- Modernized the Geddes Marriages page, including the addition of sortable columns and index navigation.
- Modernized the Geddes Births page, including the addition of sortable columns and index navigation.
- Added a Search USGenWeb® Archives page.
- Rejuvenated the Historical Resources page.
- Removed outdated material from the Civil War Resources page.
- Rejuvenated the Washtenaw County Libraries and other Michigan Archives and Libraries in the process of refreshing many other pages.
- Rejuvenated the Scio Township page in the process of refreshing many other pages.
- Added Death Extractions from the Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan, 1907, Page 446 to the Death Resources page.
- Refreshed the Michigan Resources page.
- Added Ancestry.com Obituary Postings link to the Death Resources page.
- Refreshed the Ham Palmer, Jr. page.
- Refreshed the Washtenaw County Historical & Genealogical Societies page.
- Refreshed the basic county histories page.
- Added John Geddes diary extractions to the Marriage Resources page.
- Changed the order of listed resources on the Death Resources page and added a Direct Letter Access to the John Geddes extractions.
- Added a Birth Resources page.
- Added a Marriage Resources page.
- Replaced the broken Historic Markers page with a link to a third party listing.
- Repaired the contact link for our state coordinator.
- Made some adjustments to the common page templates and styling.
- Updated more links to use the secure protocol.
- Updated the Home Page navigation anchor icon.
- Corrected a typo in the daily tips.
- Removed the broken "MIGenWeb Family Group Sheets" link from the home page.
- Added a link to the USGenWeb® Tombstone Transcription Project on the Death Resources page.
- Added a link to Washtenaw listings on BillionGraves.com to the Death Resources page.
- Normalized the mandatory link to the MIGenWeb Washtenaw Archive on the home page.
- Added Site Index by Direct Letter Access to the Search Tools page.
- Fixed the "Advanced Search" link in the site header.
- Updated the site search function to imitate the styling used on the rest of the site.
- Fixed the favicon broken when the file was relocated on the MIGenWeb site.
- Updated link to the Washtenaw County Clerk site on the Home page.
- Updated Advanced Search to use secure protocol.
- Updated link to the Oakland County MIGenWeb site on the Home page.
- Added photo of AAFD Vigilant Hose Co. circa 1880 to the Photos page.
- Fixed links to Historical Markers on the Scio Township Historical Markers page.
- Fixed link to Historical Markers on the Historical Information page.
- Improved layout issues on Survey of the Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery page.
- Added ® mark to USGenWeb® references.
- Updated Photo Gallery with new, enhanced versions of photos.
- Fixed a small error on the Updates page.
- Added Lat/Lon-based mapping link for Popkins Cemetery on index pages. Fixed a small typo, too.
- Updated numerous links to eliminate redirects and dead-ends.
- Fixed GENDIS-S page suffering from incomplete upload.
- Replaced "MIGenWeb State Coordinator" with "Colleen Pustola, MIGenWeb State Coordinator".
- Added the official and hotlinked MIGenWeb logo to the home page.
- Improved mobile user experience for GENDIS pages.
- Rotated the pool of Daily Tips shown on the home page.
- Added "View Details" links to the Vietnam War Deaths page.
- Added a Korean War Deaths page.
- Added a Findagrave.com Search feature.
- Made numerous maintenance updates to the Manchester page.
- Fixed some problems with the Necrology report pages.
- Finished applying modernized styling to all site pages. Fixed and corrected a few pages in the process.
- Tested and updated URLs used in Tips of the Day.
- Applied styling adjustments to top-level pages to improve user experience on mobile devices.
- Added Search MIGenWeb Tool to the Search Tools page.
- Converted table of links on the home page to a simplified list to improve user experience on mobile devices.
- Modernized styling of the York Cemetery page.
- Added Site index and Site Map features to the Search Tools page.
- Fixed all the broken links on the GENDIS pages.
- Added a Search Surrounding Counties tool.
- Added a Search Tools page.
- Fixed broken link to Oakland County MIGenWeb site.
- Fixed broken link to Washtenaw County Clerk.
- Removed broken link to Google Groups Surname Queries.
- Removed broken link to CousinConnect Queries.
- Fixed broken link to Genealogy.com Queries for Washtenaw.
- Removed broken link to RootsWeb Queries.
- Removed broken links to dead mailing lists.
- Converted the copyright notice to automatically renew each year.
- Modernized styling of Pray Cemetery page and improved user experience for mobile users.
- Modernized styling of Dexter Townhall / St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery page and improved user experience for mobile users.
- Corrected bad sort by cemetery name function on Cemeteries page.
- Updated materials on Scio Township page.
- Modernized styling of Scio Township Historical Markers page.
- Modernized styling of Scio Forest Lawn Historical Marker page.
- Modernized styling of Bates Flour Millstone Historical Marker page.
- Added sort by municipality function and municipality anchors to Cemeteries page.
- Corrected name for Olds Cemetery and added approximate lat/lon coordinates on the cemeteries page.
- Replaced approximate street address with precise lat/lon coordinates for Scio Cemetery on the cemeteries page.
- Added approximate street address for Scio Cemetery on the cemeteries page.
- Added online version of County Evolution in Michigan 1790-1897 by Richard M. Welch.
- Reformatted the Mount Olivet Cemetery pages.
- Reformatted and updated the North Lake Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Oak Grove, Chelsea Cemetery pages.
- Reformatted the Harwood Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Hudson Mills Cemetery page.
- Updated the Cemeteries page with Find-a-Grave link for the Hudson Mills Cemetery.
- Reformatted the Williams Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Judd Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Lapham Cemetery Partial Readings page.
- Reformatted the Leland Cemetery page.
- Updated the Cemeteries page with Find-a-Grave link for the Leland Cemetery.
- Reformatted the Lima Center Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Glover Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Maple Grove Cemetery page.
- Edited the Moore/Canfield Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Mooreville Cemetery page.
- Reformatted and consolidated the Mt. Hope Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the 1860 Freedom Township Census page.
- Reformatted the 1860 Sylvan Township Census page.
- Reformatted the Benton Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Bridgewater Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Clements Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Cooley Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Cottonwood Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Dixboro Cemetery page.
- Reformatted the Four Mile Lake Cemetery page.
- Applied organizational refresh to the Cemeteries page.
- Fixed some issues with the Maps page.
- Added links to cemeteries on Find-a-Grave.com where no files existed on the Cemeteries page.
- Added Google-based MIGenWeb.org Meta-search alternative to State Resources page.
- Refreshed MIGenWeb Counties page.
- Expanded the Books page.
- Cleaned up the History page a bit.
- Published new Books page.
- Removed global left navigation to improve experience on mobile devices.
- Enabled Auto-focus for on-site search.
- Suppressed broken MIGenWeb Metasearch.
- Reformatted Updates page.
- Optimized all images for faster downloads.
- Replaced Postcards page with new Photo Gallery.
- Procured vintage photo of S. B. Nickels Butcher Shop circa 1910.
- Updated Maps page, removing dead links and adding new maps.
- Integrated Genealogical Society of Washtenaw Facebook feed into home page.
- Updated and optimized GENDIS death pages.
- Procured vintage photo of J. J. Livernoise circa 1910.
- Procured vintage photo of Elsifor Bros Trucking Cart circa 1910.
- Cleaned up other link issues.
- Fixed broken GENDIS individual links.
- Merged 1840 Superior Township Census pages, alphabetized listings and added alphabetical page index.
- Repaired on-site search.
- Re-established site on MIGenWeb server.
- Updated links to surrounding county sites.