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Iosco County Deaths 1867-1890 - F

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As listed in the Genealogical Death Indexing System (GENDIS) maintained by the Michigan Department of Community Health.

Click on a name below to see that person's full GENDIS record:

INDEX: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

 Decedent's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's First Name ⬍ Decedent's Middle Name/s ⬍ Death Month ⬍ Death Day ⬍ Death Year ⬍ Father's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's Full Name ⬍
FairWinfield631872HazenWinfield Fair
FarchetHattie361887FarchetHattie Farchet
FarrandWilliamH.2181884William H. Farrand
FayetteSelva11181884FayetteSelva Fayette
FentonAlex451881FentonAlex Fenton
FergurrowMurduck4241879Murduck Fergurrow
FerrandDelphineDovette6181883FerrandDelphine Dovette Ferrand
FerristerJohnE.2211890FerristerJohn E. Ferrister
FictorArchie1271886VictorArchie Fictor
FictorRosa291886VictorRosa Fictor
FilatroutMable671888FilatroutMable Filatrout
FitchEmma4221881Emma Fitch
FitchLonaE6231879FitchLona E Fitch
FitzgibbonsEdward6271873FitzgibbonEdward Fitzgibbons
FitzgibbonsFrancis7271873FitzgibbonsFrancis Fitzgibbons
FitzpatrickLawrence8231890FitzpatrickLawrence Fitzpatrick
FitzpatrickMargaretT10151880FitzpatrickMargaret T Fitzpatrick
FlannaganLela7251889Lela Flannagan
FlintGeorgeC9171886RobertGeorge C Flint
FlynnDavid3151882FlynnDavid Flynn
FolandGeorge10161890George Foland
ForcadeMaggie7121881ForcadeMaggie Forcade
ForduffAlfred7201883ForduffAlfred Forduff
ForneyAugus1181888ForneyAugus Forney
ForrestAndrewM1291879ForrestAndrew M Forrest
ForrestJamesE.3141889James E. Forrest
ForrestThomasC341879ForrestThomas C Forrest
ForrestWilliamE7281880ForrestWilliam E Forrest
ForsherNellieJean961878ForsherNellie Jean Forsher
FortierCharles1131887Charles Fortier
FortierEdward1271889FortierEdward Fortier
FoxDavid11101868David Fox
FrasierJohn551883FrasierJohn Frasier
FrechetteLouisE.3171890FrechetteLouis E. Frechette
FredEthel7271889FredEthel Fred
FrenchEdwardH8171876FrenchEdward H French
FrenchJamesLincoln6291868FrenchJames Lincoln French
FrenchJamesR.1171887James R. French
FrenchLouisaD11191885Louisa D French
FrenchMaggie1251889Maggie French
FrenchNettie11221867FrenchNettie French
FrenchNettie11221867FrenchNettie French
FrenchPhoebe5151882FrenchPhoebe French
FrichettLouis10311881FrichettLouis Frichett
FulcherMary911886JosephMary Fulcher
FuldaAnnaM.1041890FuldaAnna M. Fulda
FultonGeorge4181885George Fulton
FunaidWilliam8201886CharlesWilliam Funaid
 Decedent's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's First Name ⬍ Decedent's Middle Name/s ⬍ Death Month ⬍ Death Day ⬍ Death Year ⬍ Father's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's Full Name ⬍

INDEX: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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