Jan 6th - Ehratham Botsford died in the City of Ann Arbor. He was buried in School District No. eight. His disease was inflamation of the lungs. He was sick aboiut six days. He age was 53 years + 8 days. He was one of the first settlers of the School District.
Jan 14th - Wheat is .90
Jan 16 - 1 degree above + 11degrees above at noon
Jan 17th - -8 degrees below - 31 degrees above at 1 O'clock.
27 - 10 degrees below
Jan 26th - Huram Winslow Died toady of Paralysis. He would have been 32 years old, March 12th 1853
Feb 5th - Wheat is .95 Corn .621/2
Feb 10 - Had the Eyetooth on the left side drawn. I have ------- one tooth in my upper jaw + that is a front tooth.
March 10th - George Hicks + Lucy Lowell were married
19th - I am 52 years old to day. A Fine day it is.
19th - Mifs Delia E. Edmunds finished her school in this District to day at 2.50 pr week.
25th - About Twelve O'Clock at Night of this day Geddes-Flouring Mills was discovered to be on fire and it burnt down. The ------- had no insurance. The Renter had --- ----- ----- $2000. The Mill was worth about 6000 dollars or 5000. It was set on fire for the Insurance.
April 1st - Mrs. Sarah Needle (Keedie reference in the Death extractions) wife of Thomas Needle Died at 10 O'clock P.M. of Infection of the lungs.
April 2nd - Nicholas Sherman died.
April 10th - Jefferson Hicks Died in Ypsilanti very suddenly aged 25 years
April 19th - School commences in the District to day. Caroline C. Glover Teaches at 1.87 pr week
22nd - Charles Ewer commenced boarding at 1.25 pr week at Noon
May 13th - Huron river rose up to 6 feet 6 in. on the Sawmill after a very great rain.
May 12th - ---ith Botsford moved the bodies of his Father + Mother into the New burial grounds North of his house on a piece of ground.
May 12th - Thermometer 26 degrees, 13th - 31 degrees, 14th - 33 degrees
23rd - Ellen Botsford went to the Hydrotherapy establishment at Cold-Water on account of her health.
26th - Mr. Walton died
June 15th - Thermometer 102 degrees. One day in June 103 degrees.
July 18th - I worked in Harvest 5 1/2 days at 1.50 pr day Robert Geddes Wheat is heavy and consideralbe down. Very dry time.
August 18th - Wheat is $1.00 pr Bu. at Ann Arbor. There is a great run to the Depot of Wagons loaded with Wheat. Sinclair has but few Wagons around his Mill Unloading Wheat to day
Sept 3rd - Wheat is + has been this week $1.00 pr Bu. The wheat crop is good this year but not quite equal to last years either in ------ pr yield.
Sept - Wheat crop up to day to $1.25 pr Bu at Ypsilanti Mills.
Sept 4th - Standing price of Wheat is $1.25 in Ypsilanti township.
Sept 14th - Frost in the morning. Thermometer 37 degrees + 35 degrees
Sept 18th - Commenced reading the Bible by ------
29th - Thermometer 28 degrees First frost that killed the potato tops. Peaches very plenty + Apples very scarce this fall.
Oct 4th - Wheat 1.06 pr Bu this day in Ypsilanti
18th - Mary E. White + H. T. Farnum were married.
18th - Wheat is $1.16 pr Bu in Ypsilanti + 1.21 in Ann Arbor corn .56 pr Bu, Oats .66. Potatoes .31 lb. Butter .16
26th - My son John fell from a Hickory tree West of apple orchard. He fell 20 feet. No bones broken. His right side and right arm were bruised. Was not hurt.
28th - Bought 50 aces of Land off the South side of the S.E. section of Ann Arbor township, I paid 510 dollars.
Nov 2nd - Rachel Ann Savage + Jerry L. Wheelock were married. Myself, Sarah Gedded + Delia Alicia were at the wedding. It rained in the forenoon and drizzled in the afternoon.
12th - Wheat is 1.25. Corn .50 Oats .64 Butter .18
15th - Frances R. Bacon commenced teaching in the School District No Eight at 3.50 pr week.
Dec 2nd - My son John is eleven years old to day. Weight is ------, gained 5 1/2 lbs - Hight 4 7/8, grew 1 3/8 inches last year.
Sarah weighs 96 lbs, gained nine lbs, Hight ------
Rachel weighs 63 lbs gained five lbs Hight -------.
My own weight is 156 lbs, Health good this year
Ann Botsford weighs 107, gained 12 lbs
Celia Botsford weighs 73 lbs gained 8 lbs.
Mary Botsford weighs 61 lbs gained 4 lbs.
Amelia Botsford weighs 53 lbs gained 6 1/2 lbs, Hight 3.11in
Charles Powell weighs 118 lbs gained 15 lbs, Hight 5. 8in
Frances R. Bacon weighs 123 lbs, Height 5.3in