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Iosco County Deaths 1867-1890 - C

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As listed in the Genealogical Death Indexing System (GENDIS) maintained by the Michigan Department of Community Health.

Click on a name below to see that person's full GENDIS record:

INDEX: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

 Decedent's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's First Name ⬍ Decedent's Middle Name/s ⬍ Death Month ⬍ Death Day ⬍ Death Year ⬍ Father's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's Full Name ⬍
CaderettePeter361888Peter Caderette
CalkinsMargaretL12201886William lMargaret L Calkins
CameronHenryA9101885J lHenry A Cameron
CameronMaud4181881CameronMaud Cameron
CameronWmD5211885H aWm D Cameron
CamesonMaryE11211873CamesonMary E Cameson
CampbellCharlesO1141872CampbellCharles O Campbell
CampbellColon1131885JohnColon Campbell
CampbellEmma4221888JohnsonEmma Campbell
CampbellGeorge611888CampbellGeorge Campbell
CampbellIsabella9141877Isabella Campbell
CampbellMargaretM10261876CampbellMargaret M Campbell
CampbellMayE.731887CampbellMay E. Campbell
CampbellNancyJerrett6121871OdellNancy Jerrett Campbell
CampbellRobertH1091881Robert H Campbell
CanadaElizabeth10151886AlecElizabeth Canada
CarlquistCharlesElon8281878CarlquistCharles Elon Carlquist
CarlquistCharlesElon8281879CarlquistCharles Elon Carlquist
CarmerNancy4131870UnknownNancy Carmer
CarpenterOrenU.9291888Oren U. Carpenter
CarpenterSarahJane8311879ParkerSarah Jane Carpenter
CarrolAlice12231883UnknownAlice Carrol
CarrolJohn3191882CarrolJohn Carrol
CarrolWillard3211883CarrolWillard Carrol
CarrollLulu3131888CarrollLulu Carroll
CarterElizabeth731889Elizabeth Carter
CarterWillie11301881Willie Carter
CarterWm.11251889CarterWm. Carter
CascodderEmma10121886AntonieEmma Cascodder
CaslerEdgar571881CaslerEdgar Casler
ChamplinAlvaVincent9221870ChamplinAlva Vincent Champlin
ChapelleEdward1271879Edward Chapelle
CharetteMary5111884CharetteMary Charette
CharleboisJosephine10101881Josephine Charlebois
CharlefourCefraV.11181889Cefra V. Charlefour
ChasserAdaleF8251875ChasserAdale F Chasser
ChenotFrank6221875Frank Chenot
ChilsonAliceR5201873Alice R Chilson
ChilsonEliBurton10121868ChilsonEli Burton Chilson
ChilsonHarriet4151875ChilsonHarriet Chilson
ChilsonLillyMay8191877ChilsonLilly May Chilson
ChilsonLottie1011878ChilsonLottie Chilson
ChilsonNettieJ2261885S jNettie J Chilson
ChippsWalter5151887ChippsWalter Chipps
ChristyEmma7191869Mc millanEmma Christy
ClancyDaniel8161882ClancyDaniel Clancy
ClareyAnnaE6181885Anna E Clarey
ClarkAbigal8101888Abigal Clark
ClarkAlbertD1141869UnknownAlbert D Clark
ClarkHiram9271890ClarkHiram Clark
ClarkJohn12281871UnknownJohn Clark
ClarkMable1151886Mable Clark
ClausMaryAnn1051870BowmerMary Ann Claus
ClaytonCarolineM11NR1879ClaytonCaroline M Clayton
ClendeninGeorge1061878George Clendenin
ClermontCharles7201881ClermontCharles Clermont
CloughAlexander1291888Alexander Clough
CluteTinaBelle9121873CluteTina Belle Clute
CoatesElizabeth151887Elizabeth Coates
CockmanHenry9NR1879Henry Cockman
CoitureAngus4281881CortureAngus Coiture
CoitureLilly7181881CoitureLilly Coiture
ColdenWilliam11191888ColdenWilliam Colden
ColeSamantha1081880Samantha Cole
ColgroveAnna2201885Anna Colgrove
ColquistGastonAdolph3271878CarlquistGaston Adolph Colquist
ComeanAlphonzo10101887ComeanAlphonzo Comean
ComerNelson1011887ComerNelson Comer
ConkriteMary1181884CompauMary Conkrite
ConnaghJohn9101887John Connagh
ConnerMaryE.7171881Don't knowMary E. Conner
ConnerMinnie871873Minnie Conner
ConnerSarah8221883ConnerSarah Conner
ConnersAlice11NR1885ThomasAlice Conners
ConnorsMolly891881ConnorsMolly Connors
ConoverJohn281890John Conover
CookElmer12221885HenryElmer Cook
CookJohnW.8261888John W. Cook
CooperAlphonse671885ThomasAlphonse Cooper
CooperCarrie10151888CooperCarrie Cooper
CooperEdwardJ1111883LawsonEdward J Cooper
CooperElizabeth3241876CooperElizabeth Cooper
CooperJohnL8201885ThomasJohn L Cooper
CoreJohnFrancis8121878CoreJohn Francis Core
CornerJohnT311875John T Corner
CornorAdell9221890CornerAdell Cornor
CotaArmena5261887CotaArmena Cota
CotaEmma4281888CotaEmma Cota
CotaJoseph111889CotaJoseph Cota
CotchaLW1191885L W Cotcha
CotchaSarah11181885Sarah Cotcha
CoteDelia5311881CoteDelia Cote
CoteLinda6271881CoteLinda Cote
CotyCaroline611887CotyCaroline Coty
CourtierChas10191885Chas Courtier
CoutourMary511880CoutourMary Coutour
CoutureMary8NR1861CotureMary Couture
CoutuseBell4251888CoutuseBell Coutuse
CowanCharles8221890CowanCharles Cowan
CowanMaryP.3111887CameronMary P. Cowan
CoyJoseph7281886Joseph Coy
CoyleHugh5111890CoyleHugh Coyle
CraigHugh821889CraigHugh Craig
CramGeorge8151879CramGeorge Cram
CramerMary941876Mary Cramer
CrimianHenry8261881Henry Crimian
CrossmanEdward151879CrossmanEdward Crossman
CruisElizabeth171878Elizabeth Cruis
CruisRobert381878CruisRobert Cruis
CruiseNot8171876CruiseNot Cruise
CummingsJennie7171871CummingsJennie Cummings
CurtisAlvin2211878Alvin Curtis
CurtisMyrtle921884CurtisMyrtle Curtis
CutcheonCeayl991890CutcheonCeayl Cutcheon
 Decedent's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's First Name ⬍ Decedent's Middle Name/s ⬍ Death Month ⬍ Death Day ⬍ Death Year ⬍ Father's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's Full Name ⬍

INDEX: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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