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 Central High School Yearbook 

June 1920
The Centralite

                                                              Detroit Central High School
                                                                            June 1920
       As we are leaving Central High School and those who for four years have guided us and urged us on toward the final goal of victory, we wish to pay a special tribute to Mr. Wilbur G. Burroughs, able grade principal of the House of Argonauts and the friend and advisor of everybody.
       All through our high school career Mr. Burroughs has been an inspiration to us, for he represents the highest and finest type of manhood, and the nobility and strength of his character has found expression in the very bottom of our hearts.
       For the kindly assistance he rendered in guiding us through vicissitudes, for the wonderful encouragement, council and attention he gave us, we, the Class of June, 1920, as a token of our esteemed gratitude, dedicate to him this CENTRALITE to show that in the heart of this class there is a keen appreciation of his unselfish interest.

   By Ralph Hilliar
   The time has come to say good-bye,
      Good-bye to dear old Central High,
   And though the future may be long,
      We gather now to sing this song.
   We come to say our last farewell,
      And sadder than mere words can tell,
   We now go out into the world,
      With Central's banner, bright, unfurled.
   In years to come of joy and strife
      We'll follow it through all of life,
   And our ideals will always be
      Our gift from Central High.
   The time has come when we must say
      Good-bye to friends and classmates gay,
   And though from Central's ties we part,
      They're written deep on every heart.
   Donald Frederick, President
   Marion F. Taylor, Vice-President
   Gladys L. Hensel, Secretary
   Gus Bobertz, Treasurer
   ACCHIONE, Bob - "And every day is ladies day with me."
   ADAMS, Gwendolyn V. - "As merry as the day is long."
   AGOPIAN, Lillian - "Women of few words are the best women."
   ALFRED, Herbert
   BABCOCK, Kenneth - "Character is a diamond that scratches all other surfaces."
   BACON, Dorothy - "The flower of grace grows on a slender stem."
   BAKER, Phyllis B. - "A light heart lives long."
   BALTER, Harold G. (no picture) - "Words, Words, Words."
   BALDWIN, Ethyl W. - "The type of perfect womanhood."
   BARON, Morris (no picture) - "A lamb among men, a lion among women."
   BERRY, Kenneth
   BIELFIELD, Marion - "People who carry out their great designs are few in number."
   BIXBY, George - "My studies have all my time."
   BLUMBERG, Abraham - "Great oaks from little acorns grow."
   BOBERITZ, Marion - "Nothing is given so profusely."
   BORGMAN, William, Jr. - "I envy no man that knows more than I do, but pity the man that knows less."
   BRADWAY, Vaeda - "Could I love less I should be happier."
   BRISCOE, John - "He's tough, ma'm tough, is J. B. tough and sly."
   BRINKMAN, Elizabeth - "By diligence she wins her way."
   BOOKSTEIN, Esther
   BROWN, Bessie K. - "A maid to whom was so much given, so much of earth, so much of heaven."
   BUCKLEY, John - "All wreathed in smiles his grinning face."
   CAMPBELL, Willard W. - "Fame is only a bubble, but few can produce the soap."
   CAPLAN, Fara E. - "Happy, thrice happy, everyone who sees his labor well begun."
   CARLSON, Frank E. - "It is not what you do but how you do it."
   CAROLIN, Louis - "Opprest with two great evils, age and hunger."
   CHALMERS, Lucille - "A kindly grace of manner and behavior."
   CHAN, Arthur - "Silent men, if few, are mostly good men."
   CHANDLER, Harold - "He is very perfect, genteel knight."
   CLARK, William T. - "He was a good man and just."
   CLOW, Frances M. - "Then on and on where duty leads, my course is ever onward."
   COOK, Hubert - "Young in limb, in judgment old."
   CORN, Florence - "Prone to mischief, able to perform it."
   CURTIS, Charles - "Were silence golden I'd be a pauper."
   DAVIS, Franklin - "My heart is true as steel."
   DUFFIELD, Mark - "God save the mark."
   DUNSTAN, Roy - "I am slow of study."
   ELDER, Beatrice W. - "A good disposition is more valuable than gold."
   ERMAN, Lillie - "The blessing of earth is toil."
   ESSER, Helen - "Her fingers shame the ivory keys they dance so lightly along."
   EVANS, Evelyn M. - "She is light hearted and gay, a general favorite, so they say."
   FALK, Duncan G. - "Here's to Art."
   FEINBERG, Joseph G. - "Industry changes opportunity into smiles and gold."
   FEINSTEIN, Pearl - "Have faith in nothing but in industry."
   FELDSTEIN, Millicent E. - "Diligence is the mother of good fortune."
   FISHER, Donald B. - "And what grins they do not expose."
   FISK, Charles D. - "To be happy is to be contented."
   FLEISCHMAN, Ida S. - "Not much talk - a great, sweet silence."
   FLESHER, Claude - "I've seen the day of wrong through a little hole of discretion."
   FOSTER, Marguerite P. - "She's all that fancy painted her."
   FREDERICK, Donald - "Idleness is an appendix to nobility."
   FRIEDMAN, Betty - "Blest with talent and each art to please."
   GALLOW, Arline - "This fair girl with dance and play, trips light to the time of a new jazz lay."
   GANTZ, Maurice
   GLEIM, Fritz, Jr. - "Happy I am, from care I'm free.  Why aren't all content like me."
   GOBLE, Arthur M. - "Why work when there is play."
   GOLDSMITH, Yetta - "Good things come in small packages."
   GOLDSTEIN, Harold A. - "The world knows little of its great men."
   GOLDSTEIN, Mollie - "Great deeds are natural to grear characters."
   GORDON, Lillian - "In doing what we ought, we deserve no praise, for it is a duty."
   GREENBAUM, Joe - "Resist the devil and from you he flees."
   GROSSMAN, Herbert I. - "Clever men are good, but they are not the best."
   HAMBURG, Thelma - "She is as good as she is fair - none on earth above her."
   HARLEY, Margaret A. - "Youth comes but once in a life time, so I'll use it while I may."
   HARRIS, Dorothy - "Pretty to walk with and witty to talk with."
   HARRIS, S. D. - "Condemn not the fault, but the doer of it."
   HENSEL, Gladys L. - "Just dainty enough to be neat."
   HUREVITZ, Reuben - "It takes a wise man to discover a wise man."
   HILLIAR, Ralph - "And so curses he all Eve's daughters of what complexion soever."
   HOETEGER, Margaret L. - "A heart noble and devoted to the truth."
   HORWITZ, Shurly - "Rather than thirty shillings I read my book of verse and sonnets."
   HURLBUT, Dolores F. - "Full of noble thoughts."
   HUMPHRY, Mary J. - "All may do what has been done."
   ISENBERG, Rosa N. - "Work right on through censure and applause."
   ISKOWITZ, Irving - "Fair words never hurt the tongues."
   JACOB, Jaffe - "Come not within the measure of my wrath."
   JONES, Burwell - "I dote on his very absence."
   KEISER, Theodore - "Take your time."
   KELSEA, Kenneth - "It is good to know the unknown."
   KING, Edward - "Still waters run deep."
   KOVACK, Alexander - "Why frown when you may smile."
   KOZLOW< Herman - "I would rather be right than president."
   KRELLOVITZ, Dorothy M. -"Her air, her manners, all who saw admired."
   KWASELOW, David - "He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter."
   LAMKIN, Mary E. - "Just mischief enough to tease."
   LEVIN, Sam J. - "I'm full of vim and vigor."
   LEVIN, Eva - "Nothing in this woman is so good as usefulness."
   LEIBOVITZ, Nathan - "It is a poor sport that is not worth the candle."
   LIPSHITZ, Helen - "Blessed with plain reason and sober sense."
   LORKEE, Olaf - "Just at that age twixt boy and youth."
   LONG, Elizabeth S. - "Henced loathed melancholy."
   LUXMORE, Emerson - "A dinner lubricates business."
   MANSFIELD, Cyrena C. - "Better to be small and shine than large and cast a shadow."
   MAXMEN, Anna E. - "The mirror of all courtesy."
   McBRYDE, Elizabeth - Your spirits shine thru you."
   McCULLOCH, Queenie - "As good be out of the world as out of fashion."
   MERETZKY, Issy - "Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe."
   MOWERY, Mabel - "I am very fond of the company of men.  I like their vivacity and I like their silence."
   MOYER, Marion - "Happy, thrice happy, one who sees his labor well begun."
   MUSKOVITZ, Ervin - "I like lady fingers."
   NAVARRE, Ruth - "She is a woman that may be won."
   NICHOLSON, Rosalie E. - "More is thy due than all can pay."
   NOACK, Walter - "I will speak daggers to her, but use none."
   OATES, Stanley - "With all his crimes broad blown as flush as May."
   OPPENHEIM, Royal - "Strive to do what's right."
   OSBORN, James C. - "A proper man as one may see on a summer's day."
   PASTERNACKIE, Arthur - "Here's metal more attractive."
   PELMEAR, William A. - "I have a thirst for knowledge."
   PHELPS, Gladys - "A fund of inborn graciousness."
   PHILLIPS, Harold - "I worship the angels above."
   PLATT, Harry H. - "A rhapsody of words."
   PLOETZ, Fred - "Some are wise, some otherwise."
   PORTER, Eleanor M. - "Knowledge is the great sun in the firmament.  Life and power are scattered by its rays."
   POSTLES, Mary F. - "Better not be at all than not be noble."
   POTTER, Russell P. - "The lady doth protest too much me thinks."
   PURSE, Gilbert - "A king of shreds and patches."
   PYLE, Allyne F. - "A full blown flower of glorious beauty."
   REID, Norman
   REYNOLDS, Elizabeth M. - "Sucess comes in cans;  failure in can'ts."
   REYNOLDS, Elmer
   RIGGS, Ester - "If the heart of man is depressed with cares, the mist is dispelled when this woman appears."
   ROSENSTEIN, Esther - "I can never be but by doing or producing something great."
   ROSENTHAL, Laura H. - "To those who know thee not no words can paint, to those who know thee all words are faint"
   ROSS, Marjorie A. - "How near to good is what is fair."
   ROSTANKOWSKI, Anna G. -"Be sure you are right then go ahead."
   ROTHSTEIN, Alice - "The heart giveth grace to every art."
   RUFFKESS, Gertrude - "A woman of cheerful yesterdays and confident tomorrows."
   RYAN, Elsie G. - "All must be earnest in a world like ours."
   SCHERER, William - "Handsome, blythe, debonair."
   SCHNYDER, Jack - "Oh, let me sleep on in peace."
   SCHUMACHER, William
   SCHUSTER, Max - "A pearl of great worth."
   SELIK, Rebecca J. - "I would rather excell others in knowledge than in power."
   SHARA, J.
   SHANNON, Hugh H. - "Calm and unruffled as a summer sea."
   SILVERSTIEN, Ben - "If you wish to be uncritisized, say nothing, think nothing, do nothing."
   SILVER, Felix - "And virtue tho in rags, will keep me warm."
   SINGER, Annie - "Plain truths need no flowers of speech."
   SMALL, Beatrice
   SOBAOLE, Rose H. - "Speak to me as I am."
   SOLOVICH, Celia - "Be sure that you are right, then go ahead."
   SNELL, Katherine E. - "He who respects himself is safe from others."
   SNYDER, Elizabeth - "Care to our coffin adds a nail no doubt;  but ever a grin so merry draws it out."
   SMIT, Harry - "A pursuer of the golden winged pleasure."
   STIEN, Helen R. - "We can not always oblige but we can always speal obligingly."
   STOLARSKY, Isadore - "Who to himself is law, no law doth need."
   STORER, Frank - "Under the clock."
   STROH, Wm. - "Always murmuring like a babbling brook."
   SWAN, Donald - "An angel, or if not, an earthly paradox."
   TAYLOR, Elva A. - "Common sense in an uncommon degree."
   TAYLOR, Marion F. - "Venus they call me, Venus I am not."
   TIERNEY, Sophia - "It's better to be meek than fierce."
   TREBLE, Jack - "Handsome is as handsome does."
   TRIPP, E. - "A shy and uncomplaining rose."
   TOBIN, Jessie
   TOUSEY, Francis J. - "Love truth, but pardon error."
   TULLER, Lew W. Jr.
   UNDERWOOD, Juanita M. - "Courteous, tho coy, gentle, tho retired."
   VAN ZANDT, Virginia - "I find earth not gray but rosy."
   WALL, Irene - "Man must have something higher than self to think of."
   WARRING, Charles - "A man to the core."
   WATT, Ralph E. - "Deep versed in books, but shallow in himself."
   WEBB, Joseph F. Jr. - "Accidents will occur."
   WEISBERG, Augusta - "Character is higher than intellect."
   WEISBERG , Samuel - "All is quiet along the Potomac."
   WENNERLAND, Donald - "A womans' only a woman but a good cigar is a smoke."
   WILLIS, Bessie - "'Tis not what man does that exhalts him, but what he would do."
   WILLIS, Isadore - "Study not, for ignorance is bliss."
   WINKOWSKY, Max - "They were guided by a pillar of fire."
   WISNER, Ardis P. - "Surer to prosper than prosperity could have assured us."
   WOLFE, Ben

                                                   This list was transcribed by H. Johnson in December 2002
                                    If any additional information in the yearbook is desired for a particular graduate 
                                    feel free to contact the transcriber at:   hrjohnson@acegroup.cc


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