This list of material
represents the materials that are available for Alger County. All of the titles listed here have
information about the people or places of Alger County. Most of these
books can be borrowed from your local library through their Inter-Library
Loan (ILL) program. Choose the topic of the book type you need and click
on the links below. You'll be taken to that section on this page.
Alger County Independent.
January 5, 1939-June 27, 1940.
The Alger Echo. Deerton,
MI: Sand River Press, 1968-1970. A periodical that reproduces old lithographs,
newspaper articles, etc. about the county's past.
Avery, Thomas. Slow Me Down,
Lord. AuTrain, MI: Avery Color Studios, 1972. (Pictured Rocks National
Carter, James L. Grand
Marais, Voyageur's Harbor. Grand Marais, MI: Pilot Press, 1967.
Castle, Mrs. Beatrice Hanscon.
The Grand Island Story. Marquette, MI: John M. Longyear Research Library,
Dempsey, Mary E. It Isn't
Easy to Find a Moose On the Weekend. Grand Marais, MI: Grand Sable
Publishing, 1987. (Grand Marais).
Grand Marais. Grand
Marais, MI: Voyager Press, 1979.
Grand Marais Pilot and
Pictured Rocks Review. July 30, 1975-November 1, 1979.
Kahle, Maybelle E. Grand
Marais Potluck: A Collection of Poems and Stories. Grand Marais, MI: 1990.
Korbecki, Dale A. Grand
Marais: A Love Story. CMU Term Paper, 1978.
Lindquist, Fred. They Came
to Laughing Whitefish: A Pioneer's Account of Early Settlement in Northwest
Alger County. Deerton, MI: Sand River Press, 1978.
Michigan, Governor, Office of
Planning Coordinations. Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore: Actions for Area
Decision, Design and Development. Lansing, MI: 1968.
Munising News. January
8, 1953-December 28, 1988.
Rawson, Albert L. The
Pictured Rocks of Lake Superior. Au Train, MI: Avery Color Studios, 1971.
Rockford Map Publishers.
Atlas & plat book, Alger County, Michigan: 1977. Rockford, Ill.:
Rockford Map Publishers, c. 1977.
Rockford Map Publishers.
Alger County, Michigan, land atlas and plat book: 1982. Rockford,
Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers, c. 1982.
Rockford Map Publishers.
Alger County, Michigan, land atlas and plat book: 1988. Rockford,
Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers, c. 1988.
Splake, T. Kilgore. Pictured
Rock Memories. Battle Creek, MI: Angst Production, 1985.
Stonehouse, Frederick.
Munising Shipwrecks: A History of the Maritime Accidents of the Lake Superior
Coast from Au Train to Au Sable Point. Marquette, MI: Shipwrecks Unlimited,
Symon, Charles A., editor.
Alger County: A Centennial History, 1885-1985. Munising, MI: Alger County
Historical Society, 1986.
Symon, Charles A. Who Were
Those People?: The Ethnic Beginnings of Alger County, Michigan. Munising,
MI: Alger County Historical Society, 1982.