Calhoun County in the Civil War


13th Michigan Infantry


The following lists were transcribed from History of Calhoun County, Michigan; a narrative account of its historical progress, its people, and its principal interests, by Hon. Washington Gardner.  Gardner, Washington, ed. 1845-1928, 2 v. (1354 p.) front., illus., pl., ports. 27cm. Chicago, New York, The Lewis publishing company, 1913. 

Thank you to Marta Norton who compiled these lists.


Thirteenth Michigan Infantry
Page 511-513

The Thirteenth Michigan Infantry was recruited under the leadership of the lion, Charles E. Stuart, who served one term in the house of representatives and retired from public life in 1859, after a full term in the United states senate. The regiment was organized at Kalamazoo, having its camp of instruction there with Mr. Stuart as its first colonel. It was mustered into the United States service January 12, 1862.

Company D, of this regiment was recruited almost wholly from Calhoun county, Battle Creek, Marshall and Athens being strongly represented. The captain of Company D, Loren Chadwick; first lieutenant, Henry C. Hall, and second lieutenant, Jerome S. Bigelow, were all from Battle Creek. Colonel Stuart having resigned, Michael Shoemaker, of Jackson, was commissioned Colonel and led the regiment to the field, departing from the state on the 12th of February, 1862. Shoemaker was a brave and an efficient officer, distinguishing himself repeatedly in battle. The Thirteenth was assigned to that portion of the army then under command of General Buell, joining it at Nashville, Tennessee, and the latter part of March advanced with Buell's command to Pittsburg Landing, arriving on the field of Shiloh the second day of the battle. It participated in the siege of Corinth, Mississippi, in the march of the Union army from northern Alabama to Louisville in the summer and early fall of 1862, and in the battle of Stone river, in the holiday week of 1862-63. In the last named battle it performed its part in such manner as to receive generous praise from the officers in command of brigade and division. About one-third of the men actually engaged at Stone's river were killed, wounded or missing. At Chickamauga it was again hotly engaged, losing a hundred and seven killed, wounded and missing, out of a total of 217 officers and men. Charles G. Hall, of Battle Creek, who entered the company as a private and had risen to first lieutenant was wounded and taken prisoner. He was subsequently exchanged, recovered from his wounds, and, in April, 1865, was commissioned captain of Company K. The Thirteenth was among the besieged at Chattanooga and on November 25, 1863, participated in the successful storming of Missionary Ridge. It went with Sherman to the sea and was at the surrender of Johnston's army in North Carolina, April, 1865. It marched in the grand review at Washington in May, 1865. It was mustered out of service at Louisville, Kentucky, July 25, 1865, and two days later was paid off and disbanded at Jackson, Michigan.

Total enrollment, 2,092. Killed in action, 47. Died of wounds, 33. Died in Confederate prisons, 7. Died of disease, 263. Discharged for disability (wounds or disease), 216.



A - C D - H J - P R - S T - Y


A - C - back to index

Abbey, Burton. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Aug. 28, 1862. Wounded in action at Chickamauga.

Abbott, Andrew J. Company K. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Aug. 30, 1864.

Abbott, Ezra. Company K. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Jan. 15, 1864.

Alvord, Elmer S. Company H. Enlisted at Athens, Sept. 7, 1864.


Berner or Barner, John. Company I. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Aug. 30, 1864.

Bigelow, Jerome S. Entered the service from Battle Creek as Second Lieutenant, Company D. Died of disease at Corinth, Miss., May 28, 1862.

Blakely, John. Company K. Enlisted at Battle Creek, March 24, 1864.

Blank, Ataliber H. Company H. Enlisted at Athens, Dec. 19, 1861.

Bochme, Albinius. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Oct. 3, 1861. Corporal. Mustered out July 25, 1865.

Brooks, Livingston. Company D. Enlisted at Marshall, Sept. 15, 1861. Wounded in battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863.


Clark, George. Company D. Enlisted at Marshall, Feb. 1, 1862.

Cook, Henry J. Company C. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Sept. 2, 1864.

D - H - back to index

Davis, Theodore. Company D. Enlisted as fifer at Battle Creek, Dec. 28, 1861. Taken prisoner at Chickamauga.

Dolon, Michael. Company D. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Aug. 5, 1864.

Durham, Dealton. Company G. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Sept. 7, 1864.


Fairchilds, James M. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Dec. 9, 1861. Corporal.

Francis, Martin H. Company H. Enlisted at Athens, Sept. 7, 1864. Died in service.


Gifford, George. Company K. Enlisted from Battle Creek, March 7, 1864.

Gleason, Medonah. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Sept. 1, 1864.


Hall, Charles T. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Feb. 12, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner at Chickamauga. Captain, April 25, 1865. Mustered out July 25, 1865.

Hall, Edward H. Company K. Enlisted from Battle Creek, March 22, 1864. First Lieutenant, April 25, 1865.

Hall, Henry C. Company D. First Lieutenant at organization, Oct. 1, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel, April 11, 1865.

Hampton, George W. Company D. Enlisted at Athens, Oct. 7, 1861.

Heath, Calvin M. Company E. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Oct. 29, 1861. Wagoner.

Hickman, John E. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, August 27, 1864.

Howe, John. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Dec. 29, 1861.

Howe, William H. Company I. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Aug. 30, 1864.

Hungerford, Cyrus B. Company C. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Sept. 5, 1864.

 J - P - back to index

Jackson, William E. Company G. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Aug. 30, 1864.

Jaynes, Lewis C. Company H. Enlisted from Clarendon, Nov. 13, 1861.

Jones, Samuel. Company I. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Aug. 30, 1864.

Joy, Dudley M. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Aug. 30, 1861. Died in hospital, May 25, 1865.


Knowles, William. Company G. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Sept. 3, 1861. Died at Savannah, Ga., Dec. 27, 1864.


Landreth, John E. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Sept. 3, 1864.

Lee, Orrin D. Company H. Enlisted Oct. 26, 1861. Sergeant.

Leonard, Orville. Company K. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Aug. 20, 1864. Died on board transport, Feb. 15, 1865.

Libhart, Lafayette. Company H. Enlisted from Athens, Sept. 7, 1864.

Lingo, Jesse. Company H. Enlisted at Athens, Oct. 7, 1861. Deserted Oct. 1, 1862.

Link, Eli or Levi. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Oct. 19, 1861.


Miller, Albert. Company D. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Sept. 3, 1864.

Miller, Charles. Company E. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Sept. 3, 1864. Died at Camp Chase, Ohio, Jan. 14, 1865.

Morton, George. Company K. Enlisted Nov. 11, 1861.

Munson, George. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Nov. 1, 1861.

Murphy, John. Company K. Enlisted from Battle Creek, March 24, 1864.


Paxton, Robert. Company D. Enlisted at Marshall, Oct. 15, 1861. Killed in the battle of Stone River, Dec. 31, 1862.

R - S  - back to index

Renouf, George. Company K. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Sept. 3, 1864. Substitute for John W. Dickinson.

Rundell, Charles E. Company H. Enlisted at Athens, Sept. 7, 1864.


Sherman, Stephen. Company H. Enlisted from Clarendon, Oct. 16, 1861. Discharged January 15, 1865. Corporal.

Snedaker, Samuel. Company K. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Aug. 30, 1864.

Sprague, Oristus. Company D. Enlisted from Albion, Oct. 14, 1861.

Spencer, Oscar. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Aug. 27, 1864.

Stoddard, Orlando W. Company I. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Aug. 27, 1864. Died of disease, March 13, 1865.

Storey, John T. Company K. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Sept. 3, 1864. Substitute for Charles H. Storey.

Strickland, George. Company D. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Sept. 3, 1864. Wounded in action at Bentonville, N. C., March 19, 1865.

Strickler, Aldrich. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Nov. 18, 1861. Corporal. Wounded at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Taken prisoner, March 19, 1865.

Stull, or Stoll, Joseph H. Company D. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Aug. 22, 1864.

Swart, Peter L. Company D. Enlisted from Bedford, Sept. 3, 1864.

T - Y - back to index

Tallet, Julius. Company K. Enlisted from Battle Creek, March 7, 1864. Second Lieutenant, April 25, 1865.


Vanhyning, Franklin. Company E. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Feb. 29, 1864.

Volker, John G. Company F. Enlisted from Battle Creek, Sept. 6, 1864.

Vedenbergh, Henry. Company G. Enlisted at' Battle Creek, Aug. 30, 1864.


Willison, William. Company G. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Aug. 24, 1864.

Winters, James H. Company H. Enlisted at Le Roy, Oct. 5, 1861. Quartermaster Sergeant.

Woodmansee, Andrew J. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Sept. 3, 1864. Died at Fayetteville, N. C., March 13, 1865.

Woodruff, John E. Company G. Second Lieutenant at organization, Oct. 1861.


Young, John, Jr. Company I. Enlisted at Battle Creek, Sept. 6, 1864.


13th MI INFANTRY 14th - 16th MI INFANTRY 17th MI INFANTRY 18th & 19th MI INFANTRY
20th MI INFANTRY 23rd & 24th MI INFANTRY 25th MI INFANTRY 26th & 27th MI INFANTRY
28th & 30th MI INFANTRY      

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