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The Diary Entries of John Geddes of Washtenaw County, MI - 1850

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January 1st - Good roads but very poor sleding. Thermometer 24° at Noon. Myself, Wife and children went North to Harrison + David Savage. At night some young people at our house. Wheat .80, Pork 3.00
January 8th - Robert Geddes received a letter from Indian apolis notifying that the Funeral of Agrippa Geddes was to take place at the house of Alexander Greydon on Wednesday the 26th of December A.D. 1849 Agrippa Geddes was born Sept. 21st 1814 and Died Dec. 25th 1849 at four of the Clock A.M. of Consumption.
18th - My buggy was brought home to day from Roath + Waskins Shop. Their bill was Fifty seven dollars.
19th - My Cutter finished to day cost $14.50. Blacksmith 7.23, Carpenter's bill $8.00
18th - This forenoon eight inches of Snow fell on bare ground.
28th - This forenoon three inches of Snow fell on bare ground.
28 - At noon to day it was snowing when the thermometer was 48°.
Feb 6th - Wife' sister Sarah Powell weighed to day 154½ lbs.
6th - Gennet Randall weighed 130 lbs. Wife 88½ lbs.
9th - About twenty minutes before eight O'Clock P.M., Geddes Sawmill was found taken fire. The roof was all on fire so that the Mill could not be entered. Cause of the fire unknown. Loss $50. The Mill being old and considerably dilapidated.
March 13th - This day Samuel W. Geddes, George W. Geddes and George Wicks started for California via Detroit, Sandusky, Cincinnati, New Orleans + Isthmus of Panama. It commenced raining in the night and rained until noon. Water 2 feet 6 in on the Sawmill sill.
March 14th - Water in the Sawmill sill 3 feet four inches this day.
18th - Water on the Sawmill sill to day is 50 inches deep.
March 19th - I am Forty-nine years of age to day. My health has been very good the past year. Thermometer 30° in the morning, 38° at noon, + 30° at nine O'Clock P.M. Huron river high. Plaster $8.00 pr ton. Wheat .89, but little sledding the past winter. The times hard, money scarce. A pleasant day
April 8th - Thermometer 20°, 9th - 10°, 10th - 10°, 11th - 22°, 12th - 21°, 13th - 19°, 14th - 16°, Thermometer 15th - 12°, 16th - 19°, 17th - 21°, 18th - 18°, 21st - 24°, 22nd - 58°
April 8th - George N. Skinner of Ypsilanti died very suddenly between 2 + 3 O'Clock in the afternoon.
April 23rd - Thermometer 25°, 26th - 16°, 25th - 34°. April A Cold backward month.
April 24th - Ebenezer Cheever was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Ypsilanti. I was there. It was a cold, dry + pleasant day.
May 6th - Finished raising the New Sawmill. Raised it with a tackle with four hands. Is cost to frame and raise the new Sawmill in Carpenter work $44.50 (besides board) at 1.00 pr day. All the timber was hewed but the Posts by other hands.
May 24th - Thermometer 20° + 26°, 18th - 24°, 19th - 34°, 20th - 30°, 21st - 26°, 22nd - 29°, 23rd - 35°, 26th - 34°.
May 25th - Alexander Greydon formerly of -----burgh, now of Indianapolis called to see me. He was a member of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church which held its Annual meeting in Detroit this year. he left the 27th. his family of children is Seven sons + three daughters.
May 27th - T. J. Hill rented Geddes Mill for one year ending July 1st 1851. he paid $300 down and is to pay $300 more in the course of the year.
May 31st - thermometer 32°. A very dry time.
June 5th - It rained in the afternoon which was a subject of great rejoicing. It was the dryest time for the time of year ever known in this country.
June 11th - Commenced Sawing with the new Sawmill.
19th - Bought a Keg of Nails (eights) for Five dollars of F. J. B. Crane + Co., Ann Arbor.
June 22nd - Charles Russell, a boy in his eight year fell in to the Race at the Sawmill after eight O'Clock P.M. (no person being with him) and was drowned. It was the first person that was ever drowned in the place and I have been here 25 years.
July 4th - It rained some in the morning. Myself, Wife + children went to Ann Arbor.
July 9th - Robert Geddes began to cut Wheat. The straw is very short, berry plump. Crop more than an average. Take the country together. Robert' Crop second rate.
June 30th - Finished reading the Bible in course. the eighth time since married.
July 23rd - I raked and bound Wheat 5 days this harvest, 3½ days for Robert + 1½ days for William Geddes. Wages 1.25 pr day. A First rate harvest weather.
August 2nd - First mess of new Potatoes
August 5th - Commenced using Potatoes every day. They are small.
13th - Received a letter from George W. Geddes, dated June 21' 1850 Marysville, California. Postage $1.40
24th - Wheat is .75 pr Bu at Geddes Mill + Ypsilanti
24th - The Water keeps up enough for the Grist + Sawmill.
Sept. 2nd - Robert Geddes' wife Chloe started on a visit to Boone County, State of New York. She talks of being gone six weeks. Her half-brother, Jonathan is her company.
23rd - The peaches in front of our house are ripe to day. it is late season. No frost yet this fall. Wheat is .70 at Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor + Geddes Mill.
23rd - Thermometer is 89° at two O'Clock.
Oct. 1st - Bought a Horse of James Geddes of Lenawee County. I allow him $75. on a Mortgage against his father. The Horse was four years old last Spring.
Oct 4th - Sold my Black Horse for four dollars in Casl--. I have lost in four years in two Horses $61.00
Oct 11th – Charles W. Lane Widow Wealthy Ann died this morning of a Dysentery
Oct 11th – Robert Geddes' wife Chloe got back from her visit to Boone county N.Y.
Oct 10th – Isaac Foster and Elmira Green were married. they went to Jackson and were married there.

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