In memory of my grandfather, Bernard Silverman.
Cass Technical High School – Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan
The Triangle Yearbook – May, 1935
Published Annually by the Combined Graduating Classes of January and May, 1935.
Volume XIX

Transcribed by Marta Norton December 1999


Printing and Cover by - Howe Printing Company
Engraved by - Everton Engraving Company
Photography by - Belasco Studios


Dedicated to Mr. Warren E. BOW, principal of Cass Technical High School, and assistant superintendent of schools, by the graduating classes of January and May, 1935. We are very happy to have Mr. BOW – an educator of broad vision and understanding – fill the vacancy created by the retirement of our former principal. Under his stimulating leadership, Cass will continue her splendid record of achievement.




ALLEN, E.G. – Ass’t Principal

ALTHOUSE, A.D. – Auto-Aero

BAILEY, C.E. – Biology

BOW, Warren E. - Principal

BYRN, C. - Music

CHAPEL, B.J. – Counselor

COOKE, C.S. – Ass’t Principal

FRICKE, F.J. – Mech. Arts

GREEN, L.L. – Art

HINMAN, H.W. – Ass’t Principal

JARED, R.R. - Science

JENNINGS, L.E. – Chemistry

KEAL, H. - Mathematics

KOEHLER, I.G. – Bldg. & Drafting

KRATZ, Everett W. - See "In Memoriam" below.

ORLOFF, F.L. – Home Econ.

POLK, R.W. – Printing

ROSE, O.K. – Electrical

ROSSMAN, C.E. – Attendance

PULFORD, Mrs. - English

SUTTON, B.G. - Physics

WITT, A.J. – Health




STROHSCHEIN, Harriet A. - The personality of Harriet STROHSCHEIN has had an enduring influence upon many lives. Those fortunate people whom she numbered among her intimate friends had come to depend upon her for inspiration and encouragement when these were most needed. The students in her halls recognized her as one who understood the real meaning of study, and she did much to raise the scholarship standards of the school. Miss STROHSCHEIN was the eldest of seven children, and the responsibility of the home fell upon her after the death of her mother while she was still in school. She managed the home, saw to the education and well being of the other children, and was an honor student herself. All who were privileged to know Miss STROHSCHEIN appreciate the fineness of her character, and are grieved at her passing. – By Harry M. KEAL

KRATZ, Everett W. – died September 17, 1934. He had been a member of the Science Department since 1921, coming in at that time to teach Pharmacy. Later he taught Chemistry to the high school students and Materia Medica to the nurses. Mr. KRATZ was one of our most skilled teachers; he had a delightful sense of humor, was very cheerful, and a willing worker. His many fine qualities made him loved by his colleagues and students. His death was a distinct shock to all and his loss is keenly felt. – By Raymond R. JARED












ABRAMS, Bernice Olivia – Science II – "Wisdon is the principle thing. Therefore get wisdom, but in all thy getting, get understanding" Girl Reserves.

ACHILLE, Louis J. - Electrical - "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Hi-Y; Treasurer Star Delta Club.

ADAMSKI, Stanley - Automotive - "Wise is the man who speaks neither too soon nor too late."

AHONEN, Charles - Science - Physics Club.

AIKENHEAD, Catherine Louise – Pre-Nursing – "Bye-Now"

AKE, Harold - Printing - "Knowledge is power." Football '34; Intramural Baseball '33.

ALBERT, Albert G. – Arch. Bldg. – "He who loves most, has most, and therefor shall get most."

ALBERTI, Frank - Mechanical Arts - "You don't get any more out of a thing than you put into it."

ALBERTI, John - Mechanical Arts - "When you stop learning, you start growing old."

ALLARDYCE, Alex - Architectural Building - "Million strive for wealth, thousands for fame-and possibly a dozen to be good."

ALLEN, Mary Louise - Printing - 'Not for ourselves, but for others." Hockey '33.

ALLEY, Faith Eleanor - Pre-Nursing - "A friend is one who knows all bout you and likes you just the same."

ANCONA, Ann - Inst. Home Economics - "A good job is a small job done well." Nurses' Prep Club.

ANDERSON, Arthur - Mechanic Arts - "Live in the moment but cast an eye into the future." Senior Home Room Football Capt.

ANDERSON, Carl H. - Mechanical - "The law of the harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit: sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny."

ANDERSON, James W. - Aeronautics - "Few people are able to appreciate a good thing until after they love it.' Aero Club.

ANGELL, Harry - Mechanic Arts - "A good nature is the richest gift of man." Football '32, '33, Captain '34; Basketball '33, '34, '35; President of 12B Class '34.

ANTONY, Antonio – Automotive – "Courage does not yield to disaster." Football ’33; Lettermen’s Club.

ANTOSEWICZ, Ronald - Aeronautical - "With a smile on my lips and a tear in my eye, I say adieu to Cass Tech High." Chess and Checker Club.

ARCHER, Dallas J. – Electrical – "Every act has a consequence" Hi-Y Club; Star Delta Club, Sect.

ARENDSEN, Norman - Commercial Art - Art Editor of the "Triangle".

ARNOLD, Daniel R. - Science - "A well written life is almost as rare as a well spent one."

APPLEBAUM, Max – Electrical – "You can have anything you want if you want it enough." Cheerleader ’32, ’33, ’34; Radio Club ’32, ’33, ’34; Lettermen’s Club ’34.

AUDRITSH, Ernest L. "Bud" - Chemical and Metallurgical - "Do or be done."

AZZOPARDI, Frank - Mechanic Arts - "Knowledge is the staff of life."

BABBISH, Matthew - Mechanic Arts - "Success depends not so much upon laying awake nights as in keeping awake during the day.

BABCOCK, Margaret Alice - Inst. Home Economics - "Turn your face tot he sun and the shadow will fall behind you."

BAKERN, Julia Angela - Pre-Nursing - "Robinson Crusoe was glad when Friday came, but not as glad as I." Traffic Club '35.

BARANIK, Frank - Aeronautics - "Never complain; never explain." Aero Club Treasurer '33.


BARNES, Edward G. - Science - "Don't take life seriously because you don't come out alive anyway."

BARNETTE, Helen Louise - Pre-Nursing - "All thoughts and no action is like a beautiful cloud without beneficial rain."

BARROW, Vunies - Pre-Nursing - "All that I am and everything I hope to be I owe to my mother."

BARSA, Nicholas - Electrical - "All knowledge is golden."

BASACCHI, Louis A. - Drafting - "Out of the harbor, into the sea."

BAUD, Paul - Commercial Art - "Character is inside the man; reputation is outside of him." Art Club '34, '35; Deacons' Club '35.

BAYER, Walter - Music - "Ridicule and derision are the foundations of success." Swimming Team '33, '34; Lettermen's Club '34, '35; Cass Concert Band '33, '34, '35.

BEALS, Julian M. - Aeronautics - "Upward ever; downward never." Traffic Club President; Aero Club Treasurer.

BEATON, John W., Jr – Science – A true friend, when true, appears to be an enemy" Chemical Club; Hi-Y Club; School Service; Technician Staff.

BEDELL, Walton M. - Printing - "The sunlight of happiness seldom falls upon a shady reputation." Service Club '33; Hi-Y '33, '34, '35; Band '33, '34.

BEHAEGHE, Maurice H. - Drafting - "One fool can ask more questions in a minute than halve wise men can answer in an hour." Football '34.

BELL, Alneta B. - Pre-Nursing - "There is only one cure for public distress and that is public education directed to make men thoughtful, merciful, and just."

BELL, Eleanore – Pre-Nursing – "Be slow to promise, quick to perform" Girl Reserves; Modern Alchemists; Secretary.

BELL, Ernest D. - Automotive - "You're only wrong when you fail."

BENNETT, Shirley - Occupational Therapy - "I'll go on - making mistakes." Girl Reserves; Swimming.

BERMAN, Arnold D. - Aeronautics - "He excels in his own way."

BILLINGSLEA, John - Automotive - "Great men are dead; greater men are dying, I feel sick myself."

BIRLI, Frederick P. - Mechanic Arts - "Never do tomorrow what you can do today."

BISHOP, Earl – Electrical – "Granted that I do not succeed the effort is worth while."

BLOSSOM, John S. - Automotive Mechanics - "This is the beginning; what of the end?" Tennis '33, '34; Lettermen's Club '34.

BODEN, Marie Leola – Costume Design – "Everyone should keep a fair sized elementary in which to keep the faults of their friends".

BOGATER, Steve P. - Mechanical Arts - "To succeed, you must start at the bottom." Hall Duty '33, '35.

BOHN, Martin - Aeronautics - "There's no place like school-during vacation." Aero Club.

BOLEDOVICH, Joe - Aeronautics - "Common sense is not so common."

BOKMILLER, Peter M. - Electrical - " My greatest ambition is to Be a friend to my friends as they are to me." President Star Delta Club '34; Vice-President Hi-Y Club '33; Student Council '33.

BONARRIGO, Joseph - Aeronautics - "If you have energy and determination, there is no reason why you can't succeed." Aero Club.

BONDARCHUK, John D. - "The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed."

BORELLA, Steve - Mechanic Arts - "I don't know what I don't know."

BOSTWICK, James W. - Electrical - "Be not the first by whom the new is tried; nor yet the last to lay the old aside." Radio Club.

BOURG, Joseph F. - Music - "It's who you know, not what you know." Band '31, '32, '33, '34.

BOWMAN, Andrew - Mechanic Arts - "What you do with all its consequences is your own work and not the will of Providence, destiny, or God." Physics Club; Radio Club.

BOZIN, John T. - Electrical - "The radical idea of today, will be the conservative idea of tomorrow."

BRADY, William - Aeronautics.

BRANSON, William - Electrical - "Imitations are seldom valued; be yourself." Star Delta, Pres; Student Council, Vice Pres.; Junior Treasure, Radio Club, Treasurer.

BRASS, Joseph N. – Electrical – "When in doubt consult a victor diagram."

BREWER, Ray - Commercial Art - "It pays to smile." Art Club.

BRITTON, Margaret - Pre-Nursing - Vice-President Junior '34 Class; President Nurses' Prep Club; Girls' League '35.

BROWN, Eddie - Aeronautics - "I am what I am, that's all I am."

BROWN, Whitney A. - Electrical - "It is with words as sunbeams; the more they are condensed the deeper they burn." Swimming Team; Star Delta Club Treas.; Student Council Treas.

BROWNSTON, Abraham - Automotive - "Slower but surer."

BROWNSTON, Eugene - Chem.-Metallurgy - "If silence were golden, I'd be a pauper." Chemistry Club.

BRUMASTER, Lawrence - Electrical - "Hitch your wagon to the moon-and you might hit a star."

BRYLA, Steve – Metallurgical – "I am myself by my own command."

BUBASH, Frank - Aeronautics - "The sense of knowledge is having it to apply it; not having it to confess your ignorance."

BUBELIS, Angela Frances - Costume Illustration - "My laughter is a work of art." Traffic Club.

BUCKLEY, Kenneth W. - Aeronautics - "Live in the moment, but cast an eye to the future."

BUCZKOWSKI, Edward - Aeronautics - "Foolishness increases with age, but young fools live for a reason."

BUETTNER, Ruthann - Pre-Nursing - "The virtues candor, modesty and truth in women excel all beauty of youth." Cass "Ask Me" Club.

BULFORD, Fred - Aeronautics.

BURLEY, Alden - Commercial Art.

BURNETTE, Cleona Zenobia - Science - "Don't worry about what the world thinks about you. It has several billions of other people to think about." Girl Reserves.

BURNS, Patrick F. - Science - "Health, education, and ambition give power to youth." Baseball '34.

BUTTERFIELD, Helen - Pre-Nursing - "I aspire to command the elixir of eternal youth, but I may grow old doing it."

BUYIKIAN, Martin - Automotive - "Today is the tomorrow you were worrying about yesterday and all is well."

CAINE, Rosetta Marie - "Never get discouraged in what you're about to do. Long suffering and long patience will bring that waiting reward to you." Girls Reserves Club.

CALHOUN, Perry T. - Science - "Don't give up. Failure is the first step to success." Science Club '34, '35.

CALLOUETTE, Jack – Electrical – "A man wrapped up in himself makes a small package." Varsity Football ’34; Hi-Y ’34; President of the January Class Officers.

CAMP, Mary -Pre-Nursing - "Good things come to him who waits-at last my diploma!"

CAMPBELL, Russell J. - Aeronautics - "All I can do is my best."

CARILISLE, George F. - Mechanic Art - "No man ever led a life of ease whose name today is worth remembering." Technician Staff; Club Editor of Triangle Staff; Senior Home Room Secretary.

CARNEY, Nimrod R. – Special – "What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think" Oratory; Dramatics.

CARR, Edward W. - Mechanical Arts - "Find a way or make one."

CAROUVICH, Tony - Aeronautice - "When men arrive at the goal they should not turn back."

CARTER, Thomas B. - Mechanic Arts - "Strive hard to succeed, because without strife success will never be reached." School Service '34.

CASSANI, Henry - Commercial Art - "An empty barrel makes the most noise."

CASSON, Vernon - Aeronautics - "If you want your ship to come in, you must send one out."

CATLIN, Robert - Printing - "When there is work and play to be done, forget about the work." Intermural Basketball, Football, Indoor Ball.

CHAPLO, Andrew J. – Chemical and Metallurgical – "Wissenschaft-Arbeit-Fortschritt" Cass Chemical Club.

CHAPPELLE, Grant - Architectural Building - "Life without a purpose is a ship without a rudder."

CHEATHAM, Muriel Lee – Pre-Nursing – "Life is one great orchestra in which we are musicians must keep our instruments well tuned so as to prevent a discord".

CHEESEBARO, Melvoir P. - Science - "If at first you do not succeed, try, try, again."

CHESKE, Arthur - Electrical - "For all your days prepare, and meet them ever alike; when you are the anvil, bear; when you’re the hammer, strike." R.O.T.C. Lieutenant.

CHILDS, Eileen - Costume Illustration - "Bridge your road to success with a smile."

CHINN, Francis.

CHOPKO, Alec Theodore - Science - "Wisdom without thought is labor lost; thought without wisdom is perilous. Chem Club.

CHRISTENSEN, Paul - Printing - "To err is human." Student Council; Technician.

CHRISTIANSEN, Robert C. - Aeronautics - "Anything worth doing is worth doing well." Cass Aero Club.

CHRISTO, Uno Jean – Science – "Be yourself" Basketball, Student Manager; Student Council, Vice-President; Tennis; Technician Associate Editor; Field Hockey.

CIELUCK, Ted - Electrical - Study is like the heaven's glorious sun." Star Delta Club.

CLARK, Edward - Printing - "Don't write, and fear no woman; Do right and fear no man." Intrmural Basketball, Football.

CLARK, Jack - Commercial Art - "Slow but sure."

CLEIN, Henry Fred - Electrical - "What do I do now."

CLINARD, Ruth V. – Costume Design – "After all should the lark cease singing because winter must come?"

COCHRANE, John - Printing.

COHEN, Albert - Automotive - It is better to keep your mouth shut and be considered a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Traffic Club.

COHEN, Alfred - Aeronautics - "Great silence is golden. To talk is useless."

COHEN, Herman - Automotive - "It is what we do and what we think that makes us what we are." Traffic Club.

COLL, Douglas Haig – Electrical – "no legacy is so rich as honesty." Star Delta Club ’33. ’34.

CONAT, Clarence W. - Electrical - "Everything comes to him who waits."

CONRAD, Bernard J. - Mechanical - "Instruction may end with school, but education only with life."

CONTRI, Evandro L. – Printing – "Don’t give away all your advice, save a little for yourself".

COOPER, Harold - Drafting - "Science is always wrong; it never solves a problem without ten more."

CORTES, Paul L. – Electrical – "Without haste, but without waste." Star Delta Club ’32, ’33, Vice President ’34; Hi-Y Club.

COUSINS, Ross - Commercial Art - "Gradatum-step by step."

CRAFT, Charles H. - Drafting.

CRANE, Howard G. - Electrical - "Now or Never." Technician Staff.

CRIGGER, Harry J. - Aeronautics - "To get ahead you must have one." Swimming '33; Triangle Staff.

CROSS, Sol - Aeronautics - "Civil to all; sociable to some; friend to one; enemy to none." Diving '33, '34, '35; Lettermen's Club '34, '35.

CURTIN, Gilbert J. - Automotive - "As long as the world is round nothing is on the level." Hockey '32, '33.

CYREK, Michael - Aeronautics - "To strive, To seek, To find and not to yield."

CZAPRAN, John A. - Mechanic Arts - "Worthy aims are achieved only by hard work."

DAIGLE, Marguerite A. - Costume Design - "A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines."

DAKHLIAN, Andrew S. - Drafting - "It takes a head to get ahead."

DALE, Wilda - Science - "Be wise." "Soar not too high to fall, but sloop to rise."

DALY, Vincent R. - Electrical - "Our today's and yesterdays are the blocks with which we build." Track '31, '32, '33, Captain '34; Football '34; Star Delta Club '34; Lettermen's Club '32, '34.

DANIELS, Jack L. - Commercial Art - "I would rather be right than president." Deacons' Club '35.

DAVIDSON, Edna Mae - Commercial Art - "Not finished-just beginning." Art Club '35.

DAVISON, Harry - Printing.

DAYGAS, Michael - Mechanic Arts - "Success comes from the backbone not the wishbone." Mechanical Arts Club '33, '34.

DEIM, Marie Catherine - Pre-Nursing - "What's the difference as long as I'm still healthy." Girl Reserves; Nurses Prep; Girls' League; Carnival (Water); Pageant; Ask Me.

DEINZER, Beulah – Science - "Do not expect anything out of your studies if you do not put anything into them." Secretary of the Senior January Class Officers; Student Council; Tennis; Hockey; Chemistry Club Treasurer.

DeKOLD, Joe - Science - "I can take it; win or lose."

DEMMON, Josephine - Commerical Art - "Alpha and Omega."

DENIER, Leon Robert - Aeronautics - " No first-class phonograph is ashamed of its records."

DENSMORE, Jack – Metallurgy – "Better late than never" Chemistry Club.

DERY, Muriel Frances - Pre-Nursing - "Well, folks I'm on my way" Swimming '33; Pageant; Water Carnival '32; Ask Me Club.

DESOFF, Carl - Electrical - "Tackle at the bottom and don't give up until you're on the top." Traffic Culb.

DETZ, Zigmund.

DICK, Jack - Electrical - "Never say die." Star Delta Club '34, '35.

DIGIUSTO, Celso A. – Automotive – "The fool is taught without; the wise with a word".

DI SANTE, Anthony - Electrical - "Absence of occupation is not rest, a mind quite vacant is a mind distressed."

DISTLER, Lorraine Marie - Pre-Nursing - "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die the undertaker will be sorry." (Mark Twain) Tennis Team Captain '34; Basketball '34; Girl Reserves; Student Council.

DOBSON, Bernice L. - Per-Nursing - "All's well that ends well." Dramatic Club'34, '35; Nurses Prep Club '32, '33, '34.

DODD, Elizabeth - Pre-Nursing - "The only virtue in any principle, is its ability to stand the test."

DORNAN, William - Drafting - "Be prepared."

DOUGHTY, William E., Jr. - Electrical - "I do what I do because I want to." Technician Staff '34; Radio Club '31, Vice President '32, President '33.

DRAW, Johnnie May - Pre-Nursing - "Make each goal when reached a starting point for further quest."

DRUTCHAS, Edward - Science - "A thousand eyes should shine with rapture on a ruin. Would they have looked with half their wonder on the perfect pile?"

DRYER, Elsie H. - Costume Ill. - Let perfection be your goal." Girl Reserves.

DUDAT, Lolo Margot - Pre-Nursing - "A little learning is a dangerous thing."

DULYEA, Richard H. - Printing - "Clear thinking is the way to success."

DUNN, Marvin R. - Automotive - "Keep Cool." Varsity Football '33; Intramural Basketball '33, '34.

DUNN, Richard Lloyd - Electrical - "If yhou value life, then guard well thy time, for time's the stuff life's made of. Hi-Y Club '32, '33, '34, '35, Treasurer '33, President '34.

DUNNABECK, Joseph F. - Electrical - "He who achieves success does so because he has prepared for it."

DUNNEBACK, William A. - Printing - "What has been accomplished in the past can be accomplished in the future." Hi-Y Club; Intramural Baseball and Basketball.

DZIKOWSKI, Michael - Science.

DZOBA, Steve - Music - "It does not require a pull to go down hill." Cass Concert Band '32, '33, '34; Cass Symphony Orchestra '33, '34; Flute Club '33; Boy's Glee Club '31, '32.

EBERHART, Addie L. - Inst. Home Economics - "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."

EKLUND, George - Mechanic Arts - Mech. Arts Club; Indoor Track '35; School Service.


ELLIES, Edward - Mechanical Arts - "Down but not out." Mech. Arts Club; Hall Duty '35.

ELLINGTON, Daniel - Science - "Don't over-estimate your capacity to do things." Chemistry Club '33.

ELLINGTON, William B. - Electrical - "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." Hi-Y President; Student Council; Home Room Chairman.

ENGEL, Gustave J. - Automotive - "What has been done can be done."

EVANS, Ruth - Pre-Nursing - "An ounce of success is worth a ton of excess."

EVENS, Bert - Electrical - Swimming Team '32, '33; Lettermen's Club '33, Secretary '34.

FARMER, Marie - Music.

FARRELL, Rosemary - Pre-Nursing - "It is of no use to wait for your ship to come in unless we have sent one out." Nurses' Prep Club; Swimming.

FENKER, John A. - Electrical - "There's always a greater future than there was a past."

FERRARA, Felix A. - Automotive - "It's not what you learn, It's what you earn."


FISH, Vernon - Marhanic Arts.

FLEMING, R. Aldredge - Printing - "The man with push may get there; but it is the man with push and character who stays there."

FRANK, Martin - Science - "Though the trail be long, the climb steep, the memories of our school will keep." Dramatics '35; Debating Team '34.

FOEGE, Margaret J. - Occupational Therapy - "Variety is the spice of life." Swimming '32; Tennis '32, '33; Art Club '32; Girls' League.

FOGO, David - Drafting - "think slowly, act promptly, above all think."

FRAHM, Gerald D. – Science II – "Do what thy manhood bids thee do".

FRANCZAK, Joanna - Pre-Nursing - "Even a hair casts a shadow-look at me." Nurses Prep Club; Girl Reserves; Tennis Team '34; Pageant; Ask Me.

FROCHLICH, Nelson F. - electrical - "In the bright lexicon of youth there is no such word as fail." R.O.T.C. '31, '32.

FRYZEK, Gerald W. – Aeronautics – "There are no uninteresting things; There are only uninteresting people." Aero Club.

GAHMEN, Thomas

GALL, Arthur - Drafting - "Veni, Vidi, Vici!"

GALLINET, Edna - Dress Design - "Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle." Girls' League; Art Club.

GALZKA, Orval Charles - Printing - "Knowledge is Power."

GAMBLE, Elsie - Inst. Home Economics - "Every man carries with him the world in which he must live, the stage and the scenery for his own play."

GAMMAGE, Douglas - Electrical - "Earn what you get, demand what you earn." President of Star Delta Club; Physics Club; Slide Rule Club; Math Coach.

GARDNER, Floyd - Automotive - "I have crossed the river, the ocean lies ahead." Traffic Club; R.O.T.C. '31, '32.

GARELIS, Cassy - Mechanical - "It isn't the way the wind blows-it's the way you set your sail."

GARNER, Helen H. - Inst. Home Economics - "Every man to his trade, anybody can shoo a chicken, but it takes a blacksmith to shoe a horse."

GARNER, Robert - Mechanic Arts.

GASTAND, Rita May - Science - "Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud; Knowledge talks lowly; ignorance talks loud."

GENNA, Anthony - Commercial Art

GEORGE, Achilles N. - Aeronautics - "Never lose the spirit of industry." Track '33, '34, Captain '35; Pageant '34; Senior Play '35.

GEORGEEFF, W. Boris - Aeronautics - "Make new friends - keep the old - for one is silver - the other is gold." Hi-Y Club '33, '34, '35; Track '33, '34; Cross Country '33, '34; Letterman's Club '34, '35.

GETTYS, Marjorie - Commercial Art.

GILMAN, Hyman - Automotive - "The world knows little of its greatest men." Senior Editor of Triangle '35.

GIMONT, Steven – Printing – "Everyone has enough to do if he properly and successfully regulates his own life" Home Room Basketball.

GIULIANI, Bruno - Automotive - "Success is the key to happiness."

GOMES, Charles L. - Printing - "Today is the time. The past is gone and can never come back. Tomorrow is unknown; but live your life, and so act to make you feel that your day has been worthwhile not only for yourself but for others."

GOOD, Lloyd H. - Chemistry-Metallurgical - "Don't alibi, your friends don't need 'em and your enemies won't believe 'em." Chem. Club; Triangle Staff.

GOODFELLOW, Hugh R. - Aeronautics - "For when the one great scorer comes to make against your name, he marks not that you won or lost but how you played the game."

GOODMAN, James - Printing - "Better to go unnoticed that to be conspicuous." Varsity Baseball '33, '34, Captain '35; Hockey '34, '35; Football '34.

GOODMAN, John - Aeronautics - "Success, - So what."

GORDON, Eva – Music – "The song is ended but the melody lingers on" Cello Club; Girl’s Glee Club.

GORDON, Jack - Aeronautics - "Keep trying."

GOULD, Norman R. - Mechanic Art - "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you."

GREENFIELD, Leonard - Automotive - "Geniuses are born and not taught."

GREENWOOD, Alan – Printing – "Believe your beliefs, Doubt your douts".

GREIFENSTEIN, Henry W. – Electrical – "There will come a day" Star Delta Club.

GRIMALDI, Blasey - Science - "What we will be we are now becoming." Chemistry Club.

GROCHOWSKI, Ted A. - Aeronautics - "He who lives without folly is not so wise as he thinks."

GROSS, Irving - Science - "This world and its surroundings is a subject well worth being acquainted with." Orchestra '32, '33.

GUERTLER, Earl W. - Aeronautics - "Since the world is round how can anybody go straight." Hi-Y Club.

GULOVICH, Harry R. - Commercial Art - Art Club.

GURIN, Walter S. – Aeronautics – "Why take life seriously, you will never get out of it alive." Hockey ’34; Lettermen’s Club.

GUTENSPERGER, Charles - Electrical - "The world steps aside and lets pass the man who knows where he is going."

GUTKOWSKI, John P. – Mechanic Arts – "Virtue lies in struggle, not in prize" Lettermen’s Club; Track ’32; Cross Country.

GUTOWSKI, Richard A. – General – "Above all else is humanity." Cross Country ’33; Track ’34, ’35.

GUTTENTAG, Sydney - Electrical - "Ambition has no rest."

GYORI, William Louis - Electrical - "E pluribus unum."

HABALEWSKY, Emil A. - Mechanical Arts - "Live and learn."

HAHN, Ralph G. - Electrical - "The coming events cast their shadow before." Student Council '34, '35.

HALL, Ruth L. - Music - "A rich girl is poor without music." Society of Music Historians '32, '33; Girls' Glee Club '32, '33, '34.

HAKIM, Karin - Science - "Think before you act."

HAMMERSLY, John E. - Chem. Metallurgy - "I am what I am and that's all I am." Senior Treasurer of the January Class Officers.

HANCOCK, A. Randolph - Metallurgical - "Knowledge is proud, it knows so much; Wisdom is humble, it knows no more." Hall Duty '32, '33, '34.

HANSEN, Oliver H. – Aeronautics – "Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives stop thinking and go on" Cross Country.

HANSOM, Merlin - Aeronautics - Aero Club '33, '34, '35.

HANSON, Undine - Commercial Art - "Be smart enough to know you are dumb; not dumb enough to think you are smart." Girl Reserves; Girls' League; Art Club; Water Carnival; Tennis.

HANVA, Walter A. - Aeronautics - "I may be down at times; But never out."

HAPPONEN, Eino - Mechanic Arts - "Knowledge is the key to power and success." Mech. Arts Club '35; School Service '32, '34.

HARCAIRT, William V. - Drafting - "Imagination, the creator of all developments."

HARDASH, Steve - Aeronautics - "Success comes to those who make up their minds to do a thing - and then do it."

HARDER, Lester N. - Science - "High school has taught me one thing - Patience."

HARDESTY, Kenneth J. - Aeronautics - "Life is short; do your best in it al all times." Student Council.

HARPER, Helen Rudene - Science - "Tis not in mortals to command success, But we'll do more, Sempronius; we'll deserve it."

HARRISON, Roy C. - Mechanic Arts - "He travels fastest who travels alone."

HARRISON, Sevannah L. - Pre-Nursing - "To live and learn; being wise in silence." Excelsior Girls' Reserve.

HARTWICK, Louis – Electrical Construction – "Thy wise man is seen, but seldom heard".

HARWOOD, Edith - Inst. Home Economics - "A stitch in time saves nine."

HAYNES, Ernest - Mechanical - "To learn is to earn."

HEANEY, Marion - Inst. Home Economics.

HEBSON, Jack L. - Drafting - "Those who never make mistakes never do anything." Drafting Club.

HEIMKE, Herman E. - Printing - "Knowledge makes wisdom so we must be wise."

HEROWITZ, Goldie - General - "Little Maid, what now." Girls' Varsity Hockey '34; Technician Club Editor.

HERR, Helen - Science - "The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worth while, that costs the least and gives the most is just a pleasant smile." Hockey '32, '33, '34; Girls Reserves '33, '34; Modern Alchemists '33-Vice-Pres., Pres.; Student Council '35.

HERTIEL, Loretta Helen - Pre-Nursing - "All that you do do with your might, for things done by halves are seldom done right." Girl Reserves-Secretary '35; Nurses' Prep Club-Treasurer '34; Girls' League; Pageant '33.

HILDEBRAND, Althea - Commercial Art - "we learn wisdom from failure much more than success." Art Club. '35.

HILL, Orealia Marie - Pre-Nursing - "It is better to be than just to seem to be."

HINCHCLIFF, Frank Roland - Mechanic Arts - "Honesty is the best policy always."

HINZ, Alvin - Commerical Art - "We finish to begin."

HIRSCHBECK, Edward - Mechanic Arts - "He who waits for others to accomplish great deeds will never accomplish great deeds himself." Physics Club.

HOAGBIN, Joe - Electrical - "Give me a library, a laboratory, and a place to think, and I shall have achieved success." Physics Club-President; Star Delta; Radio Club.

HOCKING, Pelsie E. - Pre-Nursing - "Never trouble trouble, til trouble troubles you."

HOLCOMB, Helen M. - Pre-Nursing - "Do it today for there is no tomorrow." Girls Reserves; Nurses' Prep Club; Student Council; Girls' Basketball; Service Club.

HOLZHEU, Elsie - Inst. Home Economics - "There is nothing the body suffers that the soul may not profit by."

HOOVER, Ruby L. - Pre-Nursing - "Hard work generally brings success."

HORNKE, Alvin – Printing – "To be happy ourselves is a most effectual contribution to the happiness of others".

HORSTMAN, Herman - Mechanical - "Climb, though the rocks be rugged." Mech. Arts Club; Hall.

HORTON, Robert - Commercial Art - "Triangle" Art Editor '35.

HORVATH, Julius J. – Science – "Into every life a little rain must fall." Chemistry Club, Secretary ’32; Vice-President ’33, President ’34.

HROCH, Charles - Architectural Building - "Silence is a true friend who never betrays." Architectural Club-Secretary Setp. '33, '34.

HUEMME, Charlotte - Pre-Nursing - "All that I am; all that I hope to be; I owe to my darling, sincerest mother." Nurses' Prep Club.

HUMBLE, Josephine Roberta - Pre-Nursing - "If it's success I owe it to God and my dear mother."

HUTTON, Virginia Dee - Pre-Nursing - "If things were to be done twice-'twould be wise." Nurses' Prep Club; Basketball.

HUURTO, Toivo W. - Mechanic Arts - "To be, rather than to seem to be." Mech. Arts Club; Radio Club; School Service '32, '34, '35.

ISRAEL, Leonard J. – Electrical – "There is yet tomorrow" Radio Club.

JACKSON, Halstead – Aeronautics – ‘Speak well of your enemies. Remember you made them." Triangle Staff.

JACOBS, Elizabeth - Pre-Nursing.

JAKSTYS, Anthony L. – Mechanical.

JAROSEWICH, Joe A. - Mechanica - "If you can meet and master each day's test you've reached the roll of honor with the best."

JENDRYKA, Mercedes G. - Pre-Nursing - "A wise man changes his mind, a fool never." Girl Reserves Club.

JENSEN, Gerda - Nurses' Prep - "There is no gathering roses without being pricked by thorns."

JENSON, Doris Louise - Pre-Nursing - "Be like a teakettle; although it's up to its neck in hot water, sill it sings." Field Hockey' 33, '34; Basketball '33, '34, '35; Intramural Basketball '33, '34; Girl Reserves '33, '34; Nurses' Prep Club '33.

JESKY, John Joseph - Aeronautics - "A winner never quits and a quitter never wins." Football '33, '34; Letterman's Club.

JOHNS, Lorraine - Costume Illustration.

JOHNSON, Elizabeth E. - Inst. Home Economics - "Let your goal be high and honorable; never quitting till the end." Glee Club; Girl Reserves.

JONASSEN, John F. - Electrical - "If you want a thing done right - do it yourself." Radio Club Treasurer.

JONES, Melrose T. - Aeronautics - "The fruit that falls without shaking is indeed too mellow for me." Traffic Club.

JONES, Milton E. – Aeronautics – "I am not the best, but I am better than the rest".

JONES, Robert - Aeronautics.

JORDAN, Verta G. - Pre-Nursing - "Our business in life is not to get ahead of other people, but to get ahead of ourselves."

JUCHARTZ, Wm. - Electrical - "Always look forward. Never backwards."

JURIVICH, Albert J. – Aeronautics – "Work hard and you will succeed".

KACZYNSKI, Sigmunt - Aeronautics - "Where there is life there is hope."

KAFARSKI, Henry A. - Electrical - "Smile and make life worth while." Traffic Club.

KAFARSKI, Mitchell I. - Aeronautical - "The man who makes every minute count often becomes the man of the hour." Traffic Club; Basketball.

KAISER, Laurence - Electrical - "Late to bed early to rise keeps your room-make from wearing your ties."

KALB, Mildred H. - Occupational Therapy - "One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing." Girls' Glee Club '33; Pageant "The Turning Wheel" '33; Technician '34; Girls' League.

KALEITA, Edwin - Science - "Where it not madness to deny to live because we're sure to die." Chemistry Club; School Service '33.

KALISZEWSKI, Irene - Pre-Nursing - "Think twice before you speak."

KALMBACH, Beth - Music.

KALUZNY, Bennie – Arch. Building – "Few men make themselves masters of the things they write or speak."

KAPLAN, Leo - Automotive - "Good character inevitably wins confidence and so attains leadership." Traffic Club.

KAPUSTINSKY, Anthony - Aero - "Words are like leaves and where they much abound much fruit of sense beneath is seldom found."

KAROL, Stephen J. - Electrical - "A wise looking person is not necessarily smart."

KAVALESKY, Anthony J. - Aeronautics - "Good things come in small packages." Traffic Club.

KAYATIAN, Joe - Mechanic Arts - "God is creator of a man's soul, but that same man is architect of his own character.

KELLERMAN, Walter G. - Printing - "Work is the sleeping stone to success." Technician Staff Feature Editor; School Service.

KENDALL, Gordon - Commercial Art.

KENNEDY, Maggie Belle – Science II – "The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can well; and doing whatever you do without the thought of fame." Girl Reserves.

KENT, Mary Lee - Pre-Nursing - "Be the best of whatever you are."

KEPPINGER, John, Jr. - Automotive - "Don't expect your ship to come in if you haven't set it out."

KEYS, Mary Beatrice - Inst. Home Economics - "The road to success has just begun."

KIRCH, Elizabeth B. - Pre-Nursing - "Make it a point to do something everyday that you don't want to. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain."

KIRSH, Harry - Mechanic Arts - "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can send a guy to school, but you can't make him think." Physics Club; Radio Club.

KLECZKOWSKI, Joseph S. - Printing - "The best thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you say."

KLEIN, Herman.

KLUNGE, Leonard.

KLUSAK, Anthony F. - Science - "Today is the tomorrow we dreamed of yesterday."

KOPACK, Mary - Pre-Nursing - "Be your age in serious thought and become imbued with the spirit and understanding that goes with it." Girl Reserves '32, '33, '34; Modern Alchemists '32, '33.

KOPITZKI, John - Mechanical Arts - "Success is the product of fore-knowledge and preparation." Hall Duty Captain; Mechanic Arts Club.

KORCZAB, Bronislaus - Aeronautics - "What you begin with, do with your might; things done in halves are never done right."

KOURMARELOS, Theodore W. - Science - 'Prosperity comes to the one who peeks around the corner." R.O.T.C. Officers Club '32, '33, 1st Lieutenant '34.

KOVACS, Ernest F. - Electrical - "Great men are dead, greater men are dying, I don't feel so well myself."

KOWALSKI, Mary Jane - Pre-Nursing - "The greatest joy that life can bring, Is the joy that comes from helping others." Technician '34; Pre-Nursing Club '32, '33, '34; School Service '32, '33, '34.

KOWALSKI, Valerie - Costume Design.

KRAFT, Elmer H. – Mech. Arts – "Real wealth is not measured in money." M.A.C.

KRUPA, Cynthia H. - Pre-Nursing - "The elevator to success is seldom running, try the stairs." Secretary Junior Class '34; Vice-President Nurses Prep Club '34; Secretary and Treasure Girls' League '35; Girl Reserves '35.

KUHN, Henry

KUHN, Raymond - Science - "Second thoughts are best." Traffic Club; Hall Duty.

KUMPULA, Robert Vernon - Aeronautics - "What you are to be you are now becoming." Track ' 32; Swimming '33.

KUROWSKI, William S. - Electrical - "Aggressiveness means progress." Baseball Team, 3 years; Hockey Team, 2 years; Football Team, 1 year; Lettermens' Club.

KWIECINSKI, Eleanor H. – Pre-Nursing – "make it a point to do something everyday that you don’t want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain" Technician Staff.

La BODA, Mary C. - Pre-Nursing - "Forward ever; Backward never." Secretary - Nurses' Prep Club '35.

La BONTE, Gloria T. - Pre-Nursing - "So-What!"

LAKE, Richard - Electrical - "Forward ever, backward never."

LARKINS, Thedis L. - Pre-nursing - "Inspiration plus perspiration equals success."

LEATHLEY, Burton R. – Drafting – "Honking your horn doesn’t help so much as steering wisely" Mechanics Art Club; Triangle Staff, Business Manager.

LECHNER, Jeanne Vivienno - Pre-Nursing - "The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of work." Nurses' Prep Club '32; Girl Reserves '32, '33, '34; Girls League '34; Water Carnival '34; Ask Me Club '34.

LECZNAR, Louis C. - Science - "After all, what is life without its spice."

LeTARTE, Argentine C. - Pre-nursing - "Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday." Nurses; Prep Club; Girls Glee Club.

LETTAU, Fred W. – Automotive – "Better late than never" Football, Acting Captain; Lettermen’s Club, President.

LEVITT, Ruth Ann - Pre-nursing - "There is a woman at the beginning of all great things." Swimming '32, '33, '34; Tennis '33, '34; G.A.A.; Student Council; Girl Reserves; Nurses Prep; Water Carnival '32, '34; Pageant '33.

LEWANDOWSKI, Leonard Walter - Mech. Drafting - "As silent a man is always worth listening to." Tennis '33; Lettermen's Club.

LEWIS, David - Aeronautics - "Live today - remember yesterday and dream about tomorrow!"

LINDSAY, Walter - Architectural and Building - "The goal hardest to reach is the goal worth trying for." Arch. Club.

LING, Theodore C. - Electrical - "An electrician at heart is an electrician that's smart."

LIPINSKI, Virginia – Pre-Nursing – "here’s a sigh to those who love me, and a smile to those who hate, and whatever sky’s above me, here’s a heart for every fate." Girl Reserves Club; Nurses Prep Club.

LISATZ, Bernhart J. - Mechanical Arts - "Work without ambition is failure."

LITWIN, Edward - Electrical - "Always think of the future and not the past."

LOBOCKI, Alphonse T. - Mechanic Arts - "To learn is to advance." Slide Rule Club.

LONSBY, Willard R. - Electrical - Star Delta Club.

LORENGER, Chester - Electrical - "Your best friend is one with whom you can think aloud." Star Delta Club Vice-President.

LOTHAMER, Dorothy Mae - Pre-Nursing - "Sincere at all times; ready for service." Nurses' Prep Club '31, '32, '33-Secretary '34; Girl Reserves '32, '33; Student Council '34.

LUCICH, John - Aeronautics.

MACK, Earl R. - mechanic Arts - "Look forward, not backwards."

MacKEITH, Donald - Mechanic Arts - "It isn't the way the wind blows, it's the way you set your sails." Mech. Arts Club '34, '35; School Service '34, '35.

MADYCK, William

MAHAFFEY, Lewis - Mechanic Arts.

MAJESTIC, Charles Matt - Mechanic Arts - "Knowledge is obtained through books."

MAKUCH, Alex - Aeronautics - "As long as the world is round nothing is on the level." Traffic Club '35.

MANCUSO, Joseph L. – Electrical – "Make haste slowly" Star Delta Club.

MANERY, Jack - Science - "Veni, Vidi, Vincebar." Physics Club.

MANOLAKAS, Constantine - Architectural Building - "Not finished, just begun." Hi-Y Club; Archery Club.

MANSON, Sheldon – Printing – "Eat, laugh, and be merry, for tomorrow we may graduate" Technician Staff.

MARCHIONE, Fred A. - Electrical - "If you get to it and can't do it get to it and do it again."

MARCINKOWSKI, Henry J. - Science - "Success is our aim." Service Club '35.

MARKAVICH, William T. - Electrical - "Knowledge is the backbone of independence." Cass Tech's '35 Handball Champ' Star Delta Club.

MARKS, John O. - Aeronautics - "Keep up your sporting blood and a sense of fair play wherever you are."

MAROK, Joseph M. - Aero - Little man, what now."

MARSH, Lillian T. - Inst. Home Economics - "Silence is deep as eternity; speech is as shallow as time." Nurses' Prep Club.

MARTIN, Virginia Lee - Pre-Nursing - "Over the hill of endeavor lies the city of success." Nurses' Prep Club.

MASKO, Vincent – Aeronautics – Intramural Baseball ’32.

MASTIN, Jennetta - Pre-Nursing - "From the masses come few successes and many failures. May we, the gradustes, be the former."

MATAKOVICH, Walter - Aeronautics - "Forward ever: Backward never."

MATZ, Elizabeth Rose – Music – "Music-the expression of the soul" Cello Club, Vice-President; All City "A" Orchestra; Piano Club, Vice President.

MAXWELL, Reginald - Drafting.

MAY, Claudia - Commercial Art - "Virture is its own reward." Water Carnival; Art Club '32, Secretary '33, '34, '35; Student Council '34, Secretary '35.

MAY, Louise - Inst. Home Economics - "Life is what we make it."

MAZURE, Vanda - "Today, tomorrow, what does it matter." Hockey '32, Captain '34; Swimming '32, '33, '34; G.A.A. '32; Girls Reserves '33, '34.

McCONNELL, Paul G. – Electrical – "Better to have tried and failed, Than never to have tried at all" R.O.T.C.; School Service.

McCONNER, Essie B. - Inst. Home Economics - "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Girl Reserves.

McCONNOHIE, Edward – Aeronautics – Aero Club, Secretary, President; Maybee President.

McCOY, Edith

McCRARY, Lootie - Music - "Not that which we can remember but that which we cannot." Cello Club; Harp Club; Girls' Glee Club.

McGIVERIN, Vernon - Mechanical - "Silence is golden."

McINTOSH, Harley - Aeronautics - "A chain is as strong as its weakest link."

McMORRIS, Lawrence - Metallurgy - "Have faith: time adjusts everything."

McNEICE, Dorothy M. - Pre-Nursing - "Over the hill of endeavor lies the city of success." Girls Reserves '33, '34; G.A.A. '34; Girls League '34; Basketball '34, '35; Field Hockey '33, '34.

McNEILL, Hugh - Commercial Art - Art Editor of the Triangle.

McSWEEN, Gladys - Inst. Home Economics.

MEAD, Lois - Pre-Nursing - "It is not what you do but how you do it." Pre-nursing Club '32, '33; Junior Class Treasurer.

MEARS, Dorothy M. - Inst. Home Economics - "Out of the Life of School into the School of Life." Girl Reserves '33, '34, '35.

MECKLEY, William O. - Mechanic Art - "There are no gains without pain." Mech Arts Club '35; Lettermen's Club '34, '35; Football Team '34.

MEISNER, Harry - Science - "Variety is the spice of life."

MELFORD, Arthur M. - Chem. Metallurgy - "Seek and ye shall find." Triangle Staff '35, Editor-in-Chief.

MERICLE, Marcelle A. - Music - "And the night shall be filled with music, and the cared that infest the day shall fold their tents like the Arabs and as silently steal away." Harp and Vocal Ensemble '32, '33, '34; All City Orchestra '33, '34.

MERRITT, John T. - Aeronautics - "It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives."

MERRIWEATHER, Mary - Pre-Nursing - "Go to it! Even an electric button won't accomplish anything unless it's pushed."

MEYERS, Marie V. - Music - "Music is the grand staff of life; with success and happiness as its key note." Girls' Jazz Orchestra '33, '34; Saxophone Band '33, '34.

MIKOLAJCZAK, Mitchell A. - Aeronautics - "We judge our selves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we already done." Traffic Club.

MILEA, Chester

MILES, Helen - Music.

MILLER, Kenneth - Drafting - "A little work and a little play; Keeps me going through the day."

MILLER, Ruth - Pre-Nursing - "There is no gutter so deep you can't get free to gain self respect and be what you want to be."

MILLS, Wesley - Aeronautics.

MISIUDA, Sabina – Pre-Nursing – "There is plenty of room at the top-keep on climbing" Water Carnival.

MONACELLI, Guido - Mechanic Arts - "It is well to know more than one says."

MOORE, Ben - Chemistry Metallurgy - "Personality is what people think you are; Character is what you are."

MOORE, George - Electrical - "Perseverance is one of the strongest stepping stones to success." Star Delta Club.

MORONEY, Thomas, Jr. – Printing – "Knowledge is the key to success" Championship Team Member; Intramural Indoor Team.

MOROSKI, Alphonse - Electrical - "Knowledge is a treasure, and memory is the treasury."

MULL, Andrew R. - Mechanical Arts - "Do right and fear no man."

MUSALL, Otto - Mechanic Arts - "What you are going to be, you are now becoming." School Service '34; Mech. Arts Club.

NAGY, Irene C. - Pre-Nursing - "Life without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder."

NEITZEL, Burdette J. - Drafting - "A mind unblemished is the noblest possession." Mechanical Art Club.

NEUMANN, Richard J. - Printing - "There are two sides to every question, my side, and the wrong side." Editor-In-Chief of the "Triangle," 1935.

NEWMANN, Walter S. - Aeronautics - "I say try; for if you never try, you never succeed." (Lincoln) Hockey '34, '35; Service Club.

NIKOLOFF, James - Automotive - "Science has no nationality, because knowledge is the patrimony of humanity, the torch which gives light to the world."

NOE, George E. - Architectural Building - "True composition is the composition of the individual with himself-his present seeking to excel his past." Tennis Fall '32; President Architectural Club.

NOLAN, Andrew L. - Aeronautics - "Only hens can accomplish anything by laying around." Track '35.

NOREYKO, Nick – Mech. Drafting – "One of the things I learned best is that I know everything".

NORFLEET, Frances - Commercial Art.

NORRIS, Charleen - Music.

NYGARD, Pearl - Pre-Nursing.

NYKON, Maria - Pre-Nursing - "A quiet mind is richer than a crown." Nurses' Prep. Club.

O'CONNOR, William H. - Electrical - "B2 and BY's (Be Square) and (Be Wise)." Intramural Baseball.

O'DONOHUE, Arthur - Automotive - "Don't take life too seriously; you'll never get out of it alive anyway." Hockey '35.

OGLENSKI, Irene - Pre-Nursing - "Do things; that is try to do things; makes mistakes; but keep on trying." Nurses' Prep Club President; Girl Reserves; Girls' League; Pageant.

OGLESBY, Martha Janice – Pre-Nursing.

OLEJARZ, Edward Frank – Music – "As ye sow so shall ye reap" Band; Orchestra.

OLIVERI, Thomas J. – Aeronautics – "For age and want save while you may; No morning sun lasts the whole day" Home Room Activities.

OWEN, Gilbert - Commerical Art - "Many shameful deeds come unto us decked in gay colors." Art Club.

OWEN, Robert N. - Aeronautics - To err is human, to forgive is divine."

OWENS, Betty - Costume Design.

PAGE, Eddie Watson - Automotive - "Study is the straight line to knowledge." Track '35; Letterman's Club '34, '35; Traffic Club '35.

PALMER, Robert T. - Aeronautics - "A flow of words is no sign of wisdom." Aero Club.

PARENT, Robert L. - Drafting - "make errors stepping stones to the proper solution of problems, but never make the same mistake twice." Mechanical Arts Treasurer '34, President '35; Hi-Y Club '34, '35.

PARKS, Mable Claryce – Nurses’ Prep – "It is always right to have an open mind if you are careful what you put into it."

PARMALEE, Eleanor - Commerical Art - "Man has his will, but not woman has her way."

PARTINGTON, Harry - Electrical - "Deeds are better things than words are, Actions mightier than boastings."

PARUSZKIEWICZ, Frank J. - Aeronautics - "Determination is the key to success."

PATE, Douglas - Aeronautics - "A winner never cheats, and cheater never wins."

PATTERSON, Charles S. - Aeronautics - Great men have died, greater men are dying, and I feel rather bad myself."

PAVORIS, Pete - Mechanic Arts - "Wisdom is worth more than rubies." Baseball '33, '34, '35; Basketball '34, '35-Captain; Football '34; M.A.C.; Letterman' Club; Treasurer of 12-B in '34; Vice President May Class Officers.

PAZGRAT, Edmund - Drafting - "Everyone for himself, and God for us all."

PEACOCK, William - Drafting - "The man who tries to drown sorrow generally make his head swim." Mechanic Arts Club '34, Vice President '35.

PEARSALL, Irma - Science - "Why they dubbed me the Duchess, I never will tell, but moniker and all, I'm still doing swell."

PELLEN, Clare - Costume Illustration.

PEMBERTON, Earl - Aeronautics - "The wise carry their knowledge as they do their watches, not for display but for their own use." Traffic Club.

PENMAN, James T. - Automotive - "There is many a slip between the cup and the lip." Traffic Club.

PERAINO, Mike - Electrical - "Mortals say, 'animals are dumb,' but what fools these mortals be!" Home Room Baseball.

PERRYMAN, June - Science - "You seldom learn of man's earned riches; but you always hear his selfish wishes." Technician Staff '33, '34; Girls' Swimming Team Team '34; Modern Alchemists '33.

PETERS, Delbert - Aeronautics -"Worthy aims are achieved only by hard work."

PETERSEN, Carl - Mechanical - "Honesty is the best policy."

PETRUCCI, Primo - Automotive - "I-am-what-I-am-that's-all-I-am." Traffic Club Corresponding Sec.

PETTIS, James A. - Electrical - "Keep your face a-smiling; Keep our heart a-light; Keep your hands a-working and things will come out right." R.O.T.C. '33, '34, '35.

PFAENDTNER, Rita M. - Occupational Therapy - "Be like a tea kettle; even when you're up to your neck in hot water keep singing." Girls' League.

PFEILSTICKER, Walter C. – Drafting - "All great men are dead I feel rather ill myself" M.A.C.

PIHAJLIC, Peter T. - Printing - "Knowledge and timber shouldn't be much used until they are well seasoned." Cross Country; Track '34.

PLAXTON, Gordon C. - Aeronautics - "Remember, the postage stamp got its reputation from its ability to stick till it got there." Hi-Y Club '32.

PLOUGHE, Harold - Commercial Art.

POLLACK, Florence V. - Pre-Nursing - "Work is rewarded by success."

POLUTANOVICH, John - Commercial Art.

POMNITZ, Albert J.J. - Aeronautics - "I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday." (Lincoln) R.O.T.C.

POOLE, Fred - Drafting - "Time and tide wait for no man."

POPKIEWICZ, Frank - Electrical.

POPP, Frank Fredric - Printing - "You're a success when your enemies brag about your hating them." Printing Club.

PORTER, John - Music.


POTTER, Edna – Pre-Nursing – "Every man is a volume if you know how to read him" Girl Reserves.

POUSHO, William A. - Aeronautics - "Character is a diamond that scratches all surfaces."

POWERS, Mary - Dress Design - "Keep your chin up." Art Club '33-Vice President; Sec. May Class Officers; Pageant.

PRENICANO, Joseph A. - Mechanic Art - "It is better, by agreeing with truth, to conquer opinion, than by agreeing with opinion to conquer truth."

PROTSAYLOFF, A.I. - Aeronautics - "Righto."

PRZEZDZIECKI, Harry S. - Electrical - "Sacrifice is the price of success."

PRZYSTUP, Joseph - Electrical - "The hardship of the present are the assurances of success in the future."

PYCZ, Edward – Printing – "Never say die, up man and try" Intramural Football and Basketball.

QUIST, Curtis - Electrical - "Just like a shoestring, always broke."

RADCLIFFE, Elayne - Music - "The road to prosperity is usually jammed with detours." Dance Band; Glee Club; Banquet Orchestra.

RAHKONEN, Woitto A. - "To learn is to earn." - Mechanical Arts Club.

RAHN, Richard - Aeronautics - "Never stall because a tail spin is sure to follow."

RAINE, Helen Louise - Pre-Nursing - "Life is an interesting game. Play fair and square, whether you are winning or losing." Student Council '32, '33, '34; Girls Reserves '33, President '34; Nurses Prep '32, '33, '34; Girls League '33, '34.

RATZ, Vernon A. - Mechanical Drafting - "Men have their troubles the same as women, but they usually have less to say about them." Hi-Y Club; Mechanical Arts Club; School Service; Football '34.

RAUCHER, Frank O. - Science - "All the world is a stage and we all have a part to play in it." Chem Club.

RAWE, Jack

RAYLE, Arnold.

RECKNAGEL, Arnold - Electrical - "He who shall wait shall have what he will." Star Delta Club; Hi-Y Club Vice President; Home Room Captain.

REDLICK, Raymond J. - Mechanic Arts - "Think twice before you move once." Traffic Club.

REID, Stewart J. - Mechanic Arts - "Beware of the first step."

REMKUS, Anthony - Printing - " Little man, what now?" Intramural Football, Basketball, Soft Ball.

RENHOLT, George, Jr. - Aeronautics - "Success is built up of backbone not wishbone."

REVA, Alex - Electrical - "All the world's a stage and most of the people thereon would rather play than work."

RIBICH, Louis - Architectural Building - "Famous men are dying all around me, I feel very healthy myself." T-Square Club President '32.

RICE, George M. - Electrical - "Anything worth doing is worth doing well." Student Council '33, '34; Editor-in-Chief Technician '34, '35.

RICH, Alfred William - Aeronautics - "It is better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

RICHARDS, William - Science.

RINN, William H. - Music - "Things left till the last minute often take two minutes." Band Drum Major.

RIVERS, Welcome D. - Electrical - "Observation more than books, experience rather than persons, are the prize education."

ROBERTS, Edwin - Electrical - "the thing that goes the furthest toward making life worth while, that does the most and costs the least, is just a pleasant smile."

ROBERTS, Herman - Science - "When you are in trouble, listen to everyone's advice and do just the opposite." Intramural Track '33; Varsity Track '33, '34; R.O.T.C. '32; Service Club '33.

ROBINSON, Evelyn Letitia – Home Economics - "A workman is only as good as his tools".

ROBSON, James E. - Science - "What you don't know will probably never hurt you."

ROE, Marshall C. - Electrical - "Bf." Hi-Y Club.

ROGGIN, Ben - Science - "Knowledge once gained casts a light beyond its own immediate boundaries."

ROMANOWSKI, Henriette - Science - "You can not dream yourself into character; You must hammer and forge yourself into one. Doubt whom you may but never yourself." Cass Chemistry Cllub '32; Modern Alchemist '32; Girls Reserves '32, '33, '34; Triangle Staff '35.

RON, Isadore E. - Automotive - "God is creator of a man's soul, but that same man is architect of his own character."

RONAYNE, Ray James - Aeronautics - "Little man - So what." Hi-Y '32, '33; Secretary '34, '35; Aero Club '35; President May Class Officers.

ROSE, Hugh M. - Mechanic Arts - "There is but one easy place on this earth and that is the grave."

ROSS, Richard - Aeronautics - "Overcome bashfulness." Hi-Y Club; Senior Champion Football Team.

ROWLEY, George A. – Aeronautics – "Make haste slowly."

ROZIESON, Alex P. - Automotive - "Finished, yet beginning."

RUBIN, Harold - Aeronautics - "A good heart is better than all the heads in the world." Chess and Checkers Club.

RUFF, Edwin C. - Automotive - "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." R.O.T.C.; Intramural Sports.

SANDFORD, Donald H. - Music - "Practice makes perfect." Cass Symphony Orchestra '32, '33, '34, '35; Cass Banquet Orchestra '34.

SANTON, Anthony C. - Mechanical - "He that knows not when to be silent knows not when to speak."

SAROS, James G. – General – Spelling Winner 10th Grade ’32; Extempore Speaker Contest ’33.

SAUKUS, Ursaula - Inst. Home Economics.

SAYERS, Marvin W. - Electrical - "Don't grumble about the short snap of life, remember the length of eternity." Corporal in R.O.T.C.; Student Coach.

SCHAEFER, Virginia - Inst. Home Economics - "All that glitters is not gold."

SCHIAPPACASSE, Marie - Pre-Nursing - "Courage is like the stars; you will not succeed in touching it with the hands."

SCHICK, Barbara Ann - Pre-Nursing - "A hard beginning maketh a good ending; a bad beginning maketh a bad ending." Girl Reserves.

SCHMIDA, A. Marie - Costume Illustrations - "There is no argument equal to a happy smile."

SCHMIDT, Joseph J. - Aeronautics.

SCHMIDT, William - Commercial Art.

SCHNEIDER, Nick - Drafting - "Life is just a chance, nothing gambled nothing gained."

SCHUBACH, Parnell E. - General - "Short, but look out." Chess and Checker Club '33; Hi-Y Club '33, '34, Treasurer '35.

SCHUETTE, Kurt - Architectural Drafting - "Life is work." Architectural Club; Chess Club.

SCHULTZ, Arnold F. - Aeronautics - "As land as the world is round, nothing is on the level." Home Room Representative 215.

SCHULTZ, Paul - "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today."

SCHULTZ, William E. - Music - "Music is supreme." Band; All City Orchestra.

SCHUMBURSKI, Simon - Drafting - "To a man with sense, there is always something to explain." Football '34.

SCHWARTZ, Sam - Occupational - "Tomorrow never comes."

SCHWEDER, Leona - Pre-Nursing - "Forbid and I shall dare."

SEIDL, Peter - Printing - "Knowledge is the well of learning, so drink heartily." Hi-Y Club; Service Club.

SEME, Raymond C. - Automotive - "The truth may be blamed but not shamed."

SENA, James - Science - "Don't give up the ship-sell it."

SEVERY, Dorothy C. - Inst. Home Economics - Laugh, and the world laughs with you, weep, and you weep alone."

SHAFER, Jack - Mechanical - "Quick to learn and wise to know."

SHAPIRO, Morton L. – Printing – "Esse Potius quam videri" Tennis Team; Co-Captain; Letterman’s Club; Technician Staff; Intramural Baseball Champs.


SHIMKOVITZ, Leonard - Drafting - "With a good start the race is half won."

SHOUSKY, Edward - Electrical - "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."

SIBSON, Laurence, Jr. - Mechanical - "We have come into the bay, the world is before us."

SIEHDA, Katherine - Inst. Home Economics - "Cass Tech, the good old days." Nurses' Prep Club; Girl Reserves; Modern Alchemists.

SIEPIERSKA, Genevieve C. - Pre-Nursing - We get out of life exactly what we put into it." Girl Reserves, Vice President; Nurses' Prep Club.

SIKORSKY, Walter A. - Aeronautics - "Enthusiasm is necessary to worth while accomplishment."

SILVERMAN, Bernard – Automotive – "Hard work is the key to success." (My grandfather)

SIMICH, Gladys.

SIMMONS, Evelyn - "Last, but not least." (She had the last picture in the year book)

SIMPSON, Walter Lowell - Science - "Know." Basketball; Track '33; All city Hurdler '34; 12B-Vice Pres.

SINK, Virginia Mary – Inst. Home Economics – "Care of my coffin adds many a nail no doubt. But every grin I make pulls one out" Pre-Nursing Club.

SINKUS, Bennie - Music.

SINNHUBER, Russell - Science - "Keep true to the dreams of thy youth." Chem Club '33, '34, President '35.

SIRVIS, Genrik - Aeronautics - "It's what you think and what you do that make you what you are."

SKINNER, John C. - Mechanic Arts - "Climb, though the rocks be rough"

SLATER, George - Automotive - "Words are like leaves, where they most abound, much fruit of sense beneath is seldom found."

SLONKA, Harry - Aeronautics - "A flow of words is no sign of wisdom." Basketball '32, '33, '34.

SMITH, Beulah P. - Pre-Nursing - "True glory lies in the silent conquest of ourselves."

SMITH, Franklin A. - Electrical - "Silence is golden." Star Delta Club; Student Council.

SMITH, John J. - Science - "Work and ambition form the basis of success." Hi-Y Club.

SMITH, Joyce - Commercial Art.

SMITH, Mae - Costume Design - "Never fly higher than you can roost."

SMITH, Robert - Automotive - "Beware of little expenses; small leaks sink great ships." Technician '33.

SMYGEN, Constance Louise - Inst. Home Economics - "And so we part. Farewell." Swimming; Hockey; Water Carnival.

SMYGEN, Lauella V. - Costume Design - "Brighten up your hours with a smile." Hockey Team '32, '33; Swimming Team '32; Water Carnival '31, '32.

SNIEZYK, Steve A. - Mechanical Arts - "Employ your time well to gain success."

SNOW, Jack - Printing - "It is easy to drift with the current swift Just lay in the boat and dream. But in Nature's palm it takes a real man. To paddle the boat upstream."

SNOWDEN, John T. - Science - "Success is the reward of the persevering."

SNYDER, Louis - Electrical - "Do not trouble trouble, until trouble troubles you."

SNYDER, Marvin – mechanical Arts – "Inspiration plus Perspiration equals success" 12-B Class Treasurer; Lettermen’s Club; Secretary Hi-Y Club; Tennis Team.

SOBASCO, Olga - Pre-Nursing - "No matter where you land, there's always room a little higher up." Pre-Nursing Club.

SOLINSKI, Ernest R. - Electrical - "A friend is a person who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

SOLOMON, Agnes Clifton - Pre-Nursing - "It isn't necessary to do the best in the world; it's only necessary to do what you can."

SOPHIEA, Charles - Mechanic Arts.

SOPOLINSKI, Edward - Printing - "Wise men make mistakes, fools continue to make them." R.O.T.C. Club; Service Club.

SORVARI, Esko H. - Mechanic Arts - "Success comes from a backbone and not from a fishbone." C.T.Club Captain '34; Swimming '33.

SPENCER, Joseph - Commercial Arts - "Life is just a bowl of cherries." Art Club; Deacons' Club.

SPILSKI, Edward D. – Mechanical Arts – "A man is never too old to learn lots of things that it’s time for him to unlearn".

STACHYRA, Joseph - Music - "Let not the man be trusted that hath no music in his soul." Band '31, '32, '33, '34, '35; Orchestra '31; String Ensemble '31; Flute Club '33.

STANKOV, Walter - Automotive - "We learn, as we live."

STENGLEIN, Mary - Inst. Home Economics - Error is a hardy plant; it flourishes in every soil."

STEPHENS, Katherine Lelia - Pre-Nursing - It is with words as with sunburns, the more they are condensed the deeper the burn." Pre-Nursing Club.

STEWART, Robert W. - Aeronautics - "Don't kick a man when he is down - He may get up." R.O.T.C.

STILES, Frelkia - Pre-Nursing.

STOCKUM, Mildred - Music.

STRAM, Harold E. - Aeronautics - "A woman may be younger than she looks, but always older than she lies."

STREET, Eva - Pre-Nursing - "Face life squarely; To find and give the best."

STROHSCHEIN, Harriet A. - See "In Memoriam" at the top.

STRONG, Donald P. - Automotive - "Know thyself."

STRYBEL, Zigmund - Electrical - "Forward ever; backward never."

STYRK, Sadie Viola - Pre-Nursing - "Ascar nobly got is a good livery of honor." Hockey Team '32, '33.

SUDIA, Walter V. - Aeronautics - "It's the long run that counts."

SVEHAR, Victor R. - Science - "Knowledge is power."

SZLAGA, Emil V. - Architectural Building - "The road to success is open to all." Radio Club; Chess Club.

SZYMANSKI, Cecilia Marie - Pre-Nursing - "Forward ever; Backward never."

TABOR, Robert N. - Mechanic Arts - "He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread." School Service "33, "34; Mechanic Arts Club '35.

TANDY, Joseph F. - Science - "Have a kind word for every man, for he who serves you today may be your master tomorrow." Science Club '33.

TARKOWSKI, Irene D. – Music – "Never B Sharp, Never B Flat, Never B Normal" Aeolian Club; Girl’s Glee Club.

TARPLEY, Mary Jane - Pre-Nursing - "The ladder of life is full of splinters but they always prick the hardest when we're sliding down." Basketball '33; Nurses Prep Club '33; Dramatic Club.

TATORAITIS, William – Electrical – "Do unto other as you would have others do unto you".

TAYLOR, Helen - Costume Design - "Live, Laugh, and Love."

TAYLOR, Lynn Edgar – Printing – "Let all good things be good" Hi-Y Club; R.O.T.C. Club; Pageant; Service Club.

TAYLOR, Mary E. - Inst. Home Economics - "Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no Happiness without action."

TECHOW, Vera E. - Dress Design - "Do tomorrow what you can't do today."

TENNISWOOD, Howard - Electrical - "It's the effort of every blade of grass that keeps the meadow green."

TEWENTEU, Sam - Architectural.

THOMAS, Earl A. - Mechanic Arts - "When you're at the bottom there is only one way to go." Mech. Arts Club '34, '35; Business Manager of Triangle, June '35.

THOMPSON, Catherine - Pre-Nursing - "He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool, and he that dare not reason is a slave."

THOMPSON, Fred - Science - "One can if her thinks he can; character is perfectly educated will".

THOMSON, William - Mechanic Arts - "Knowledge is power." Home Room Football.

THORBURN, William - Electrical - "If a day could only be a year."

THORNTON, Robert E. - Aeronautics - "Good things come in little packages." Football '33, '34.

TIERNEY, Gordon H. - Aeronautics - "A diamond with a flaw is better than a pebble without one."

TOBE, Clarence H. - Science - "Better to be wise and look simple than to look wise and be simple."

TOBOLA, Evelynne - Music.

TOTH, Michael, Jr. - "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Football Reserves '33, Varsity '34.

TRAVIS, Arthur - Automotive - "A quitter never wins and a winner never quits. - He retires." Cross Country '33; Track '33, '34; Traffic Club '35.

TRENTACOSTA, Benjamin – Architectural Building.

TRONE, Laura Marie - Inst. Home Economics - "Sow an act and you reap a habit, a habit and you reap a character, a character and you reap a destiny."

TROWELL, Robert - Architectural Building - "Never swallow without making proper arrangements of digestion." Hockey '33, '34, '35; Football '34; Treasurer May Class Officers.

TUMA, William - Automotive - "Don't stop at third base, keep on going." Star Delta Club.

TUCKER, Charles H. - Electrical - "Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes it."

TURNER, Spencer D. - Music - "Be the labor large or small do it well or not at all." Treasurer Cello Club; Vice-President Piano Club.

TYLER, Harriet - Science - "Along the cool sequestered vale of life, She kept the noiseless tenor of her way."

VAUGHN, Aubrey M. - Science - "There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at it; flood leads on to fortune."

VEHKO, Viola M. - Science - "He who pretends to know everything proves that he know nothing." (LeBailly) Hockey '32, '33; Girls Reserves; Swimming '34.

VIAL, Norman - Aeronautics - "To study and to learn is to know happiness." Fottball.

VICTOR, Simon – Electrical – "Wise to resolve and patient to perform" Captain of Hall Duty; Office Force.

VIDYKOW, Alex R. - "Aeronautics - "We came, we saw, we left." Aero Club; Cross Country '33.

VINE, Genevieve E. - Pre-Nursing - "We tire of those pleasures we take, but never those we give."

VITALI, Irvin H. - Electrical - "Natural ability + training + persistent hard work = success."

VOLOTKE, Ralph J. - Music - "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept my faith." Orchestra; Band; President Piano Club '34.

WAGNER, Anna – Inst. Home Economics – "It is better to be quiet and thought a fool than to speak and thus remove all doubt."

WARNICK, Abe - Electrical - "We live today." President Radio Club; Electric Club.

WASAMA, Ruth I. - Pre-Nursing - "To friends - A friend." G.A.A. Treasurer '34, '35; Swimming Team '34, '35; Water Carnival '34.

WASKIVICH, Lillian - Commercial Art - "The highway of originality leads to the city of genius." Art Club '32, '33, '35.

WATERSWORTH, Virginia - Costume Illustration - "Anticipation is greater than realization."

WATSON, Donald Edward - Electrical - "Stand on your own feet; Take your blame; and so progress."

WATSON, Mildred Bernice – Science – "Go to it and do it. Beautiful plans will never put butter on your bread." Girls Reserves Club; Science Club.

WATT, Alastair M. - "O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us, to see ourselves as teachers see us."

WATTS, Mildred. L. - Pre-Nursing - "What you are to be, you are now becoming."

WAULDRON, Norman S. - Aeronautics - "Geniuses are born, not taught." R.O.T.C. '32; Intramural Track.

WEBER, Harold G. – Aeronautics - "Some people dream of making money, while the wise man is making it." Vice President of the January Class Officers; Swimming '32. '33; Intramural Debate '34.

WECKWERT, Martha - Inst. Home Economics - "The rule of life is to make good or to make room."

WEISS, Margaret - Costume Illustration - "The flow of words is not a sign of wisdom." Art Club '34, '35; Dramatics Club '33, '34, '35; Pageant '33; Senior Play '35.

WESTLAKE, Ralph - Commercial Arts - "No man ever reached the top by coasting." Deacons' Club; Art Club '31, '32.

WEYANDT, Eileen D. - Pre-Nursing - "Tis education forms the common mind; just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined."

WHITE, Donald W. - Drafting - "Education is the success of all men."

WHITE, Francis

WIDAWSKI, Leonard - Commercial Art - "If you want faithful servants, serve yourself."

WIKANDER, Mary Elinor – Music – "She didn’t let her studies interfere with her education" Girl’s Jazz Orchestra; Girls Glee Club.

WILBER, Edgar - Electrical - "Life is a jest, and all thing show it; I thought so once, and now I know it."

WILBUR, William T. - Aeronautics - "Die trying."

WILLIAMS, Luvena A. - Nurses' Prep - "Don't forget that the man who can, but doesn't, must give place to the man who can't but tries." Nurses' Prep Club '33, '34, '35; Girls' Reserves.

WILLIAMS, Theresa A. - Pre-Nursing - "the noblest question in the world is, What good may I do in it." Nurses' Prep Club; Girl Reserves.

WINN, Helen M. - Pre-Nursing - "Bridge your road to success with a smile." Nurses' Prep Club.

WISSENBERG, Emilie Anna - Pre-Nursing - "If a thing is doing, do it well."

WITT, Dorothy - Music.

WITTENBERG, Eugene C. "Gene" - Electrical - "Still waters run deep."

WOHLFIELD, Frederick Wm. - "Commercial Art - "Slow but sure." Art Club.

WOLKAN, Carl - Aeronautics - "Be right, fear no man; don't write, fear no women." Tennis '33, '34.

WOLOWICZ, Raymond Thomas – Automotive – "Scholars-Their county’s treasure." Cass Aero Club; Track Team ’32, ’33.

WOODS, Reva - Pre-Nursing - "You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it our or perish, and if that be so why not now and where you stand." Nurses' Prep.; Publicity Agent.

WRIGHT, John Albert - Mechanic Arts - "Do right and fear no man; don't write and fear no woman." Senior Home Room Football Team.

WUERFEL, Otto Benjamin Emil Jr. - Science - "We all interpret life through our own thoughts and experiences. Therefore endeavor to acquire good thoughts and experiences." Chemistry Club '31, '32.

YASHINSKY, Ben - Electrical - "Honesty and ambition spells success."

YASNY, Edward - Music - "All men are equal - when they are broke." Cass Symphony Orchestra '33, '34, '35; Cass Banquet Orchestra '35.

YESALONES, Bertha - Pre-Nursing.

YOKE, Robert

YOUNG, Richard B. - Aeronautics - "Happiness is the ever retreating summit of ambition hill."

ZACHER, Margaret H. – Inst. Home Econimics – "Successful people not only make hay while the sun shines-but also make it from the grass other people let grow under their feet."

ZAGER, Aldora T. - Pre-Nursing - "All that glitters is not gold."

ZAPICO, Marino G. - Science - "Work is the divine law of our existence."

ZIMMERMAN, Irene - Commercial Art.

ZLOTEK, Ted F. - Mechanic Arts - "Enthusiasm is the intoxication of earnestness." Band I,II, II, IV, V; Stooge Basket Ball '35.

ZOLLER, Harvey F.V. – Aeronautics – "So at last it’s come to this" R.O.T.C., Lieutenant ’32, Captain ’33, Major ’33, Lieutenant Colonel ’34; Student Council; Intramural Debating ’34; R.O.T.C. Offers Club.

ZOYA, Richard F. - Aeronautics - "No man can answer for courage who has never been in danger." R.O.T.C. '32, '33, Captain '34. (There is a note from Richard to my grandfather, that says, "107th Squadron, Air Corps., Best Wishes")

ZYZSKIEWICZ, Genevieve Agnes - Pre-Nursing - "To the stars through difficulties." Girls' Glee Club; Nurses' Prep Club; Girl Reserves.




CARLISLE, Geo. - Sports Editor.

CHRISTO, Jean - Girls Club.

CLARK, Jack - Art Editor.

CRIGGER, H. - Boys Club.

COUSINS, Ross - Art Editor.

GILMAN, H. - Senior Editor.

GOOD, L. - Photographer.

JACKSON, H. - Circulation Mgr.

LEATHLEY, B. - Business Manager.

MELFORD, A. - Editor in Chief.

PATTERSON, Mr. - Sponsor.

ROMANOWSKI, H. - Typist.

SKEWIS, Miss - Sponsor.



ANGEL, Harry - boys Club.

ARENDSEN, N. - Art Editor.

HOAGBIN, Joe - Senior Editor.

HORTON, Bob - Art Editor.

HUEMME, Charlotte - Typist.

HUURTO, T. - Photographer.

MAY, Louise - Typist.

McNEILL, Hugh - Art Editor.

NEUMANN, R. - Editor in Chief.

PEACOCK, Wm. - Circulating Mgr.

PERRYMAN, June - Girls Club.

THOMAS, E. - Business Mgr.

ZLOTEK, Ted - Sports Editor.


The following are autographs in my grandfathers yearbook not next to any picture, but on several of the inside covers. Please keep in mind that these are autographs and some are very hard to read.

ASTLEFORD, Josephine

BOE-------, R.

ELGES, Art 147


FULLER, Hazel G.

GRAY, Chas.

LAGERKVIST?, Bjorn "Swede"




STACKERS?, Leonard 





WHITLCOK, Margaret


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