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Iosco County Deaths 1867-1890 - H

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As listed in the Genealogical Death Indexing System (GENDIS) maintained by the Michigan Department of Community Health.

Click on a name below to see that person's full GENDIS record:

INDEX: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

 Decedent's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's First Name ⬍ Decedent's Middle Name/s ⬍ Death Month ⬍ Death Day ⬍ Death Year ⬍ Father's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's Full Name ⬍
HagerJosephH8141879HagerJoseph H Hager
HaglundJohnE.6281889HaglandJohn E. Haglund
HaightCatherine11251879Catherine Haight
HallEhelE8301886Thomas rEhel E Hall
HallFredrickC271880Fredrick C Hall
HalliganJamesP.271884HalliganJames P. Halligan
HalliganJamesPatrick261883HalliganJames Patrick Halligan
HallowayCarolineE661881HallowayCaroline E Halloway
HamiltonMartha2111885WilliamMartha Hamilton
HamiltonMinnie1231883HamiltonMinnie Hamilton
HamlinFrank181886FrankFrank Hamlin
HanleyHarvey3201867Harvey Hanley
HanleyHarvey3201868Harvey Hanley
HanlinJamesO10171872UnknownJames O Hanlin
HanlonJames4111890James Hanlon
HannamThomas1171877HanamThomas Hannam
HannanFreddie3101882HannanFreddie Hannan
HardwickJohn4131885JohnJohn Hardwick
HardyMary5271881Mary Hardy
HarleyHazen9261870Hazen Harley
HarleyMargaretE7101873HarleyMargaret E Harley
HarleyRobert1211873HarleyRobert Harley
HartJosephine3291880LagrantJosephine Hart
HastonEmily7191881Emily Haston
HauleyHarvey3201868Harvey Hauley
HavilandCatherine11261882CampbellCatherine Haviland
HavlinDavid6171885David Havlin
HawkinsJob8251873HawkinsJob Hawkins
HaynesJohn7271889John Haynes
HazenMartha9291887Martha Hazen
HechtJustina191890Justina Hecht
HeinrichAugust8141881HeinrichAugust Heinrich
HelversonFrank6151884HelversonFrank Helverson
HenderAnnaV.8161882HanderAnna V. Hender
HendersonEvaline12221881HendersonEvaline Henderson
HendersonJamesEverett12211870HendersonJames Everett Henderson
HendersonSamuel8281882UnknownSamuel Henderson
HendrickRosa10271879HendrickRosa Hendrick
HendricksonBerthaG.1281889HendricksonBertha G. Hendrickson
HendricksonHenry1271881Henry Hendrickson
HendricksonSalenaJohan8301877HendricksonSalena Johan Hendrickson
HennigerKatieGertrude5121886LeviKatie Gertrude Henniger
HenryJohn741878John Henry
HenryRoswellP2131886Charles rRoswell P Henry
HerschatChristiana221888Christiana Herschat
HesterCharlesR.10131887HesterCharles R. Hester
HestroneJohn11281889HestroneJohn Hestrone
HeustisSarahMary1161880Sarah Mary Heustis
HevenerJohn961889HovenerJohn Hevener
HickisonIsabella5231885JohnIsabella Hickison
HicksLant11131884HicksLant Hicks
HikeEmma5201875HikeEmma Hike
HillDaniel2111883HillDaniel Hill
HillElecta6161883UnknownElecta Hill
HiltzAnnaB.7171890HiltzAnna B. Hiltz
HitchcoxLoraine3261887Loraine Hitchcox
HivelyJessie9281881Jessie Hively
HoardBessie11271877HoardBessie Hoard
HoardEugeneTemple991879HoardEugene Temple Hoard
HoffmanFrancis1201888Francis Hoffman
HoffmanFrank831890Frank Hoffman
HoffmanMaryChristine10301883UnknownMary Christine Hoffman
HogstramAlfred1121885Alfred Hogstram
HolbrookSarahW.491888Sarah W. Holbrook
HolmesMarthaC.1111890Martha C. Holmes
HookEdithEmma411887Edith Emma Hook
HortenLottieNRNR1881Lottie Horten
HortonWillis6211885AlmonWillis Horton
HoughHattie431872HoughHattie Hough
HouseArthurA7201880HouseArthur A House
HouseWilliam11141876HouseWilliam House
HouseWilliamE11201877HouseWilliam E House
HowardArthur8121886C wArthur Howard
HowardFrankB1251879Frank B Howard
HowardJulia9201887HowardJulia Howard
HowardPercyBlanchard11991883HowardPercy Blanchard Howard
HoweyFrancis2131886StephenFrancis Howey
HowieCharlesG.4261888HowieCharles G. Howie
HowlandBerthaJane8151879HowlandBertha Jane Howland
HowlandRobert6101878Robert Howland
HuelzJasperT1041871HuelzJasper T Huelz
HuffJohn5151882HuffJohn Huff
HulbertMontville10181889HurlbertMontville Hulbert
HumphryCarrie4201887Carrie Humphry
HuntMaryAnn941879FootMary Ann Hunt
HuntMinnie921878HuntMinnie Hunt
HunterJohn6231889HunterJohn Hunter
HuplopJohnK.4301887HuplopJohn K. Huplop
HurstCarrie8281873WilkinsCarrie Hurst
HurstGertrudeL7191871HurstGertrude L Hurst
HurstJohnPage9221871HurstJohn Page Hurst
HurstSeptemberMarym9161871MitchellSeptember Marym Hurst
HustonGeorgeE7181881HustonGeorge E Huston
HutchinsAliceJ831870HutchinsAlice J Hutchins
HutchinsClara911881HutchinsClara Hutchins
HutchinsGrace951881Grace Hutchins
HuttonGeorgeJames5211872HuttonGeorge James Hutton
HuttonHarrietA5201871KnowltonHarriet A Hutton
HuttonJohnR2151871HuttonJohn R Hutton
HuttonLewisH141874Lewis H Hutton
HuttonOliveH7231877HartOlive H Hutton
 Decedent's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's First Name ⬍ Decedent's Middle Name/s ⬍ Death Month ⬍ Death Day ⬍ Death Year ⬍ Father's Last Name ⬍ Decedent's Full Name ⬍

INDEX: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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