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While Hillsdale County Michigan was formed in 1829 from a non-county area of Michigan, it was not organized until 1835; therefore the first census it appears in is the 1840 census.  Decennial enumerations were taken of the county from 1840 onward, with the 1920 census being the most recent schedule that is currently available. The 1890 census, as with most counties in the United States, was destroyed in a fire. However, the 1895 state census survived for Hillsdale County and has been indexed.

Starting with the 1850 census, all individuals living in the household were to be listed; previously, only the heads of households were listed. Statewide indexes are available for the 1840, 1850, 1860 and 1870 census enumerations. The 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 enumerations are soundexed. The Southeastern Michigan Genealogical Society has also indexed most of the schedules for the county, including the 1895 State Census, mentioned above.

If you would like to volunteer to transcribe a Hillsdale County census, please click U. S. GenWeb Census Project

The links below represent online material that has been collected and previously transcribed. As with any secondary source material, it is recommended that you review the original before drawing final conclusions.

1840 * 1850 * 1860 * 1870 * 1880 * 1900 * 1910 * 1920 * 1930 * 1790-1950

Census transcription projects

1840 Census

1850 Census

1860 Census

1870 Census

1880 Census

1900 Census

1910 Census

1920 Census

1930 Census

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This Page Updated: 1 December 2024

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