1872 St Joseph County Atlas


As with any project that attempts to index old handwritten records, there are errors. They occur either in transcribing from the original document or in the typing of the index. I have tried to minimize the errors in this project, but perfection is impossible. Appreciation goes to Myrtle Rivers Tisdel, who voluntarily tackled this enormous project.

A few notes on the setup of this index will help the researcher understand it better.

All places of business or residence and parcels of land are entered under the owner's last name when known. Otherwise, if the name of a business is not known, that business is entered under its general name, i.e. store, wagon shop, etc.

For items such as mills or springs, being listed in a township, the owner of the land that they are found on is listed in parenthesis after the item.

A number in parenthesis after a person's name points out how many times their name appears in that certain section of the township or that certain village.

An effort was made on my part, using resources in the history room, to name as many of the cemeteries, churches and schools as possible. I had only partial success, especially with the schools. Also, using the business directories found alongside the village plats, I attempted to name some of the businesses in town. I tried not to overstep my bounds in that I did not resort to any guesswork.

Some lands and certain places will show up more than once in the index, but in actuality it may be a double entry. For example, Oaklawn Cemetery appears on the Sturgis Township map, but also appears on the plat for Sturgis City. Therefore it is listed in the index twice.

All personal names are spelled as they appear in the atlas, however I endeavored to spell out the names of businesses such as "Meth Ch" to Methodist church or "G Mill" to Grain Mill. I hope this work is helpful in whatever research you may be pursuing.
Matthew Mapes


We were offered the "INDEX TO 1872 ST. JOE. CO. ATLAS" to transcribe and provide to the St. Joseph County, MI USGenWeb Project by the lady in charge of Technical Services at the Sturgis Public Library, Karla Weidner. A debt of gratitude also goes to the Sturgis Public Library for providing the wealth of information it protects for the use of this community.

The Index was beautifully done and one of the easier jobs we've had the pleasure of transcribing. To this end, we owe huge thanks to Myrtle Rivers Tisdel for her hundreds of hours of reading old and difficult records and her attention to the minute detail. And, to Matthew Mapes for his wonderful job in indexing it.

A special thanks to Karla for offering it to us and providing us the copy. We've made every effort to make everything as correct as we've found it. In editing and proofing I made three minor changes to the letter of Introduction to correct three "typos" that have nothing to do with the contents of the document.

Thank you for allowing us this opportunity.
Josephine Foster Garzelloni
Carole Mohney Carr

My very special "Thank You" to Karla Weidner, from the Sturgis Public Library, for her generosity in donating this wonderful resource of information.

Another very special 'Thank You' to Josie Garzelloni and and Carole Lynn (Maudie) Carr who edited, proofed and transcribed these pages.

1872 A - BL 1872 BL - BZ 1872 C 1872 D - E 1872 F - G 1872 H 1872 I - K 1872 L - M 1872 N- Q 1872 R 1872 S 1872 T - V 1872 W - Z


 This page was last modified <Saturday, 05-Aug-2017 19:05:03 MDT >

copyright This website is copyrighted 2006 by Joel Newport