- back to index |
Adams, Marvin C. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Allen, Kirk P. Company I. Enlisted April 22, 1861. Discharged July 24, 1864.
Angell, Jerome E. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
- back to index |
Baker, Charles C. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Commissioned First Lieutenant in 159th N. Y. Volunteers, November 10, 1862.
Balch, William. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Barringer, James M. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, July 10, 1861. Wounded
in action at Campbells Station, Tenn., November 16, 1861, and again at
Knoxville, Tenn. November 24, 1863.
Barris, Joseph C. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Mustered
out July 28, 1865.
Barton, Joseph AI. Company C. Enlisted May 10, 1861. First Lieutenant and
Regimental Quartermaster. Later Captain in the 13th, and Acting Assistant
Inspector General First Division Fourteenth Army Corps. Mustered out July 25,
Bently, George. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Bostwick, Dana. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Wounded in
action at Knoxville, Tenn., November 24, 1863. Died December 9, 1863.
Bowls, Robert. Company C. Enlisted Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Bradley, Albert. Company I. Enlisted April 22, 1861. Wounded in action at
Knoxville, Tenn., November 24, 1863.
Brininstool, William. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10. 1861.
Brown, James H. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Brown, John W. Company 1. Enlisted April 22, 1861.
Burt, Marcina. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Byington, Cornelius. Entered service at Battle Creek as Captain Company C, May
10, 1861. Major, July 26, 1862. Mortally wounded at Knoxville, Tenn., November
24, 1861.
- D - back to index |
Cole, Archibald. Company D. Enlisted at Albion, March 29, 1864. Died from wounds
received in action June 18, 1864.
Conley, Geo. C. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. March 27,
1862, discharged for disability on account of wounds received in action.
Culver, William E. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Cummings, Willis A. Company F. Enlisted March 27, 1862. Died in Andersonville
prison July 22, 1864.
Davis, Darwin D. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Wounded in action at Knoxville, Tenn., November 24, 1863. Taken prisoner and
suffered amputation of leg.
Denman, Horace. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Deserted October 19, 1862.
Dennison, Alvin. Company C. Enlisted in Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Wounded in
action June 30, 1862.
Dickman, Alphonso E. Company I. Enlisted April 22, 1861. Wounded June 30, 1862.
Taken prisoner January 21, 1864. Discharged June 30, 1865.
Dorlin, Martin. Company G. Enlisted at Battle Creek, September 7, 1861.
Dunn, John. Company G. Enlisted at Battle Creek, September 7, 1861. Wounded
before Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864.
- F - back to index |
Edwards, Albert L. Company F. Enlisted at Battle Creek, September 7, 1861.
Ethridge, James. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Evans, Charles. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1864. Discharged by
order of secretary of war, being a minor.
Fairchilds, Lansing. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Fish, Eugene P. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Fish, Timothy R. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Was
Sergeant, First Lieutenant and Adjutant. Wounded in action March 25, 1866.
Fisher, Martin. Company G. Enlisted at Battle Creek, September 7, 1861. Died of
disease June 9, 1862.
Flogg, William H. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, March 10, 1861. Sergeant.
Wounded in action at Blue Springs, Tenn., October 10, 1863.
Foster, Francis A. Company E. Enlisted at Battle Creek. September 7, 1861.
Freeman, George H. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861, Sergeant,
First and Second Lieutenant. Aide de Camp on the staff of General Berry and
later Acting Assistant Adjutant General Artillery Brigade Eleventh Corps.
Frey, James. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Wounded at
Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862. Taken prisoner at Knoxville, Tenn., November 24,
- back to index |
Galpin, Charles R. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Successive
Sergeant, Sergeant Major and Second Lieutenant. Killed in action at Knoxville,
Tenn., November 24, 1863.
Gardner, Nelson. Company K. Enlisted May 10, 1861. Wounded in action at
Knoxville, Tenn., November 24, 1863. Lost an arm at Petersburg, Va., June 17,
Gilman, Joseph F. Company C. Entered service with company as Second Lieutenant.
Commissioned First Lieutenant September 22, 1861 and resigned because of
disability November 6, 1861.
Glass, Wm. H. Company F. Enlisted at Battle Creek, September 7, 1861. Wounded in
action at Knoxville, Tenn., November 24, 1864.
Gregg, John C. Company I. Enlisted April 22, 1861. Died of disease in
hospital January 9, 1863.
Grover, Hiram A. Company I. Enlisted April 22, 1861. Wounded in action,
Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864.
- back to index |
Harper, or Hoyes, George W. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Wounded in action at Williamsburg, Va., and again at Fair Oaks, Va.
Harris, Charles. Company D. Enlisted at Battle Creek, September 7, 1861. Wounded
in action at Knoxville, Tenn., November 24, 1863. Lost left arm.
Harris, Orville. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Harris, William. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Hethcoat, James K. Company G. Enlisted at Battle Creek, September 7, 1861.
Hodges, Edward. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Hodskin, Charles H. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 25, 1861.
Successively Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant and Captain. Acting
Inspector General, Second Brigade, Third Division Ninth Army Corps.
Holliman, John H. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Sergeant.
Holton, Samuel M. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Successively Hospital Steward, Assistant Surgeon and Surgeon.
Humiston, Hubert I. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
- L - back to index |
Ichor, Charles. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Ide, Alonzo C. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Wounded at
Jackson, Miss., July 11, 1863.
Jones, Austin. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Taken prisoner
at Jackson, Miss. No further record.
Jones, Thomas P. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Sargeant. Wounded in action at Knoxville, Tenn., November 24, 1863.
Kidder, Benjamin C. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Kingsley, Fenton. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Killed in
the Battle of the Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864.
Lee, Curtis. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Leonard, John I. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Lewis, Eugene. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Livingston, Myron. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Died at
Knoxville, Tenn., December 27, 1863 of wounds received in action.
Lunt, Mortimer F. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, September 7, 1861.
Deserted in the field, June 30, 1862.
- P - back to index |
McConnelly, George. Company C. Enlisted as a drummer at Battle Creek, May 10,
Mack, Daniel. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Died of disease
at Point Lookout, Md., Aug. 29, 1862.
Manchester, Stephen. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Marion, Michael. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Marsh, Ephraim. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1863.
Mason, William H. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Mayo, Perry. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Wounded in
action at Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1863 and again in the Battle of the
Wilderness, May 6, 1864.
Mills, Lumon G. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Molyneaux, Robert W. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Transferred to Battery H. First U. S. Artillery, January 12, 1863 and severely
wounded while in service of battery.
Morrison, D. Cameron. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Norton, James C. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Died of
disease August 31, 1861.
Parmater, Charles I. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Died of disease June 24, 1862.
Perrine, Isaac, Jr. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Commissioned First Lieutenant, 1864 and Captain, 1865.
Pigott, William A. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Wounded in action June 30, 1862.
Poole, Ransom C. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Poorman, Charles C. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
- S - back to index |
Rath, Samuel J. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Reesner, Squier. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Served as
Brigade Wagon Master.
Renick, John H. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Richardson, Joseph. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Sergeant.
Risdorph, Charles H. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Corporal, Sergeant, and Second Lieutenant.
Risler, Palmer. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Died in
hospital in Va., February 13, 1862.
Rogers, Dezero. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Deserted
March 31, 1863.
Russell, Stephen. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Discharged
on account of wounds received in action.
Sharp, Robert. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Sheldon, Stephen A. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Wounded
in action at Jackson, Miss., July 11, 1863. Was successively Sergeant, First
Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Brevet Captain
and Brevet Major.
Smith, Albert W. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Corporal.
Died of wounds received in action, July 11, 1863.
Spencer, Edgar. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Deserted
March 31, 1863.
Stewart, Eugene. Company C. Enlisted as fifer at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Deserted June 23, 1862.
Swanson, Donald. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Sullivan, John. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Deserted
December, 1861.
- W - back to index |
Taylor, Clark S. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861.
Van Woert, Henry E. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1863. Died
November 24, 1863 of wounds received in action.
Woldron, George. Company I. Enlisted April 22, 1861. Drummer.
Whaley, William F. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Wounded in
action June 30, 1862. Killed in action near Petersburg, Va., August 11, 1864.
White, Charles D. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Sergeant.
Wright, Wm. A. Company C. Enlisted at Battle Creek, May 10, 1861. Discharged for
disability May, 1862.