat 62 ½ in Ann Arbor + at Geddes Mill and buyers scarce. More wheat than nomey 24th – The Rail Road more business than it can do. 19th – Thermometer 22 degrees this morning. The coldest this season. 31st – Wheat no sale viz more persons to buy. Flour .64 Nov 21st – Wheat about 60 pr Bu or no sale Bought 17 Bu Wheat at .65 for my own use Nov – Had my buggy overhauled. It cost $37.50 26th – Thermometer this morning13 degrees After a warm muddy November. The weather changed yesterday and winter set in. Wheat .56 in Ann Arbor + 62 ½ in Ypsilanti. Bran 4.00 per ton. 28th – William DeWaters moved into the boarding house At ½ day work per week. Rent Dec 7th – James M. Wing commenced teaching school School District No Eight at $15.00 pr month 23rd – Rev. Mr. Ira M. Wead Donation party 27th – John Geddes (my son) is four years old today. Weighed 26 lbs. 31st – My ------ this year is $458.40 |
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